AN: Well fabulous readers, it's just gone midnight on the 14th in my neck of the world, so Happy Valentine's. Thought I'd better get this out on time.

I'll be honest, it's not perfect, this one stumped me. Being the final chapter I guess a part of me just didn't want to finish it, I'm going to miss this story terribly.

I'd just like to thank everyone for all the support and kind words. I've had some super awesome reviews!

If mature content bother's you maybe skip the Epilogue *wink*

Now that Awakening is out of the way I'm planning to get on with Predestine, which is my movie-verse ROMY so keep an eye out. If you loved this please flick me a line in the reviews. Love you guys! xx



Rogue opened her eyes to find herself lying on the floor, uniform ripped and her head throbbing. She propped herself up on her elbows and tried to get a sense of what was happening. The entire south wall had been blown out and there was smoke and debris everywhere. The jail cell doors had been busted open and the previously captive X-Men were lying unconscious on the floor. Wolverine was still stuck only now one hand was free. He was trying to swing his way up and cut himself down. Jean had been blown out of the chair and was lying face down on the side of the room. Gambit had rolled over onto his back, but the blood coming out from the incisions was not looking good. Rogue crawled over to Logan and pulled herself up.

"Thanks for coming to get us darlin'."

"A fat load of good that did." She hurled back at him sarcastically. "I just got us blown up!"

"That wasn't your fault. Sinister had this all worked out."

She ignored him, trying to focus on the task at hand. "I need to borrow your healing."

"Welcome back sweetheart." He extended his free arm.

Rogue only touched him for a moment and she started to feel stronger.

She scrambled over to Remy and tried to assess his status. He was pale but still breathing. His eyes were open but all of his energy was being used just to concentrate on taking one breath after the other. She grabbed the deck of cards from his trench and stuffed them into her bomber jacket.

"Honey I'm so sorry." She lovingly brushed the hair back from his face. "I hate to have to do this." She heard him groan in pain and it felt like she had been punched in the gut. "I love you. Just close your eyes. This is all going to be over soon, I promise." She kissed him gently on the forehead lingering only for a second, just enough for the pull to take his kinetics.

Beast had ambled his way over, slightly worse for wear. "I'll take care of him. They were shallow incisions, they'll look worse than they are but I'll need to patch them hastily."

Rogue was still in shock, looking around she saw the yellow of Jubilee's coat pinned under some destroyed metal from the machinery. She ran straight over.

"Jubes, you ok?"

"I think I'm stuck." She wasn't hurt, just trapped.

Rogue tried to lift the debris, but without Ms Marvel's strength she wasn't getting very far.

"It's ok, we're going to get you out of there." She called out to Beast. "Hank, I need help over here." Rogue got down on her stomach and she could see a gloved hand just in reach. Rogue took her hand and squeezed it. "It's going to be ok Sugah. Just hold tight."

Hank lifted and Rogue pulled Jubilee out before helping her to her feet.

She brushed off all the dust down her front. "Geez what a blast. Is everyone ok?"

"We don't know yet."

She looked around the room again for signs of life. Wolverine had sliced his way down from his shackles. He had an unconscious Jean in his arms and he was checking her for injuries.

Rogue moved over to them next.

"I need to go after Sinister...but I..." She peeled off a glove but she was hesitant.

"I'm staying here to help, Rogue; you do what you need to do."

She gave a small nod and pressed her palm gently to Jean's cheek. She ran back over to Hank who now was trying to stabilize both Storm and Gambit. Anna hated herself for doing this but if she was going it alone she needed help.

"How's she doing Hank?"

"Nothing bed rest and a fluid IV won't correct." He replied.

"Well I need to knock her out for a bit longer."

Rogue absorbed Storm's powers before jogging over to what remained of Cyclops's cell. As she touched him; she couldn't help but smirk with just a small piece of satisfaction that nobody was rushing to help him while he was out cold on the ground.

Anna took one last look around the room. She was the only person who was in good enough shape to make chase. Hank and Logan were both trying to help the wounded and Jubilee had been sent back to the Blackbird to fetch medical supplies. This was all up to her now.

Rogue ran up the now crumbling hallway that previously led to Sinister's office. Beyond that was a large stone courtyard and on the far side was a landing pad. Rogue could see Essex packing crates of files and lab equipment into a helicopter; preparing for a quick getaway.

