Author's Note: Thank you for reading part 1 of this story. If you interested Part two will simply be called, Killing Pandora's God Part 2. Next part will more than likely have more chapters than this one. Am I going to continue this series? Yes, mainly because a few of you seem to be liking it, and I don't particularly like letting anyone down when I can.

Chapter 6: An End to Boredom

Mission(s): Best Minion Ever * Main Mission

Still feeling tired all four Vault Hunter's realized they needed to get out of Liar's Berg and make it to Sanctuary as soon as possible. So Salvador along with Maya approached Sir Hammerlock, while Gaige bought supplies from the vending machines and game most of it to Krieg to carry. Krieg then distributed it among his fellow meat grinders, and a few minutes after Sir Hammerlock finished talking the Vault Hunters were ready to leave.

Sir Hammerlock asks, "So, how are you enjoying Liar's Berg? This town used to have a spectacular amount of hustle and or bustle before its denizens fled to the town of Sanctuary to escape Jack's army. Most of them anyway. Captain Flynt's men killed anyone who stayed."

After Sir Hammerlock spoke, the Vault Hunters checked their gear, ammo, and made sure every single one of them had at least two med hypos – Maya since she could move the fastest ended up having five. Salvador walks to the left of Sir Hammerlock and grabs Claptrap, 'grabs' as in kicking awake. After shaking himself off Claptrap speaks.

"Flynt and I had a gentlemen's agreement in the past. I give him the loot from the bodies Jack ditches in the glacier, he promises not to torture me for hours at a time, then he does it anyway. But that ends today! We're going to take him out, steal my ship back, and sail to Sanctuary. Let's go this way!"

Salvador leads the group behind Claptrap, with Krieg up next Gaige second to last, and Maya bringing up the rear. They make their way through Liar's Berg in a single file line spaced out every few feet – but still keeping in sight of each other.

Captain Flynt then explains, "Here's what's gonna happen, Vault Hunter. My first mate Boom Bewm is gonna kill ya, Jack's gonna pay us, and I'm gonna play hopscotch in your chest cavity."

Claptrap says, "Now be careful taking down Boom Bewm. He's one of the 'ripper' clan. As in, flesh ripper. I don't have to tell you why their called that. … They're called that because they rip people's flesh off."

Becoming too focused on other things no one bothers to turn off their ECHOs when Handsome Jack starts to speak, "Hey! How – ah, these pretzels suck – How's your day been, buddy? We haven't really talked much since I left you for dead. Hey, you think you'll freeze to death out there? Nah, probably not. Bandits'll get you first. My day? It's been pretty good. Just bought a pony made of diamonds. Yeah, because I'm rich. So you know, that's cool. Kay bye."

The companionship – would've been fellowship if Maya hadn't been there, Salvador's a little peeved but thinks he can get over it – make it past the gate and are halfway down the slope when Claptrap (who some how got ahead of Salvador by a good twenty feet) screams.


Somehow the bandit village at the bottom of the hill is filled with a small collection of bandits, even though the Vault Hunters had at least cleared it 3 times already. Maya take out a bandit taking a seat with her sniper rifle, and a few others come charging out. The remaining three Vault Hunters each take one, and pretty soon once more arrive and fall victim to Krieg's buzzaxe there is a pile of bandit corpses stacked up next to an explosive gas tank. Also all four Vault Hunters like the synergy sounding effect when everyone seemed to refer to them as one person.

Claptrap says in horror, "Minion, what have you DONE?! These were human beings, with lives and families and—I'm totally kidding, SCREW those guys!"

Handsome Jack comes on again, not caring in the slightest of all the death happening below him on Pandora, "I'm racking my brain trying to think of a name for that diamond pony I bought. I was gonna call it 'piss for brains' in honor of you, but that just feels immature. Maybe…'Butt Stallion'? Naw, that's even worse. Tell you what, I'll give it some more thought."

As the Vault Hunters came to the end of the slope and outside the mini bandit village they saw straight ahead of them, built around and spilling from a ship wrecked in the ice – what Salvador liked to call – a bandit infestation. As they crept along the ice wall to their right, still keeping in formation, all four Vault Hunters heard Claptrap's distressed noises coming from up ahead in the only area attached to the wrecked ship.

When the Vault Hunters entered the area, it was discovered that along with the area being connected to the front half of the ship by a bridge mechanism it was also infested with bandits. Maya and Gaige went inside the empty supply crate to their left, and aimed at the two buildings one either end of a raise platform built up against the ice wall.

Maya used her sniper rifle – she was still a little peeved her little group hadn't yet managed to find an elemental sniper – and Gaige used a Vladof rifle called 'Grim Renegade'. Both of them used their guns power and medium to long range in order to quickly eliminate the bandits hiding among the metal coverings, doorways, and the two staircases.

