Okk so the song in this chapter is called

Built For Blame By Get Scared

And I highly highly highly recommend you listen to it at least once before reading. Or read it while other wise you will be lost.

So I have some good news and some bad news.

good news is that I put a schedule on my profile as to when I'm uploading what.

Bad news is that I have camp in 3 or 4 weeks and I have a trip to ASP in 1 week. And it lasts a whole week. So the schedule will work like once and then I won't update anything for a week or two. Sorry. But hey at least i kept my promise and gave you a chapter :D

Levi's POV

Why am I here again?

I was sitting at a dirty bar with loud drunks hollering at the dancers on stage. The place smelled like someone took a piss and forgot to clean it up but no one seemed to notice. All they were looking at was the naked people on stage. Honestly these bitches had no class. They were walking around the floor, practically throwing themselves on anyone they could get tipped by. A few even came up to me to try and get an extra buck or two. I scared them off with a signature glare and continued drinking a cool glass of Grey Goose Vodka while I waited for my brat.

He had run in and told me to go sit somewhere and that he would be on soon before following one of the strippers, he was checking Eren out I could fucking tell, into the back. That was over 45 minutes ago so where the fuck was he!? I huffed and looked towards the stage. It was a couple feet higher than the rest of the floor with a long cat walk, one removable metal pole at the end of the walk. Multicolored lights flashed around the stage and the audience in the otherwise dimly lit room. People threw money at the barely clothed woman on stage, currently dressed as a sexy police officer, and hollered for her to take off more clothes.

She was apparently one of the favorites at the club but I can't really commend her since I honestly didn't see why. A couple minutes later and finally, finally the stripper left and the lights dimmed on stage. I guess this was intermission because the patrons all went to either sit in their booths or go out onto the dance floor in front of the stage. I don't understand why they'd go to dance when there is no music on right now. "Ladies and Gentlemen," The speakers yelled, promptly scaring the shit out of me and everyone else in the audience. "Oops sorry! Anyways, for this intermission The Trost Club would like to introduce a new performer this evening!" This caught my attention quickly as I turned and low and behold, people were pushing a drum set and amps on the stage.


Eren walked on stage with three other males following him. He bounced over to the mic with a cute smile on his face as he waved. "Hello! I believe you know these fine gentlemen already!" He greeted and pointed to the men behind him. I recognized one of them as a stripper who was on earlier and the other who was checking Eren out. My hands clenched at the thought but I kept my face calm and emotionless. "We have Thomas on the drums!" He pointed and winked at Thomas who stood and bowed. Thomas had blond hair with pronounced sideburns, light brown-colored eyes, and was wearing a very tight and revealing green shirt with a brown vest over it. Black pants going down to the floor to show off dark pumps. I forgot that everyone was supposed to wear heels. That must really suck to walk around with those on.

"Nac on the Electric guitar!" He pointed towards the man next to him and he just nodded. He had dark brown hair, which was styled back in a somewhat spiky pattern. He had medium brown eyes and was somewhat taller than the average person. He was holding a black electric guitar with a white neck and pick guard. He wasn't wearing a shirt at all, probably to show off his budding six pack, along with dark brown shorts to show off his legs and green heels. Does anyone here have some sort of fashion sense?

"And we have Mylius on the bass!" He pointed to the right and Mylius gave a shy wave. Mylius was about average height with bluish gray eyes and light blonde hair. He honestly looked too shy to be at a stripper club. I could tell he wasn't actually a stripper by the fact he was wearing a light blue shirt and dark slacks with a pair of black converse instead of heels. Probably the Bar tender or something off the scene. He held a dark purple bass with a dark brown neck and a black pick guard.

Eren smiled at them and turned back to the crowd. "And you can call me… The Rogue Titan." He said with a chuckle before turning to his guitar case and opening it. He then took out what I recognized as a Rogue Fender Stratocaster electric guitar. It was a really cool looking thing. A roaring man with shoulder length brown hair that was flying everywhere and pointed ears pointed away from the pick guard was sitting on the body of the guitar. A long tongue that could touch the prominent, hooked nose stuck out of its mouth as it roared. It had glowing green eyes that sunk deeply within their sockets, I could even see the ferocity of them from here, along with a jagged mouth. It had no lips and some parts of his flesh were missing around his cheek, displaying his large teeth. Steam was shown dancing around the figure as it glared. A battle scene of fire and destruction along with tinier figures were thrown into the remaining background of the body. It was actually really cool and I'll definitely be looking at it better when we leave.