Before she could get to him the Marauders formed a last line of defense she would need to break through. Slab was the first to approach, infused with Beast's agility. Rogue stood firm and placed one hand out in front, then a second; summoning Storm's hurricane winds to knock her opponent off of his feet. Then came Arclight who was already clapping her hands out in front, only this time her shock waves were crackling with lightning bolts.

Rogue side stepped to dodge them and changed to Jean's power set, projecting a psionic shield around her body. With her hands full with Arclight Rogue was trying to ignore that Ruckus and Vertigo were closing in around her. She may have absorbed a variety of skill sets, but she was still only one person.

"Hey! Three against one is just mean you bullies!" Jubilee has appeared at her side.

"You got this Jubes?"

"I got it!"

With that vote of confidence, Rogue launched into the air trying to bait Arclight up after her and it worked. They both had use of the wind rider's powers. More than anything, Rogue just felt exhilarated being in the air again.

On the ground, Ruckus was going toe to toe with Jubilee. To fight his banshee-like vocal chords, Jubilee popped a pair of headphones into her ears and cranked her Walkman up loud. This allowed her to ignore his powers entirely and get up close enough to shoot neon plasmoids into his face.

With her glasses down and her ears busy it helped block Jubilee's senses out when Vertigo tried her power on. She felt a little bit off, but without sight and sound being affected it wasn't enough to cripple her. Jubes cranked her powers up to eleven, shooting everything she had at Vertigo.

Meanwhile Rogue was using Jean's telepathy to try and wrestle Arclight back to the ground. Her foe was stubborn so Rogue pulled out an optic beam; courtesy of Cyclops which hit Arclight front on. Her foe crumpled and fell back to the courtyard.

With the Marauders defeated Rogue remained in the air, hovering right behind Mr Sinister.

"Why leave now; the fun's just getting started!"

She wasted no time in firing off another optic blast, the only mutant power Sinister was vulnerable to.

The marauders made a last ditch lunge for her, but she couldn't lose now, not when she was so close. She pulled right from the depths of her strength and fired multiple powers in quick succession. With Jean's telekinesis Rogue tossed them all aside like a rag doll. Pulling the deck of cards from her jacket pocket she charged them up with kinetic energy and threw them, causing the marauders to scatter before following up with fork lightning bolting down from the sky. Although she didn't have the best control, the adrenaline more than made up for it.

She lifted Sinister up next, psionically pinning him up against the side of his helicopter.

"This ends right now."

She shot a beam of raw optic energy at his chest.

"You really believe you can destroy me?" His dark voice taunted her.

"I'm going to hurt you. Like you've hurt the people I love."

Rogue was exhausted but she kept him pinned.

Cyclops and Jean ran up from the destroyed facility.

"Rogue you're going to kill him!" Scott called to her, still suspended in the air.

"That's kind of the idea Sugah." She called back. "Give me a hand will you?"

Mr Sinister was determined to have the last word. "You will never understand what I have been trying to achieve. You are fools if you believe you can kill me!"

Jean took hold of Sinister now and floated him out into the space between Rogue and Cyclops, giving them both a clear shot. Scott fired his beam, and Rogue fired hers a moment later, the force from both breaking down the scientist molecule by molecule. His screams of pain echoed across the landscape and then all of a sudden, Nathaniel Essex was gone.

The other X-Men had joined the group by now, all looking utterly exhausted. Wolverine had Gambit on his shoulder.

Rogue, still using Storm's wind riding to keep her in the air finally gave out and she fell to the ground. Cyclops was the closest so he swooped in and caught her, gently lowering her onto the concrete.

Hank moved in to check her for injuries.

"Are you alright my dear? It's over."

"Is everyone ok?" It suddenly occurred to Rogue that she had absorbed a number of different power-sets in the spur of the moment. She suddenly came alive, bolting upright and looked at her team, pointing at the people she absorbed. "Y'all shouldn't be awake yet."

"How are you feeling?" Beast was more concerned with the impact on Rogue's mind having absorbed multiple personalities.

"Wait." Anna put a hand to her head. "It's not so loud; not so crowded. It feels different." The memories were there but not all vying for control; things felt more organised and the personalities weren't intrusive.

Ever the voice of reason; Hank tried to explain. "We cannot yet know the repercussions of Sinister's machines. Your powers are back but we cannot yet know in which capacity. Scott, Ororo, Jean and Remy are all wounded yes, but from the machinery explosion. There appear to be no ill effects gained by your touch."

"I didn't hurt them?"

