Jade's P.O.V.

I don't know what to do, for I am very ill and I know that I won't live long. The only thing that I regret is that I never been able to be with my family, friends, and make a wonderful life in the future. I always wanted to help those who are in need, but since I'm dying I won't be able to accomplish what I wanted to do. I even realized that I have only about few hours of living, so I asked a nurse to give me a piece of paper and pencil or pen to write with. I decided to tell my family on the piece of paper that even though I am no longer living I just hope that everyone would not take it too hard. That may be one day you won't remember the worst times that I was alive, but the good things instead. I also told my parents that if they happened to have another child to raise them like they raised me and tell my younger sibling all about me.

I've always wondered what it would be like if I did end up having a younger sibling, and if they were here with me right begging me not to leave them. It always broke my heart thinking that, but I knew that I still could prevent it I would never get rid of the illness that I carry at the moment, and it could also be passed to them. I just hope that if do end up having a second chance at life I want a life that's worth living and with a possibly having a younger sibling to talk to and to take care of.

Nurse 1's P.O.V.

After giving the young girl the piece of paper and pencil, I just can't help but wonder what the girl is thinking. The girl of course is very ill and a good chance of not making it to her next birthday, which she would be sixteen, and I always see her parents cry once they walk out of the hospital room or after talking to the doctor about the young girl's progress. The progress of course keeps getting worse every time before checkup. It is night time now and there won't be no visitors until morning, and I was asked to check on the young girl to see if she wanted anything to eat.

Once I walked into the room the heart monitor started to react in a none good way, so I rushed there to see what happened and hurried up and called for help. When the doctor came in, and they started to try to revive it was already too late for they had to stop. The doctor just shook his head and pulled the covers over her head, and told the staff to take her into a different room, so that family members can say their goodbyes. He then told another nurse to call the parents and other family members that were here, and tell them the bad news.

Nurse 2's P.O.V.

After the doctor told me call the family members I went to the office and I called the family knowing what might happened once I did. When the mother had answered the phone, I asked her if her husband was home, which he was and I told her to put me on speaker phone if possible. When she did that I told them about their daughter passing way and that we tried our best to revive her and that they can over to the hospital to say their goodbyes. I mostly heard the mother crying and the father trying to calm her down, and the father having to hang the phone up, and then I called the rest of the family members saying the same thing to them.

Nobody's P.O.V.

The next day the family of Jade came to say their goodbyes before taking her to the funeral home to get her prepared for the funeral, and when the nurse who given the paper and pencil to Jade came in the room she handed the paper that the girl left on the table in her former room to the parents. She told them that it was Jade's last letter to her family and that Jade wished for them to read it. Once the family read it they smiled just a little bit saying that they keep it as a memory and cherish with their hearts.

After the funeral the parents made sure to have a vase on top of the tomb to, and on Jade's birthday they would put her birth flower in the vase and on her death day it would be as red rose in the vase.