Full Summary: The Hunger Games: a place of killing and betrayal. What if something came out of all that hate and death? What if the looks Cato and Katniss exchanged during the movie meant more? Attraction and not hate? During her journey into falling for the ever-gentle Peeta, Katniss discovers someone who can be her equal. Strength meets...strength. Fire meets...fire. Oh Peeta...you better watch out.

A/N: This story was previously called Fight with Fire and I hardly ever updated it. Part of the reason why is because so much of the story was just taken directly from the books. I had writers block. Just last night though, I watched the Hunger Games with my sister and inspiration hit me over the head again.

Like Fight with Fire, this story will be a Katniss/Cato story. It may eventually become Cato/Katniss/Gale or it may not. I will find out as I continue to write. I hope my new readers will enjoy this new and improved version of Fight with Fire. And to my old readers, thank you for sticking with me for so long. I hope you will enjoy this story because it will have some of the same elements of the previous story.

Once again, thank you for reading!

Chapter One

She breathes in and out.

Coolness in the air making her breath visible in the early light. She takes a step forward, holding herself in a way so her weight isn't all on that one foot. She slides forward, seamlessly melting into the shadows, the thrill of the hunt coursing through her veins. Her dark grey eyes dart around, searching. Seeking.

Then she freezes.

There it is.

A wild turkey wandering into the clearing, oblivious to the danger her bow and arrow present to it. A quick, satisfied grin curls at her lips before her serious face slips back on. Her eyes locking on the meal, she glides forward. After years of hunting, moving in a way that makes her seem like a ghost is second nature now. Her every step is silent as she moves forward. Moving carefully, she reaches back and pulls an arrow out of her worn brown quiver, not having to look as she notches it on the string of her bow. Slowly raising her bow, she prepares to shoot.

Breathe in.

Raising her bow, her fingers are steady.

And breathe out.

She pulls back the string with her right hand. Her fingers are taut on the bow now as the turkey waddles along.

Breathe in.

Her hand is steady by her chin. Her eyes are wide, excitement showing in the depths. Small billows of white escape from her mouth as she tries to steady her breathing. After barely anything to eat for days, this is a gift.

Breathe out.

She releases the arrow in time with her breath and it is a whisper in the air before finding its target...the heart. The turkey doesn't even have time to release a startled gobble before it is dead.

Lowering her bow, she jogs lightly to the kill and places a soft hand upon the turkey's head. Bowing her head, her dark hair framing her face slips down to hide her face. This kill...it can save her family.

Her sister.

Little Prim.

Her movements quick and steady, Katniss pulls a thin thread of rope from her pocket and tosses it over a low hanging branch. Tying the turkey up, Katniss slits the throat of the turkey so she can drain it of blood. She doesn't want it to spoil. As the crimson blood drips down, she plucks the feathers, wrapping them in cloth and sticking them in her coat. They can be washed and either flecked for arrows or sold in the Hob, the black market.

The forest fills with the sound of chirping birds, subtle rustles of animals in the undergrowth and-

Whirling around, Katniss has an arrow notched in seconds and the deadly tip pointed right at his throat. Gale laughs, the rich melodic sound relaxing Katniss instantly.

"Come on, Catnip! I thought we were closer than that!" He teases, light grey eyes glinting at her. His dark hair, olive skin, gray eyes and strong features look like hers. They could pass as cousins. But neither of them are related. They just live in District Twelve. Home of Coal Miners and death.

"Don't kid yourself, Hawthorne. I would kill you off in a heartbeat...if I was into cannibalism." Katniss teases back, her face still serious as she lowers her bow. Gale snickers, rolling his eyes and shaking his head playfully as he looks past her.

"Nice kill, Catnip." Gale says, his eyes reflecting the truth in the statement. Katniss ducks her head in thanks, used to compliments like this from her friend. Gale and her met when she finally worked up the nerve to cross the fence that surrounds District Twelve. He calls her Catnip because once she introduced herself, he thought she said Catnip. The name only stuck when she began to bag some kills, a lynx followed her around, hoping for snacks.