Cyclops didn't seem convinced. "If we were all unconscious at the time she touched us we can't know that."

"Get bent Scotty. Let her have this." Logan growled.

Scott was always up for an argument. "Storm was already in a bad way, Gambit copped a beating from Sinister. It was irresponsible to take what little energy they had left."

Anna had had enough. "I did what I had to do! I couldn't let Sinister get away. Not after everything he did." She got to her feet and pushed past him. Tapping her head twice to enhance her point. "You actually think I'd have you up here for my own enjoyment?" The anger quelled in the pit of her stomach. "This is your fault! If it wasn't for you and Emma, me and Rem would have been far away from here and I wouldn't be cursed with these powers all over again!"

"That's a stretch." Scott shook his head in denial.

"No! I've given up everything for the X-Men. I've thought of you all like family, but when Sinister had Gambit and was cuttin' him up; at that moment, I didn't care what happened to anyone else. I was gonna give that monster the vial and take Remy with me. If it wasn't for Jean hittin' those machines I would have been quite happy to walk out on all o' ya. Before all of this happened I would have never thought o' doin' that. Now I'm a monster. What type o' person just walks out on the people they care about?" She pointed at Cyclops. "I'm as bad as he is. I don't deserve to be a part of this family anymore."

Ororo wouldn't hear of it. "You are far from a monster Rogue."

"You saved everyone." Wolverine tried to reason. "You kicked Sinister's ass."

Storm continued. "And you confronted Sinister without any mutant abilities. You were very brave."

Gambit was more interested about what had happened to Emma. "Speakin' o' monsters, where did that snake Frost wind up?"

Logan was the only one who could answer that. "A big hunk of metal hit me in the face when the whole place exploded, knocked me out cold for a few minutes. When I came to she was gone. I doubt it's the last we'll see from her, but for now, she's gone to lick her wounds."

"Well maybe Summers should go join her non?" Gambit shot a dirty look in Cyclops' direction.

"No." Anna was calm now. "I'd appreciate a ride back to the mansion but after that, I..." She said softly. "I'm gonna go."

Rogue began to walk away from the group and Gambit made to follow, regardless of the pain he was in.

Hank stopped him with ease. "Ah I think not my friend. I have fingers to bind and wounds to stitch." Beast took Gambit over his shoulder. "Let me take him off your hands Logan."

While the others made preparations for the flight home Rogue sat by herself in a clearing a little way away from the aircraft's.

The breeze was nice and the smell of the trees helped soothe her turbulent thoughts.

Jean Grey came and sat beside her. "May I?"

Rogue nodded.

"No-one wants you to leave Rogue. We don't blame you for anything."

"That's real nice of you to say Jean but I'm long overdue for some time out."

"Well I figure that the Blackbird has more room for first aid, Storm and Gambit need the space so I thought I'd ride back in the helicopter with Scott."

"You think that's a good idea?"

"I never said it was a good idea, but there are things to talk about."

"You would really take him back, after everything that's happened?"

"No. I don't think so." She sighed softly. "But it's a conversation that's been a long time coming. We owe it to ourselves."

Jean thought carefully before she approached her next sentence. "Rogue, you will always have a home with us. Everything that's happened to you is awful but are you sure that leaving is the best thing? You said yourself your powers feel different now, I could take a look, if you'd like."

Rogue threw up her guard. "What if they're not any different though, I don't know if I could handle that."

"But what if they are?"

Jean was looking at her with such resolve that Rogue wasn't sure she could say no. At least she would get Jean off her back.

Holding her hands out in front; Jean took them gently. After a few moments of sifting through Rogue's inner psyche she opened her eyes with a smile.

"I don't see any lingering remnants of myself, Scott, Storm or even Gambit."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm not sure." She replied honestly. "But if you decide to stay around a bit longer I'm sure the Professor would like to help you figure it out."

"Look, I appreciate what you're trynna do, but just 'cause I didn't knock ya out cold this time doesn't mean it doesn't hurt ya. I don't see people lining up to give it a try."

The sound of footsteps made the two women turn to see the source was Wolverine.

"Hank's stitching Gumbo up so I thought I'd come check in."

Jean stood up and made to leave after giving Rogue a reassuring squeeze of the shoulder.

Logan intercepted Jean's hand; stilling her for a moment. "You alright Jeannie?"

"I'm fine Logan. I'll see you back at the mansion." She gave him a small smile.

He sighed and sat down next to Rogue.

