Disclaimer: I do not own Durarara!

"Hey there, Shinra. Long time no see." I waved my hand as I entered the door. "Can you somehow do something about this, please?"

A brunet male turned around in shock. "Eh? Orihara-kun?! What happened to you?" He then proceeded to glance at my forehead dripping with blood and moved forward towards me. "...Don't tell me, you were messing around with Shizuo-kun again!"

"Hahaha. Don't make it sound like it's a bad thing." I let out a laugh, placing my hand on my forehead to avoid further bleeding. Although, it failed as I felt the pain coming afterwards.

I let myself to sit down on the couch, the other male followed suit while bringing his medical kit. "It is a bad thing." He sighed, with the oddity of smiling. "Your life could've been in danger. Or rather, stop bothering Shizuo-kun for everyone's sake, Orihara-kun."

"Oh please, Shinra. Why are you pinning this on me?" I replied with a slight wince on my expression as the latter applied some disinfectants on my wound. "And besides, I just wanna test his overpowered strenght. That's all!"

"You... why are you testing him? Seriously, you should stop while you are still breathing." The brunet sighed again. This time, it seemed more of a dissaproval of my actions rather than before.

I ignored his displeased sighs. It was all too familiar to me that I have gotten used to it. "Why? I don't know. Maybe because it's interesting?" I pondered for a moment for the right answer. "Or maybe because I just hate him so much like the way he hates me. So, I guess want him dead because of that...?" I blinked and flipped my head towards my male friend. "Yeah. That's the reason, Shinra. I just hate him."

He just shook his head, and stamped a bandage harshly onto my forehead. I groaned as the movement shocked me. "I don't understand you..." The male then stood up to place his stuff back where it belonged.

"Heh, what don't you understand, Shinra?" I placed my fingers to touch the bandage plastered on my head, it was throbbing from the male's action just now. Asshole. "It's not like you're not used to me and Shizu-chan fighting and hating each other all the time."

"Hate, huh?" Shinra grabbed two cups of coffee from the kitchen and placed one onto the table. He leaned against a wall as he held the other cup. His face was unreadable as he continued talking, "Do you really hate him as much as you say you do?"

The moment he spouted those words, I instantly stared at him, narrowing my scarlet orbs at the brunet. "Huh? What do you mean by that?", The way he asked that question was suspiciously unusual that it almost caught me off guard. "Even if I don't hate him, what do you think I would feel about him, Shinra?"

"Don't you know the idiom that people often say, Orihara-kun?", Shinra moved forward, closing the gaps between us. The tapping of his shoes against the ground combined with the silence in the room made me slightly uncomfortable. "You see, there's a thin line between love and hate that you almost wouldn't be able to distinguish...Weird, isn't it?" The brunet said to me, smiling with an uncommon expression.

"...what… are you getting at here?" I glared at him in reflex. The direction of this conversation was not in my favors, at all.

However, he seemed unfazed by my gaze. "I've been thinking...", Shinra played with the tip of his cup, swirling his finger around to prolong time, or to find the right words. Whatever it was, I found myself to be very restless as I awaited the continuation of his speech. "...which line have you crossed, Orihara-kun?"

"….What..?" I blinked at his bizarre question.

"Orihara-kun, somehow I think that you chose the former. Although, you wouldn't admit that yourself now, would you?" The brunet smiled at me as though he could see through me. "You know what I mean, right?"

"I.. get what you're saying but..." I furrowed my eyebrows at him as my thoughts were spot-on. This conversation definitely made me feel uncomfortable. The rationality of the words coming out of his mouth was baffling."Above all people, why are you asking me? Love? And with Shizu-chan?! Are you crazy?".

"So, it is a no?" He asked again, raising his vocal into a tone of partial sarcasm and genuine curiousity.

I averted my eyes. Somehow, the dark cloud arose on the outside world was better than having to confront the brunet with his ridiculous question. "Damn straight. Why would I have feelings for that protozoan? What a stupid discussion this turned out to be." I finished my cup of coffee out of courtesy, ready to stand up to leave the building as fast as I could.

It was out of my character to act defensive and behave like that, although who could've blamed me? It was like I was trapped and being interrogated about questions that I didn't want to answer.

"Oh, are you leaving now, Orihara-kun?" The male asked as though the conversation just now didn't happened. "By the way, you have just a minor injury so you don't need to pay me okay?"

"Whatever." I scoffed as I headed to the front door. "The right course of action for me right now is to get away from you and your irrelevant, meaningless question, don't you think so?" My head twisted to the side, smirking at him to intimidate the person more. I didn't mind my harsh straighforward reply as Shinra was getting on my nerves and he deserved a little scare once in a while.

"Hahaha. Yeah, I think you're right." He laughed surprisingly, earning a groan from me as that was not the reaction I wanted to get. My satisfaction wasn't sate, unfortunately. "So I guess I'll see you soon, Orihara-kun?"

"Don't count on it." I waved as I leave through the front door with a surrendered smile. It was too much of a hassle to continue talking with Shinra so I just let it be for now. For now, that is.

As the clicking sound of the door closing behind me, the brunet male spoke, "The way you're avoiding the question..." He sighed for the umpteenth time, "...it's like you're telling me that something's going on between the two of you..."

Shinra waltzed through his living room, going to the balcony of his apartment. The strike of thunder resounded his ears as he sipped another cup of coffee through his lips. He looked down and saw a familiar raven haired male walking through the busy road with a slight rain falling from the sky.

