disclaimer: i own nothing but the horrid sappiness of my writting

Namine was on her bed, laid on her stomach as she picked up a yellow crayon from the box beside her. She smiled softly as she started scribbling the yellow in multiple areas on her paper. A soft tune played in the background from her phone, a piano and violin mix playing quietly. She hummed as she switched to another color, bending one of her legs up as she picked a black crayon.
A knock came from her door, making her hum in acknowledgement. The door opened to reveal a raven haired girl, her hair was cut short, just above her shoulder. She wore a black hoodie, a purple shirt seen from the opening she left. Faded blue jeans adorned the girls legs. Naminé looked up from her drawing to greet the girl with a smile, the girl giving one back as Naminé started to draw again.

The raven haired girl walked over to the white desk in the room, she pulled out the chair and sat down, watching Naminé's face scrunch up in determination. "Naminéééé, lets do somethingggg" the girl whined, leaning back in the chair.

Naminé sighed with a smile and diligently closed her sketchbook, putting her art supplies away before turning to the girl and saying, "yes, Xion? What would you like to do?" This made Xion grin and get up, taking the art supplies on the bed and placing them on the chair she had just been sitting on. She then walked back over to the bed and layed down beside Naminé.

"I dunno. Being with you is fine." Xion smiled as she turned to look at Naminé, who only let out a snort and muttered "sap". Xion smiled wider at this and leaned forward to press a quick kiss to Naminé's cheek. The blonde giggled and moved one of her arms to wrap around Xion's waist.

"You're so sappy." Her light blue eyes looked into Xions indigo ones, which shined with happiness. Naminé leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the pink lips in front of her, relishing in the feel of them against her own. She would never get over it.
Xion lightly pressed her lips back against the blondes, making Naminé roll over onto her back, pulling Xion with her by the waist. Naminé giggled against her lips before moving her free hand to run through the soft short black locks.
Needing the air, both pulled away, smiling at the other. Xion let herself fall on top of the blue eyed girl, nuzzling her neck. Naminé let out another small laugh as she ran her fingers through the black locks.

"So, Naminé, what were you drawing before I arrived?" The raved asked quietly, happy with the comfortable silence.

Naminé smiled with a thoughtful hum before replying in an equally quiet tone, "just the most beautiful girl I've ever met." This got a small giggle out of Xion.

"and you say IM the sap" she teases before lifting her head up and pecking Naminé's nose, head falling back into the blondes shoulder with a mutter of, "goodnight" before indigo eyes closed and her breath evened out.

Naminé smiled sweetly at her before muttering, "goodnight, Xion." And letting herself fall asleep with her girlfriend.