"I'm really gonna miss the two of you. As much of a pain in the ass the Cajun is, the house just isn't going to be the same."

"I'm going alone Logan."

"Does he know that?" This was the wrong decision and Logan was sure as hell not going to let her do that to Gambit.

"It's better this way." Rogue's voice was cold, calculated.

"For him or for you?"

"Logan I need to be alone for a while. I need time for myself." Her voice began to quiver while she tried to get out the next part. "I need to cry. Goddammit I just want to be alone; so I can grieve for what I can't have! Deep down I knew this would happen! It's why I kept Gambit at arms length for so long 'cos I knew it would only be a matter of time. And right when we...we..." She didn't need to finish the sentence. "Why would he want any part of this now?"

Logan's heart was breaking for her. None of this was fair but he wasn't about to let her make the biggest mistake of her life. "He loved you before he could touch you. Gambit almost died in there, hell he lied to you to keep you away from here so that he knew you'd be safe. He loves you now. You grab hold of him and don't let go. If you walk away you'll regret it. Just talk to him."

She sighed. "I will if you will."


"You need to go after Jean. If she rejects you, at least you'll know."

"You drive a hard bargain darlin', I'll give it some thought."

Rogue made her way back to the Blackbird where Beast was stitching up Remy's chest in the plane's infirmary.

"Hank can we have a minute?"

"Of course. I'm sure Gambit could use a rest from the suturing." Hank got up and moved to the other side of the plane to check in on Storm.

Anna waited until they were alone. "That looks sore." She wanted to reach out and touch him but hesitated. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alive." He shifted in his seat, trying to get comfortable. "More than I can say about Sinister though, right."


"Let me stop you Chére. You gonna give me some speech 'bout how you an' me can't touch each other again so we shouldn't be together no more."

Anna was trying so hard not to fall apart. "I'm giving you an out Rem."

"Do you love me?"

She gave a small nod.

"Damn it Rogue I don't want an out. Nothin's gonna change the way I feel about you. Now I've had you in my bed...Anna I don't want nobody else. Just you and me, everyday. We work this out. 'Cos I love you. 'Ain't nothin' gonna change that."

Rogue was crying. He went to wipe the tears but it was hard with his bandaged hands.

"These damn fingers."

He settled for wiping her cheeks with his ring finger, the only finger that was gloved and not broken.

She took his hands and kissed the bandages gently.

"I'm sorry."

"No more sorry's Chére. You just start being happy. You promise me."

Rogue dug around in her pockets for what was left of Remy's playing cards.

"Thanks for letting me borrow these."

She turned the deck over face up and the card on top was the Queen of Hearts.

Remy chuckled. "Was she lucky for you too?" He smiled. "There's something you need to know Anna. When you touched me, took my powers; it didn't hurt, amour. Remy felt something, but it wasn't pain."

Hank came back over. "Speaking of pain, my eloquent friend, you will soon be in a lot of it if I don't make haste with the rest of these stitches. Once I finish up here, I will give you something to help you sleep."

Rogue smiled, put a hand on Beast's shoulder. "Thank you Hank." She smiled at Gambit. "I'll see you when we land Sugah."


On the return to the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, everything had changed. Cyclops formally resigned as leader of the X-Men. Jean decided that after everything that had happened she couldn't trust him anymore and she wanted a clean break. He packed his things and left the mansion; nobody asked where he was going. Storm assumed the role of team leader permanently. Jubilee earned her battle stripes for her help in fighting against Sinister's marauders and having proven herself, was included in regular training sessions in the danger room.

Rogue had Xavier assess her psyche and he confirmed what Jean had already deducted. Rogue's powers were back but with a clean slate; no longer restricted by years of trauma and fear. The mental blocks Xavier had placed in her head as a child had helped stem the mental damage but prevented her forming any type of control. Now Rogue would need to learn how to use them properly, and there was one X-Man in particular who was more than happy to help her practice.

Remy stood in the doorway of his bathroom, shirtless wearing a pair of sweatpants. The steam wafted through his bedroom while he watched Rogue standing under the hot water of his shower. She turned around and smirked.

"Didn't hear you come in Sugah."

"It's my room Chére."

"You mind?" She was indicating the lack of privacy rather than asking permission.

"Not at all."

She shut off the water and stepped out. Rogue reached for a towel but Remy's hand caught her wrist gently. His index fingers were taped to splints between his index and third fingers leaving him some, albeit awkward use of his hands. His eyes roamed up and down her body hungrily.

