Wolfy: Hiya! ^-^ And I think a lot of you DO mind but… I'm putting all my stories on hold. But I think it was already pretty obvious, especially with the fact that I wasn't updating any of them. Yeah, I barely had any time to actually write any of my stories and so… It's a choice between my Fanfics and my Studies.

Here's one of my Projects ^-^ It's a bit of a sneak peek of one of the stories I'm currently working on.



Kyoya's Pov

I sped through the streets in my black motorcycle, relishing the cool midnight breeze as it brushed against my flushed cheeks. As soon as I turned right, I breathed out a sigh of relief as the sounds of traffic slowly faded behind me and I found myself driving through a desolate highway.

The full moon shone high above the starless sky, bathing all of those below it with its radiance and I couldn't help but appreciate the silence. 'This is just what I needed' the thought crossed my mind as I caught a glimpse of a familiar sign board.

I slowed down to a stop, deciding to park my motorcycle under a tall oak tree. Hopping off, I removed my helmet, shaking my head as my dark green hair immediately covered my whole face. Running a hand to try and tame my wild locks, I strapped my helmet to my motorcycle, making sure that it was secure as I hid my Baby.

I was thankful for its dark exterior since it was easier to camouflage. With a satisfied grin, I put on my dark green cap, and quickly pulled the hood of my jacket over it as I tucked my hair inside. "Nobody needs to know who I am." I tucked my hands inside my hoodie pockets and proceeded to make my way towards the Club, a bit excited.

'As much as I love all of my boys… They could be a major pain in the ass' Harsh but undeniably true. I needed a break from all of them and this could possibly be my only chance.

As soon as I entered, the stench of both alcohol and sweat assaulted my nostrils and I couldn't help but cringe just a little bit. It always struck me as odd that this place had no Bouncers or Guards patrolling the entrance like the other clubs.

Inside, dancers were grinding and gyrating against the pounding music, while some were seated on the many tables and booths positioned to the side. This wasn't exactly Peace and Quiet but then again, it wouldn't hurt to have a little bit of fun now, will it?

Making sure my face was still covered, I made my way towards the bar, trying to maneuver away from the sweaty dancers and toppling drunkards. With a mental cheer, I reached the bar safe and sound. I hopped on one of the spinny, yes Spinny, chairs and almost immediately, the female bartender approached.

"What can I get you, hun?"

Good question. I made my way here but I, honestly, had no idea what I wanted to drink. Alcohol wasn't in my list of favorites but I think tonight would be an exception.

"I'll let you decide" With a dismissive shrug, I crossed my arms. She gave me a nod and went on her merry way, swiftly grabbing bottles of alcohol and I briefly wondered whether or not letting her decide what I get to drink would be a good choice or not.

Soon, she came back, a small glass in her hand. She gave me the glass and I stared at it for quite some time before taking a cautious sip. 'Not bad.' The glass in my hand, I decided that watching the dancers would be better than staring at absolutely nothing.

'Is it just me or did the music stop?'

When I was about to turn and simply watch the crowd of dancers, a chair came flying in my direction, almost hitting me smack dab in the head if I didn't turn when I did.

Yeah… that was nowhere near okay.

The glass in my hand shattered in my hand as my grip on it became too tight. Blood pounded in my ears as I felt my eye twitching in a mixture of anger and disbelief.

Correction; did I say Anger? I meant Rage.

I practically jumped out of my seat and stomped towards the center of the crowd, where I'm guessing that the commotion was located. I ducked and squeezed myself under and between people as I tried to reach my destination, still fuming.

I felt pity for the guy in front of me. It was most likely that he would be my victim, seeing as I couldn't squeeze my small frame between his and the other people beside him. I tapped his shoulder, making an effort to try and be nice instead of exploding on the poor fellow.

"Excuse me?" Luckily, I managed to keep my voice level. But as soon as I saw his face, all formalities were immediately tossed out of the damned window. "C-commander?" The man in front of me was none other than Demure and I fought to stop myself from cussing out loud.