"Did you get anything?" Katniss asks, turning back to the turkey.

"No. We still have some time to hunt though." Gale's voice lowers and Katniss knows why. Today is the Reaping. Two people from their District will become Tributes to fight in the Hunger Games. It is supposed to be an honor but everyone in District Twelve sees it for what it is.

Merciless slaughter.

Twenty four Tributes from the twelve districts will be sent to an Arena where they are expected to kill each other. Only one comes out alive. And that is depending on your definition of 'alive.'

Haymitch Abernathy, the long ago District Twelve winner...well. He is always drunk and is not all together. The Hunger Games destroyed him.

"Let's check our traps at the river first. I need to wash the blood off the feathers." Katniss says and Gale silently helps her lay a spiked net over the turkey before heading to the river. The forest is theirs. It has been a place to escape to, hunt at, yell in...the thought of leaving it terrifies the both of them.

Especially since the two of them are the only care takers in their families.

Gale has several siblings and his father died in a mine explosion. The same one that killed her father. After her father died, her mother just...left. Her body was there but her gaze was vacant and gone. Her blonde hair had grown matted and filthy and she had left Katniss and Prim on their own. Neither of them knew how to take care of themselves. And little Prim with her golden hair and sweet blue eyes...she was innocent and shouldn't have to. So Katniss took the role of mother, guardian and father all in one.

Their mother is back but Katniss hasn't been able to bring herself to trust her mother again. She can't trust that she doesn't have to be the adult. And even if she could, the damage is done. Katniss was twelve when it all happened. She has grown far more mature than any child has a right to be.

Reaching the river, Katniss pulls the feathers out and swirls them in the clear river, watching as the crimson blood is swept away, leaving the mottled brown feathers clean. Setting them to the side so they can dry, Katniss silently helps Gale check the traps.

Two fish.

One is fairly large but the other is so small they toss it back into the river. The sun shines down, golden and full of warmth but today it cannot reach into their souls. Gale sits down beside Katniss, his larger form warm beside her own.

"I got some bread." Gale says, pulling it out and handing it to her. Katniss's eyes widen with shock and awe as she takes the still warm golden bread. It is the fresh and expensive kind. Breaking it in half, her eyes fall half shut as she takes in the scent of the warm bread.

"This is amazing, Gale!" Katniss exclaims, handing him half and ravenously biting into the other piece. Gale laughs, biting into his own.

"The baker sold it to me for one squirrel." Gale says and Katniss swallows, looking at him. "Everyone is feeling more generous today." He says and she nods, pulling something out of her coat.

"Prim made us some cheese." Katniss says, smiling a little at the thought of her sister. She has no clue the way her whole being softens and glows at the mention of Primrose. Gale smiles, watching her. Katniss...she is incredible to him. They eat their bread and cheese, watching the sun get higher and higher in the sky.

"Let's escape." Gale says impulsively and Katniss rolls her eyes, well used to this routine by now.

"I can't leave Prim and you can't leave your family." Katniss replies, feeling a pulse of wistfulness at the thought of leaving. To be free of the Capitol and the Hunger Games...but then those kinds of things won't come true. Only get them killed. She shifts, looking away. They both know this speech by heart. There are even some days when Katniss agrees with him.

The days when the Peacekeepers eye everyone with disgust. When Prim is crying from hunger. And that is when she wants to do it. Escape. But she can't. That's the worst part. Katniss knows they could do it...but she also knows their families can't.

Mother is still weak, poor Prim is scared of the forest and Gale's family...well, they would never survive. Gale and her? They are survivors. But the others...they don't believe in themselves. Even if they did though, they still wouldn't have anywhere to go. The idea is doomed from the start.

The conversation feels all wrong.

Leave? How could she leave Prim, who is the only person in the world she is certain she loves? Katniss ignores the small whisper of love she feels for Gale. Gale is devoted to his family. They can't leave, so why bother talking about it?