Wasting no time, Remy lifted her naked body and pressed it against his own. Anna wrapped her legs around his waist, taking care to avoid his injuries and sat her chest against his, arms clinging to his broad shoulders. They travelled the short distance to his bed, his lips pressing against her collarbone, casting searing hot kisses to her skin. She welcomed the contact; she had promised to trust him, to let him in, let them fumble through this together. His teeth found her neck and Anna gave in to the sensation. He was lighting her on fire. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, and without meaning to; she felt the pull travel through her fingertips. She felt him tense against her, only for a few seconds; he was good at hiding it. She knew he felt something, but denied it was pain.

He lowered her onto his sheets and after discarding his pants, he started kissing his way from her breasts down to her core. Without the use of all of his fingers Remy wanted to be sure she was comfortable, and he knew his lips were good for more than just sweet talking. He slid her right to the edge of the bed, her long legs dangling over his shoulders. As soon as his mouth got to work Anna could barely contain the gasps leaving her lips. Her hands wound into the pillows above her head. She considered using one to muffle the sounds she was making until she felt the surge of kinetic energy light it up in neon pink. Her eyes shot open and with quick thinking she flung it into the air and erupted in a fit of giggles as they both heard a loud bang, and feathers and fluff began raining down on them.

"Just don't blow up the bed non?" He smirked. Remy kept her on the edge of the bed, he wanted to avoid lying down as much as possible with his stitches, and with his fingers he would need help with the condom. Any shyness Rogue felt about getting up close and personal with his more intimate body parts would have to be ignored. Instead of rolling the condom on for him, Anna took a gamble and slid her lips around him, slowly going deeper.

"Merde...Anna...Chére, amour." He certainly wasn't expecting this, and if he wasn't careful, he was going to come undone far too early. He groaned appreciation into her hair, making sure she knew she was doing a good job and after a few minutes he pulled her up. She looked puzzled as to why he had her stop but she didn't have to wonder for long. His lips claimed hers hungrily, like a starving wolf hunting its prey.

"You a natural Chére. But this ain't about me tonight. Now if you'd be so kind to help me..."

"We don't have to do this so soon hun, I mean if your stitches are must be hurtin'." She said softly while she concentrated on the condom.

"You bringin' me back to life Anna. All I want right now is to be inside you. To make love to the woman I'm lucky enough'll have me."

She squealed as he flipped her onto all fours and pulled her backside up to him. He entered her from behind and met her with deep thrusts. She moaned each time she felt his chest hit her, the angle was incredible.

Without warning he pulled out and flipped her again, pulling her legs out from under her and throwing them over his shoulders, Remy buried himself into her again, only this time from above.

"I want to see that pretty face of yours when you lose control Anna. When you give yourself to me."

It only took a few more thrusts for Rogue to completely come undone in his arms. She swore his name and gripped onto his arms tightly. Perhaps a little too tightly. The pull was accidental and this time she got Remy's thoughts and memories as well as his powers. She knew how much he loved her, and she knew this was it for them. There was no going back. He was without a doubt the love of her life.

Remy had to admit he got off on seeing her features change in a beautiful dance, her teeth biting onto her bottom lip before giving up the fight and her mouth curling into a perfect circle. As he felt the orgasm rip through her muscles he gave one final push for his own release. Knowing it wasn't any fault of her own that she had accidentally triggered her absorption a second time, right in the throes of passion; he chuckled.

"Lucky Gambit's got plenty of energy huh Chére? Don't mind sharin' it with you though."

"Oh Rem I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, it's just real hard to concentrate on holdin' it back while you're trying to pull other things outta me."

"Just teasing you Anna. You did good, maybe we just need to practice more." He winked.

"You promise I didn't hurt ya?"

"Remy not out cold love." He got back up on his feet and stretched. His chest was barely holding together.

Rogue got up on her knees to inspect the damage. "Oh honey, Hank's gonna kill you."

"Worth it though." He lay down carefully on the bed sheets. "You get anything good?"

"What?" She laughed.

"From up here." He tapped his forehead twice.

"Oh wouldn't you like to know." She teased.

Remy delicately attached his lips to her throat and started to kiss her on that perfect spot she liked. With a giggle she decided to tell him.

"Well normally I wouldn't like to repeat them...but I uh, I saw how scared you were; when Sinister had you. Not for yourself but you were scared about what he was gonna do to me if you gave up. You thought that if you could keep him hurting you, then at least he would stay away from me. You love me."