Out of all the people I could've bumped into, it just had to be the one with the best eyesight and could immediately see through my disguise. I pressed a finger to my lips, my eyes blazing with desperation. "Don't. I'm no one out here, got it?"

At his nod, I visibly relaxed, giving a sigh of relief. Once he moved out of the way for me, I gave him a brief nod as thanks. To say that I was exasperated at what I saw would be an understatement. A bar fight.

Of fucking course.

From what I could see, both men were calm. Too calm.

One had white hair that had a streak of red at the side, tanned skin and piercing amber eyes that stared down at his opponent. He had on black pants that were held in place by a crimson belt and a tight black shirt that exposed his toned arms.

I'd be lying if I said that I didn't appreciate the outline of his muscles on the tight black shirt that he was wearing.

The other immediately reminded me of an Egyptian male. He had dual toned hair, Orange bangs and chocolate brown at the back, Tanned skin and the brightest emerald eyes I've ever seen and there was orange face paint under them.

He had on brown pants which were held in place by a dark brown belt and an orange, sleeveless hoodie that was outlined with red and unzipped, giving me a view of his dark green sleeveless shirt underneath and the orange tattoos on his biceps.

For some strange reason, he had a light brown scarf wrapped around his neck.

When I noticed that they were about to lunge for each other, I swiftly moved in between them and pressed a hand against both of their chest, a bit annoyed at how tall they were compared to me. "Will the both of you just stop?"

My tone was polite but my intentions were anything but. "And your names are… gentlemen?" I think I used too much sarcasm there. The first to answer was the Egyptian male "Nile. Nile Kiyomitzu" I gave him a nod of recognition and turned to the other one. "And yours?"

To my annoyance, he simply huffed and scowled at me "I don't need to tell you." I couldn't resist rolling my eyes at that one "Well. Mine's Kyoya. Kyoya Tategami." When I was sure that the both of them were paying attention, I continued.

"Now, Nile and you-"I pointed to Mr. Tall, Dark and Silent "-Nameless, I don't want to cause any trouble but-" I was cut off when Nameless scoffed "Sure you don't Shortie"

… I'm sorry, but what?

"Would you care to repeat that, Bastard?" I turned away from Nile and chose to ignore our silent spectators as I jabbed my finger on his chest. "You heard me." With a malicious growl, I drew my fist back but before it could make contact with his chest, I found my small hand enveloped in his much larger one.

"Is that all you've got, Shortie?" I gritted my teeth as I tried to control myself. I didn't need everyone finding out who I really was. "I want your name." I tried to keep my tone leveled as I demanded instead of asked.

He shook his head, a bored look on his face. "I have no reason why I should tell you" He released my hand and immediately turned to walk out of the club, the crowd parting for him as he passed by, leaving me a fuming mess.

Without a second thought, I ran after him, determination swelling in my chest. "All I wanted was your damned name! Is that too much to ask?!" I shouted after him as I spotted him near a black car. I wasn't sure what type it was.

I ran towards him until we were face to face or in my case, face to chest. In my hurry, I momentarily forgot about my cap and my hood, so what happened next wasn't a surprise.

The cool breeze brushed past the both of us but this one seemed to be stronger than the rest. Before I had a chance to react, my cap fell off taking my hood with it as my dark green hair cascaded down my back in soft waves.

My eyes widened in shock as I froze, trying to process what just happened. As soon as it did, my cheeks immediately darkened in embarrassment. "Fuck!" I yanked the hood of my jacket over my head as I panicked. My inner turmoil was momentarily put to an end as I heard the male before me chuckle.

"What?!" I growled at him, quite certain that my cheeks were still flushed underneath my hood. "I find the fact that you're trying to hide what you look like a bit amusing" A smirk was on his face as I glared at him, waiting for his hair to burst into flames.

To my surprise, he turned around and went inside his car, leaving me out in the open. Before I could say anything, his car window slowly lowered as he peeked at me from between the gap "And the name's Ryuga."

I couldn't stop the triumphant smile that made its way to my face as I watched him get out of his parking space and immediately drive away from me.

"Ryuga, huh?"

Wolfy:YEP! This is one of my current projects XD I need to know what you guys think, please!