Hi everyone. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Have a nice day/night wherever you are! Warning: story contains BoyxBoy (don't like, then don't read), swearing, scenes of extreme violence and ratings may be turned up at a later time. Thank you for all the reviews, it means a lot. Sorry about how long it took to update this story. I promise I will be paying more focus and attention to it.

Stan's slowly found himself trembling slightly as both he and this other boy were froze at the sound of this horrific, pummelling screaming. Like that of rain on windows in the autumn morning. But the screams were unlike that mightily of a banshee's with no recognition. One mingling upon the hundreds that hit an octave and tone no human one could. Writhing and pitch that Stan found his hands clamping down over his own ears to try and mask himself from it. If it could it felt as though every nerve of his body was set suddenly alight in a inferno of agony.

His heart began to pummel itself against his ribs as his breathing became a sharp and long drawn intake. His eyes slamming shut as to, in some attempt, to try and block it all out. To shut his senses down to what ever cause of pain and sound like attack, but it didn't! The sound kept coming at him, over and over! Never stopping, agonisingly keeping going till he was a writhing mess on the floor, clasping his hands over his ears and head for dear life.

It was only Kyle's hand curled into his own that gave him courage not to turn and run away as fast as possible.

The feeling of this boy next to him. The boy he had barely known now, for what? Five minutes? Already this boy was sending a fire igniting inside of him. A burning ache inside of his bones which he absolutely couldn't ignore. It wasn't like the full blast inferno of agony which had been centred over his nerve system like the scream had been, but this was something, slower, something stranger.

More intimate somehow.

Where his finger tips touched, the fire began to bristle slightly. His grip becoming more certain and tighter around Kyle's as he felt something surge through him. It was like riding of a complete explosion and high of adrenaline! Suddenly his vision was focused as his eyes pried themselves open to see Kyle's worried gaze locked back at him.

Kyle's face was a strange mixture of calm certainty and subdued terror. A mingle of confidence burned through his eyes while there was a new depth of shock which hadn't been in those emerald beauties before. Both found as hard as they may had tried at that moment, they couldn't shift their gazes from each other. Physically they couldn't as something charged and sparked between their fingers invisibly, like electricity!

Not that Stan minded, only it sounded like there was a massacre going on just outside the door!

His muscles over his body twisted painfully at first before they began to relax and fill with the warmth. It felt like he was floating on air! Like all of a sudden he weighed absolutely nothing. He swore that he could have leapt to the ceiling and grabbed onto one of the hanging lights without any trouble. Strangely there was a good amount of certainty behind that claim right then and there in his head.

"Hey, can you hear me!"

Stan blinked a couple of times finding that he had lost himself into a daze of the strange senses which were broadcasting themselves from his body. He could still feel a painful wrench coming from inside him though, making him feel like he wanted to double over and crush himself into small pieces. Like he wanted to constrict himself into a smaller size.

Kyle looked over the boy a little cautiously, but with a deep sense of internal concern. "I said; are you okay! We have to go and see what's going on! The kids will be freaking out! We have to go and help them!" His red curls flickered slightly from under his hat and Stan found that he had to stare just a bit longer. The crushing inside of his stomach compelling him a lot more as from his crouched position, as he wanted to crash into himself all the more.

The red head bit his lip for a moment, hearing a fresh wave of shrieks and screams exploding out as something smashed violently onto the door of the room.

Then he drastically just paled and froze on the spot. "What the hell was-"

Immediately he slammed his hand down onto Stan's mouth and stared at him pleadingly with all his might. 'Don't speak! For the love of god above, please, don't speak!' He poured every ounce of warning into the look and watched as Stan gave a small nod, biting down onto his lip, his tooth slightly grazing Kyle's palm for a moment.

The red head couldn't understand it himself.

Right now his hearing, his sight, everything around him. It felt so incredibly heightened. His eyes caught the smallest movement of trees, flower, falling flakes of snow! It was ridiculous! He hardly had any good reflexes, he barely even paid attention most of the time, except when he forced himself to in certain situations. But right now, he swore he could have tracked the flight of a fly in slow motion! Everything around him, the sound of blood in his ears. The roar of his heartbeat calling out to him. The slight and ever so movements that he himself made whenever he-

He had to stop himself from screaming out when a hand came down on his shoulder.

His head snapped around, his body quickly prepared to cover Stan at a moment's notice had he needed to. Strange... Part of him thought to himself at the branded notion of protection and devotion which suddenly and so promptly was making itself known.

But crouched above him was one of the teachers... what had their name been? Tommy? Thomas? Something like that. But right now, the man had his eyes locked on the door, out the corner of his vision he kept glancing at Kyle and Stan with a notion and thrill of fear. He looked towards Stan how a father may look at a son. The same way that Kyle's father had looked at him when he had first found out he was coming to this school.

