Sweet Blood


Furihata didn't remember much about the transformation in vampire.

But one thing still haunted his dreams: the pain. He clearly recalled how Midorima's and Aomine's fangs entered in his body, sucking his life away while Murasakibara, Akashi and Kise took turns to give him their own blood. Kuroko supervised everything from the side lines, because someone needed to be sure that Midorima and Aomine didn't take too much blood and that the other three didn't give too much of their own.

In the last term, Furihata began to choke on Akashi's blood, he heard Kuroko said that his human genes were rebelling against the vampire ones that were trying to infect them. It wasn't an anomaly, it happened to nearly all the Generation of Miracles (Midorima was the exception) because the human body was transforming in a vampire one and the rejection was the sign that Furihata needed only one step to become a vampire. Needless to say, that step was the hardest.

Midorima and Aomine (Kuroko told them to stop sucking blood) tried to calm Furihata down, because the brunette started to kick and struggle, keeping Akashi's red liquid in his mouth and refused to swallow.

"Furihata-kun." Akashi growled but Furihata shook his head and distanced himself from the redhead's wrist, where there was a wound that still dripped blood. His body ached, his stomach burned, everything was foggy and he wasn't able to swallow any more. He just wanted that to end.

"Furi-chin." After hearing his name be called with that adorable nickname, Furihata lifted his head and met Murasakibara's red orbs. He tried to call the purple giant but he couldn't speak and he opened his mouth then closed it.

Two big hands circled his head, then he felt a pair of lips pressed against his, in a open-mouthed kiss that was sloppy and inexperienced, but still pleasurable in its own way. In that moment he tasted the familiar liquid in his mouth and realized that Murasakibara bit his own tongue to make Furihata drink blood. Even if he tried to struggle, the brunette could only swallow when Murasakibara thrust his tongue deep inside his mouth before distancing himself.

Coughing and feeling the pain his stomach grow, Furihata curled himself on the floor with a hand pressed against his lips, feeling like he needed to throw up. After what seemed like hours, the brunette's pain finally went away and his vision returned to normal.

With shaky breaths, Furihata tried to sand up and Kise helped him. He looked to the other boys in the room: they all had the same pair of red eyes, the same as his and he suddenly felt at home. They all smiled happily, but none of them moved, because they didn't know what to say or do. It was pretty adorable how the menacing Generation of Miracles seemed like a group of girls in front of their first crush.

Furihata smiled at them too and opened his arms, wanting an hug. The six boys didn't need to be repeated, they all threw themselves in Furihata's arms, nearly making the brunette fall for the excessive weight on him.

However he was happy, so, so happy. If he died there, he wouldn't have any regret.

That was probably the warmest hug of history.

/Sweet Blood/

Years passed in a moment after Furihata's fully transformation in vampire, it was difficult at first, especially the thirst of blood, but he managed somehow. Or better, they managed.

"It's been ten years already..." The brunette muttered to himself, with a cup of green tea in his hands, looking outside the living room of the mansion he was currently living in (bought by Akashi).

After high school, Furihata decided to study children psychology in University and, in a few years after graduation, he was one of the most respected psychologist in his field. He wasn't going to hide it, he was very proud of this.

"What are you talking about, Kouki-kun?" Kuroko appeared out of nowhere, making the brunette jump in his seat and he turned to glare at the bluette, who had this amused smile painted on his face.

"Jeez... Tetsuya-kun, stop doing that." Furihata muttered, taking a sip of his tea and returned to look outside the window.

"But your reactions are cute." Kuroko retorted, circling Furihata's waist with his arms and resting his chin on the brunette's head. The bluette in high school was smaller than Furihata, but after three years he grew a bit and now was five or six centimetres taller than the brunette. Furihata knew how Kuroko liked this fact, but decided to not say anything, enjoying how the bluette had to always bend a bit down to kiss him, finding the action very adorable.

