Erotic Friend Fiction inspired by the demon my sister summoned that time

By Tina Belcher


Horse Tina and the Equestranauts had once again gone up against the evil forces of Xander and emerged victorious. Tinasus, as she was now known, was on her way to the clubhouse to change for her date with Horse Jimmy Junior (the horse with the most shapely haunches in all the land) when she came across her friend Louise the Horse-Bunny weeping.

"What's wrong, Louise?" asked noble Tinasus.

"There's an evil man who offered me the world," replied the Horse-Bunny. "He gave me my death ray, lightning machine and the army of loyal minion-bunnies."

"Oh, so that's where you got them," said Tinasus thoughtfully. "The Andies and Ollies you lent us were vital to our victory. We couldn't have defeated Xander without them."

"But now the Paprika Man demands payment. He is going to take my ears!"

"Oh no! They're your source of power!" gasped Horse Tina.

"What can I do?" said Louise. "This is too much for even the Equestranauts to take on. I have no choice but to give my ears to the Paprika Man."

"Not so fast, Louise. By ourselves, our butts might not be able to defeat him, but I know one who can! Maybe Horse Jimmy Junior will help us!"

"My haunches might be shapely, but even my sweet dance moves are no match for the Paprika Man," said Jimmy Junior.

"I'm sorry, Horse Jimmy Junior, but we can't go on our date until we help my friend," replied Tinasus.

"Wait! Maybe we can talk to the Horse Valley Wizard Police," suggested Jimmy Junior. ""There are two horse officers that are secretly wizards. Maybe they can help us. With my butt and your dance moves, combined with their powerful haunches, eyes and hair, we can surely defeat that Paprika Monster!"

The wizards on the force were two gigantic Clydesdales, one even more huge than the other. Officer Smalls and Officer Shakur's names were secretly Sam and Dean – Sam was the biggest horse Tina had ever seen and had a long, gorgeously coiffed mane. Dean was a glossy, jet black horse with a neat short mane, green eyes and a cutie-mark on his rump in the shape of a license plate.

"The demon made of paprika!" spat Dean. "Our old enemy! We'll help you for sure, brave Tinasus!"
"Louise," said Sam, bending low to look at the horse-bunny, "you're going to have to give back all the things he gave you."

"Noooooo!" cried Louise.

"Yes. There is no other way," replied the black horse. "Everything will disappear when he's vanquished anyway. We'll summon him, trap him, then defeat him!"

"I knew the Winchesters would be able to help us," lisped Horse Jimmy Junior, struggling with the word 'Winchesters'.

"What's a Winchester?" asked Tinasus.

"It's a breed of horse, like a Clydesdale but even bigger," replied Sam. "In fact, Dean is a particularly small Winchester."

"Bitch," Dean snorted at Sam with a smirk.

The Winchester horses led the group to a beautiful field where they helped everyone draw a large circle with chili powder. Then everyone lit candles and the horse-bunny recited in a weird language to summon the spicy villain.

He appeared in a plume of red powder in the middle of the circle. "Excellent and right on time, Louise," the Paprika Man said smugly. "And look, you even brought witnesses."

"Only to witness your butt getting kicked!" said Tinasus, stepping forward.

"One mere Equestranaut is no match for me, even with some Winchesters in tow! I will get Louise's ears one way or another."

"Take my soul, but never my ears!"

"Eat lead, ass-hat!" said Dean as he raised his leg and fired buckshot at the demon from the bottom of his hoof. Apparently Winchesters have Equestranaut powers too.

The Paprika Man dematerialized, then rematerialized unharmed. "Foolish ponies," he laughed, "there's no way out of a Crossroads deal!"

"Let me try!" said brave Tinasus as she braced her stance and unsheathed her forehead cannon. She fired at the Paprika Man, but her beams of energy passed harmlessly through his powder body harmlessly, as before. "This is terrible!"

"It's no use, Tina," said Horse Jimmy Junior.

"We have to do something!" replied Tina, flicking her mane is frustration.

The Paprika Man yelped. "My only weakness! How did you know?"

"Oh yeah?" replied Tinasus, flipping her hair again. "Well how about some of this?"

The demon yelped again and got smaller.

"We've got him now!" said Dean triumphantly. "Sam, get in there!"

Horse Sam stepped forward and joined Tina, and they both flipped their luxurious manes at the demon very sensuously. With every hair flip, the Paprika Man glowed and got smaller, and when the charm bomb finally exploded, so did he. His body burst in a big plume of red smoke and disappeared everywhere.

"I guess we sure showed him the meaning of the word 'spicy'," said Tinasus.

"I guess that makes you a seasoned pro!" replied Dean.

And then everyone laughed and Tina went on her date with Horse Jimmy Junior, and they made out and she got to touch his butt.

The End