The neck and the fret board were a solid black with white frets going up the fret board. The fret markers were the same color as the figures neon green eyes. The pick guard was black with what looked like white Japanese writing all over it. All three pickups were white as well and the knobs on the pick guard were green. That is one kick ass guitar. The head was black and I can clearly see the word Rogue written in silver on it. That must have cost a fortune! That is a really good guitar.

I didn't have time to think about it too much because soon the lights dimmed and the crowd went quiet. I could see Eren with his eyes closed as he tapped his foot to count down. A piano and a base begun to play for a moment before it stopped and Eren opened his eyes, a grin on his face as he brought his hand down and began playing. The others joined as soon as he did and I was taken aback by the ferocity. Who knew Eren was into rock? He looked more like a pop punk kid. He continued his assault on the strings and soon his mouth opened and I was taken by surprise for the third time tonight.

"Eyes can only see what they want,

When they're open minded to the thought,

Of getting hurt again beaten to the bone,

With the thought of all your worst events,

You said just look, you just look, don't touch,

Oh you think you know,

It's exactly what you want for love, love.

Your heart without a key and just is lock to bleed,

This wreck you've made it's all you'll need."

His voice had this rough quality but at the same time the words flowed out like water. Pure and simple as he looked out at the crowd, pouring his heart out into his song.

"This is what it takes to breathe,

(We're getting up again)

This is what it takes to fake a smile and say,

'That everything's okay'

As long as I take blame."

Damn he was good. He was walking around the stage to the other players as he manipulated the strings to bow to his whim. Everyone loved him. People were up and jumping along with the fast pace of the drums. Even my own feet were tapping to the rhythm.

"Picture perfect down the drain again and again,

I'm really tired of these,

Stupid little people knocking you to the ground,

You would've never found

The mess you made,

I hope it's worth all of the shame"

Eren walked towards the stage and moved towards the mic again, staring into the crowd as his eyes wandered, looking for something. And soon they found what they were looking for as his eyes stared into mine.

"This is what it takes to breathe,

(We're getting up again)

This is what it takes to fake a smile and say,

That everything's okay,

As long as I take blame."

He sang and looked away from me. He surprised the crowd when he let go of the guitar and grabbed the mic instead. This time his words came out more desperate as he sang into the mic.

"We sit inside our heads,

'Cause this is such a CURSE!

We sit inside our heads,

'Cause nothing ever worked…

Nothing ever works…"

He stared ahead for a moment before letting out a roar into the mic. Falling to his knees as his whole body contorted with the scream. His head was thrown back and his whole body shook with the emotion he was throwing into the song. By now my eyes were no doubt wide as I stared. My sweet Eren was screaming like a wounded animal on stage.

Damn. His hair was an untamed mess on his head and the fedora he was wearing had fallen off when he flung his head back. His eyes were practically glowing and he had this feral look in his eyes. He was lost in his music. He stood and paced across the stage. His arms flailing around him with his words.

"'Cause what if this doesn't WORK!?


This is such A CURSE!


He continued to yell into the mic and finally he put the mic back and held the guitar once more.

"This is what it takes to breathe...

This is what it takes to fake a smile and say,

'That everything's okay'

As long as I take blame."

The crowd was raging. Absolutely everyone was dancing on the floor as they pumped their fists and sang with him, most remembering the lines from before. He's going to college isn't he? Is music his major? Honestly his voice and sound were really good and he was very expressive when he sang. But then again he's expressive no matter what he does. He was up on stage smiling now, Mylius and Nac were singing along too as the enthusiasm of the crowd got to them. Eren's smile however was the brightest as he closed his eyes and sang his heart out into the mic.

"This is what it takes to breathe,

(We're getting up again)

This is what it takes to fake a smile and say,

'That everything's okay'

As long as I take BLAAAME..."

He jumped around the stage with guitar in hand before turning back to the mic and singing one last time with a look in my direction.

"Guess I'm the one to blame!"

Eren's POV

I did it.

The crowd was roaring and applauding us as the last notes of my guitar rang through the amplifiers. I felt like my face was going to rip with the force of my smile. I just fucking did that! I looked over and my eyes spotted Levi. He was standing and clapping as well, his eyes a little wider but there was a tiny smile on his lips. I made Levi smile. I turned to the crowd and grabbed the mic. "Thank you guys so much! Have a great night!" I exclaimed and the crowd dispersed a little. There was still a lot of girls huddled around the stage and looking at me funny. I guess they think I'm a dancer. I felt someone pat my back and turned to see Nac pulling me off the stage.

