"CASTIEL!" came a yell from the kitchen.

The said red-head who was on the couch in the next room watching TV, let out an annoyed sigh. He could tell by her voice that Candy was not in a good mood, and the fact that it had something to do with him made the situation all the more worse.

"What?" he called out, not even bothering to hide his annoyance or to get up from where he was.

Candy came barging in from the kitchen looking as if she was about to commit murder. If this was at school, he would have guessed she just had a spat with Amber. Unfortunately, her beef was with him.

She walked to the table, grabbed the remote and continued to shut the TV off before standing in front of Castiel with her arms crossed.

"What gives?!" he asked in a raised voice, getting more annoyed at her.

The petite girl paused for effect before speaking.

"How many times do I have to tell you to clean off your plate before putting it in the sink?!" she yelled.


That's what this is about?!

Do not be fooled, the couple did love each other very much. However, like all relationships, they had their habits that drove the other completely crazy. Castiel's habit of not cleaning off his plate was one of them.

"That's why you're flipping out?" Castiel said with intense sarcasm.

"Seriously, is it so hard to just throw the rest of it away? Do you have to leaving everything in the sink?!" she berated.

If he was in a better mood, he would have just started teasing her to the point where she would forget all about it. But it had been a long day. Nathaniel had really pissed him off, and her she was complaining.

"If you do not like it, you're welcome to leave!" he yelled without thinking.

She stared at him blankly for a second before turning on her heel to the bedroom and slamming the door.

Great. Just great.

He regretted the words the moment he said them. But he knew if he went into the bedroom after her now it would only make things worse. He decided to give her some time before he went in and apologized. Also, he figured maybe it was a good idea to do the dishes.

An hour and a half went by and not a sound was heard from the bedroom. Castiel had done the dishes but now he was getting worried. He prayed he didn't make her that upset. After a few seconds of convincing himself, he made his way to the bedroom door.

Taking a moment to listen for any sound, he slowly opened the door. She was laying on the bed reading a book, not even looking up or acknowledging his presence. Holding back a sigh, he walked over to the bed and climbed in next to her. Again, she didn't move.

Hesitantly, he turned on his side and wrapped his arms around Candy, praying that she wouldn't pull away. He felt about a ton of weight lift off his shoulders when she didn't. Pulling her against his chest, he leaned over and placed a kiss on the side of her neck. She responded by grabbing his hand and squeezing it tenderly.

"I heard you doing the dishes in the kitchen. Thanks" she whispered.

He kissed her again.

"You're not welcome to leave. So don't even think about it. Not that you have a choice either way." he smirked and tightened his grip on her as if to reinforce his point.

She shifted and Castiel loosened his grip on her so she could roll over and face him.

"Sorry, but you're stuck with me." she said with a devious smile.

He smirked and pressed his lips to hers. She immediately took control and began knotting her fingers in his hair and deepening the kiss. Her sudden friskiness caught him off guard, but he certainly wasn't complaining. Considering the events leading up to this was ultimately his fault, he allowed her to take control. Something he would very soon regret.

She shifted and climbing on top of him so that she was straddling his waist. His hands rested on her hips as he looked up at the smirking girl. Again, her caught this sudden boldness as odd but did not think much of it. She leaned down and kissed him again, this time running her tongue on his bottom lip, asking permission. He was more than willing to grant her access.

As her tongue was ravaging his mouth, she began to grind her hips slowly against his crotch. His cheeks immediately began to flare up as his member began to harden inside his pants.

"C-Candy?" he began, but was cut off when he felt something cold snap onto his wrist. He looked up in confusion and before he knew what was happening, the same cold snapped on to his other wrist. It took him a second to realize that Candy had handcuffed him to the headboard.

"H-Hey! What is this?!" He asked half concerned, half aroused as he tug at the handcuffs.

They had used handcuffs in the bedroom before, if only once or twice. But it was always him that was in charge. And being the one in the submissive position made him more than anxious.

Candy looked down at him with an evil look in her eye. A look that sent a shiver down the red head's spine and only heightened his anxiety.

"Well, obviously I couldn't let you off scott free." she laughed.

"What the hell are you going to do?!" he demanded, pulling at the handcuffs again.

She chuckled.

"Something that will hopefully teach you the meaning of actions and consequences, and take care of this little problem." she said as she reached down and stroked his member through his jeans.

Her words only made him harder and her touch was making his pants feel unnaturally tight. But he wasn't going to play her game, so he stayed silent.

She leaned in and kissed him again, only this time one hand was caressing his cheek while the other was stroking his hardening length. He was so unbearably turned on right now. At this point, begging didn't sound like a bad idea.

Breaking free of the kiss, she lowered herself so that she was at the zipper of his jeans. She was taking her sweet time unbuttoning his pants and it was unbearable.

"For the love of fuck, Candy! Stop teasing me and get on with it!" he begged.

She came back up and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Patience, love." she said before returning to her work below.

She finally undid his pants and pulled them down so that just his member and the top of his thighs were visible. She kissed the tip which resulted in a gasp from the bound red head.

"C-Candy..." he moaned as she began working on his length.

One hand was pumpimg the base of his cock while the other was gently caressing his thigh. That, combined with Candy's mouth on the head and the feeling of being tied up, it was nothing like he had ever felt before. He wouldn't last much longer at this rate.

Suddenly, she stopped everything she was doing.

"Why did you stop?" he asked confused.

She looked at his cock as if contemplating something.

"You seem to be enjoying this quite a lot. It's not really a punishment when you think about it. Maybe I should just leave you like this. I think that would be much more fitting." she said.

"You wouldn't." he said with a cracked voice.

"Would I?" she asked sweetly.

There was no way out of this. The only way to get release (in more ways than one) was to give her what she wanted.

"Please, don't leave me here. Please." he begged.

She reached up and caressed his cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned into her touch.

"Fine." she said.

Suddenly, all of his senses were on overload again. She was pumping harder as her mouth began to fuck him more furiously.

At this point, he had forgotten what the fight was all about or how he had ended up in this position. Nor did he care. He let up another gasp as she rolled her tongue over the sensitive skin. Oh, how he wished he could touch her right now.

"C-Candy please. If you keep doing that..."

She took that as a sign to continue, but not before flashing him a flirting smirk.

He tried to buck his hips into her mouth, but her hand held him down. She sucked harder and faster until he finally couldn't keep it in anymore.

"C-Candy! I'm gonna...UGH!" he moaned as he spent himself in her mouth.

She swallowed it all and then gave his member one last kiss before fixing his pants and releasing the handcuffs. Once they were released, she slid down to lay beside him.

Immediately, he slid over to rest his head on her chest. He was still panting slightly when her arms wrapped themselves around his shoulders. He buried his face deeper into chest as her hands began to softly stroke his hair.

Normally, he would make a comment about how flat she was and how she made a terrible pillow. But for now, he was just enjoying the feeling of her holding him.

She kissed the top of his head.

"So, have we learned our lesson?" she asked sweetly.

In truth, Castiel would probably try to piss her off more often if this is what it would lead to. But naturally, he couldn't let her get away with putting him in such a vulnerable position.

"Just wait until tonight, ironing board." he said.

He smirked when he felt Candy tensed up underneath him.

Yes, he would definitely be leaving his food in the sink more often.