WARNING: Coarse language throughout. BDSM scenes and sexual content in later chapters. Non-con, dub-con. In other words: rape. Only for the purposes of dealing with the topic of consent, though, if that helps. Lots of angst. This is yaoi and there will be smut so if you don't like that, don't read. (But for the most part I think it will just be relationship building.)

So basically, I was reading a lot of yaoi recently and I couldn't help but notice the dubious/lack of consent and underage aspects of a lot of them. It's something I find interesting, so instead of writing a pure yaoi with loads of sex and smut and yay everyone wins, I wanted to do that AND deal a bit with the emotional and personal aspects of this. Like: what if Levi really struggles with his feelings for Eren, knowing it would be illegal and possibly damaging to the younger boy? What if Eren's ideas about being a sub clash with Levi's? And what if he's not emotionally mature enough to even deal with any of it in the first place? I enjoy writing characters who struggle … so I hope you like reading that :D

May deviate from canon. More pairings to come.

I do hope you enjoy, and please let me know how it's going with a review ;) It is my first erotic anything, after all. I may need moral support.


1. Trial


"You know, I usually like to get to know someone a bit before chaining them up and beating them to a pulp."

Erwin's eyes glinted and he couldn't resist a small smile. I had already suspected that Hanje had informed him of some of my more personal interests years ago. Of course, I never should have expected that four-eyes to keep her big yap shut.

"It's just theatrics, Levi. Don't make this personal."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not planning on it. The kid gives me the creeps anyway. So he plans to slaughter every titan that crosses his path?" I scoffed, reiterating Eren's words from moments ago. "Sure sounds like a maniac to me."

Erwin laughed. "I seem to remember you vowing something similar yourself, Levi. Repeatedly."

"Yeah, but I never said it with such a freakish look on my face. Didn't you see his eyes?" My heartbeat quickened at the memory, but I continued looking straight ahead as we walked down the corridor. Erwin didn't notice, I hoped, but I had always felt the creeping sensation that Erwin Smith noticed everything.

"He's a passionate lad," he said calmly.

"Yeah, if by passionate you mean psychotic. I'm starting to think a good beating will do him good."

"Don't get carried away," the Commander warned. "Once this is over he'll be your responsibility, then you can discipline him however you see fit. But first we need to get him in your custody. Just focus on pulling off the act."

"Don't worry," I assured him. "I'm a pretty good actor." He studied my face, and nodded.

We bade each other goodbye and he went off to do whatever big guy stuff he had to do. As soon as he rounded the corner, I frowned. It was possible I had deceived him, but deceiving myself was another thing entirely.

Of all people, I should have been able to pull it off. It was a simple task, after all. Getting carried away wasn't an option: I just had to control myself. You'd think that'd be easy since self-restraint was kinda my thing, but the temptation to control everyone else was so strong, especially with a brat like Eren.

His eyes had burned with such intensity — such ferocity — that I was having a hard time getting the image out of my head. He was wild. And, later on, he did well displaying it to the entire courtroom.

I'll admit, the boy gave a grand speech. A bit too emotional for my taste, but he was bold. What kind of cadet would abandon sense and berate the MP like that? Like I said to Erwin, he was probably insane. He needed to be taught a lesson.

I reminded myself that that wasn't my intention here. No blurred lines: it was just an act.

The boy wasn't looking as I slowly got out of my seat. No one paid me any heed as I crossed behind the chairs and stalked across the room. My prey had his head turned away from me. All I could see was dark brown hair, a bit of ear, and his shoulders shaking with emotion.

What a fucking pest.

I looked at the post and his chains and suddenly saw myself, kneeling and gagged in front of an old Master. I wondered how red-raw his knees and wrists were. I blinked, suppressing the thought. What a thing to remember at a time like this.

Inappropriate, I reminded myself. Don't make this personal.

I heard the gun being readied, and at the same time I swung my leg around and watched my foot collide with the side of his head. My pulse swarmed my ears in the moment of collision, my blood boiling as time stood still. The tooth was overkill, maybe, but I still think it was a nice effect. It clink-clink-clinked across the floor before skidding to a stop. Everyone was watching, including Erwin, with bated breath. This wasn't so bad. This wasn't anything like a scene, after all. I didn't enjoy being the centre of attention, and I didn't enjoy beating him up without having a detailed mutual agreement worked out beforehand. That was really a shame but Erwin had insisted. Shitty brats don't make for good performance artists. I didn't feel good about this, but my morals weren't the question here. This was just a means to an end.

I was still frowning at the disgustingly bloody tooth, but Eren had already spun around with a strangled gasp to find out where the foot had come from. And there they were: those big, terrified eyes. I hadn't been able to tell before in his dark cell, but now I could see them quite clearly in the light.

They were turquoise.

Well, wasn't that something.

He was panting — confused and furious — and practically brimming with emotion. His face sure was expressive. I could see it in him even now, that savagery. Maybe he did have it in him to take down the titans. But all I knew right now was that I had it in me to take him down a few pegs.

As I looked down on him, the memory rushed back again of being in his position, and of the others I had put in that position as well. It was a similar scenario after all: my uke, bound, breathing hard, staring up at me with that innocence, that fire, that — Fuck. I panicked, and kicked him again. But every time I hit him, he just raised his head again and let me see his eyes. He wasn't allowed to look at his Master. So I just kept kicking.

