Week 1, Harry. I couldn't choose between Moaning Myrtle or Rita Skeeter - they are both so delightfully creepy if paired with HP - so I chose them both.

My tragic hero

Frankly, I think Olive Hornby was so evil, she wasn't even human - I think she was the devil.

When I was studying at Hogwarts, she taunted me every single day because I wore glasses! And then I died! Much too early, in the saddest way! I stood no chance against that cruel, unfeeling monster! And nobody cares. I often wonder who is the cruelest: society or the Basilisk.

For years, I was miserable. Can you imagine how painful it is when you want to kill yourself, but can't because you're already dead? NO! YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND!

But that was all before I saw him.

I thought he was kind of funny-looking at first, with that messy black hair, those bright green eyes and that scar, being all small and skinny. It fascinated me that he wore glasses too. I thought he was going to be bullied so viciously! But to my astonishment, he wasn't. Yes, by Draco Malfoy - but Draco bullies everyone. He's kind of cute too.

But Harry Potter is the brave bespectacled knight who slayed my Basilisk with the Sword of Gryffindor. And the only one who ever listened to me.

Ravishing Reading-matter

News isn't news when it's not sprinkled with something to gloat over. That can be true, it can be a result of careful twisting so it seems true, or it can be made up. No one notices the difference.

I love my job. Today was the best day of my career. I had the fortune of interviewing no one less than Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, orphan since the first year of his life and to some, a modern Jesus. I immediately realized that I had to choose the approach of tragedy. The moment I laid my eyes on him when I was at Hogwarts for reporting about the Triwizard Tournament, I took my chance and dragged him into a lovely dark broom cupboard.

We sat close together in the pitch black for a few minutes, and I am not going to deny that it made my temperature raise quite a little bit. It did not help when I made a light to reveal his scruffy teenage boy self - what a charming young rebel he is! My Quick-quotes-quill created the most precious sentences in his presence!

Oh, his eyes - the color of my quill.