"Wait, what?" He cracked out a grin.

"Pfft, don't try to deny it loverboy; I've seen it."

"Remy just playin' Chére."

She whacked him playfully on the shoulder. "You big goof." Her grin slipped for a moment as she remembered something else about their ordeal. "Remy, right before Jean blew up the machines, I was going to give Sinister what he wanted; you said you weren't worth saving."

"There a point to this Chére?" He tried to deflect and downplay what was said but Anna wasn't having it.

"Don't you ever say anything like that again. I mean it."


"No, let me finish. You supported me for months after the accident, without hesitating. Even when I gave up, even when I screamed and threw things at you. I pushed you away, didn't want you to see me so low. But you were a stubborn ass Remy LeBeau."

" 'Bout as stubborn as you." He smiled.

"Without you I don't know where I'd be. You're worth everything to me." Anna exhaled slowly as she felt cold tears well in the corners of her eyes, one rolled down her cheek. She wanted to look down, avoid eye contact, but Remy claimed her mouth hastily, his body on top of hers again, pushing her down into the pillows. In both of their lives they had dealt with pain and loss. Now they were each other's safe haven to weather out the storm.

They lay in the hazy aftermath, Rogue breathing deeply as her head rested on Gambit's chest. They had both been quiet for a while now, enjoying the silence.

Remy threw caution to the wind with a simple "Marry me."

It was more of a statement, as opposed to a question; as cocky as it was he had no doubt what the answer would be. He was met with nothing but the sound of the wind and the rain outside his window and the steady shallow breathing of the woman who lay beside him. He decided not to tempt fate and ask a second time. He wondered if she was feigning sleep to avoid answering him, but a small part of him knew better than that. If she had heard him there was no doubt she would throw this back at him in a future argument. It had been whim that he had even said it, but a small part of him was going to enjoy the next few days working out if she had heard him ask the question or not. Grinning lazily he settled back down into the pillows, deciding that some proper rest was not such a bad idea.

The next morning when Beast went to re-dress the wounds he sternly warned Remy against further extracurricular activities for the next ten days. Since they had to wait for Gambit to get his stitches out, it gave them plenty of time to pack and sort out where they were going. They decided to head for New Orleans, and make their way from there. They wanted to spend time together, just the two of them, to discover who they were when it was just them; when they weren't X-Men.

The morning they left the mansion Rogue had never been happier as she dumped the last of their bags by the front doors. All of the remaining X-Men had assembled to see them off.

Remy was leaning against the staircase saying goodbye to Storm and Jubilee.

Logan was standing with Jean in the foyer, and Hank stood next to Charles; who wheeled himself over to Rogue.

"I want you to know that if you ever need anything, you are always welcome to look for it here."

"Thank you Professor." She hugged him tightly. "For everything."

"The two of you make sure to look after each other. I am so very proud of the people you have become."

She kissed Charles on the cheek. "We've had a great role model."

"The best." Gambit came over, wrapped his arm around Rogue's waist and kissed her. "You did the bags al'ready? Merci my dear."

Storm and Jubilee followed him over, the teenager looked miserable at the loss of her friends.

"You guys are coming back right?"

Rogue smiled. "Aww, this ain't goodbye Sugah, not forever. I'm gonna take good care o' him, I promise."

After many drawn out goodbyes, lots of hugs, and a few stern words from Logan; Anna and Remy got into their car. Rogue went to start the engine when Gambit halted her, his trenchcoat was still hanging in the school foyer. He slipped back through the main doors to catch Logan and Jean in a suspiciously close embrace; like he was almost whispering something into her ear. But when Remy interrupted an obviously private moment they broke apart faster than he could bat an eyelid.

Retrieving his coat from the stand he chuckled, "Don't mind Remy eh'. Carry on."

"Cajun, you knock Rogue up before you marry her and I'll cut you, you hear?"

"I already miss you too mon ami. Jean you keep him company oui? Ol' Logan's gonna be lonely without us."

Gambit shut the door behind him before Wolverine had a chance to respond.

The gates to the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters closed behind them as the car pulled out; Rogue and Gambit pondered what comes next.

They had no idea where they were going, but as long as they were together, it didn't seem to matter. They would face their next adventure side by side; excited that at least for the next little while, all they had to worry about was each other.

*Amour = Love

*Mon Ami = My Friend

*Merci = Thank You

*Oui = Yes *Non = No