Hermione ran to the Hospital Wing, her mind swimming with questions, but she knew Malfoy probably wasn't in the state to be answering them.

When she burst through the doors, (earning a scowl from Madam Pomfrey) Hermione ran straight to Malfoy's bed.

He was indeed awake, his usual light skin was now a sick pale color, and there was dark circles under his eyes.

"Malfoy," said Hermione softly as she walked slowly up to him. Malfoy looked at her and gave her a small grin.

"Granger, nice of you to visit me in my time of weakness." He chuckled.

Hermione scoffed and sat down on the armchair next to his bed. "You've been out for a while." She told him while crossing her legs.

"So I've been told," said Malfoy looking at Madam Pomfrey and looking back at Hermione. "I don't remember anything."

"Oh you must remember something."

"I don't Granger," Malfoy said rather forcefully, his voice still horse. "I don't remember what happened, all I know is that I was walking somewhere and then I woke up here with a bloody headache." He added closing his eyes and rubbing his head.

On queue, Madam Pomfrey hurried over to his bedside and handed him a vile. "For your head." She told him and crossed her arms, eyeing him to make sure he drank every drop.

Malfoy groaned and reluctantly sipped the green liquid, coughing as he drank it all.

"Tsk. . . Tsk." Madam Pomfrey snatched the vile and hurried off to her office, muttering of course, "what do they expect. . . Pumpkin juice. . . butterbeer. . . its medicine."

Hermione shook her head and placed a shaky hand on Malfoy's arm. Malfoy looked at it and moved his arm closer to his body, ignoring her hand as it fell away.

"I brought all your classwork," Hermione said as she cleared her throat, her face growing slightly pink. "I thought it-"

"It would be good to get my mind off of everything?" Malfoy interrupted and sat up, wincing. . . "I must've fell onto my chest, it's all sore." Malfoy added when he noticed Hermione's worried look.

Hermione nodded and pointed towards the vases of flowers and bags of candy. "You made everyone worried."

Malfoy scoffed and shook his head. "I didn't worry anyone Granger. Everyone's probably disappointed I didn't die, unlike the first year."

Hermione gasped.

"Yes, Professor McGonagall told me."

Hermione chewed her bottom lip and asked, "why would people be disappointed you didn't die?"

"Granger open your eyes, no one likes me, remember; I'm the enemy." He chuckled. "No one clapped when they found out I was Head Boy, every time I walk through the damn hallway I get strange looks, when I sit down in the Great Hall people go out of their way not to sit next to me. The only people that don't treat me like a villain are Blaise, the teachers, and-"

"Me." Hermione added.

Malfoy nodded, "and you. But that's my one major question, why don't you treat me like everyone else does? I was so mean to you, I treated you like a bloody animal, and yet, here we are."

Hermione shrugged, she didn't even know why she was "friendly" towards him. She should be going out of her way, just like everyone else, to avoid him. Just like everyone else.

"I don't know, Malfoy. I would like to think the past is behind us, but I don't know." Hermione tried to explain but couldn't, she couldn't explain why she felt the need to be friends with him.

Malfoy eyed her for several minutes, his silver icy stare piercing into her, trying to figure her out. He must've given up because he looked away and sighed.

"It's late Granger, you should probably go back to the common room and get some sleep."

Hermione looked at him and nodded, "I guess you're right. Did Madam Pomfrey say when you're able to return to the lessons?"

"She says I need to stay here for a bit and rest up. She wants to keep an eye on me, so I'll probably see you in class tomorrow." Said Malfoy with a mischievous grin.

Hermione laughed and left the Hospital Wing.

The next morning came faster than Hermione anticipated, she barely got any sleep and was currently walking to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Good morning, Ginny." Hermione said through a yawn as she sat down in front of the ginger haired girl.

"Morning Mione." Replied Ginny through a mouthful of egg.

Hermione smiled and poured herself some pumpkin juice and grabbed a couple pieces of toast and marmalade; something easy.

Hermione was so transfixed with her toast she didn't realize the silence that fell upon the Great Hall, she only looked up when Ginny tapped her on her hand.


"Malfoy," whispered Ginny, pointing towards the entrance. "He's back, he woke up."

Hermione looked at the entrance and saw Malfoy strolling in with his friend Blaise Zabini. Git left the Hospital Wing. Hermione held back a laugh as she saw Malfoy look at her and wink.

Ginny stared at Malfoy as he walked to the Slytherin table and looked back at Hermione, and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Asked Hermione as she returned to her toast and juice.

"'What?' Hermione he winked at you? What's he playing at?"

Hermione shrugged and finished her toast, "I dunno, Ginny, maybe he's feeling better."

