Hello! Here is chapter 8. There are some parts to this chapter I really like and really enjoyed writing. WARNING mature content in the chapter. Please only read this one if you are comfortable with adult themes. If you search 'Beautiful Light Music' in Youtube I was listening to Ocean Breeze by relaxdaily when I wrote this. I think it adds something to the final scene. Hope you enjoy it, let me know what you think! I just want to say a big thank you to my reviewers, favs and followers of this story, it really means a lot that my first BBT fic has had such a positive response :)

Sheldon rushed like a scared deer to his bedroom when he heard keys in the lock. Raj and Howard and left moments before and Sheldon had been waging a war in his mind about whether to face Leonard and Penny or to hide away in his room. Of course hiding away seemed much more preferable. Of fight and flight, Sheldon was definitely the flighty sort – after all, he'd spent a lifetime running from bullies.

He clicked his bedroom door shut as silently as he could and perched on his bed. He reached underneath his pillow and pulled out Penny's shirt. He'd found it there days before and 'forgot' to remind her about it. He breathed in its scent and wished Penny would walk right through his bedroom door and kiss him like she had done the previous day.

The apartment door closed with a mighty bang and shouting could be heard from the living room.

"What do you want me to do, Penny, walk the streets all night?" Leonard yelled.

"Don't exaggerate. All I said was you could stay at Raj's for tonight."

"And leave you alone with him?"

"You're being pathetic!" Penny moaned. "The three of us can't stay here now."

"So, Sheldon can leave, can't he?" Leonard spat.

"What good will that do?"

"Why don't you just admit you want to be left alone with him," Leonard said.

"Of course I do. But it's not like anything is going to happen."

"Oh please, Penny I know you. You move at warp speed."

"Excuse me!"

Leonard paused at it was clear he had regretted what he had said, even if there had been some truth in his words.

"Look, I didn't mean that."

"Yes, you did. I think you should leave." Penny was close to tears again.

"What about us?" Leonard said, still somewhat hopeful.

"Leonard, there is no us," Penny said quietly.

He nodded.

"How long have you known?" He asked.

"Not long."

"How long?" Leonard demanded.

"I don't know! Maybe since Sheldon was in the hospital," Penny told him.

"Did you ever want to marry me?"

"Yes!" Penny insisted. "It's like you think I've switched off every feeling I ever had for you. I haven't, Leonard. I still care about you. I just can't stop myself from loving him. Things have always been uneasy with us- And now I know why."


"Because- Because you were so obviously in love with me. So loud and vibrant. And I was someone worth shouting off the rooftops about. But that's not what I want. I need someone who doesn't want to show me off. Who loves me for what I bring to their life despite all my flaws. And someone who needs me just like I need them."

"And you think that person is Sheldon?" Leonard tried to force a ridiculing laugh but tears were fresh in his eyes.

"Yes," a voice said from across the living room. Sheldon had emerged silently from his bedroom.

Penny's eyes lit up from the kitchenette and poured longingly into Sheldon's, neither dared to move.

"Really?" Something snapped and Leonard was charging like a bull across the apartment. He seized the front of Sheldon's shirt and raised a fist.

"Leonard, no!" Penny screamed. She launched herself across the room and grasped Leonard's wrist before he could lay the blow on Sheldon. She stood between the pair, arms outstretched with a hand on each of their chests. She was glaring at Leonard like a lioness protecting her pride.

Leonard turned on his heel and made to march out of the apartment door. Though he tried to hide his face from them, Penny heard him sniffle and saw him wipe his eyes as he did so. Leonard was defeated. Penny felt awful.

She sighed deeply.

"Are you okay?" Sheldon asked her before she got a chance to.

"I was going to ask you the same thing," she sniffled.

Sheldon didn't need to be asked. He took Penny's forearm and pulled her into an embrace.


Leonard arrived at Raj's apartment. He knocked slowly on the door as though his arm was weighed down by some unknown force. Raj answered, he gave Leonard a sympathetic look. He knew Leonard had been crying.

"Come in," he welcomed in a quiet voice. Howard was sat on the couch.

"What happened?" Howard asked in a gentle tone, already suspecting the answer.

