Forgot to edit this in, sorry.

Disclaimer: Kuroko no Basket is not mine, I'm just borrowing the characters.

For him, Kise Ryouta was like gold. Pure, untainted gold. It wasn't even because of his colouring. Maybe that helped a little but the reason Kise reminded him of gold was because of its similarity with the model. Kise himself had asked about this to him, in which he answered as bluntly as usual.

"Ne, ne, Kurokocchi~" Kise drawled, moving to place his head on Kuroko's lap. He grinned wide when Kuroko's hand settled on his head, stroking lightly. "How do I look in your eyes?"

Kuroko stared down at him blankly. "Like Kise-kun of course. How else?"

Kise whined at the straight-forward answer. He pouted and made teary eyes at Kuroko, who of course, wasn't affected. "Kurokocchi...! I mean, you know how people are usually reminded of a person when they see something else?"

Kuroko's eyes lightened a bit in understanding. "Ah. Like how Kagami-kun reminds me of a tiger?"

Kise's energetic nod was his answer. Kuroko pondered for a bit, looking up at the ceiling of Kise's room.

"I think you are like gold..." he murmured after a while. Kise rebounded immediately, asking him questions of why and what part of him reminded Kuroko of gold. Kuroko stared at the male whose head was on his lap blankly.

"Kise-kun is like gold. Pure, untainted gold. Because Kise-kun is always shining and attracted people's attentions. Kise-kun also makes some people happy and jealous with his presence. Also..." Kuroko trailed off.

"What? Also what?" Kise asked, his face flushed in embarrassment and happiness. He looked up at Kuroko with big eyes, resembling a puppy more than the gold like Kuroko had described. Kuroko could almost see the tail wagging and the ears perking up.

"And I think, Kise-kun is precious."

The somewhat embarrassed, wide and beaming bright grin he received was worth the small half lie he had said. Kuroko smiled secretively while petting Kise's head.

'Actually I wanted to say that you are pliable in my hands, Kise-kun. Just like how pure gold is so easy to be made into other forms. But I guess you being precious is not a lie. And I am lucky to have you.'