"That was fucking awesome Eren! We totally rocked it!" He exclaimed and patted me on the head again. I laughed and walked with him behind the curtains, guitar in hand with the rest of the band. "Alright! Did you hear them out there!? They loved it! Our ratings are totally going to go up after that performance!" Thomas gloated and I raised an eyebrow at his words. "Our ratings…?" I asked and he turned and shook his head. "Not you. At the club we have a ranking system based on a performer's popularity and I bet Nac and I just got boosted up the ranks!" He explained and I laughed and smiled.

"That's great! Does that mean you'll make more money than before?" I asked but Nac answered before Thomas could. "Yeah. The manager makes us perform more the more popular you are and the more you perform the more money and tips you make." I nodded and stared down at my guitar for a moment before looking over to where one of the stage staff put my case. "This was amazing… not only am I getting paid but I'm getting class points as well!" I exclaimed and looked over to Mylius. He had been standing there for quite some time, content with just listening to us talk. In the few practices I had with him before this I noticed that he was very cautious and didn't speak often.

I walked over to him with a smile and patted him on the back. "You did a great job today Mylius! We totally rocked it!" I said and he gave me a small smile. "Yeah… we did didn't we…" He murmured and I nodded, turning away to put my guitar away. I was only scheduled to do this every other Saturday, and since this was just the club feeling me out I only had one performance tonight. I placed my guitar gently into the case and start strapping it up for the ride to Levi's.

Oh yeah… I have to take him home now. Honestly I forgot for a moment or two that we didn't live together. Today was really fun and it started with seeing Levi snuggling my pillow when trying to find me. Honestly it was a really busy few days hasn't it? I'm not pushing this relationship too fast am I? I probably am. I've never really done this before so how am I supposed to know what's right and wrong? I tried to have a boyfriend but I didn't really like anyone. I've flirted but no one really seemed to be worth my time. Also Mikasa chased away basically anyone who got within a miles radius.

I sighed out loud, picked up my case and walked to the front to hopefully find my boyfriend, a smile growing at the thought of seeing him.

~ S ~

Levi and I got in the car soon after my gig was done and I told him I was driving him home. When I came out to the bar the first thing he did was hug me and kiss my ear, in front of people too! Whispering things like 'That was absolutely fantastic' and 'You're fucking amazing' into my ear as we walked to my car. He was quiet for a few moments when we got into the car but I soon found out why. He was staring at my guitar case in my hand and I finally asked if he wanted to see it.

Now he was staring at it with this curious gleam in his silver blue eyes that I really liked. "Hey Eren… where'd this design come from?" He asked, running a hand over the upper bout of the body. "I drew it." I answered and his gaze went to mine for a moment before back to the titan. It honestly came from this anime I watched called Shingeki No Kyojin that I enjoyed watching. I did a little research on the Titans from the show and decided to draw myself as one, which is what was currently residing on my Stratocaster.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah… Why does it look bad?" I asked and he immediately shook his head. "No way, it's honestly cool as fucking shit. I didn't know you could draw…" he murmured and turned it to the back. The back was also a picture I had drawn. A self portrait of me with a sword running down the middle, the reflection showing the titan me as the human one cried. I remember drawing that. I was really depressed for a couple years when I realized I was gay. My father would never accept me as I was and I wasn't so sure about my mom either. It crushed me because when someone in my class found out I was immediately picked on and bullied for it. I remembered coming home, scratches and bruises all over my body and writing all over my arms. Sometimes they were low key and I could hide them easily, but sometimes my mother saw, or worse my sister. I felt like a freak of nature, something to be hated for who I was, for something I had no control over. That's what the titan meant to me.

I watched my anime and soon I realized that the main character and I were alike. He was forced to have this "gift" that everyone hated him for, called him a freak for. Just like me, I hated that side of me, I hated the reason why they called me a freak, and I hated the person I saw in the mirror every morning and every night just like he did. I got to drawing as soon as I thought of it. The only time I was happy was when I sang or when I was drawing. I had drawn myself in the soldier's uniform and added the SNK sword over my right eye, instead showing the reflection of what I saw in the mirror, the titan, the freak I was inside. My face was covered in blood and tears, and the back ground was an expression of hatred towards the people who called me a freak all those years.

