This is the first story by me about the FNAF characters as they all are pirates in this, also a few new Oc's in this one. Fang and Vixey belong to iNsAn3 Cr3aTuR3. He is the owner of Fang and Vixey, he has kindly allowed me to use his Oc's in this so don't worry. :D, also a few other Oc's, Sparky, Wolfy, Salvage, and Scar are some of the antagonists in the story. The main Protagonist is Foxy and main Antagonist is Fang. So without further ado, I hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 1-Ahoy

"Land Ho!" said Goldie proud and clear. He was on the crow's nest atop the mast. Holding a small telescope in his hand, he signaled the other crew down below.

"Hoist the colors!" said Tiggy. Freddy clenched the ropes, and hoisted down. The flag went up, Chica admired it. Bonnie was loading the gunpowder in her pistol.

"How's thar shore?" asked Freddy. Goldie looked down.

"Nothin' yet." said Goldie. The ship sailed straight for the island. Tiggy took control over the wheel. They were looking forward to seeing their captain again.

[On The Island]

The vixen was standing at the front window of the great ship, with a great captain and husband. Standing at the stern, looking out, she spotted an object. A moving object, she squinted her eyes to see it clearer. She then realized it was their other ship. The one that her great husband sailed the Seven Seas with. 'The Guilded Blade' was the name. She then quickly hurried up and ran to her captain, she gently shook him awake.

"They're here capt'." she said.

"Hold steady, hold" said Goldie.

"Wait, ok. Hard to port." said Goldie. Tiggy was angling the ship. When the ship came to a halt, the crew lowered the loading bridge. As they began to walk down the bridge, Tiggy spoke to Bonnie.

"Can't wait to see him again." said Tiggy.

"I know, it's been a while. Then again, you can get caught up in love sometimes." said Bonnie.

"Tell me about it." said Freddy. They two giggled. As they neared the other ship, they saw the two standing on the deck waving. They waved back.

"Thats a big ship." said Bonnie. Bonnie was new to the crew. She had only seen her captain once.

"Yeah, she's a beauty." said Tiggy.

As the crew got the last of the supplies and gold, they decided to finish up everything and set sail.

"So, how's everything been with you two?" asked Chica.

"Great, he's such a charm." said Vixey giggling.

"I'm sure." said Chica smiling.

"Oy, capt'." said Goldie.

"Look'a here what we found while ye were away." said Goldie, holding up a chest. Their captain smiled.

"Also, we almost got into a wrangle with Fang again." said Freddy.

"Salvage, Sparky, Wolfy, and Scar were with him as always." said Goldie.

"We didn't see Tigress and Steel though." said Bonnie. Tiggy then spoke.

"So, shall we get going?" asked Tiggy smiling.

"Indeed we are." said Captain Foxy. He pulled out his sword and pointed it straight, facing the bow.

"Capt' Foxy is back mateys!" said Foxy proudly. Tiggy quickly made her way to the wheel.

"The Pirates Life Ye!" said Foxy proudly. Tiggy got to the wheel. Freddy got to the mast to hoist the other flag, Chica and Bonnie loaded the cannons. Goldie got atop the mast in the crow's nest again. Together they sang the old pirate song.

'Yo ho, all together, hoist the colors high. Hieve, ho, thieves and beggers, never say we die!"

What they didn't know, another pirate upon another ship, stared at them from a little telescope, growling at them bluntly.

"He's back, and here to play the game again." said the nasty pirate captain.

"Oh, and who might you be?" he looked through the telescope again.

"Ah, the crown jewel, the prize." he said.

"Someone new?" said Sparky.

"Yes, indeed someone new." he responded back.

"Should we take them? Torture them? Make Foxy suffer for them?" said Wolfy with a hideious laughter.

"We can take them, maybe a few slashes and then Foxy will beg for mercy." once again the pirate captain said.

"It's a vixen, a beauty, that needs to be in my hands." he said. He then closed the telescope. He stared blankly at the ship. Just a little dot in the horizon.

"Follow them." he said. Salvage took the wheel.

"I know where he is going next, that vixen surely won't go into that place." he said as he thought of a plan.

"Too many drunk pirates, her and that tiger will be left aboard the ship. The other two women will be out trading. Then we can catch her." he said with a snare.

"What about the tiger?" asked Wolfy. His captain didn't answer for a few seconds. Then he turned and looked at Wolfy with a evil smile.

"We take them both." Fang said. Turning back around. He thought about how much Foxy would be broken. Foxy will be his slave one day. Oh how he thought about the ways he would be tortured, by his own hands.

"I will break him." Fang said.