"I walked out," Leonard said. "After I almost punched Sheldon."

Howard and Raj exchanged concerned glances.

Leonard moved to sit beside Howard on the couch, sandwiched between him and Raj.

"So, it's true?" Howard said in a tone of clear disbelief. "Penny and Sheldon?"

Leonard sighed and blinked quickly.

"Yeah." The one word burned in his heart more than he could have ever imagined. "And it wasn't just a kiss. She says she loves him." Leonard choked on his words. He felt Raj's hand rubbing circles on his back.

"I don't know what happens now," Leonard squeaked, letting his tears finally break their barriers. He fell apart with his friends at his sides.


"Please talk to me," Bernadette said softly.

Amy had been sat on the couch unmoving and unspeaking since they got back from the restaurant. Her face was wet from tears and sweat and snot but she didn't seem to notice, nor would it have mattered if she did. Tears rolled from her eyes right down to her chin before falling into a damp patch on her lap.

The only sound she made was when she occasionally lost control of her breathing and gasped to catch her breath. Each time Bernadette looked up hoping Amy would say something.

"I know it means nothing now, but it will get easier," Bernadette felt her words were almost cruel but prayed they might offer an ounce of comfort to Amy. Amy shook her head.

"People break up all the time and it gets better," Bernadette said. Amy stared blankly at the wall behind Bernadette. She was shivering.

She expected to feel unbearable pain like she wanted to scream but she didn't. She felt, if anything, empty. Like there was no world around her and she was just walking endlessly through a blank universe with nothing and nobody. She couldn't even think of a scenario, of words she's like to hear to make her feel better. She had gone beyond that and now there was nothing.

"Do you want me to stay here with you tonight?" Bernadette asked. Amy didn't seem to hear her. "Amy?"

Amy looked up.

"Do you want me to stay here tonight?" Bernadette repeated. Amy shook her head.

"Do you want anything before I go?" Amy shook her head again.

"I'll call you in the morning," Bernadette said. Amy didn't respond.

On the other side of the apartment door Bernadette sighed. She felt so guilty about leaving Amy but she had to work in the morning. She also felt frustrated that she was put in this position. She was angry at Penny, but this wasn't her fight and she didn't want to lose Penny's friendship. A part of her wanted to wish Penny all the happiness in the world; another part wanted to slap her for being so cruel. She shook the thoughts from her head and made to go home. Right now she wanted to go home to her husband, lock the door and pretend this madness didn't exist outside their own little world.


It didn't matter that they made the decision at 2 o'clock in the morning. Penny and Sheldon each with a small suitcase in hand climb into a cab which drove them to the airport in the middle of the night. Less than four hours later they landed in Texas and took a cab to Mary Cooper's house.

Sheldon had been more than a little concerned about flying, but Penny held his hand nearly the whole way there. And he didn't die or have to use the bathroom so he concluded that it wasn't all that bad.

"My goodness, Shelly, what are you doing here?" she greeted, still in her robe. Her coffee and toast was waiting for her at the breakfast table. "The Lord knows I've only just got myself out of bed. I wasn't expecting company." She pulled her robe tightly around herself and looked at Penny. "And how are you, my dear?" she asked with a warm smile.

"Mom, can we sit down and talk?" Sheldon asked.

"Of course. Can I get you kids anything? Coffee, juice?" Sheldon shook his head.

"No thank you, Mrs. Cooper," said Penny. They all sat around the breakfast table.

Mary picked up her cell phone.

"Mom, you're texting," Sheldon pointed out, recognising that he'd never seen his mum send a text message before, nor had he received one from her.

"Well, I have to tell your sister you're here. Wait until you see baby Lee, he's grown so much since you were last here, Shelly."

Penny smiled to herself. Sheldon had never mentioned that his nephew was named after him.

"Mom, can we talk now?" Sheldon pushed.

"Of course, I am all ears." She placed a hand over Sheldon's. "What's troubling you?"

"Well, firstly mother, you should know that about three weeks ago, I was attacked in the street."

Mary's gasp was loud and dramatic. "My baby, are you okay?" she cried out.

"Yes, I'm fine now, but I was in the hospital for two weeks. I didn't want to worry you and you can see now that I'm fine."