No one stopped me. Eventually, he looked like he had had enough. He faced the floor and hot blood dripped down his face. Gross. I placed my foot on his head and pushed it to the ground. I might have pressed a bit harder than necessary, but I absolutely needed to stop his gaze from reaching me.

I said some stuff, I can't really remember what. Punishment, whatever. Pain, blah, blah, blah, power. It had all become tainted in my mind, an acrid pit of shame in my stomach. Every word sounded dirty. How had I managed to sexualise this? It was really despicable.

I paused, watching his back rise and fall, and tried to clear my head. I wasn't his Master, I was just his superior. I had to get a grip. I kicked him a few more times.

Eren Yeager: apparently, he was someone I wanted on my squad. He was spontaneous, wild, and he needed someone to keep him in check. Not as a submissive — not as a slave — just as a soldier. That was all it was. I felt slightly better. It was a bit of stagework, nothing more.

By the time they stopped me I was pretty sure he couldn't open his eyes anymore. All the better. This would be over soon.

"N— Now hold on, Levi."

I stopped and looked at Nile, relieved. "What is it?"

"It's dangerous."

I thought for a second, and then took a little risk. I leaned down and grabbed Eren by the hair and, for the longest moment I could get away with, I took a proper look at him. His mouth and nose were dripping blood, his eyelids were half shut, and yet his eyeballs rolled around to look directly at me anyway. His defiance was almost impressive, if it didn't fucking bug me so much. The only reason he could hold his head up was that I was doing it for him. He wasn't dangerous, that much was clear. I had control.

I threw him back on the ground. He was cute, I'd give him that. A few cuts and bruises never hurt a pretty face. But he was still a pretty shitty brat.

He faced the ground, whimpering as the big guys hashed out the details. I stared at him, wondering if I had broken him.

And then in the corner of my eye I saw the girl, her murderous stare directed at me. I glared back, feeling a weird sort of satisfaction in her anger. So the bitch was territorial, huh? I kept a straight face but the idea was laughable. It was just an act, after all. And we had won. He was going to be handed over to my possession, and then …

And then, what?

We lived happily ever after in the old scout HQ?

I stood as far away from the others as possible as Hanje tended to his wounds. I guess I should have felt bad, but I was more concerned about how to deal with Eren hereon in. He had turned from great titan slayer into puppy dog with just a beating, and I didn't like it one bit. His vulnerability was overwhelming, and it was making me feel oddly compelled to take care of him myself. I was turning this all into something it wasn't, something it couldn't be, and it was getting bad. What did I want to do: be tender, clean his face and bandage him up? Give the boy a freaking bath? I folded my arms. He had been so furious with me, but as soon as he learned of our plan and it all clicked into place, he turned docile. Timid, even.

Erwin was being so nice to him, building him back up, and Eren eagerly shook his hand as if he was the great Lord himself. I narrowed my eyes, and then chastised myself. Why was I the possessive one all of a sudden? Still, suddenly I was striding across the room, and I planted myself beside Eren on the sofa before Erwin had even gotten off his knees. I decided that what I was doing was sucking up my pride to make some sort of apology. I wasn't some dog about to raise a leg and take a leak all over what was mine.

He jumped about a mile when I sat beside him, my arm slung over the back of the seat. I really wished he would stop acting like this; I found it too endearing. "So, Eren," I said, crossing my knees.

"S— sir?"

I lowered my head, trying not to show any reaction. Why, oh why did he have to be a stammerer? "You don't resent me now, do you?"

"N— no. I can see that what you did was necessary, sir."

"Good," I said. He was hugging himself, looking down at his knees, a wet cloth in one hand. There was a cut on his lip which was still weeping, and I got a crazy urge to get a fresh towel and dab it. Disgusting idea, what was going on with me? I flexed my fingers restlessly and turned away, only glancing back when Hanje asked him to open his mouth.

As he leaned his head back and widened his gape, his eyes turned and met mine. I inhaled, my entire body tensing and burning up. My hand was so close to his head that I could have entwined my fingers in his soft hair again, and ...

I grit my teeth. Where the hell was my self-control? I really was a sick human being. Having perverted daydreams in front of everybody was not my usual style. But I couldn't help it. Now that he was terrified of me, it was even harder. I didn't so much want him to be scared; if we were fucking he would only act this way during scenes. The fact that it seemed to come naturally to him was nothing more than a nuisance. But … maybe it was better like this, even if his behaviour was unintentionally arousing. After all, he couldn't get close to me if he was scared shitless in my presence.

Why the fuck was he still ogling at me anyway?

He had been on my squad less than half a day and already his quivering voice and big stupid eyes were driving me fucking crazy.

I noticed Erwin looking at me, and I forced everything to relax. I was a master of self-control, after all. I could totally handle this. I would just have to distance myself from him. Or, at least stay as far away as I could while sharing a castle with the kid.

A castle with a dungeon.

But let's not think about that.

As Hanje was taking him away, Eren turned back to me. "Thank you for the beating, sir," he said, his eyes glistening wildly. "I think it felt almost empowering."

I stared at him, and he just grinned. Everybody gaped as he left, and when he was gone they turned to me.

I looked down and blinked a couple of times, trying very hard to appear chill. Then I swallowed, turning to Erwin. "Didn't I tell you he sounded like a maniac?"