Hello people and welcome to a new story for my many already.

But as many of you call them good or need some work stories

But anyway welcome to my newest and one of my bloodiest

Stories ever Fox Killer

Chapter 1: apprentice of a killer

It was a dark night out in the village of Konoha as the many people of the village were celebrating the 7 year anniversary of the defeat of the Kyuubia or nine tail demon. Their fourth hokage was able to stop and seal the beast into his three children with each having different things like one having the yin, the other the yang, and the last the soul. Right now at the house of the fourth hokage Minato Namikaze and his wife Kushina Uzamaki, along with the entire clan as after the fox attack Kushina was able to find any surviving Uzamaki. They along with others invited we're celebrating their child's brith and when people see this they think it is a happy family, but if they new the truth they would have a different view of the Uzamaki Namikaze family as one of the members a boy named Naruto was upstairs in his room packing clothes and Uzamaki Namikaze scrolls into a sealing scroll as he had a sad face as he heard the cheers of happy birthday downstairs, but Naruto doesn't care, much since this has been going on since he was 4 and his parents focus more on his brother and sister as they hold the chakra of the fox and so they must be trained to be ready for the task at hand, but when promised training soon all he got was Neglectful and beatings from the villagers who think he is the Kyuubia in human skin and attack every time he is locked out of his home which is a lot if he is forgotten so much.

After getting his stuff together he left a note by his desk as he opened his window and jumped out into the night as he jumped from roof to roof until he past the guards that were watching the gate to konoha, but we're drinking and looked pretty drunk so it was easy to get past them. As Naruto was jumping tree to tree he did not notice the three shadows that were following him until a kunia was thrown was thrown at the tree he was about to jump on exploding and sending him flying towards the ground and as he was getting up three people in jounin uniforms surrounded him.

"Well if it isn't the demon, pretty far out from home and it looks like we can finally have our revenge for liking our families," said one of the jounins.

Naruto knew he couldn't get out of this one so he pulled out a kunia to fight back, but if he was trying to act tough or brave he failed as when they charged he was not able to hold them off for more then five minutes before he was stabbed in the arm and the bloodbath began. Naruto knew he couldn't have bait them, but maybe escape but he dropped his bag of scrolls when the kunia exploded and he hardly had any training since his parents didn't train him and he had to do it by himself.

As Naruto lay on the ground getting beaten, stabbed, burned, crushed, etc. he couldn't help, but to grow a deep hatred for his family and something was telling him to go back their and kill everyone in the house, clan(since they look down upon him) and everyone in the village who has wronged him and kill them slowly and painfully. As Naruto watched the three jounins finish their revenge they each were about to finish him off, but before they could they stopped when the jounin in the middle made a grunting Noise as the other two looked at their leader and their eyes grew wide as they saw a glowing blue blade right were his heart is as the jounin eyes turned pale before he was pushed off the blade and his life less bodying fell to the ground while the blade retracted back into the dark forest as the two jounin came back to back with fear in their eyes watching for any movement.

Naruto with the little site he could see watched this happen and wondered if he was going to be saved or brought back to the village. He really didn't want to go back towards that place, because if he did then he knew he would kill the family member who tried talking to him. The last thing Naruto saw was a shadow of a man 6.9 in height with a white mask that covered his whole face except his eyes which were a dark brown, dark blue suit and two gosling dark blue knifes which were used to cut the heads off the two jounins, before his world went black.

Five Hours Later

Naruto opened his eyes and as he did he saw that he was no longer in the forest with blood all over him, but in a room with the moon light going through the only window and bandages covering his chest and arms while he had his pants on. He looked around the room to see it was just like a hospital room except a little more dark. He then heard the door knob turn and the door open and as he looked over to the person who saved him it was the man he saw who killed the two jounins. He walked towards Naruto and stopped at the edge of his bed as his eyes focused on him with a calculating stare.

"Hey thanks for the save, a Mr…," said Naruto trying to get the mans name.

The man didn't say anything except for just stare at him until the man raised his hand and put it behind his head as he started to take his mask off till Naruto could see that the man looked young and those eyes of his could tell anyone that he has seen war and come back twice.

"My name is something I don't take pride in and by the look in your eyes you don't take pride in both of your last names as by the bandages on your body and the pain of those you used to call family, am I right Naruto Uzamaki Namikaze," said the man.

Naruto's eyes grew wide as he looked at the stranger who apparently knew his name, but he hadn't met this person before."How do you know my name Mr," said Naruto since he didn't want to anger the man who took out three jounin.

"Let's just say I know more things than you do yourself and that I am someone who also wants to revenge against your former family and I can help you get it if you trust me," said the man.

Naruto looked at the man trying to find any lie, but so far he could see none and if he was right then he could get his revenge against not only his former family, but everyone in the village who has wronged him and make them feel what he felt, pain.

"If you could get me my revenge then I will follow you and kill if I have to have my revenge," said Naruto as he gave a determined face."But first what is your name," he asked.

"Well I go by many names, the night killer, Mask of death, etc. but you can call me Michael Uzamaki Myers."

Well their goes my first chapter of

Fox Killer

And I hoped you liked it, because if not go ahead and

Flame me, because I ain't gonna give a fuck about what

You say I am just going to keep on writing also

To the one name guest if you don't like it then I got two words for you

Fuck Off

Read and review