It took quite a while for Sheldon to calm his mother's worry but eventually she accepted he was okay. She personally checked the wound mark in his side before she was convinced, something Sheldon made clear he was unhappy with. When they'd settled back at the table, Sheldon continued.

"Secondly, I broke up with Amy- because I realised I was in love with somebody else."

"Oh," said Mary.

"Oh?" repeated Penny who had been silent all this time.

"And am I right in guessing that you, my dear, are the other woman?" Mary asked Penny.

"Yes," Penny said quietly, not entirely pleased to be labelled 'the other woman.'

"Well, if you're happy, Shelly, then I'm happy. You just make sure you look after this young lady."

Penny smiled.


Leonard returned to 4A to find it empty. He wondered where Sheldon and Penny had gone. He sat down at his desk, fired up Skype and did something he usually wouldn't willingly do. Call his mother.

"Dr. Beverly Hofstadter," Beverly greeted in her monotone voice.

"Mom?" Leonard said sadly.

"Yes, Leonard."

"I need to speak with you, and I know in our family we don't show emotions but if you could put that to one side and show some sort of maternal capacity I'd be really grateful." The tears from the previous night came screaming back and Leonard fell apart in the empty living room in front of his computer.

"What is it, dear?" Beverly questioned, her voice not as compassionate as Leonard would have liked.

"Penny broke up with me-"


"-and she's gone off with Sheldon somewhere. They're- together."

"Interesting. Have you considered the reason for that is his superior intelligence?"

Leonard swallowed hard. He couldn't deal with his mother putting him down on today of all days.

"You know what, this was a bad idea. Goodbye."

He slammed the lid of his laptop down and breathed deeply.


"Shelly!" Missy gave her twin brother a one-armed hug, cradling a peaceful infant in her other arm. "Look, Lee, it's uncle Shelly," Missy cooed.

"Uncle Dr. Cooper," Sheldon corrected. Missy rolled her eyes.

"Awww, can I hold him?" Penny asked. Missy handed the baby over without a moment's hesitation.

"He looks cute now, let me tell you it's not so cute when he's screaming at 3am and my nipples are raw."

Sheldon noticeably cringed and took a step back. Penny and Missy giggled.

"So, tell me, Penny. What are you thinking going out with our Shelly? You know he's not what the rest of us call 'normal' right?" Both women giggled again, Penny looked affectionately across at Sheldon. They hadn't had a moment together alone since they left the apartment back in Pasadena.

"Come on, Shelly, your turn," Missy said scooping up the baby from Penny's arms and handing him to Sheldon. Sheldon protested but could do very little to stop the baby being placed into his arms.

"Are you okay there with him, Shelly?" Missy asked. "Penny and I are going up to my room to talk about you." She shot him a cheeky smile.

"You can't leave me here!" Sheldon exclaimed.

"You'll be fine, just don't drop him." Missy and Penny disappeared from the room. Sheldon heard their footsteps on the stairs.

Mary appeared in the living room.

"There's my grandbaby," she cooed and sat on the couch beside Sheldon. She looked at him with a concerned gaze. "Now, you tell me, Shelly, what's going on with that young lady of yours?"

"What do you mean?" Sheldon asked.

"Well one minute you're with Amy and she's with that Leonard fellow and now the two of yous are together. What happened?"

"I don't know when it started for Penny, we haven't really had time to talk, but when I was in the hospital- no, even before then something changed. Penny was the one friend I could be myself around completely; I didn't have to hide or be afraid. We danced one night at a party and I held her and it didn't feel wrong. You know the way I am, Mom, I don't like any form of physical contact and I was never going to, as you put it, sin with Amy. And I know now that it's because the only person I could ever be with in that way, ever trust to let my barriers down with is Penny."

"I get that, but I'm not certain she feels the same. She's let her barriers down with a lot of men from what I've been told," Mary said.

"I'm not going to deny that," Sheldon said quietly.


"So, nothing, Mom. I want to be with Penny. It's taken a lot for me to overcome my fears and accept what this for what it is. I guess you could say scientific curiosity has got the better of me."

"And you're happy?" Mary asked.

"More so than I've ever been."

