I really should be working on important things like Dark Cloud ToD, or Secrets of the World map. But at the moment, i'll just write this Krieg-centric story. Hope you all enjoy.

Placed partially among a mountain, a large Bandit encampment stood. Various makeshift houses, rusted metal buildings, and outhouses dotted the mountain side. Various levels of the encampment made some areas only accessible through a combination of ladders and stairs. The bandit encampment was currently at war.

Gunfire rained through the area, bullets whizzing through the air, some unfortunate soul screaming in horrific agony.

Just another day on Pandora. Krieg's sane side mused. Bandits were falling left and right, many of them losing their heads in explosions of red mist, others losing them to Krieg's buzzaxe, slashed perfectly across their necks.

"HOW CAN I SNAP YOUR NECK IF YOU DON'T HAVE ONE?" Krieg roared with glee, letting out a insane laugh. He charged through the battlefield, doing a bloody dance among the Bandits, heads lopped off, skulls smashed in, brains spewing out with shards of bones.

It's like a festival of blood. Krieg laughed loudly.

"FESTIVAL OF BLOOD! BRING ME THE BLOODY MARYS!" He roared, cleaving his axe straight through a poor Psycho who got too close.

Yeah, you got this Big Guy. Careful, Badass Marauder to your left. Krieg chuckled, setting the poor Marauder on fire with his Bandit assault rifle, spraying and igniting any poor bastard in his line of sight on fire.

"DEATH BY FIRE, BRING ME MY DESIRE!" He shouted with glee.

Looks like you got everyone Big Guy. Krieg looked around. Indeed, no one seemed to be left standing anywhere near the giant Psycho. Dead bodies covered the area, quite a lot of them missing their heads, some of them having nothing left but a pile of ashes next to a gun.

"HEADS HAVE ROLLED!" Krieg cheered, laughing. He gave a quick glance at the loot, before he cast his eyes to the area Maya was assigned. He quickly charged over, stepping over ribcages which made sickening cracks. "HEHE, RIBCAGES ARE THE XYLOPHONE TO THE SOUL!" He found a ladder that led to Maya's area. He quickly ascended upwards, taking several rungs at a time, doing leaps to speed himself upward. As he arrives on the next Tier, Krieg looks around, finding no sign of Bandits, or even Bandit bodies. He doesn't have long to ponder, as a loud cheer comes from his left. Stomping to the source of the noise, he stops dead.

Holy Shit.

On top of a makeshift stage, Maya was tied to a cross looking metal pole, her arms and hands bound tightly. Here eyes are closed in pain, as a Nomad pulls a dagger out of her side, it covered in rich red blood. He chortles loudly, the large crowd of other types of Bandits laughing with him. He pulls a Insta-Health from a large pile gathered on stage, stabbing it into Maya's arm. The wound heals itself instantly, Maya wincing and screaming as the knife stabs her again, this time on her arm where her tattoos are.

A low growl forms at Krieg's throat, his buzzaxe in his hand. The normally logical sane side would have told him to stop, to stay quiet, to think of a plan, but this time...

Krieg. Krieg grunts in acknowledgement, his hand tightening across his loyal buzzaxe. Let me kill some of these bastards too.

Krieg lets out a low gravely chuckle.

"Join the feast of blood Little Man." He chortles.

Inside of Krieg's Mind, Krieg's sane side looks behind him. A large purple pool of screaming tendrils meets his gaze. He doesn't hesitate, merely jumping into the pool of purple, which glows red shortly afterwards.

"Now," Krieg's voice comes out eerily calm. "LET'S MAKE THEM PAY FOR WHAT THEY DID TO OUR SIREN!" A loud, inhuman bellow roared out of Krieg, a bellow so powerful, some of the rocks on the mountain slide downwards, killing some of the Bandits gathered in a group. The Bandits turned to Krieg, fear obvious behind many of their masks.

"FIRE AT THAT MIDGET LOVER!" The Nomad on the stage roared. All the Bandits took aim, Psychos preparing to charge him, when Krieg charged at them, not even bothering to shoot at them with his rifle. His speed was so fast, by the time he killed three bandits, the rest started to fire. However, he laughed a deep, menacing laugh when bullets began to make contact, shrugging bullets off as though it was nothing but snowflakes.

"RIDDLE MY FLESH WITH YOUR PAINSTICKS! THEY WON'T SAVE YOU NOW!" He bellowed, becoming a whirlwind of blood and bones. Any poor bandit who got caught in the whirlwind was instantly killed. Some of the Bandits managed to light Krieg on fire, which only prompted a laugh from the Manic Monster.

"BORN INTO FLAMES! SET MY SOUL AND MIND ON FIRE!" The whirlwind was now a fiery tornado of death and blood, bandits being ignited, some having their faces caved in, others being hit with so much force their body exploded apart, limbs flying everywhere.

At last, nothing was left but the cowering Nomad onstage, a unconscious Maya, and a blood drenched, bone shard embedded Krieg, the latter of which glaring at the Nomad with such hatred, the Nomad stumbled backwards, falling on his back.

Krieg ambled forward, growls coming from him as he approached the cowering Nomad. He stopped for the space of a second, the Nomad looking a bit hopeful, when he swung his axe at the air, a loud metallic clang filling the air.

"MY KILL!" Krieg roared behind him, Zer0 several yards behind him, a smoking sniper barrel in his hand. Zer0 stood there, staring at Krieg for a few seconds, before he turned invisible, fading from sight. Krieg chuckled darkly, walking to the Nomad who cowered at his feet. He immediately embedded his axe into the Nomad's arm, who howled in pain.

"SSSSSHHHHHH!" Krieg said. "QUIET!" Another swing on the Nomad's arm silenced the Nomad, tears spilling from him. Krieg chuckled darkly, grabbing one of the Insta-Healths piled on the stage. "Revenge is a dish best served bloody and fresh." Krieg spoke softly, stabbing the Insta-Healths into the Nomad's arms, the cuts from his BuzzAxe fading. "An eye for a eye makes you blind!" He roared, slamming his axe into the Nomad's stomach, blood leaking out. The Nomad let out a scream, which became louder with a second swing from the Monster. Another Insta-Health jabbed into his arms healed the wound, Krieg laughing maniacally, before he became serious.

"Never. Hurt. Our. Siren." He spoke with finality, bringing his buzzaxe up high, and swinging it down onto the Nomad's skull, which shattered into a mixture of bone fragments, brain matter, blood and eyeballs. He chuckled darkly, turning his attention to Maya, who looked at Krieg not with a look of fear, but a look of thanks. The Psycho lumbered towards her, freeing her from her metal prison with a few swings of his axe.

"Thanks.." Maya said, smiling at the Psycho.

"They paid for what they did to you," He said calmly. "AND I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT!" He finished in a insane laugh. She studied the Psycho for a few seconds, her smile never fading.

"Come on, let's get to the others." She said, placing one of her hands within his big meaty ones, the very same hands that tore apart the countless bandits.

Well, that was satisifying. Maybe we should do it again sometimes.

"DON'T FORGET THE BARBEQUE FOR THE SLAUGHTER!" Krieg roared aloud, cackling madly.

Don't forget to protect her at all times.

"YOU DON'T FORGET HOW TO MAKE A MEAT BYCICLE!" Krieg roared defensively, Maya watching him cautiously.


And so they were off, the maybe not so insane Psycho, his sanity, and the Siren they both would die protecting.

I love writing Krieg's speech, and Krieg's actions. There's something immensely satisfying about it, I don't know why.