Levi was studying the picture intently and I kept my head down as I turned on the ignition and pulled out of the parking lot. "This has a lot of emotional value doesn't it?" Levi broke the silence and I hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yeah it does…" I murmured, hoping I wouldn't have to explain. He grunted and looked at me for a moment before turning back to the guitar. "It's very beautiful… Oh I almost forgot, you're going to the college right?" He asked and swiftly changed the subject, causing my shoulders to relax and a relieved sigh to fall passed my lips. "Yeah I do."

"What's your major? Music?" He questioned and I nodded my head ecstatically, my mood picking up almost instantly. "Yeah! I have music as my major and art as my minor. I also have foreign affairs as my minor too." He looked at me with a curious glint in his eyes before tilting his head. "Foreign affairs?"

"Hai. [Yes.] It's so that I can become a translator for… well anything I guess if my art or music career doesn't work out. I mean I can speak fluently in all 5 languages so I'd be good at it. Plus they teach more languages for me to be able to translate!" I added happily and he stared at me in mock disbelief. "You're learning another language? How many do you need to know brat?"

"All of them!" I shouted and laughed when he punched my shoulder. "Your ridiculous you shitty brat stop shouting." He growled but there was no real malice in his words.

We then started talking about his job. Apparently he's really good at computers and makes lots of money on software programs and apps that he fixes or creates. He stays at home a lot because he doesn't really need to leave to go to work. When he asked if I worked or not I quickly looked to the road, a blush forming at my cheeks. This caught his attention quickly and he laughed and growled at me. A hand was soon crawling up and down my arm before moving to my neck. "Eren~?" He teased and I huffed and glared at the road, making him chuckle before he stroked my burning cheek. "Eren. We are literally driving away from your newest job at a strip club. It can't be that bad." He argued and I pouted, my upper lip protruding out as I looked over and glared for a moment before turning back to the road. "…" I mumbled incoherently and he leaned closer till his lips were touching my ear, making me shudder at the feeling of his hot breathe in my ear. Sexy bastard. "I can't hear you~"

"It's embarrassing I don't want to say it!" I shouted and he smacked the back of my head. "Stop being a shitty brat and just tell me already!" He growled and I smirked, looking at him for a moment. "But according to you I am a shitty brat already." I sassed and he growled. "Eren."

"God dammit… Fine! I work at the Maids Cafe in Atlantic City!" I submitted and stared straight ahead, blushing wildly as Levi stared at me. It was quiet for a few moments before I heard a quiet chuckle coming from his side of the car. It steadily grew louder along with my annoyance, listening to my boyfriend laugh at me. "Are you serious!? Oh my God… Ha… Eren you're adorable." He breathed as he tried to calm down from his laughing fit. I was glaring at the Prius in front of us, wondering why anyone would want to drive a small car in the first place when Levi's lips were suddenly on my neck. I let out a definitely, undoubtedly manly squeal and tried to concentrate on not swerving into the nearest tree. "Levi!?" I gasped when he bit my neck, licking away the pain as he continued to lap at the skin. "Hmm… You wearing a maid's outfit… delicious. At least I won't have to use one of my wishes on that." He purred and I groaned.

I completely forgot about the wishes. I guess he's saving those for later. "Sh- shut up. I didn't want to take the job! I had to…" I moaned as his hand ran up and down my chest, his tongue still running up and down my neck. "Oh? What made you do that then eh?" he asked, detaching himself from my neck, probably to make sure I didn't crash the car. "Well," I started, "Armin and I were at this pet fair 5 months ago and there were kittens and shit and there was this cute as fuck, brown mackerel Tabby kitten with green eyes and this adorable fucking face and I fell in love with him. He was about 3 months old and apparently he was orphaned at a young age. He looked sad so I played with him and he looked so happy so I begged Armin to let me keep him. At first he said no, but then I brought him over to the kitten and he fell in love with him too." I look over to make sure he's still looking and see that his eyes are very intently on mine, nodding to show he was indeed listening.

"So Armin assumes I won't take care of him but I totally am so he says that he'll only agree to it if I get a job, which he chooses." I growl and Levi makes an 'ahh' noise before looking at the road. "So then 4 months ago he decided where I was going to work. At first I was completely against it… but it was actually kind of fun. So now I have a maid costume and a cat." I concluded and I could see him smiling from the corner of my eye. God he's so handsome when he does that. "You know… I have a cat as well." Levi murmured and I smiled. "Really!? Oh my god what's his name?" I asked. "Corporal. He's a black short hair. Wait what's your cat's name?" He asked and I grinned and looked at him for a moment. "Rogue. Also he's still a kitten. He's only about 7 months old right now." I added and I could just tell that he had a smirk and a raised eyebrow on right then. "Is that where you got your stage name, The Rogue Titan?"