"Then I'm happy for you, Shelly. She's a mighty fine woman. You take care of her."

Sheldon smiled almost a little shy.

"Now what are you going to do about your friends?"


Amy awoke still laying on her couch. She was shivering. The crushing reality of the previous night was a painful reminder of the life she was now forced to live.

She walked to the bathroom, undressed quickly and got into the steamy shower. She stood swaying under the hot water as it beaded and rolled down her pale skin.

She thought about Sheldon and Penny. She pictured her kissing his lips, stroking his arm, holding him and it burned in her heart. Why? Why did he want Penny but not her? Amy thought. But she knew why. She told herself that Penny was beautiful. She told herself that she had seen it coming and did nothing to stop it. It was her own fault.

She turned up the heat on the shower so that it was only just bearable as it scolded her skin. Of all the people in the world Penny had to be the least compatible with Sheldon. How did this happen? She couldn't shake the thought of Sheldon saying the words she had longed to hear for so long. Why did he have to go and fall in love with Penny?

As she dried herself and dressed for work Amy wondered what her life would be like without Penny. She wasn't ready to take on board a life without Sheldon. She'd miss Penny's spirit, the Penny that made Amy feel like a high school girl again. The Penny that gave her the teenage years she'd missed out on. The Penny who seemed to start fading quite a while ago to be replaced by this version that Amy didn't like anymore.

Amy didn't grab a bite on her way out, she declined three calls from Bernadette and drove straight to work. Her lab was colder, more clinical and hostile than usual and she resented it. She picked up one of the beakers left out from the previous day. It reminded her of the time Sheldon had tried to wash them. She let it slip from her fingers and shatter to the ground.

She fell to the floor in heaving sobs. She pictured it as though it were yesterday. Her boyfriend, Sheldon, in her lab with her. And now he was gone. How could she carry on her normal life? She was alone and she had no one.

She sat on the cold tiled floor, her body shaking and the sobs coming so hard they burned her throat. She took out her cell phone and flicked through photos of Sheldon and of them together. She knew she was just making it worse, she was torturing herself but she couldn't stop. She wanted to see him, pretend her was hers and that they were happy.

Her sobs were loud and desperate but she was alone and nobody was going to make her life better. It was over.


There was a knock at 4A, Leonard dragged himself off the couch and answered the door.

"Mom?" he greeted, clearly surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"I am your mother, I came to see if you were suffering from emotional distress."

Leonard sighed and shut the door behind her. He wished the tears would stop welling in his eyes every time he thought about Penny.

"I don't know what to do, Mother," his voice was strangled. "The thought of her with Sheldon makes me feel sick to my stomach. I can't help think why him? It feels like my hearts going to burst."

"Now, I don't like to see you like this," said Beverly. "Come on." She held out her arms to him and he looked at her unconvinced. When she didn't move he shuffled across the couch into her arms and rested against her shoulder. For the first time in his life, Beverly embraced her son.

"I know you were fond of that girl, Leonard," Beverly said. "You're also far too emotional for your own good."

Leonard sniffed. Beverly paused.

"And- I'm here for you."


Sheldon, Penny and Mary we sitting in the living room watching the television; a game show Sheldon hadn't really cared for. It was getting late and Sheldon wanted to head to bed. He wasn't sure of the protocol. Did he ask Penny to share his room, share his bed? Did he offer her the guest room? He didn't know.

"Penny," he said quietly. Penny looked up from the television. "I want to go up to bed."

"Okay," Penny said. Sheldon looked somewhat worried she noted. She raised her hand to him and he pulled her up off the carpet where she had been sitting. Once she was stood he didn't let go of her hand.

"Goodnight, Mrs. Cooper," Penny said. She waited for Mary to pipe up about how the unmarried couple weren't to share a room but she seemed far to engrossed in the television.

"Goodnight, dear," she said quickly without taking her eyes off the screen.

Penny felt a tug at her hand, Sheldon was pulling her toward the hall.

Penny couldn't have imagined the battle of thoughts going on inside Sheldon's head as he slowly and fearfully climbed the staircase, leading Penny behind him. He was more than aware that Penny may wish to have coitus and while a part of his was curious he still felt very nervous.