Salvador and Krieg's main job was to draw the bandits out, but when more bandits came from behind form the mini bandit village, Salvador and Krieg were forces to run to either building and massacre the bandits there so they didn't get the jump on their two female companions.

Salvador used a 'Boss Gatling Gun' and tore through is half of the platform, Krieg ran around with his buzzaxe prying bandits out of hiding and then perforated them with his 'Double Lovin' Pounder' Torgue shotgun. After killing the remaining bandits in that area the Vault Hunters gathered around the bridge contraption while Claptrap lowered it.

Handsome Jack than explains, "I should probably clarify – the diamond horse I've been telling you about? It's not a sculpture or anything. It's a living horse that just happens to be made of-actually I'll just go get her. Butt Stallion? Here girl! Butt Stallion say hello. [A horse whinnies] Butt Stallion says hello."

Claptrap suddenly yells, "It's Boom Bewm! AHHHHHHHH!"

The Vault Hunters now stand on the wide deck of the wrecked freighter ship, and Boom jumps up from behind the deck cannon and Bewm comes streaking out from behind his brother using a jetpack – both were midgets.

"Light the fuses, bitches – I'm ready to BLOW!" Boom yells, his brother shouting 'bewm' at odd moments.

Salvador and Krieg rush the jet-packing midget Bewm, while Gaige frantically tries to take down the mechanical turret with just a clip or two from her Grim Renegade assault rifle. A grenade mod drops from Bewm's corpse and Maya picks it up, tossing a modified grenade at the approaching Boom – who had been forced out of the deck gun by Gaige's too close to the head bullets.

Claptrap then comments, "He sure said 'boom' a lot. Looks like he dropped a grenade mod – be sure to equip it!"

The tree Vault Hunters without grenade mods equip at least one then move across the deck to where Claptrap is. Gaige – who simply can't resist – hops in the deck gun. Once Claptrap starts droning on for a good two minutes with no signs of stopping, Gaige blasts the gate, which sends Claptrap flying off.

It was like opening the floodgates; bandits poured out of the gape the missing gate from jest below the small rise. It too at least 5 minutes of Gaige's careful manipulation of the cannon – sending giant explosive bolts – to blast the bandits into stop coming. Gaige hopped out of the deck gun and followed the rest of the Vault Hunters onward, past the dead bodies, 'unlocked' gate, and down slope onto the thin yet thick ice covering the water going from the iceberg and stretching upwards to ensnare Captain Flynt's ship.

"So, uh – I might've tried to stage a mutiny on Flynt's ship before the flash-freeze. Which explains why his men are currently beating the crap out of me. Right, guys?" Claptrap says.

A bandit yells, "Shut up!"


The Vault Hunters make it across the ice, encountering no on else and make it to an ice ledge reaching as high as the top of the locked gate blocking their path.

Captain Flynt says, "So, Claptrap's got a new friend, huh? I gotta say I missed the little hunk a' junk – the noises he made when we set him on fire … brings a tear to my eye."

The Vault Hunters move forward, and with each new are they move in differently ways. Gaige almost always seems to like hanging back and picking people off, forcing Maya to use her siren powers to somehow eliminate big groups of bandits quickly thinning the work for Krieg and Salvador – who take most of the bandit's head on.

Over the sound system a prerecorded message plays:

Captain Flynt: Captain Flynt again, asking if anyone's seen my Claptrap unit. Little bastard escaped a few months back. I've had to use Heaton as my back up torture doll.


Captain Flynt: Just ain't the same.

Up above a bandit jumps from off the edge of Captain Flynt's ship, covered in flames and clutching an explosive barrel. He misses the Vault Hunters and takes out a house sending it and a chunk of the glacier sliding into the sea. Another prerecorded message plays:

Captain Flynt: At the sound of Heaton screaming for his life, it will be two-thirty.

Heaton: WHY?! OH GOD, WHYYYY?!

Captain Flynt: See you again at two-thirty five!

By now most of the lower area, save for the part where Claptrap is being beat up, the snowy floor is soaked in places with bandit blood. As the Vault Hunters get closer and closer to Claptrap, having to chew through an inhumane amount of bandits they hear one last prerecorded message:

Captain Flynt: A few of you have asked me why I keep playing these prerecorded messages on a loop! Well, I've got a great answer for ya: a red-hot poker to the eye. Isn't that right, Claptrap?


Captain Flynt: That's Captain Flynt to you.

After taking out a Badass Marauder, and refilling on med hypos from a Zed's Meds Flynt speaks, "Got a proposition for you two. You and Clappy be our personal torture buddies for life, and we won't kill ya. Think it over. Take your time."

After Maya snipes the enemies in the last are before claptrap, Gaige and Salvador creep up on the bandits beating Claptrap.

