Bumblebee was in his alt form. He was just chilling in a parking lot, waiting for further instructions from Prime. Things were going slow. He and Sam would be out cruising right now. But as fate would have it, jobs were very important to the life of a human. That's when he felt something strange from the driver's side of the door. Sam must have been in a hurry. But the voice wasn't Sam's. Of all the things to happen to the alien robot. Getting carjacked was nothing he had expected.

"There now all I have to do is hotwire this beauty and.." before he could even get his grubby hands on any of the wires, Bee started himself. "Huh? That's weird. Didn't know this was one of them electric cars or some shit." Bumblebee thought this would be an interesting experience. He was bored out of his circuits anyways. "Now this is gonna be fun." From the rearview mirror Bumblebee could see the ugly mug of the man who had carjacked him. His hair was slicked back with way too much hair gel. Beard slicked in gel as well. It made Bee sick to his internal hard drives, that man was just the definition of ugly. He moved the mirror away so he wouldn't have to face him.

"Man I'm gonna sell you for big bucks, man those guys weren't lying when they wanted me to stea...I mean take you out on a little joy ride. Either way I get to have a little fun with you." He slammed on the accelerator and did several donuts before leaving the parking lot and down the highway. That's when Bee decided to have a little fun. He went through his endless playlist and started playing songs that fit the moment.

On the road again, goin' places that I've never been…

"What the fuck? The hell is wrong with this radio." The guy brushed it off and decided to keep on driving. He passed several red lights without a care and started to light up a ciggerate, ashes falling on Bee's newly cleaned floors.

'Rude...' Bumblebee thought as he automatically slammed on the breaks. The guy's face colliding with the steering wheel as he didn't put on his seatbelt.

Remember to wear your seatbelt at all times, thank you… A woman's voice had blared out of Bee's radio.

"SHIT." The man's nose started bleeding. "Man even for a nice looking car this thing has a few problems. But damn, she is one hell of a ride." Bumblebee almost lost it when he was referred to as a girl. Albeit the man didn't know that Bee was a transforming alien robot.

'Oh hell no..' he thought as he proceeded to let the man drive him. His circuits sparked as he came up with an idea. They had driven to a well populated area. The driver spotted a fine looking woman and went to pull up next to her.

"Hey sweetheart. Come here often? The name's Dick." he hollered. He smiled at her with surprisingly white teeth. The woman tensed up and turned to look at the man. The driver was shocked to find that the presumably hot blond that he was talking to had a beard. Said woman turned out to be a man. Bumblebee stifled a laugh as he turned on his radio.

Dude looks like a lady! That! That! Dude looks like a lady!

The dude who was mistaken as a woman looked pissed off so the carjacker sped away. "Fucking close...way too close." He decided to park in a secluded area to relax. Then suddenly Bee started to play an iconic song.

If there's something strange, in your neighborhood. Who ya gonna call?...GHOSTBUSTERS

The Ghostbusters theme kept on playing as Bumblebee started to have a little fun. He started driving on his own. The look on Dick's face was priceless.

"Holy shit...Satan's Camaro!" He tried to open the doors but they were locked. He was panicking like there was no tomorrow. Just to scare the man even more Bumblebee started blaring music into the car.

I'M ON A HIGHWAY TO HELL. HIGHWAY TO HELL! Dick was now shrieking.

'Bumblebee, what is going on?' the familiar voice of the autobot leader had come on, on a frequency only Bumblebee could hear. 'Sam has informed us that you were not where he left you. Is something wrong?'

'Oh nothing...just got carjacked.' He stated sheepishly.

'Enough fooling around Bumblebee. Go back to Sam and that is an order.' Optimus told the young bot.

'Aww come on. I'm just having a little fun.'

'Bumblebee…' Optimus warned.

'You're not the boss of me I can do whatever I wa...' He stopped mid sentence as the familiar blue and red flamed truck appeared behind him. Bee's vocal processors were still on the fritz and he started to incoherently play random audio clips. Ranging from animals noises, dolphin clicks and swears in many of earth's languages. Bee sighed...if he was in trouble he was going to choose the perfect song.



Bumblebee could hear Optimus honk his horn angrily. They revved down the highway, Dick was having a mental breakdown. And it was a miracle that no police cars were on duty at the time. Say for a few scattered cars driving here and there, it was just them.

'Bumblebee don't make me say it again.' Optimus was met with silence. 'Bumblebee if you do not stop this nonsense right now. I'm going to have to ground you. Meaning you can no longer see Sam or come on any missions until you've learned your lesson. You will, how the humans say. Be under house arrest.' His tone left no room for arguing.

Bumblebee hit the brakes and unlocked the doors. Dick ran out as fast as he could. Screaming and shouting about Satan and eating weird mushrooms. Optimus then lead Bumblebee to a deserted warehouse where they both transformed. Bumblebee guiltily eyed the ground, not meeting Optimus' optics.

"Bumblebee. I know that you were bored, but that doesn't mean you go gallivanting around and scare the spark out of humans." He was met with low beeps and buzzes. Optimus sighed. "Bumblebee. You know better. I'll let you off with a warning this time." The words caused the scout to perk up at his words.

"Man you must be shiting me?" he chose an audio clip. Albeit not the best clip to use in front of Prime.

"I'm not joking Bumblebee. Now go to Sam and please try to stay out of trouble." He advised.

"Aye aye Captain!" He transformed into his alt mode.

"Don't forget to use a holoform. No more mentions of...what was it again?"

"Satan's Camaro…" he explained using a recording of Sam's voice.

"Right. And please for the love of Cybertron...be careful." Bumblebee honked and he activated the holoform. A teenager with blond hair and blue eyes appeared to be driving. With a wave from Bee's holoform. He sped off to Sam. Optimus shook his head and transformed and rolled out. Thinking about all the trouble that Bumblebee could possibly cause in the future.

A/N: So I saw Age of Extinction. Yup...Bee went through a teenage phase and this fic came into mind.