After calling a cab and rushing her to the hospital, Alfie was by Kat's side in a hospital cubicle.

"...The bleeding should stop soon, but if it persists, you come straight back here. Also, no intercourse for a few weeks, that'll give time for the bleeding to stop and your cervix to close again…" the doctor explained to Kat.

Alfie put his hand in Kat's. Kat didn't remove it.

"I'm sorry for your loss," the doctor added, "you may change into your clothes again and you may go home,"

"Thank you doctor," Alfie said, while Kat just looked down to the floor.

"I'll leave you to it," Alfie told her as he kissed her forehead and closed the curtain to give Kat some space to dress herself again.

Alfie's phone started ringing. It was Stacey.

"Alfie where are you? Kat's not answering her phone!" Stacey yelled through the phone.

"Yeah sorry, we're at the hospital, Kat just miscarried…" Alfie said in a sad tone.

"What? All so sudden?!" Stacey uttered, "so she told you then?"

"Yeah she just started bleeding- wait did you know Kat was pregnant?!" Alfie asked confused.

"Yeah, I was the only one she told, she didn't want to tell anyone, not even you if it wasn't for me…" Stacey explained.

"Oh right… well I'm bringing her home soon, are the kids back?" Alfie asked.

"Yeah they are, I'll try to feed the twins and put them to sleep, because the last thing Kat needs to hear is screaming babies, I'll see you soon yeah?"

"yeah cheers Stacey," Alfie said before he hung up. He then took a deep breath in and out.

Alfie took her home and walked Kat all the way to her bedroom so she could rest. Kat sat down on the bed staring into space.

"So…" Alfie uttered as he sat down beside her, "so it's my.. our baby then…" Alfie still wanted to know answers.

"It WAS our baby…" Kat uttered, "I was like 8, 9 weeks… something like that…" she added, not looking at him.

"I just still can't believe it… Kat why didn't you tell me earlier?" Alfie asked her.

"I didn't want to… anything could've happened… see if I haven't told you, this would've happened and you would never know!" Kat snapped.

"You know what this is… it's a sign… bringing us closer together…" Alfie told Kat, as he took her hands in his.

Kat finally looked at him, "I'll tell you it's a sign alright! It's a sign that we're not meant to be, ain't it? I mean, if it was fate, it would've happened like the twins have… but this was a mistake right from the start! It's my fault for checking too early.. I wouldn't have known and now we would carry on as usual… but now, it's a sign that we should bury this and move on…" Kat blurted out, "without each other…"

"What?…" Alfie uttered.

"yeah… to be completely honest, if it wasn't for Stacey and her constant nagging, I would've gotten rid of it in the first place! because we are over, Alfie!" Kat snapped.

"Kat, you don't mean that…" Alfie was shocked, "you would've seriously gotten rid of our baby without telling me?"

"Yeah I do Alfie, it's the truth! I'm a horrible person… we don't deserve each other…" Kat said in tears.

"Kat, you need to rest-" Alfie thought Kat needed some time to get over this and then speak clearly.

"No, look, we've already said what we had to say… I appreciate you taking me to the hospital and everything, but I think you should go now, I need some time alone, please," Kat said as she stood up and opened the bedroom door for him, "will you just go please?"

Alfie stunned, stood up and slowly walked out of the room. Kat shut the door behind him, and slid to the floor crying her eyes out.


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