Claptrap then does a monolog, and even Gaige who does ECHO casting is impressed at the length, "Ow! Guys you don't HAVE to beat me up – we can talk this through right? Here, I'll do it for you. "Hey Claptrap, how are you?" "I'm fine – I kinda wish you wouldn't beat me up though." "Why?" "Because it really hurts!" "Good point, Claptrap, but beating you up makes us feel really good!" "I know, I now guys. But it makes me feel really bad." "But Claptrap you're a robot, are you even capable of feeling pain?" "Well, uh, no I guess I'm not." "Pummeling you makes us feel good and doesn't hurt you so there's no harm in us continuing to do it, right?" "Uh now that I've actually talked it all out, you guys have the moral high ground here. Pummel away!""

Silently Salvador snaps two dudes' necks at the same time, while Gaige simply shoots the remaining two bandits in quick deadly succession.

Claptrap then jumps up proclaiming, "Suck it, Flynt! My new minion's a bonafied badass."

The Vault Hunters, running sort of low on ammo at this point decide to send Gaige back and loot the majority of the loot crates for ammo. While Gaige does this, grumbling at whey she has to do this – she hears shots and a few explosions following Claptraps yelling, "PROTECT ME, SQUIRE!"

When Gaige makes it back to the area – with a rather large bonfire in the middle surrounded by bandit houses on one side – she can't seem to find the Vault Hunters. As Gaige struggles with the ammo load she decides to strap it all to her back and contain it using digistruct technology.

It takes Gaige a few minutes and as such, she sees both Claptrap being raised via platform, and Maya calling out for her. Gaige responds and Maya runs back down through the ship support system to Gaige's location. When Maya reaches the Mechromancer the Siren comments, "Hey, that robot arm of yours do anything?"

Up until that point Gaige had completely forgotten about why she had cut off her arm and replaced with a robotic limb in the first place. Gaige replies, "Yup, he'll be here soon I've just been charging my arm up." In reality Gaige's robotic arm had been charged since she had first built it, but Gaige neglected to say that in light of not telling the Siren the real reason she hadn't brought out Deathtrap yet.

When Gaige and Maya managed to make it all the way up to the entrance to the deck of Captain Flynt's ship, they found Krieg and Salvador backed into a corner by a multitude of bandits. Both men were furiously fending off the bandits, Krieg with his buzzaxe and pure strength and Salvador with his fists and Gatling Gun.

While Maya accepted ammo from Gaige then proceeded to help her friends in need Captain Flynt was left alone to face … Gaige.

Captain Flynt jumps down to the deck and says, "It's our new torture dolls, boys! Let's turn up the heat!"

Slowly Gaige brings up her left arm and out of the air in front of her, a giant free floating metal robot with one glowing red eye and digistruct claws materializes out of thin air. While Gaige tosses grenades to keep Captain Flynt's shield down, Deathtrap takes swinging powerful swipes at the bandit captain.

The over calibration of Deathtrap's claws Gaige through was a bad thing, actually turned out to be just right. Deathtrap's claws eventually once Captain Flynt's shield disappeared cut through the big bandit like butter. Pretty soon Captain Flynt's innards and blood stained the floor of his own ship and Gaige was about to congratulate Deathtrap when the pain lanced through her shoulder.

Cutting deep reminding Gaige that the fitting of her mechanical arm hadn't been done by a professional, and the melding of human and machine hadn't gone as seamlessly as Gaige had hoped. Gaige got rid of Deathtrap and turned back to check on the other Vault Hunters, they seemed to be doing okay – despite the fact that they were covered in blood (mainly due to Krieg's antics with his buzzaxe as Gaige was told later) they were all laughing.

Claptrap hopes up again and proclaims mainly to Gaige, "BOOYAH! You're the most fearsome warrior this glacier's ever seen, pal!"

Gaige, unable to contain her excitement, begins asking the other Vault Hunters questions. Salvador stops her saying, "Come on Gaige, you're one of us now. The way you must have torn apart Captain Flynt, I say you have a thirst for blood that proves you're a Vault Hunter – a hundred times over!"

The comment coming from Salvador means more to Gaige than she lets on.

Claptrap says, "All right, now we just have to get to my ship!"

As the Vault Hunters quietly talk among them selves, Claptrap opens the door leading to the back of the ship their way off the blood soaked glacier.

A fairly small, but still sailable by the look of it, ship is suspended by a giant pulley and claw system up in the air. Claptrap exclaims on the sight of it, "There she is! Me mighty vessel! Lower her into the water, ye salty dog!"

All four Vault Hunters get on the ship, Claptrap coming on last. Salvador has the mind to turn in the mission to Claptrap and collect the reward.

"And now to set sail for Sanctuary! Toot toot!"