"We should get going." Gale breaks the silence and rises to his feet, holding out a hand for Katniss. She takes it, used to helping and being helped by Gale. After years of working against and apart from each other, they are now perfect at working together. The two of them make the perfect team.

They head back into the forest, Gale scaring out a few birds for Katniss to shoot. As usual, one arrow through each eye. She pulls them out and wipes the blade on the grass before sticking them back into her quiver. Gale carries the birds until he spots two rabbits. Two daggers and they are more fresh kill. He is better with the blades than she is.

They carry everything back and put them in two bags before slipping through the fence again. The travel to the Hob is always depressing. Homes are broken down, small children play in the mud. It is a depressing life for everyone in District Twelve but it is also normal.

Gale and Katniss sell their kills, coming away with money for food, wool and candles. They split everything evenly, taking care of each other. As they leave, a small golden pin catches her eye. Katniss stops, picking it up. The small golden bird's head is bowed, holding onto a golden arrow in its beak.

"It's a mockingjay." The older lady says, smiling fondly at the pin. Mockingjay's are mutts created by the Capitol to record conversations and repeat them back. Once the people found out, they started sending false messages. With no further use, the Capitol released them. They can no longer repeat human speech but they still mimic sounds.

"How much?" Katniss asks, knowing Prim would like to have it.

"You take it." She says. Katniss almost protests but the look in the ladies eyes makes her swallow her words and nod thankfully. She splits off from Gale with a two fingered tap to her shoulder and a fleeting smile crosses her face when he returns it. The pointer finger and middle finger pressed together and tapped on the left shoulder means, "We stick together."

The familiar action warms Katniss as she hurries back home to Prim.


"Katniss!" Prim shouts, running through the yard and throwing herself at Katniss. Beaming down at the little blonde girl, Katniss's heart fills with love at the sight of Prim's blue eyes.

"Prim, how's the milk from your goat?" Katniss asks and Prim beams.

"Excellent! I think she is pregnant!" Katniss pauses, staring down at Prim with wide eyes. The only other goat near them belongs to the Mayor's daughter.

"That's good news, Prim. Come inside. You need to get clean." Prim nods, skipping happily into the house. This will be her first Reaping and Katniss feels cold terror at the thought of her little sister being picked. Walking into the house, Katniss ignores their mother and walks straight over to the where Prim is bathing.

Katniss sets the bag of wool and candles and money down on the table and shrugs off her jacket, resting it in the chair. Walking over to Prim, Katniss sinks down to her knees and takes the sop to scrub her hair. Prim sings softly as Katniss scrubs the blond strands.

"Will you sing to me, Katniss?" Prim asks, twisting around and peering anxiously up at her older sister. Seeing the fear lurking in Prim's eyes, Katniss nods and begins to sing. Her voice is rough but there is an aching sweetness laced through that only Prim can bring out of her.

Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head and close your sleepy eyes
And when again they open the sun will rise

Prim hums along as she scrubs herself clean. Her skin is a little pink from the water and Katniss sings more, seeing the way her little sister relaxes.

Here it's safe, and here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from all harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you

Finished, Prim climbs out and Katniss dries her off before pouring one more bucket into the tub and climbing in. Prim goes into the other room with their mother to give her privacy. Katniss scrubs herself clean before climbing out and toweling off.

"I laid my dress out for you." Katniss stiffens at the sound of her mother's voice. She turns, her dark grey eyes guarded and wary as she faces her mother. "It used to be mine." Her mother babbles, trying to fill the silence but Katniss isn't playing along. She knows her mother feels guilt over fading out but she also knows her mother would rather not face it.

Her shoulders slumping with defeat, her mother turns to leave.

"Thank you." Katniss says, her voice low. Her mother gives her a fleeting smile before hesitating.