After Seirin, Kuroko became a kindergarten teacher, he always liked children and they seemed to love how he could disappear and appear like he was performing a trick of magic. He was the one that had the freest time between them all, so he did all the houseworks, Furihata helped him when he could but his work usually prevented him to.

"How are Kiyoshi-senpai and Hanamiya-san?" Furihata asked, sighing in pleasure when Kuroko began to kiss his neck. It came as a surprise when Kiyoshi admitted his relationship with the former captain of Kirisaki Daichi, but since the "dad" of Seirin was the first to know about the polygamous relationship between Furihata and the Generation of Miracles (they had to tell him because Kiyoshi didn't miss the hickeys on Furihata's neck), the brunette congratulated with the couple and didn't pass out like Hyuuga did. Speaking of which, Hyuuga and coach finally got married after University and they were now expecting their second son.

"They are fine, Teppei-san is always day-dreaming about his "wife"" Kuroko smiled slightly at the memory. Kiyoshi was a co-worker of the bluette, that's why they were so close. It wasn't a surprise that their senpai worked with children, since his fathernal side.

"You didn't answer my question, though." Kuroko pouted and the brunette turned around, meeting the other's lips in a chaste and lazy kiss. It was mouth against mouth, but it was still enjoyable.

After they distanced themselves, Furihata smiled and cupped Kuroko's cheeks. "I was just thinking that it's already passed ten years since we're together."

The bluette widened his eyes, then replied at the smile with a kiss on the brunette's nose. "Yeah, the happiest ten years of my life."

The door suddenly slammed open and Aomine entered, taking off his police hat and tossing his uniform on the sofa, walking closer to the two and kissing Furihata on the lips muttering an "I'm home".

After high school, Aomine didn't go to university, since he was scouted by a NBA team. He quickly became the ace of the team, but it was stressing the continuous flies from America to Japan and vice-versa so after seven years of career he retired and came back in Furihata's arms permanently. He then went to the police academy and became a police-man.

"Tetsu," Aomine called his best friend, gazing lazily to him. "Satsuki asked if you could baby-sit her brat because she wanted to have dinner with BaKagami." Momoi studied journalism in University and had a brief story with Wakamatsu, who now was happily married and lived in France, but that didn't last long and they decided to break up, even if the pink haired girl was pregnant (because of this Aomine nearly killed Wakamatsu, but Momoi and Furihata managed to stop him). She met Kagami when she was at her seventh month of pregnancy and the redhead, who always followed his instinct, decided to marry her and be the father of her child. That was the first (and last) time in his life that Furihata saw Aomine show in public an huge respect for Kagami (he also threatened him, but that was another thing).

"I'll let her know that I will." Kuroko replied, kissing again Furihata then excused himself to call Momoi, disappearing thanks his mis-direction.

"Mom!" A red tornado collided with Furihata and he nearly let fall his cup of tea, but he smiled needless to the light of sunshine in his arms. Kai Akashi, a eight years old pure-blood vampire, was Seijuurou's cousin with which he shared the same red hair, but his eyes were the colour of chocolate. Five year ago his parents went in a terrible car accident that killed both of them, Akashi couldn't let his cousin in an orphanage so he decided to adopt him. Furihata was beyond happy because he finally felt that they became a family with the arrival of Kai, and every single member of the Generation of Miracles loved that child that had Kise's exuberance, Aomine's enthusiasm, Kuroko's observation skills, Murasakibara's appetite, Midorima's stubbornness, Furihata's gentleness and Akashi's genius. It was like he was born for them.

"Kai, how was school?" Furihata asked, ruffling the red hairs and kissed the child fore-head. He was so precious, Furihata couldn't have wished for a better son.

"It was cool! Izuki-sensei made some funny jokes and Kasamatsu-sensei began to kick him, it was pretty funny!" Furihata laughed with Kai while hugging him, remembering how lame his former senpai's jokes were. Izuki married (after it became legal in Japan) Imayoshi Shouchi, Aomine's former Touou captain, which he had a secret relationship with since his second year of high school, and became an elementary teacher with Kasamatsu, Kise's former senpai, who was engaged with one of the former model's sisters.

