
The young waterbender looked up from her meal to meet the eyes of her brother, who was eyeing her with a highly concerned look. She raised a brow and stared back.

"What happened to your neck?!"

Katara merely blinked, her face scrunching up in confusion. She traced her neck with her fingertips, feeling for something odd, feeling for...


Her hand fell upon a tender spot of skin, and her cheeks flared. Mentally, she cursed herself for being so careless, for forgetting to heal...

"It's just...a bug bite, Sokka. Stop worrying so much."

The warrior let out a small gasp, bringing a hand up to his mouth. She knew he really did care for her and her well being, and she knew the bruise looked...well, like a bruise. But she also knew he had a flair for all things dramatic.

"Well excuse me for caring for my baby sister!" he wailed The waterbender only rolled her eyes. Then, with a heated glare she turned to Zuko, who was examining the bowl that contained his breakfast with more care than was necessary. She huffed.

Toph, however, was the one who broke the silence with a snickering laugh. Sokka and Aang turned to her with confused looks. The Duke, Haru and Teo merely looked at one another and shrugged. Katara shot (useless) daggers at the bling earthbender. Zuko didn't move.

"Yeah, some bug that must've been. Why don't you ask Sparky here about it, I'm sure he knows a thing or two about bugs."

Aang glared towards Zuko, but his eyes widened when they landed upon a similar welt swelling up upon Zuko's fair skin.

"Yeah, actually he has the same bite!" Aang walked over to Zuko to get a closer look, but Zuko's stoic posture finally crumbled. He swatted the Avatar away, standing up with a grumble and a noticeable pink tint to his cheeks.

"Yeah, some bug," he muttered, his scorching gaze now shot towards Katara. She gulped. In a few short strides, the man made his way over to her, grabbed her wrist, and began tugging her towards the Western Air Temple's dormitories.

"Hey, were are you taking my sister!?" Sokka wailed. Katara could feel Zuko's hand heat up as his body shook.

"To look for bugs!" He growled, without looking back.

At a brisk pace, Zuko led the waterbender through the corridors, streaked with the light of the rising sun, until they reached the firebender's room.

Once inside, he let go of Katara, crossing his arms as he stared down at her, fire licking within his irises. She glowered back.


Scrunching up his eyes, the man buried his face into his hands, running them through his locks of shaggy hair. He sighed.

"We...have to be more careful..." he muttered, staring at her again but with a much softer expression lit across his face. She sighed. He was right.

Her eyes widened, however, as she felt a set of fingers caress the side of her face. She looked up to find Zuko standing much closer to her. Her breathe quickened.

He leaned into her ear, his voice hot against her skin.

"That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it." he murmured, his voice no more than rasp. She shivered.

He was so close to her, his lips brushing against her skin, inching higher and higher up her face. However, she was snapped out of the trance when she heard a pair of footsteps approaching.

She pulled back. He scowled.

"Later," she muttered to him with a wry smile.


However, when Zuko was drifting in and out of consciousness, sprawled across his bed after an exhausting day of training the Avatar (who was more concerned with showing him silly airbending tricks than doing his fire squats), he wondered what exactly "later" meant. He fought, trying to keep himself awake with the promise of the blue eyed girl pressed on top of him, her breathing as heavy as his, her kisses fierce along his collar bone...

However, it was a losing battle, and he eventually drifted off into sleep.


Something was over him, on top of him. Touching him, his face, his lips, his scar, his...

He gasped, his organ growing hard as a pair of toned thighs ground against his undergarments. As fought off the sleepy haze he was stuck in, he could feel a trail of kisses along his neck, smooth yet fully ablaze, lingering with a fierce passion. He moaned.

He cracked his eyes open and peered around, only to be met with a bundle of brown locks tickling at his naked chest, and a half naked brown skinned girl looming over him.

"Sorry," she muttered, her words eating at the base of his neck, "I thought you were awake."

He smirked. Sure she did.

However, his smirk was soon replaced with a pair of parted lips that let out a groan, a pair of teeth meeting the flesh of his neck. He buried his hands into her brown mane, jerking his member into her as she sucked along his skin. Oh, Agni...

This girl was going to be the death of him.

She let out a low growl of sorts, that only made his cock stiffen further as his chest gasped. She was slowly killing him, but that was all he could make clear as he was buried in bursting colors of pleasure, eating away at his mind.

He wouldn't allow for it.

With one swift motion, Zuko flipped the girl over, so that is was he that was looming over her. Wild blue eyes met his. He broke the gaze, however, to trace it along the etched outlines of her swollen lips, her toned shoulders, the bindings that kept her lovely chest hidden from him...

As if reading his thoughts, she smirked, tugging at her bindings until they pooled in a heap below her bust. He stifled a gasp as he took in her puckered breasts, nipples swollen. A shudder coursed through his spine.