The teacher's face was grim and pale. His mouth was pressed into a tight line and his eyes were hard set with determination. He kept one hand at his side in a protective crescent curve around the boys. His hair was shining ever so faintly but there was something knew set about his body language. Completely ready to spring at a moment's notice to cause destruction. Like Kyle had seen many times when studying the behaviour of a Lion about to tackle it's prey. "Danny, we have no choice!" He hissed under his breath, the barest amount of the sound escaping into the air as the pounding at the door grew louder with slight pauses between.

The woman had crept in front of the boys, her eyes closed in concentration as she seemed intently locked on something, giving it no less then her complete and full motivated attention. Her hair cascaded around like she was caught in a sudden breeze, the harsh force of the wind around her seemed invisible. The windows were all closed and yet somehow this storm force like movements was hitting her. "What is she trying to do." Stan pleaded silently, staring up with uncertain and fearful eyes at the teacher he had known so well and long in his time here at the school.

Thomas bit his lip. "She needs to focus, she needs to listen." Was the only response which he was given as a bellowing roar shook the room from outside, the pounding on the door growing quiet for a second.

Kyle watched her, studying the way that she seemed to not only focusing onto the outside of the room, but onto herself as well in many ways. What is it... What is going on out there. His heightened eyes traced the fragments of falling wood which had cracked and broken away from the impacts of what ever was going on outside.

He watched her for a moment curiously and looked at the door. I wonder if... He began to formulate in his mind, a possibility. If his other senses were heightened, like his eyes and nerves... then maybe.

Experimentally he closed his eyes and dared to let his mind wonder through the darkness which was presented to him. Not noticing how Thomas or Stan began to stare at him incredulously and with a doubting curiosity.

In the blackness he found that he could hear something, more definitely now. It was soft, unable to find a definitive example to refer it to, Kyle dived deeper into the sense. Almost separating himself from the room completely, separating himself from the warm wave of tingles which were coursing through his body at Stan's touch.

He could hear it now!

The far off sounds of screams were still there. Hell, they could have been directly next to him for what it sounded like. It was so strange... he could tell just how far away they really were, probably halfway across the other side of the school campus and yet he could still hear them. He had to keep his excitement down, it was disorientating for him to focus on too many things at once like this. It felt like everything was already beginning to slip from his grasp, his head pounding violently as though he taken a harsh punch. Need to be careful. Focus. He massaged the spot between his brows quickly and tightened his closed eyes though it did nothing.

He drew the sense back to the room around him. He could hear Stan's breath coming out in small short bursts, smooth and yet there still being a slight frantic note which he was able to identify. He let his finger gently move in a caress over the boy's cheek as a sign to try and comfort him, but it barely lasted a second as something knew filled Kyle's ears.

A gruff huffing sound. Like the sound a bear would make. It was heavy, dark and certainly anything sounding but friendly.

A slight and low growl confirmed that to him as the sound of dragging along the wooden doors began to draw his sense more carefully. What is it? A bear? Some kind of wild animal which has made it's way into the school?! He listened a bit closer as another deep gruff heaving came out of the thing. What the hell could that-

Kyle lurched back and his eyes flew open as he slammed his hands down over his ears. Even with that though, it felt as though a explosion from two grenades had just gone off next to his ears. His eyes went wide with fear and the breath caught in his mouth, the intense and sheer amount of the sound ripped through him, mind, soul and body. It was hideous! The most shrill shriek, combined with the most animalistic roar. It was like a dagger stabbing slowly into his head. "Kyle?!"

Now it was Stan's turn to clamp a hand over Kyle's mouth to stop the boy from screaming, but it was too late.

What ever that... unearthly thing outside was, it was now smashing more ferociously against the wood. "No point in trying to hide we're here now!" Danny barked, glaring towards the door. She reached down and tore away the length of her dress so that her knees and thin legs were free to move more. Her eyes grew cold and harsher as she threw one arm out to the side. Her teeth set hard and in a gritted state. Her gaze now an intense and hateful glare. "Thomas we have no choice!"

It was clear just how unhappy she was about having to do this, but Thomas still kept himself in front of the boys. His arm threw out to the side as though he could take on whatever beast was out there by himself. "We can't! It's against the law, this early on to show them! You know the law as well as I do!"
"And you know that they're not supposed to be able to get passed the wards! The fact that they have shows that something is really fucked up!" Danny snapped, her whole body language was tensed, she looked ready to bolt in a second but at the same time, her whole set was showed to be unmoving away from the boys.

Thomas lingered uncertainly as now the door began to buckle. His glare set deeply. His own growling seemed to escape from his throat at the situation they were in.

Stan was still trying to bring Kyle back to his senses who seemed to have gone into shock, the red head was just staring at the door, horrified beyond all sense. Stan was whispering words of comfort, trying to do anything to get Kyle's attention back, trying to get his focus.

