Hey guys! So this is the last chapter in this fanfic! I'm kinda sad about ending it because I really love this story. I was so amazed on how popular this story became.

I wanted to tell you all thank you so much for supporting me and this supporting this story it really means a lot! Well here goes, the final chapter of Girl meets number 5. I hope you all enjoy!

Cory and Topanga stared down at their beautiful new baby girl. "Cory she's precious." Topanga beamed.

"She looks like her mama." Cory said stroking the back of Topanga's pounding head. She had a horrible headache. The little baby girl had the softest skin Topanga had ever felt. Her eyes were a sparkling blue and her hair was a light brown almost dirty blond. She was perfect.

"I can't wait to take a shower!" Topanga chuckled slightly.

"Your wish is my command!" Cory said stupidly.

"You're such a moron." Topanga commented.

"But you're my moron." Cory leaned down to kiss her tenderly.

"So what should we name her?" Cory asked as he took her from Topanga's arms.

"Well we thought of a few names already didn't we?"

"Yeah but I don't know if they are right for her. I want her to have something special since it's our last one." Cory replied.

"Yeah well if you can keep your hands off of me then yes, this is our last one." Topanga joked.

"Well then this isn't our last one!" Cory said smiling widely. Topanga laughed a little before settling down onto the bed.

They sat in silence for a few moments thinking of the perfect name. "Harper." Topanga said.

"Harper?" Cory questioned as he furrowed his brow.

"Yes, Harper Claire Matthews." Topanga said assuring.

Cory let it sink in for a second. "I love it." He replied stroking her forehead slightly.

Topanga smiled up at him. "I'm gonna go get everyone." Cory kissed Topanga's forehead and gave Harper back to Topanga.

Cory walked into the waiting room to find everyone sprawled out all over the chairs. "Well there is someone I'd like you to meet." Cory said smiling. The first people to see Harper were Riley, Auggie, Amy, Shawn, Alan, and Maya actually. Topanga and Cory always referred to her as their daughter because they loved Maya and treated like their own.

"Hi." Topanga whispered.

"This is Harper." Cory said softly.

"Oh my gosh, Cory she's precious! Topanga she looks like you." Amy said.

"Can I hold her?" Amy asked.

"Of course." Topanga smiled and handed Harper to Amy.

"Hopefully her eyes will stay this beautiful blue color." Amy said.

"Yeah let's hope they don't turn black like Cory's eyes." Shawn chuckled. Cory glared at him.

Alan and Shawn both got their turns to hold the baby as well. "Riley, do you want to hold her?" Topanga asked.

"Yes!" Riley squealed. Riley sat in a chair and Cory handed her to Riley. She held Harper securely.

"Hi I'm Riley, your new sister. Welcome to the world! It's a big place ya know. I mean I've been on this earth for 14 years and I still don't know how it works. But I know you'll be ok, because I'll be there with you every step of the way and we can figure out this strange world, together." Riley smiled at her new baby sister and Harper giggled.

"Cory, she just giggled!" Topanga squealed with excitement.

"It's just a giggle." Shawn commented.

"Shut it Hunter or I'll-" Topanga began.

"Ok, well the hormones are still kicking I see." Cory interrupted, settling Topanga back down.

Shawn's hands were in the air as he slowly backed away from Topanga.

"Maya do you want to hold her?" Cory asked.

Maya's eyes grew to the size of saucers. "Me? I don't know what if I'm not careful."

"Maya honey, it'll be fine sit." Topanga said pointing to the chair next to Riley.

Maya swallowed a lump in her throat and shook a little as Cory handed her Harper.

"Hey there, I'm Maya. You'll see me a lot because I spend a lot of time at your house because I'm your sister's best friend. You're gonna face a lot of challenges in this world. Life is going to test you and sometimes even if you fail one of those tests you're still gonna get back up and try again because that's what life's about. So even when you feel like everything in your life is bad, I know that there will always be a shred of happiness for you to go to because that's what I do. I go to this wonderful amazing family and I know you're gonna love them even when they annoy the heck outta you."

Everyone watched Maya interact with Harper. Maya hadn't even realized that they were watching until she looked up.

"What are you all staring at?" Maya asked.

"Nothing." Everyone replied casually. Maya didn't buy it but she decided not to argue.

"Ok why don't we head home?" Shawn suggested. He told Cory and Topanga goodbye and gathered all the kids and Amy and Alan followed. Cory stayed with Topanga even though he just wanted to drop since it was 4:00 A.M.

Everyone headed to their hotels or to the Matthews apartment. Harper was taken to the nursery, so Cory and Topanga were finally alone. Cory was way too tired to ask Topanga his question so he decided to wait.

"Topanga, I love you." Cory said.

"I love you too Cory." She replied sweetly. It was the first time in a couple of days she sounded genuine.

"Honey I'm sorry, I know I've been kinda bossy and mean lately but it was just because of the baby and then I-" She was cut off by Cory's lips.

The kiss was passionate and the whole world just seemed to stop. Topanga's thought completely slipped her mind as their lips pulled apart.

"I know." Cory simply stated before taking her hand and kissing her cheek.

The next morning everyone arrived at the hospital again, including Farkle and Lucas.

"Ladies." Farkle said.

"Farkle." Riley and Maya replied.

"These are for your mom." Farkle said holding out a huge bouquet of roses.

"Aw she'll love them!" Riley replied.

"Oh and my mom made you guys lasagna." Lucas held out a dish with a tinfoil covering.

"Thank you Lucas." Riley replied smiling.

"No problem."

"You wanna go visit the new baby?" Riley asked.

