Helloo everybody! This is my new story, Piper's Tail! (duh. It is the title) Hope you enjoy!

Piper's P.O.V.

When I woke up, I turned over in my bunk and checked the clock. 12:00 A.M. Perfect. I thought. Now all I have to do is sneak past the night guard…

Percy's P.O.V.

I pulled night guard. Curse Leo and his cheats! The job is pretty straight forward. Leo told me to look out for monsters, fight them off, hit the alarm if anything bad happens, blah blah blah.

By the time he had gotten there I had stopped listening. We were sailing right now, as to give Jason a break. I wasn't sensing anything dangerous in the water right now, so I wasn't feeling very worried. I walked up to the bow of the ship and leaned my head back, looking up at the stars.

They're so beautiful I thought to myself looking for the constellation of Zoe Nightshade, who had been killed in the Titan War. Suddenly I heard a splash and my head jerked toward the sound.

It had come from the stern of the ship and I instantly started moving. I started thinking about what it might be. When I got there though everything seemed fine. I didn't see anything suspicious and didn't sense anything more than 20 feet away in any direction.

The ripples from whatever it was were dispersing into the dark water. Must have been a fish. Wait did I just use the word disperse?! Must be spending too much time with Annabeth. I thought as I walked back to my post.

But then again, there probably isn't too much time with Annabeth for Percy...sigh. Percabeth is adorable! Any ways Read and Review! (That's another duh. If you're reading this A/N you already read this chapter...)