"Really... What is it that you're hiding, Orihara-kun?"

"What the fuck happened to you?" A male with a blond hair asked, creasing his eyebrows as he stared at the sight of me.

I was drenched, my clothes soaked through with wet rain water dripping every second. My forehead, imprinted with a large-sized bandage that didn't look good on my small facial. And my face, it was contorted into annoyance with a slight of fatigue following an anger that came over me as I was not used to cold temperatures. Just one thought came into my mind.

Why did I come here?

"Self-explanatory." I merely uttered, letting myself inside to avoid freezing to death.

"Woah- Wait!" The blond followed suit while trying to stop me furthering myself into the apartment. "Who said that you can just barge in like that with water dripping down all over the floor?!" He exclaimed succeeding in holding my arm to halt my movement.

I glared at him, "Fine, then." It was annoying of him to scream at me like that while I was shivering from the lack of warm temperature, so I did what I had to do to spite him. I took of all of my clothes, undergarments, and starked naked in front of him. "Are you satisfied now?"

"Wha-what the hell-!" He involuntarily step back, covering his redened face with his arm.

"I'm gonna shower, so bring me a spare t-shirt and a boxer." I spoke before going to the washroom. I regretted my decision a little due to my body jolting at the slightest breeze as I walked. Albeit, looking behind me and the person's reaction, it was worth it.

"Isn't this a little too big for me?" I asked, looking and stretching the flabby shirt covering my body.

"Huh? What do you expect? My body ain't exactly thin and fragile as yours." The blond groan, sitting on the bed watching some ludicrous variety show.

"Hmph. I know that." I replied with a slight annoyance. My feet marched towards the blond and unceremoniously let my body fall to the bed, and lay beside him.

I felt a bit refreshed after showering with hot water. Thankfully, the brute's heater was working fine unlike most days. It infuriated me how dysfunctional his apartment was, yet he loved it to death. Stupid person. Yet, to be truthful, I can never stop coming to this place of his. It was like my ultimate guilty pleasure.

"Say..." the other male started, glancing back and forth at me and the tv. "What's with the injury on your head? Who did this to you?" He touched the wound slight, grazing his finger around it.

"Hmm, nobody.." I murmured, feeling a bit sleepy after such a long and tiresome day. It didn't occur to me that I had tore off the bandage in the washroom due to it being too wet and that it was a hindrance. Defeats the whole purpose of going to Shinra's place, I suppose. "I underestimated the person and this is what I get."

And yes, the injury I received was not from the brute, but from a misunderstanding between me and my client. I lied to Shinra just because it was to mess with him. Although, I didn't thought that kind of conversation would popped up while I was there.

Really though, why would Shinra ask that kind of question out of the blue?

"Hahaha serves you right." He laughed as though I deserved it. And people wonder why I feel the need to kill him sometimes. "Does it hurt?" The person asked with curiousity. Ah, that's right. Does he even feel pain, I wonder?

"No but.. I feel a headache coming along. How troublesome." I mumbled as I wrapped my arms around his body. The heat radiating from his body was soothing to me.

"Oi oi, if you're gonna sleep, then do it properly!" The person said to me, releasing both of my arms from his waist. "And it's hard to move. I wanna watch the tv, Izaya."

"Oh, shut the fuck up, Shizu-chan." I rebutted, placing my arms onto his shoulder while smirking widely. "Warm me up, ne?"

"Tsk, you troublesome little prick." The male smiled menacingly, although his action contradict his words when he flipped his body and grasped me from behind. "Is this better, princess?" The sarcasm in his words made me snorted.

"Hell no." I then turned my body to face him and hugged him tightly, burying my face into his chest. "This is better."

"Suit yourself." He spoke, resuming his activity of keeping his eyes on the television.

"Hey…" I said as I looked up, playing with the smooth yellow hair of the taller male. "Have you… perhaps been speaking to Shinra lately?"

"What? No, not really…?" The blond male stared down at me with an amusingly confusing expression on his face that I just had to pull his golden locks. He yelped with his hoarse voice at my action, it made me snicker a bit. "Why are asking about Shinra all of a sudden?".

"Oh, nothing~ Just wanna know." My voice purred into a playful chime, rolling around his single-sized bed until my body hit a wall. The bed was evidently small, yet I felt the most comfortable on it.

"Nothing, my ass." He closes his distance almost two inches away. "You'd better tell me, flea."

"Hmm. Don't wanna~~!" I grabbed the blanket and covered myself into it, engulfing me in warmth and darkness. "..Good night, Shizu-chan."

"Damn imp…", he ruffled my hair through the fabric and placed his elbow onto mine, "..and it's not even night time, you idiot." the male snarled with the tone of a contented asshole.

"Mmmmm whatever." I muttered before I felt the blond pulled the blanket away and kissed my head as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Hmph. Good night, Izaya."

Shinra, you asked me which line have I crossed between love and hate, right?

Although, you should have already known that there was in no way that I would tell you about this kind of thing. Or rather, about my personal life.

I would never give in to you and your little riddles, because after all, it would just ruin the fun of this all. Isn't that right, Shinra?

Hey there, people! It's been a long time since I've written fanfictions.

Since Drrr! Season 2 has been airing, the urge to to write about these two are more than 9000!

I hope you enjoy this story~