TranZit Diner

"Who are these people?" Misty asked while she panicked to put her clothes back on along with Marlton. "I have no idea, they're not Russ or Stuhlinger that's for sureā€¦," Marlton said putting his pants and shirt back on.

The three individuals were hard to recognize at first due to the overwhelming amount of fog outside of the rundown diner. Upon closer inspection Marlton began to see who these people were, or at least what they looked like.

The farthest to the left was a blonde, white female. She had her hair tied back in a ponytail. She wore a small black tank top that showed off her midriff. She wore red pants and had a bandaged wound on her right arm. She was holding an M16 assault rifle.

The person in the middle wore a red bandana and had a thick mustache. He looked like he had just gotten back from a warzone with muscular, tattooed arms and a vest that showed up the rest of his built, upper body. He had tan skin and held some type of shotgun.

The last person that was to the right had a white bandana strapped across his shaved head. He was a white male, and was bleeding from the forehead. He wore a black leather jacket and had a grizzly look in his face.

The three individuals started walking towards the diner, their weapons were drawn pointing in every direction to make sure no zombies would come out and surprise them. They had not noticed Marlton and Misty.

"Crap! What are we gonna do, introduce ourselves?" Marlton asked in a scared voice. "We don't even know who they are Marly, we can try and sneak out the back," Misty said, putting her hat back on. Marlton nodded to Misty as they proceeded to crouch walk towards the back door of the diner. They silently left the building but stayed near the door to try to listen in on the three individuals that were coming towards the diner.

A/N: You know in the last chapter I said I would upload another chapter in a year then I said JK. Well it looks like I wasn't JK and I went overboard on the laziness. I had honestly NOT forgotten about these fictions I just had no interest in doing them anymore. This chapter wasn't an official chapter, it's only to tease what will come next. If you read the dialogue word by word here you might recognize these people, and I will be doing research on them to introduce them properly in the next chapter, which will come out whenever I may finish it. Thanks for viewing, I'll see you soon hopefully if I don't hibernate again.