Author's note sorry if it's not amazing, this is my first attempt at writing any kind of fanfiction


The month is September the leaves are turning colours and being piled up to jump in, Jack looked around as he made his way back to work, he sees groups of kids running home from school, and younger ones jumping into piles of leaves. A smile spreads across Jack's face as he sees the fun they are having, causing him to reminisce of the days when he was a kid "I wish…" he mumbled under his breath. Jack looked back towards the kids which is probably why he didn't see the person standing in front of him "oomph!" just as he braces himself to hit the ground he is stopped midair, Jack slowly opened his eyes, and a shiver ran down his spine as he was greeted with shining emerald green eyes that are currently looking down at him in concern, the strangers hair shines in the light of the sun showing a tint of blue in his black hair, Jack swallows as he feels the strangers arms flex around him as he lifts him back into a standing position,

"Are you alright?" the stranger raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth when Jack just continues to stare, he's Australian, his accent gives him away, his body is lean, he's tall his overall look would bring most people to him, heck I'd… Jack shook my head trying to clear it

"Sorry ... and thanks for grabbing me there, my name is Jack Frost" Jack smiled up at him, but the Stranger just looked down at a piece of paper in his hands,

"You're my contact?" the man's voice held annoyance, as he looked Jack up and down. Jack knew what he was thinking, Jack looked really young after all and it pissed him off,

"You're Aster?" Jack's voice heightened as he mimicked the other man's annoyance, the man only gave a curt nod. I knew I would be dealing with a rookie as my new partner, but what he couldn't figure out was why Aster was calling him, his contact, then like a lightbulb going off it hit him. "What did the boys down at the station tell you?" Jack tried to stop myself from grinning,

"That I had a contact that was… um rough around the edges" Aster looked unsure if he should be telling Jack, but Jack was too busy laughing to care,

"I'm going to kill them when I get back to the station," Jack said between laughs, and labored breaths. The boys at the station tended to pull one over on the new guys whenever they arrived, Jack's first memory of the precinct involved a lot of whip cream; the annoying memory calmed down Jack's laughing fit. Finally he pulled himself together enough to get a coherent sentence out, "They lied, plus they wouldn't send you to meet a contact without briefing you on the case first." Aster blushed at his apparent mistake, damn he's even cute when he blushes "Anyway I'm your new partner, nice to meet you." Jack held out his hand welcomingly, but Aster just looked at it,


Crikey I'm doomed Aster thought to himself in annoyance as he looked down at the slim arm stretched towards him. He was taller than the man in front of him by a foot or more, Jack's frame is slim, and almost fragile, his hair white like snow, his eyes are a bright blue, and are currently staring at me causing a jolt of lust to run down my body, "are you serious," Aster had just arrived to this precinct and it looked to him as though they're sticking him with the runt of the litter. Jack's face contorted with anger at his words, he looked as angry as a cut snake.

"That's what I said when they decided they were sticking me with a transfer, have you ever actually held a gun or did you just push papers for the people who actually did the work," Aster's fist connects with his face so fast Aster himself didn't even process what he had done, "oh shit" just as Aster went to apologize, Jack retaliated by tackling Aster to the, and pinning his hands behind his back "I don't have time for some wet behind the ears newbie, get yourself together or go push some papers."

Aster rolled his shoulders "yeah, fine" when Jack let Aster go and stood up, Aster tensed as a pain shoots through his shoulder he rubs it as he stand up trying to work the knot of pain out, what a great time for old injuries to start popping up Aster thought sarcastically.

Jack looked at Aster's shoulder before turning around and continuing his walk that he was on before bumping into him; his hips swayed slight as he walked, "Are you coming or not," his voice softer now probably guessing what was wrong with Asters shoulder, Aster walks towards him each of his strides almost doubling his partners, this partnership is going to be…difficult, Aster sighed just as he caught up with him.

Author's note: if you have any ideas or suggestions to improve the story go ahead and tell me all is welcome… this as not my best it will get better. To all who ask I did change the perspective just so it would be easier to follow I hope it worked