They reached the landing and Sheldon led Penny to his bedroom. They crept in slowly and Sheldon shut the door behind them. He turned on a dim lamp on the bedside table and sat on the bed. He patted the space beside him for Penny to join. She smiled sweetly and perched beside him.

"Penny, I- I want to try something- If that's okay with you," Sheldon said quietly.

"Okay," Penny said slowly. "What?"

"Actually, I was hoping you might show me-"

Penny nodded. Her mouth had gone dry and she felt anxious. "Okay," she breathed.

She looked into his eyes, his pupils were dilated; she assumed from fear, and his breathing was quick and heavy. She turned to face him still sat on the bed and took both of his hands in hers. "Are you sure?" she whispered. He took a deep breath and nodded.

She slowly raised her hands to his hips, making sure his eyes followed so that he knew what she was doing. He seemed no more uneasy when her skin came into contact with his shirt so she proceeded to pull it off over his head.

She took both his hands in hers and gave them a reassuring squeeze before slowly gliding her hands up his arms, over his shoulders and to rest around his neck. When he didn't flinch she pulled herself so that her clothed body was pressed against his bare chest. She nestled her head under his chin and breathed him in. She slowly stroked her hands over the warm skin of his torso and waited for him to relax. He did, she felt him nuzzle in her hair and sigh. His hands found their way around to her back and he was holding her.

She licked her lips and leaned in closer to him and when her lips were an inch from him she breathed, "Tell me to stop." When he didn't, she leant forwards and pressed her lips to his. Even though they had kissed before, this time it was different and Penny knew to tread carefully. Sheldon's lips were soft. She hesitated a moment, remaining completely still before moving her lips against his. He slowly moved his too.

Sheldon ran his hands down Penny's waist, admiring the slender and elegant curve to her body. Her lips were gentle like butterflies dancing and he was comforted by the aroma of green apple.

Sheldon pulled away first, quite breathless and looking rather pale, his hormones had caught up at last and his body was telling him he wanted more.

"Are you okay?" Penny said softly. Sheldon nodded.

He gave her a genuine warm smile. He was so happy. "Yes," he breathed. He rested his forehead against Penny's her arms still around his neck. They gazed into each other's eyes and both giggled.

Sheldon relaxed a little with their next kiss, moving against Penny's lips with only a little hesitancy. She took this as a breakthrough and decided to proceed. He rested her hand on his clothed leg and slowly grazed Sheldon's thigh, getting closer to where his manhood was pressing against his pants. Her hand hovered a few inches below, remembering to give Sheldon time to adjust.

His breathing quickened and Penny pulled away. She surveyed his pale face glowing in the dim lamplight. He was beautiful. Sheldon's hands were still tracing feather light touches over the contours of Penny's waist and it was she who was surprised when his fingers slipped beneath the fabric of her shirt and caressed her skin. It was only the slightest touch but it made Penny feel wonderful. She closed her eyes at enjoyed the feeling of Sheldon's hands admiring her body. He lifted her shirt off over her head.

When the cold air made her shiver she shifted back onto the bed, leaning against the headboard. She pulled Sheldon beside her and rested against him. She freed herself from her bra and cuddled up to him, finding warmth with their bare chests pressed against each other. She turned into his neck placing light kisses up to his ear where she nibbled so gently. Butterflies, he thought.

"Penny," Sheldon murmured. Penny stopped what she was doing and checked to see that Sheldon was alright. He was, he seemed perfectly relaxed.

"Mhmm," she sighed contently.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you," she whispered back and gave him a warm smile.

She leant in closer for another kiss which Sheldon relaxed into. It amazed Penny how easy she was aroused just by kissing Sheldon. She wanted him. She ran a hand up his thigh once more, still dancing her lips across his. She rested her hand on his concealed erection, she let her fingers play with the button on his pants.

His breathing became uneasy again and their lips broke apart.

"It's okay," Penny breathed. Sheldon swallowed hard, suddenly aware of how real this was all becoming. He breathed deeply and nodded to Penny.