"I could do your hair?" She offers and Katniss nods curtly. Her mother hurries away for some pins and Katniss pulls on the dress. It is a beautiful light blue color, long but simple. The bow ties around the back and Katniss grimaces, preferring her hunting clothes over a dress any day.

Her mother appears in the doorway and Katniss sits down, tense until her mother's gentle tugging finishes.

"There. You look beautiful." Katniss stands and peers into the mirror, seeing what was done. Her dark hair was pulled back in braids, pinned into place.

"You look perfect, Katniss." Primrose chimed in, smiling happily. Katniss turns, kneeling down to face her sister.

"And so do you, little duck." Katniss teases, first tugging then tucking in the little tail of shirt that sticks out in the back. Prim grins, hugging Katniss closely. Katniss pulls out the golden pin and attaches it to the inside of Prim's shirt, right over her heart. "To keep you safe." Katniss says softly, unguarded with little Primrose. Prim smiles for a second before fear darkens her eyes.

"Promise it won't be me?" Prim asks softly, her fear reflected in her voice.

"I promise, little duck." Katniss replies, fighting to keep her voice steady. She won't let Prim be chosen. "Your name is only in there once. The odds will be in your favor." Katniss says strongly, pulling back and looking at her. Her dark grey eyes are strong as they meet Prim's lighter blue.

Primrose smiles, her worries erased as they face their mother.

She is already dressed, so they leave and begin the walk to the middle of the District. The crowd all flows in that direction and instead of the celebration the Capitol wants it to be, there is solemn faces and even tears on the faces of younger children. Prim looks so small and fragile, pressed into Katniss's side.

Looking around, Katniss sees Gale and his grey eyes glint at her, turned molten silver by the sun. Katniss lets a quick, sharp smile cross her face as they walk and he returns it, carrying one of his younger brothers in his arms. As they walk to the center, Katniss holds tightly to Prim's hand until they are forced to split up.

Lines leading to tables where they get their fingers pricked so their names can be entered into the Reaping are crammed full. Prim is ushered ahead by a Peacekeeper in gleaming white armor. Anger burns in Katniss but she is helpless to do anything but call out to Prim.

"Go ahead, I'll find you!" Katniss calls and Prim nods, facing forward hesitantly. With a distant sense of fondness, Katniss notes the little tail Prim is sporting has slipped out of her skirt again. That little tuff of shirt is the most adorable thing and she can't help but think the Peacekeepers are monsters for not being swayed by it.

Reaching the front of the line, Katniss barely winces as her finger is pricked and she is ushered on. Katniss stands on her tip toes, searching for the little blond but...everyone is crowded together. The girls on one side and the boys on the other. Seeing Gale, Katniss presses her two fingers together and taps them to her shoulder. When he returns the gesture, she relaxes a little.

Facing forward, Katniss grimaces as Effie Trinket totters on stage. Haymitch is to her right, swaying drunkenly as he clasps a drink tightly in his hands. The mayor is to the left and he is anxious, searching the crowd for his daughter.

"Welcome to the annual 74th Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!" Effie calls out, her magenta colored lips making the rest of her face seem unnaturally pale. A video begins playing on the towering screens, surrounding the square and Katniss clenches her jaw.

The same video plays every year. It makes President Snow look like a kind and generous leader but the people of District Twelve know otherwise. Katniss mockingly mouths along to the video, knowing every word. She couldn't forget it if she tried. Effie on the other hand, mouths the words with a look of glee and belief in her eyes. Clearly she has been duped by the President.

"I just love that!" Effie exclaims once the video is over. "Now, it is time for one wonderful girl and brave boy to be chosen! Ladies first." Effie tottered over to the large glass bowl resting on a pedestal. She swirls her fingers mockingly over the folded names, making a game out of it. She finally reaches right into the heart of the bowl and moves over to the microphone.

The rustle of the paper being opened and unfolded echoes loudly over the complete silence. Effie beams and lowers the paper, leaning forward.

Not Prim, not Prim, not Prim, not-

"Primrose Everdeen!"