AN. Hello my lovelies! How are you doing on this fine evening? I've made so many spelling mistakes on that on sentence alone but you cant see that thanks to the power of editing! Haha. My brain is a pile of mush today and I'm about to do archery with my dad. Fingers crossed I don't somehow shoot him by accident *crosses fingers*. So anyway… THANK YOU ALL SO SO SO MUCH FOR ALL THE AMAZING REVIEWS!

To Saige Chai: Thank you so much for that review it really made my day youre so sweet to say so and btw Iris Vhia... AWESOME NAME \(^-^)/ ! I just may steel it *sneaky eyes*. Don't worry I wont really… maybe. Haha. Again thank you so much for the review it was so cute and sweet.

So here is Chapter 3. ENJOY! :3

Valkyrie's POV

Gordon? It can't be. It just can't. He's dead. But yet he's here. How? Why did he not come back to us? Are my parents here? Please yes. Please let them be here. Please please please. My eyes scan around the deck as much as they can through the small gap in the door. I can't see them yet but there's still so much left of the ship I can't see.

Skulduggery's POV

I lead my good friend Gordon away to somewhere more private to talk. Gordon and I mate when his boat was shipwrecked while he was sailing with his brother and sister-in-law. I saved from the ocean and he stayed with me wanting adventure and knowing of magic. He spoke of his nieces often and how he missed them but not the twin nieces. He hates them and their mother.

Once we arrive at the more private area he glares at me fuming. "That girl… the girl you just kidnapped…"

"Yes what of her?" I tense. He better not have feelings for her also. That is a war he will not win. Besides he is too old for her. I know I'm about four hundred years older than her but at least I look her more to her age.

"She's my niece!"

My eyes widen. "Oh… are you sure? I-," I groan, "She's one of those dreadful twins isn't she? Just my luck."

"What- No! She's Stephanie my favourite!"

My eyes light up and I smile, "The wonderful one! Thank goodness!"

"Anyway that's her! Why? Why did you take her?"

"She's Catalina, or, I think she is. She looks just like her." He stops dead. Not many know of Catalina. But he does. I take out a locket from under my shirt. It was her old locket, Catalina's. Its big and gold with a ruby heart on it and falls down to a between a woman's chest. In it contains lock of my hair and hers. I gave it to her as a present. Back then however there were no sck things as pictures. Lockets were used to store a lock of hair from loved ones to keep them close. That's what she did with her locket. On the chain is an iron band that is a ring matching the one on my wedding finger but her one is smaller. On both the words, "Love you forever. My love is undying," are engraved on them. They are not wedding rings. Unfortunately we were not married yet before her death. I don't wear my wedding band from being married to Aoife. Her and I loved each other but we were not in love. She was more like a sister to me. But Catalina is the only woman I ever loved. Aoife and I's marriage was the two of us needing a favour. She was, as I heard the new term is, a lesbian and she couldn't allow anyone to suspect that by staying single. And I just needed someone to be Kellys mother after Catalina died and many would look down on Kelly to be born out of wedlock so I told everyone Aoife was her mother.

I sigh sadly with tear filled eyes and tuck the locket away and walk away leaving Gordon there stunned.

"G-Gordon?" I hear someone stutter out behind me. I turn to see Catalina or should I say, Stephanie.

Valkyrie's POV

"G-Gordon?" I stutter out approaching slowly. I see him tense and turns to me slowly. My eyes dart around the ship looking for my parents I'm so excited to see them.


I run and hug him tightly. I cant help but let my tears stream down my face. "You're alive!"

He hugs me back closely, "Yes Stephie. I am."

"Are my parents here? Where are they?" I look around

"Steph…" he starts quietly, gravely. I turn back to him, his eyes are sad and full of tears. "They didn't make it. I'm so sorry." He hugs me again. My arms are limp around him.

I suddenly throw myself away glaring, "Where were you? Why didn't you come back? Because of you Alice and I were stuck with Beryl and Fergus! Do you know how awful they are? You left us all alone! Don't you care about us?" Now I don't care if they see me cry. From the side of my eye I see the captain. I glance at him. Its looks sad and furious. He glares at Gordon but looks at me with sadness and sympathy.

"Of course I care about you. It's just I had nothing for me in Dublin-," he stops wide eyed as he realises what he just said, "Oh no. Steph that's not-," I run away cutting him off. I go back to the Captains quarters and sit on one of the elegant couches and cry into my hands.

I don't know how long I cry for but I know it's a while. I hear the Captain screaming but I don't listen. I cant believe my uncle, the only family I had left after thinking he was dead, doesn't want us. Alice and I mean nothing to him.

All of a sudden I feel a soft hand on my shoulder and look up to see the captain. He looks down at me with sad eyes and smiles softly, "How are you feeling?" All I do is shrug and look down. "If it helps he, Gordon, spoke of you a lot. He cares about you and your sister very much and missed you both terribly."

I scoff, "Then why did he abandon us? Why did he let us believe he was dead?"

He sighs sitting next to me, "I think it's best if he explain that."

We sit in silence before I ask, "Why did you take me?"

He opens his mouth to speak but Ghastly runs in, "Captain! Theres a wealthy ship not far away. A very wealthy ship. If we attack we've struck gold. Literally."

Skulduggery stands with a nods. He turns to me, "Stay here. Please. For your safety." With that he leaves and I'm left alone.

AN. Another chapter finished! Awesome! Oh and I did the archery and no injuries and 3 bullseyes! Awww yayyyaaaahhh! Hope you liked this chapter. Please R&R! Until next time :)