Speaking of which, Kise ran in the living room with his hair all ruffled and a pout on his face. "Kaicchi! Don't run like that!" Kise took the fly licence his initial wish was to become a pilot, but he decided to persuade the carrier of actor after he quit modelling, because he loved acting and, coincidentally, he had always roles of antagonists, killers or people with a double personality. His insanity was cured, but the experiences of it remained in the blonde's mind, helping him with his career.

"Welcome back, Ryouta-kun." Furihata greeted, placing a kiss on Kise's lips still hugging their son. The actor hummed in it and was going to start ravish the brunette if Murasakibara, who silently entered in the house, didn't grab him for the hem of the shirt and hauled him across the room, making Kise fall with a loud "thud" and began to whine and yell, but nobody listened to him (like always).

"Kou-chin... I'm back." Murasakibara mumbled, his violet eyes half-closed and embraced both Furihata and Kai, trapping them in bear hug. The purple giant was surprising one of the most intelligent person Furihata ever met and, after studying for years, he became one of the greatest physician of the current age. Needless to say, everyone was more than surprised by that.

"Atsu-tou-san...! You're killing us!" Kai breathed, struggling in the giant hold and finally managed to get free with his hair all ruffled and red chubby cheeks. His chocolate eyes sparkled when he saw that his other dad arrived also at home.

"Shin-tou-san!" He screamed and ran to hug Midorima's legs with a big grin on his face. Kai adored the green haired man, for some reason, and it didn't pass a day that he embraced his dad in a warm hug. Even if Midorima continued to deny it, he was more than happy that their son was so attached to him.

"Hello, Kai, I hope you were good at school." Midorima petted awkwardly Kai's head. It didn't matter how many years passed, he was still very clumsy with relationship, his tsundere side was still very present, even if he tried to suppress it during his work, since a doctor needed to be professional.

Furihata looked behind Murasakibara and saw that adorable scene so he tipped the purple giant on the shoulder and the other let him go, permitting the brunette to greet Midorima with a kiss on the cheek that made the green head explode in colours. That was one of the cutest side of Midorima's personality.

Suddenly feeling strong arms circling his waist, Furihata looked behind him and found Akashi's red orbs observing him with love and a soft pair of lips connected with his for second, before distancing himself and kneeling to hug Kai, who happily accepted it.

Even if the relationship between Furihata and the Generation of Miracles was polygamous, only the brunette and Akashi were legally married because polygamy wasn't legal yet (but the government was working on it). Furihata decided to marry the redhead because of Kai, since Akashi needed someone on his side for adopting him. The redhead took his father's CEO, who first was against the polygamous relationship but in the end accepted it because his major worry was that Akashi couldn't have a heir, however that changed when Kai entered in their lives. The other Akashi was still very present, but he warmed up to Furihata during the years, especially since he adored their child and always bought him many gifts.

"Mom, dad, I'm hungry! What are we having for dinner?" Kai asked, bringing all the attention on him. He was really cute with that big eyes and chubby cheeks, he was simply perfection.

"I was thinking at pizza, would you like that?" Furihata asked and all of the men in the room nodded, while Kai's eyes sparkled and began to jump chanting "pizza, pizza!" over and over again with Kise.

The brunette was so glad for that family, it didn't matter if they weren't human, hell, he was a vampire too, or if some people didn't understand their polygamous relationship, for them, all of them, was enough be together and happy. Because that was the only thing their family needed: happiness. Well, and maybe blood too.


Author's note: This is the end, it was very funny to write this story, I enjoyed it very much.

I want to thanks everybody who favorite and followed it, but I want to give a special thanks to all the reviewers: you're awesome, I continued this story for you, because your words warmed my heart and they still do.

I love you all and I hope you enjoyed this story, because I surely did!

Thank you again everyone!