Hey guys so this is my first Fosters story so I really hope you enjoy it. I do not own any of the characters except for Maisie.

I looked across to the driver seat to where Bill was seating. I had only met him two hours ago and I hope he is a better social worker than Sonya was.

"Maisie I need you to behave nicely, okay? and if anyone asks about the bruises you say nothing, okay"

I nodded my head, I knew how the system worked.

I would be removed from my old foster home and under any circumstances I was not to talk about what happened in that house, no matter how bad it was.

I already knew that Bill thought bad of me, just one look at my file and you would too.




Bad attitude



Does not listen

Does not work well with others

and the list went on. The fact that some of the old foster parents made up fake stories to cover their butts made me look like a terrible person.

There was one thing missing in my folder though and that was my past.

The day they were transferring a part of my file back to my original social worker Travis the building it was in caught on fire.

So it was like I never existed before I came into foster care.

They tried to pry the information out of me but there was one thing that they taught me that I would keep with me forever.

Whatever happens at a house stays at that house and you tell no one about it.

Sonya had told me this all the time because lets face it, she was horrible at picking me a good place to live.

So every time she picked me up from the foster house she gave me that little speech, she was just like everyone else though.

Only looking out for herself and she knew the moment I told what went on in those house she would get fired.

It didn't matter though because she got fired anyway.

We finally parked in front of a nice looking house but I stay sitting.

Bill turns around and gives me a look. "Let's go now Maisie."

Reluctantly I get out of the car and close the door.

As we walk up to the front door I can't help but wonder why we are here of all places.

This house looked so nice and I looked not so nice.

My hair was in a tangled mess of curls and on the side of my forehead was a huge bandage covering the wound I received from my last foster home. It didn't hide the damage though, next to my cheek was a blueish- purple bruise forming. My front shirt was covered in blood from the nosebleed I was having earlier, the bruises under my clothes were a different story.

Bill knocked on the door and a boy a little bit older than me answered it.

"Hey Jude, are your moms home?"

The boy, Jude I presumed, nodded and said "Yes, You want to come in?"

Bill nods and Jude lets us in.

The inside of the house made me even feel smaller, it was big and just so beautiful. I had never been in a house like this one before.

"Jude can you go upstairs so I can talk to your parents in private."

Jude walks away and Bill turns to me.

"Okay I need to talk to some people first so you go outside into the backyard."

I followed his demand and went outside into the yard.

A tree had a makeshift swing on it, so facing my body away from the window I began to swing on it.


"Maisie is a really sweet girl and I just need a couple of days to find a more permanent place for her to stay."

Lena and Stef shared a look making Bill shift his feet nervously.

Stef sighed, "Bill we have a lot on our plate right now. Robert is refusing to sign the papers so that Callie can get adopted and I don't think this is going to make matters any better."

Lena added "and we don't even have enough room for her to stay."

Bill pulled out Maisie file and showed it to them.

"Please you are really this girls last hope, after this i'll have to send her to a group home."

The pair stayed silent and Bill pleaded one last time "Just meet the girl before you make your final decision, please."

The two women had never seen Bill so desperate. Lena turned toward the window where you could see a young girl with long hair swinging back and forth.

Stef finally nodded saying "Okay."


"Maisie will you please come inside."

I jumped off the swing and made my way toward two women and Bill.

Both women gasped, "Are you okay?"

The blonde women tried to touch me and I scooted back in fright. Bill pushed me forward and I looked at him waiting for him to answer the blonde woman's question.

"She is fine Stef, she just got into a little accident in her last foster home."

The other woman narrowed her eyes at Bill "Then why is there so much blood on her shirt?!"

Finally I spoke up "It was my fault I fell and my nose started to bleed."

The room was silent until Bill said "Why don't you introduced yourself to Stef and Lena."

I looked down at my shoes, "My name is Maisie and I am 9 years old."

The Blonde lady smiled "Well Maisie I am Stef and this is my wife Lena. It is nice to meet you."

Bill said "Okay guys I need your answer now."

Lena and Stef shared a glance,it was almost like they were having there own conversation in their heads, and Lena finally said "Okay but only for a couple days."

Bill nodded "Okay I guess I'll be on my way then, be good Maisie."

I blinked, Wait?What!

"You're leaving me here?!"

I looked at him in shock, we had only met 2 hours ago and he was already dumping me somewhere.

Rule #1 you are always going to be disposable.

Did he know what kind of people they were?! Did he even care?!

"Maisie you are goin-"

"I barely even meet you and you're dumping me to the first place you find."


"Save it I already know what you our going to say. Thats how the system works, right?!"

He sighed and said "Just stay out of trouble kid."

I curled up my fist as I angrily watch Bill walk away.

I hated how the system worked.

YAY, so here is the introduction. Please leave a review :)