He opened his mouth, as if to say something, but his brain was betraying him, too hot and heavy to form words.


Blue eyes met his yellow ones as a small smile grew across her face. He blinked.

"You don't have to act so," she waved her hand, smirking just a bit, "You know. Shocked."

Pulling him him closer, she dug her hands into his hair, gripping at his inky tresses.

"You know what I like," she muttered, voice low and fierce, sending Zuko's chest into a fiery blaze. Agni, did he know...

With force, he met her lips with his, sighing into the kiss as he ground his chest against hers, eating up the soft moans that leaked through their kiss. He loved this, he loved pleasing this girl. It shocked him, if he dwelled upon it for too long, that he would enjoy making love to a girl he once called his enemy; a peasant from the north, nothing more than a waterbending child.

But Katara, he realized now, was no child.

With swift determination, she snaked her hand between them. He stilled, a soft whimper escaping him when she felt her hand wrap around his organ.

She tugged, the fabric rubbing against him causing his hips to jerk. He grunted as he felt the corners of her mouth tug beneath his lips.

Two could play at this game.

With a free hand, Zuko pushed Katara deeper into the mess of pillows and blankets. She let out a desperate rasp as he licked along her neck, teeth tugging at her tender skin.

She gasped wildly, however, when her puckered nipples were met with a pinch of two, strong fingers. She tugged him harder.

Heart pounding in his head, he kissed her madly, coating every inch of her soft skin with his hard kisses. She tasted so good, every inch of her perfect, glowing skin was pure delight. Mind spinning with need, his cock throbbing against her bare legs. He needed, he needed...

With wild abandon, his fingers crawled into her under wrappings, and he prodded two fingers inside of her, thrusting as he bit at her lower lip.

Her moans were like something else; they weren't sounds, they were sparks that ignited deep within his heaving chest, sending his mind into a crazed state. He wanted her, he couldn't get enough of those low, desperate sounds.

"Z...Zuko, please...I need..."

He broke.

In a flurry of scratches and tugs, he found himself poised over her shivering body, boring into her wide eyes, his member inches from her slick, puckered lips.

She nodded frantically. He gasped, thrusting himself into her tight, slick warmth. He shuddered. She screamed.

He knew it was not a scream of pain, as it was the first time. No, this was a scream that made his bones splinter and his skin blister. A scream that set fierce flames lapping at his skin.

Her firm nailed dug into his skin, scratching down the length of his own back as he let out a groan. He thrusted harder, her chest bouncing, her eyes crazed, her mouth gasping and moaning and growling for him, for his love, for his pleasure.

He only responded with sloppy kisses along her collar, teeth scratching at her, lips sucking at her. She only whimpered louder.

It was only when his lips tugged at her puckered nipples that she let out a wail, body convulsing into a spastic state of ecstasy as her warmth flooded around his cock. He dug into her shoulders. With one last crazed jerk, he came, crying out a scratchy moan.

He collapsed onto her, their bodies heaving, panting. With a weak shove, Katara managed to remove most of his heavy body from her, as they both drifted off into a blissful slumber.


"What happened to your back?!"

Zuko scowled at Aang, who was staring at him with worried eyes. They were going though a sequence of intermediate firebending forms, and they both had gone shirtless. Firebending was hot.

But as images flooded in of last night, Katara scratching at him in a crazed, blissful state, he cursed. He wasn't aware of how noticeable it was.

Katara and he had both woken up late, and the girl had scrambled to retreat to her own room before the others went to find her She'd only managed to hastily heal the bruises along his neck, and now, he was sure that there were plenty more he'd missed.

Aang only continued to stare, despite Zuko's enraged glare. The monk gaped at him, however, when his grey eyes glazed across his collarbone.

"And...your chest! What happened, Zuko? Tell me!"

Zuko winced at the airbender's shouts, and he was about to hush him up, but once the firebender heard the scramble of feet growing closer, he slumped.

"What's going on...Oh!" Sokka exclaimed, taking in Zuko's appearance. "By bug, did you by any chance mean wild moose lion?"

When Katara and Toph came rushing up to the scene, Zuko couldn't help but smirk. Katara, he was sure, was in no better state than he was; bruises and bites lined her collarbone. Despite the situation, the sight still made his breath quicken.

Toph, sizing up the silence of the situation, decided that a wild laughter would be appropriate.

"If by moose lion, Snoozles, did you mean your sister's claws?"

Katara choked. Zuko wondered why there wasn't any smoke climbing out of his burning body. Aang and Sokka, still stuck in a skeptical confusion, shot their eyes from Zuko to Katara, then back to Zuko."

"Katara...you..." Sokka started, the cogs in his head finally cranking out a conclusion. With blazing eyes and a shaking fist, he turned back to Zuko.

"My sister! You did...stuff, with my sister! I can't believe...for the love of...I'm going to shove you off this damn cliff!"

Zuko sighed. So much for secrecy.