Maya and Farkle exchanged a glance. "Sure we'd love to; we'll take this for you guys." Farkle grabbed the dish from Riley. He and Maya scurried away quickly so that Riley and Lucas could be alone.

"Well we were ditched." Riley said as they walked out of the waiting room.

"Yeah I guess we were."

The two walked down the long narrow hallway. They just talked about school and other things they used to talk about before they became a couple. Now it was even more awkward since they were broken up.

Lucas felt his heart racing as he talked to Riley. He loved her more than anything and was heartbroken when she decided to break up with him.

"Riles can I ask you something?" Lucas said.

"Sure." Riley and Lucas stopped in the middle of the hallway. Lucas stared her at her.

He grabbed her face and pulled her into a passionate kiss. Riley squirmed at first but then her whole body relaxed. Her eyes fluttered shut and she began to kiss Lucas back. After a few moments the kiss broke and the room felt like it was spinning.

Riley's body buzzed with excitement and so did Lucas's.

"Whoa." They said in unison.

"Lucas, why'd you kiss me?" Riley asked. She began blushing a tad.

"Because I'm in love Riley, I'm in love with you and no one else. I've been in love with you ever since you fell into my lap on the subway that time. I miss you, I miss us."

Riley gazed at him, unsure of what to do. "Lucas I don't know what to say?"

"Don't say anything." Lucas's words spun around Riley's mind as he grabbed her chin and pulled her into another kiss. Riley wrapped her arms around his neck while he wrapped his around her waist. The two completely forgot the reason they were even in the hallway. All that mattered at the moment was each other.

Riley and Lucas eventually ended their little kissing session and they both decided they'd talk later when they were alone and a whole bunch of people in a hospital were staring at them.

"Oh Lucas tell your mom I said thank you so much for the lasagna!" Topanga beamed.

"Will do, Mrs. Matthews." Lucas said followed by one of his charming smiles.

The flowers Farkle had given Topanga were in a vase beside the hospital bed.

"Well I'm gonna head out, I'll see you later Riles." Lucas said hugging her. If only Cory would've known that their "friendly hug" was a little more than that.

Topanga was actually being discharged from the hospital early so they got to bring baby Harper home earlier than planned. Luckily everything was already set up for her at the house.

"You excited to go home?" Cory asked as he helped Topanga into her clothes.

"Yes all I wanna do is sleep in my own bed and shower, just shower." Cory chuckled a little and kissed her forehead.

"Don't worry my parents are going to take care of her so you and I can get some sleep." Cory said taking her hand.

"Why would you need sleep?" Topanga asked.

Cory seemed appalled by her comment.

"I'm just teasing you. I know you're exhausted." Cory rolled his eyes and grabbed the last of the bags as Topanga strapped Harper into the carrier.

"Well you ready to show Harper her new home?" Topanga asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Cory replied as they made their way out the hospital. When they arrived at the apartment it was in perfect condition even cleaner than when they'd left for the hospital a few days ago.

"Hey guys." Amy said taking the carrier from Topanga.

Amy took Harper out of the carrier and held her. "I'm gonna put her to sleep in her new nursery, why don't you two go rest for a while I have things under control here." Amy whispered.

Cory and Topanga thanked Amy and headed to their room. Just as Topanga was about to shower she felt something tug on her arm.

"Wait, before your shower I have to ask you something." Cory said.

"Cor, can't it wait I smell gross and my hair looks disgusting." Topanga whined.

"I don't care what you look like or smell like ok, this is important." Cory said pulling her closer to him.

"This must be important." Topanga said stating the obvious.

"It is." Cory tucked a loose strand of hair behind Topanga's ear and gazed into her eyes.

"This baby we just had is starting a new chapter in our lives. I mean this baby is gonna take a lot of time away from us. So to make sure we are going to love each other forever, I have something I'd like to ask you." Cory slowly stepped away from Topanga. He kneeled down in front of her.

Topanga's heart raced wildly. "Topanga Matthews I love you with all of my heart, you are the girl I still sit up every night thinking about. I love you, and I want to make sure we are going to love each other for the rest of our lives." Cory pulled out a black velvet box. He opened it slowly and it revealed a huge diamond ring.

Topanga's eyes almost popped out of her head as she stared at the gorgeous ring Cory held out in front of her.

"Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me, again?" Topanga let everything process in for a moment before responding.

A huge grin appeared on her face and she nodded her head vigorously as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Yes Cory, I will." Cory jumped up and spun her around, Topanga's giggles filling the room.

Cory kissed her intimately. She smiled against his lips. Their foreheads were pressed against each other's.

"I love you." Cory simply stated.

"I love you more." Topanga replied.

"But I love you most." Cory finished pulling her into a tight embrace.

Omg guys I just finished my first story I ever posted on here! I'm really happy with the way the ending chapter happened.

Thank you all for supporting me through this story. You guys are my true inspiration so thank you! I was worried no one would read this story but it became way more popular than I could've ever imagined.

The sequel will be out tomorrow and it'll take place about 4 months after this. The sequel will talk about what happened with Rucas and issues rising in Markle's relationship. Cory and Topanga will be setting up and getting prepared for their second wedding and all Cory's concerned about it the second honeymooooon (BMW reference lol I'm so corny). The wedding won't take place until later in the story though.

We'll also get to hear about a little description of what Harper looks like! I was going to make her middle name Chloe but I didn't think it fit well. I hope you guys were happy with the name choice and I loved all of the names you guys submitted.

Thank you again for reading and thank you for 278 amazing reviews and over 21,000 views! I'll talk to you guys in the sequel :)