Danny eventually however lost is as a long talon like hand smashed through the wood. Fingers like icicles flexed through the air, pointed like the threat of winter, but yet tainted and coated with deep tones of crimson which carried a thick and sickly metallic scent with it

Fresh blood.

"WE HAVE NO CHOICE!" Danny screamed staring at Thomas with a pleading worry. "We have to! The kids! Most partners are off for leave since it's Christmas break!"

That roar hit the room once again and Thomas ducked his head lower.

The door flew off it's hinges revealing a slurred and dripping set of crimson fangs.


Stan and Kyle finally both looked back up as the darkness and horror washed through their souls.

In front of them was a beast, not unlike that of a spider... in shape at least.

With eight giant large legs which ended with claws instead of the sharp stump which Stan might have expected. A line of metal spikes stuck out across the various legs, each coated and dripping blood. The torso was human like, but stretched incredibly thin and hunched forward, the flesh colour of the entire thing was like a sick person with the plague. The face was hidden behind what looked like a imposed mask of a twisted clown, which had been stitched down onto the freshly torn and branded skin, though still bits of blood and flesh hung onto the corners of it. It's thin arms carried a great number of barbs along it's thin twig like figure, yet, those icicle like fingers looked ready to stab and impale a hell of a lot more.

It was as though horror and nightmares had come together and become this thing in front of them.

But now it lunged.

Kyle and Stan screamed out at the same time as Thomas leapt through the air crying out with Danny, "SOUL RESONANCE!"

Both boys watched as for a moment everything slowed down, staring intently and with horror as their teachers looked like they were about to be torn apart by this inhuman beast.

But then Thomas began to glisten and shined intensely. For a moment his whole body sleeking with golden light, his features fading immediately till only his outlined remained, filled with this precious light. His body began to narrow impossibly, becoming thinner and thinner, soon it was small enough that Danny closed her hand around it, sending glistening sparks of electricity around the room, her eyes widening as out of the light, it became clearer that she was holding an enormous war hammer. The head piece of the thing was solid gold metal which looked reinforced with something like steel. It was was too big to be a normal style of war hammer! The length of the handle was still thin, but both just stared as the sparks of electricity ran along the length of it. "CHAOS HAMMER!" Both of their voices screamed.

The tendrils of electricity turned blood red, sparking more violently and frequently, so that in the mere seconds that the monster had lunged, it went face first into an almighty and unexpected swing from Danny as the hammer hit it's target.

Skin and flesh began to tear away as the two forced collided. Danny had launched herself up into the air slightly as she had swung the now glowing red hammer around, but the monster's body was now limp, it's neck having snapped loudly and the last strands of flesh pulling away as they tore like paper.

The decapitation being completed as the head rolled to the floor and melted, leaving only a floating crimson circle behind with a small quirk of a tail, patched of something you would see, like in magma, painted the outside of the floating shell of the orb.

Danny panted heavily for breath, now having dark bags painted under her eyes, his skin taking a darker shade, she looked exhausted! Almost as though she hadn't slept in a month! Her eyes were painted with complete exhaustion and her arms fell limp at her side, her knee gave out but she was caught easily as the giant war hammer in her hands turned slowly back a worried looking Thomas. Their eyes connected quickly and he eased her down to the ground gently. "Whoa, easy there. Soul resonance always used to take it heavily out of you, and that was when you had been fully trained and still in great shape when you were younger!"
"A-Are you calling me out of shape a-and old?" She spat, though a twinkle in her eyes behind her glare showed she was only being playful.
"You just-"

Both turned their heads quickly to look back at the two gaping mouth boys.

Stan was stumbling with his words as his eyes locked onto the strange large orb shape which was left behind from whatever had happened to the creature. His tongue licked over his lip slightly though he wasn't sure why. "You turned into a hammer- then the lightning- that thing- it-" He gave up with his stumbling and settled for copying Kyle in the fact that they were both just sat there in shock, staring incredulously.

Thomas looked back at Danny and gritted his teeth. "I don't suppose you're going to tell me that we were lucky and that was the only Kishin here and that the others are perfectly safe?" He stated looking at his parter who was still regaining her breath. His own muscles were burning like he had been boiled over a hot and painful flame, but it would do no good to show just how tired he himself was.
"No. There's at least three more out there." Danny whispered, her eyes glazed over. "I can feel it in my gut."
"fourteen years of being a death scythe and that god damn gut of yours has never been wrong before." He growled. "Al'right kids, gather around. It's time." Thomas growled.
"T-Time for what?!" Stan exclaimed.
"Why. Time for your initiation into the next level of school." He stated with a faint sparkle in his eyes. "Kishin Killing 101, how to kill one." he smirked deeply.