A/N: I wanted to write something for the pictures at Granny's from 4x12, along with Killian and Emma discussing what they like about each other, and a first "I love you" scenario, so here's all three in one! Enjoy!

"I have to ask, Swan…just what does the Savior want with an old pirate like me?"

They're sitting in the corner booth at Granny's after having dinner with her family, the room deserted except for the two of them. Emma knew the dinner should have been closed long before now, but also knew Killian most likely bribed Granny into letting them stay behind and enjoy what he always referred to as one of their "quiet moments." She's curled into his left side, his arm around her shoulders and hook playing with the ends of her blonde curls.

"As much as I may tease you about it, I don't think you're that old," she said, titling her head up to kiss his jaw. "And to answer your question, there's quite a lot about you to like."

"Oh, really?" He smiled at her, eyes full of curiosity. "Please, darling, enlighten me. I want to hear what you like so much."

"Well," said Emma, as she sat up from her spot and began playing with the lapels on his jacket, "I like your smile. I like how blue your eyes are, and the way you look at me. I like the way it feels when you play with my hair. I like how you bring me hot chocolate at the station every morning and never forget to add my cinnamon. I like how good you are with Henry and how much he loves spending time with you. I like your voice and the way it sounds when you call me Swan, or darling, or love." She reached down to take his hand in hers and intertwined their fingers. "And I like how selfless you are, and how much you've done and given up for me and my family, when you didn't have to" she finished, her tone of voice becoming more serious.

Killian brought their joined hands up to his mouth and gently pressed his lips to her knuckles. "That's quite a list, love. I didn't realize the things I do mean that much."

His words made Emma's heart sink. He'd gone far out of his way, risked his life, even given up his home for her, and in that moment, sitting in Granny's with him, it hit her that he didn't know just how much he truly meant to her. Despite never saying those three words to him, she knew how she felt, and just thoughtlessly assumed he did, too.

He stopped Emma before she could reply. "Just a moment, Swan." You had your turn. Now it's mine." He unwound his hand from hers so he was able to cup her face and look directly into her green eyes. "I like your hair, and how radiant it always makes you look. I like how you bite your lip when you're trying not to smile or laugh at something I've said. I like how you pretend you're not ticklish, and yet you still giggle when I do this," he stopped talking long enough to lightly tickle Emma's side, cause her to squirm and shriek in protest. "I like how much Henry, and Neal and your parents mean to you. But, most of all," he said, rejoining their hands, "I like how you were able to forgive me for everything that's happened in the past and find it in you to give me a chance. Thank you, Emma."

Emma closed the distance between them, kissing him softly and then, resting her forehead against his, let the words that she'd been holding under her tongue for so long finally slip out. "I love you, Killian."

He pulls away to look at her, happiness and surprise both evident on his face. "I love you, Emma Swan. Have since our first kiss in Neverland and I always will." He leaned in to kiss her again, this time more passionately, letting it linger as they the meaning behind their exchanged words sank in. They were soon interrupted by a voice at the door. "I hate to break up a moment between you two lovebirds but I've kept this place open as long as I can tonight, Hook," said Granny, arms crossed over her chest and looking obviously annoyed. "It's time to close up." Killian chuckled as Emma, mortified, felt her face turn bright red. She was the sheriff, for heaven's sake, not some silly teenager people expected to find making out with her boyfriend in public.

"She's right, Swan," said Killian as they got up from their booth. "I have a feeling your father will show up with his gun if I don't have you home soon." After she mumbled an apology to Granny, they made their way to the Charmings' loft walking hand in hand. "So, how many people do you think will have heard about that in the morning?" asked Emma, still embarrassed. "Oh, most of the town," he replied, clearly amused at her reaction. "Between her and Ruby, news travels quite fast around here, love. "

Emma stopped in front of a streetlight, wrapping her arms around his neck. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, I guess," she said, smiling at him. "Just sharing a quiet moment with the man I love."

"Ah, yes. I quite like those," he said before taking her in his arms and stealing another kiss.

She felt herself smile at the feeling of his mouth on hers. She quite liked these moments, too.