"Oh rubbish," Ginny scoffed and gave Hermione the I know you're lying look and too, returned back to her breakfast.

. . .

Hermione was walking to Transfiguration when she heard her name being called, she turned around and saw Draco Malfoy striding towards her, she stopped so he was able to catch up.

"Blimey Granger, you walk faster than. . . A broom. . . Flying," Malfoy said through pants, he then steadied himself and motioned for them to continue walking.

Hermione kept making quick glances at Malfoy, he looked a lot better, and the sun that was coming through the corridor made his platinum hair glow. Malfoy must have noticed the glances because he looked at Hermione and raised an eyebrow.

"See something you like, Granger?"

Hermione turned away quickly; blushing, and finding the ground to be a lot more interesting.

Malfoy chuckled and kept walking along with Hermione.

When they finally reached the Transfiguration classroom, nearly all the seats were already full, giving Hermione a look; Malfoy nodded towards two seats that were empty, which were right next to each other.

They sat down and took out a piece of parchment and a quill, waiting for Professor Hinkle.

"So Granger you never answered my question." Malfoy said softly.

Hermione chewed her lip and shrugged, "and what question was that, Malfoy?"

Before he had time to answer, Professor Hinkle came huffing into the classroom.

"Sorry. . . Sorry," Hinkle wheezed as she plumped down behind her large desk. Many students snickered at her timely arrival and Hermione glanced over at Malfoy to see if he was doing the same, but he wasn't.

In their lesson, the class was to take notes on Vampires and their ability to turn into bats. Of course Hermione already knew everything about Vampires with her excessive reading, but took very good notes.

"Vampires? Seems a bit strange to learn this in Transfiguration." Malfoy whispered to Hermione, leaning a bit closer than Hermione thought was necessary.

"Oh, I think its sort of interesting." Hermione whispered back, still looking down at her parchment.

Hermione felt Malfoy shrug next to her, Hermione looked up to copy what was on the chalkboard and stopped.

"M-Malfoy. . . Is the professor asleep or dead?"

Malfoy furrowed his eyebrows and looked up as well, Professor Hinkle had her head on her desk and her arms were by her sides, all the other students started to notice and were chatting among themselves nervously.

Hermione looked at Malfoy and back at Hinkle. "Should I, er, go check on her?"

Malfoy nodded and Hermione slowly rose from her seat, earning stares that were telling her to continue. Hermione walked up to Professor Hinkle's desk and placed a shaky hand on her shoulder.

"Er, Professor?" Hermione said softly, looking around to see if anyone would help, but of course everyone was just as nervous as she was.

Hermione looked back down at Professor Hinkle and gasped. Her eyes were shot open and white foam started spilling from her mouth, Malfoy shot up quickly and pulled Hermione away from the desk.

"Go get someone!" Malfoy yelled, pointing to some random student, who ran out the door to find someone.

Hermione could hear her heart thumping in her chest, she's never seen anything like this before.

"Kill. . . Them. . . All."

Hermione spun around, nearly causing Malfoy to fall over, and looked at everyone. It was the voice again. Hermione looked at everyone but no one was talking, she felt her eyes well up and she bolted out the classroom, leaving Malfoy and the rest of the students stunned in silence.

Hermione ran to the girls bathroom and stopped at the sink and looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were bloodshot and she looked very pale.

"Get it together Hermione." She told herself, but her little pep-talk wasn't helping at all.

"Can't run. . . Not now."

Hermione gasped and turned around, the voice was right behind her, but she was completely alone in the bathroom. She started to feel really warm and she started to sweat.

The room felt as though it was in a furnace, Hermione turned back to the mirror, her eyes were dark and her skin was turning a dark pink, and out of no where; red finger prints were appearing on her neck. Hermione coughed, it felt as though she was getting strangled by very strong hands.

"Let me have it. . . Your soul. . . Give it to me."

"No!" Screamed Hermione as she felt the air being sucked from her lungs, she started seeing black, the room was spinning. She tried screaming again, but she wasn't able to. Hermione could feel the air leaving her body- leaving the room. It felt as though all oxygen was being taken away, Hermione fell to the ground.

Then she started feeling a stinging feeling throughout her entire body, the pain was unbearable.

"I will rip you."

"No. . . Stop." Hermione wheezed, the entire room was turning black, she felt someone or something standing above her. Then she felt hands, large hands, grab her neck.

"Give it to me!"

Hermione tried using her energy to fight off the unknown person, but failed. She closed her eyes, she didn't want to see what was about to happen.


Then darkness.


Ah, so here is the 6th chapter! Whoo, haha.

I really hope you guys are enjoying this story so far because I'm having so much fun writing it!

I wish J.K. Rowling would write another Harry Potter book...

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