"Yes it is. Your stage name is your first pets name and your street name. So I'm Rogue Titan. And you would be Corporal… what was it? Rivaille Road?" I asked and he nodded. "So if I were to ever go on stage I would be Corporal Rivaille." He murmured and I nodded. "It's kind of sexy to be honest. It's a pretty good stage name." I praised and he seemed a little happy about that. A few minutes of shared silence passed before I had a wonderful idea. "Levi!" I shouted, startling him out of whatever he was thinking, causing him to turn and glare at me. "What the fuck?"

"I just had a wonderful idea!"

"Well by all means, enlighten me." He dead panned as we pulled in to his driveway. "We should have a kitty play date while we hang out next time!"

"No." Was his immediate and shirt answer. "No!? Why not!?" I pouted and he just rolled his eyes. "Corporal doesn't like anyone. He will beat the ever living shit out of Rogue if he even came close to him. He doesn't like anyone but me, and I know he only tolerates me because I feed and clean him." He explained and I whined. "C'mon you don't know that."

"I do know that."

"Alright fine how about this. We go in there and I will pet your cat. If he bites or scratches me and does as you say then I won't bring Rogue over. But if he doesn't then were totally having a kitty play date." I reasoned and Levi stared at me for a long moment before sighing. "Fine. I'll get the first aid kit." He grumbled, pushing open the car door and walking up to his house. "Hey! I'm really good with cats I'll have you know!" He just rolled his eyes and ignored me til we got inside.

~ S ~

He's so fucking cute!

It took us a half an hour (which was mostly spent kissing) to find Corporal and when we did he hissed at me. Levi had looked at me with an 'I told you so' look but I quickly erased it. I had a feeling that Corporal was just like his owner, he wanted cleanliness. So, I went to the bathroom and washed my hands and arms before coming back out again. Corporal was sitting on Levi's lap, rubbing his chin against Levi's finger before I walked in. He stared for a hard moment with his pretty cerulean eyes as I walked forward cautiously, hand outstretched with my finger out for him to sniff. He growled at me when I was about 2 feet away, making me hesitate for a moment before I stepped forward again, I was determined to make this cat like me.

He continued to growl for a moment but as soon as he sniffed my hand he stopped. He sniffed, looking in my eyes before huffing out of his nose and gently rubbing his chin against my finger. I did it! I looked down into Levi's face, a smile of victory plastered on mine as his eyes were practically bugging out of his skull. "Holy shit… every time I have someone over they get scratched or bitten. Even I get scratched and bitten… this is truly strange…" He grumbled, I just laughed and scratched his cat's chin. Seeing that it was going to be irritating for him I pulled away, sitting on the edge of the bed and smiling happily at Levi.

"Looks like were having a play date after all!"

"Tch. Shitty brat go home."

~ S ~

I crawled into bed of my shared apartment with Armin and stared up at the ceiling. What an eventful day. I looked back at all the fun I had and all the things Levi and I did together. Who knew I'd end up doing things like that so quickly. I can't wait to see him tomorrow! We had both decided that since neither of us had work till tomorrow night that we would have the kitty play date in the morning and afternoon. I honestly can't wait for Levi to meet Rogue. I just know that he'll love him just as much as I do. Speaking of Rogue…

I sit up in my striped green and blue covers and see that the door was slightly open. Yay I don't have to get up! "Tch tch tch… Rogue! Come here baby… tch tch tch." I called out softly. A few moments later I heard the familiar scamper of a certain feline running around the house. Soon enough his little head pushed through the crack in the door and looked up at me curiously. I smiled and patted my lap. "Come here baby. Do you want to cuddle?" I asked him but knew he had no idea what I was saying, but he did know what I wanted based on my movements. He meowed and walked over to the bed, staring up at me before shaking his butt and jumping up.

I giggled and suppressed a laugh when he jumped on my lap and began licking my face, purring loudly all the while. "Rogue~" I cooed and pet his back and scratched his ears. He almost immediately feel over, making me laugh as I soon settled down and cuddled with my kitten. He purred and moved like a rag doll in my arms, purring contently when I settled and licking my nose as his final good night. "Good night…" I murmured and smiled, falling asleep to the thought of my day with Levi and the sounds of my kitten purring in my ear.

This is over 5,000 words yay for longer chapters!