Penny manoeuvred to kneel beside Sheldon, briefly feeling the cold away from the warmth of his chest. She popped open the button on his pants, pulled down the zipper and wiggled him out of his pants; his underwear pulling down with them. She pulled off her own jeans and panties for good measure and knelt naked beside him.

It was clear to Penny that Sheldon felt vulnerable. He was gazing down at his own naked body and pulled his knees up to his chest. She peered into his fearful eyes lovingly and silently told him he was safe. She crawled closer and rested her hand on his knee without breaking eye contact. He reached for her hand and held it tightly as though if he let go he'd fall off the planet. He took several deep breaths, eyes tightly closed and Penny rubbed circles onto the back of his hand with her thumb.

He sighed once more before his eyes flickered open. He unclenched and slid his feet down the bed, straightening his legs. Penny didn't move, she waited for some sort of indication that he was ready which came in the form of his hand on her thigh and one in her hair pulling her lips to his. For what would be the final time that night she grazed her hand up his thigh, slowly but didn't stop this time.

When she pulled out of the kiss, her hand wrapped around his manhood, she was pleased to see his eyes shut and his face relaxed. He was holding tightly to her hip. She came to straddle him, sitting back, her bottom resting on his knees. She leant forward to kiss him and he responded more eagerly. Her hand was still grasping him and she began to move it in a slow rhythm. His hands found her waist again and slid up to cup her round breasts. She shuffled forwards. It was going to happen. She positioned herself above him, still holding him firmly in her hand and waited.

"Sheldon," she breathed. His eyes were wide and had lost the lull they previous wore. He felt his breath hitch in his throat. A part of him wanted to pull Penny down on top of him. A part of him was hungry for her, but the fear he anticipated might take over was getting stronger. Penny looked beautiful in the lamplight, her golden curls falling about her shoulders. He heard her breathe his name.

"Do you want this?" she asked.

He'd breathed the word 'yes' before he'd even thought about it. He was terrified but so curious about what was about to come. He wanted this, he wanted Penny and his body begged for him to let his fears go.

She came down on top of him slowly and she felt wonderful. His fear washed away like the tide on the shore. His eyes blinked shut and he let the waves wash over him. He was in paradise.

Penny moved slowly, savouring the feeling of Sheldon. She looked down on him, calm and relaxed. When his eyes flickered open they were teary. Only one droplet escaped and rolled back towards his ear. Penny raised a hand to stroke the side of his face, wiping away the glistening trail the tear had made. She smiled at him.

Sheldon's hand were at her hips, something was taking over and he wanted her. She quickened the pace and they moved together. A quiet moan escaped Penny's lips and Sheldon responded, thrusting into her. He was growing in confidence, taking more of what he wanted and giving it back to Penny.

Sheldon's breathing intensified as his body took complete control, he began to tremble then shudder. Something unfamiliar was building inside him in a way he'd never felt before. Penny noticed Sheldon's grip at her hips tighten and his eyes open in unease. She slowed down and gave him another reassuring look.

Sheldon stopped moving and Penny fell still on top of him. His breathing was panicked and he broke the eye contact with Penny. In that brief moment she was worried she'd gone too far, that she'd let him down and lost his trust.

"It's okay," she soothed, she stroked his cheek with her thumb. "Look at me," she said sweetly. Sheldon clamped his eyes shut tightly. "Sheldon," Penny whispered, "do you want to stop."

His eyes came to meet hers and he shook his head. Penny kissed his lips lightly and only for a moment. She began to move again, slowly but getting faster. Sheldon was breathing harder and Penny wanted him more than she'd ever desired anyone.

"Penny," Sheldon whispered, "it's going to happen." Penny nodded, she felt Sheldon's hand finding hers and grip onto it tightly as he came undone, spilling warmth inside of her. She followed quickly in an overwhelming sensation like nothing she'd felt before.

When she came floating back to Earth she manoeuvred from Sheldon and came to sit beside him. She pulled the duvet over them both and pulled him into a secure embrace. He was still holding so tightly to her but his breathing had slowed to a normal pace.

"Are you okay, Sheldon?" Penny asked softly. He nodded against her chest.

"Penny," Sheldon mumbled, "thank you for keeping me safe."

She smiled adoringly into his hair. For now their world was perfect. After all, Pasadena was a long way away.