Chapter 6

A/N: Hi guys! Here's the 6th Chapter of T.P.W.N.A.W. Writing this took longer than it should have, and I'm really sorry about that. For some reason, I had allot of trouble typing this out. In any matter, it's done now, so here you go! :)

I would once again like to thank, anyone who took the time to read, review, favourite this story!

Sorry about any spelling or grammar mistakes, all critisicim is welcome.



Disclaimer: I'm sad to say, that i don't own Harry potter or Hetalia. The honour of that, goes to J.K Rowling, and Hidekaz Himayura.

After the obligatory idle chatter, and thank you very much's, England decided to end the conversation. It wasn't as if he didn't enjoy talking to Mr. Longbottom, quite the contrary actually. He just really needed to get the twins school supplies.

"Well, it was a pleasure Neville," Arthur said, allowing himself a small smile. "But me and the boys, really must be going."

"Of course of course, places to see, people to meet," said Neville. "I suppose I'll see theses two at Hogwarts then, being assistant herbology professor and all... Well goodbye." And with that he left, waving farewell.

"Now, you two" said England, pointing at the Twins. " I suppose we should get your school supplies, follow me."

Briskly, they walked down the alley. Their first three stops, (robes at Madam Malkin's, books at flourish and blots, and Potion supplies at The Cauldron shop.) took relatively little time.

So with hope that the next two would go well too, Arthur took the boys into Magical Menagerie.

"Wow" Breathed Matthew, as they walked past the threshold, into the shop.

All kinds of animals, magical and mundane, were in cages stacked high to the ceiling.

Alfred, doing his best imitation of a kid in a candy store, ran around excitedly, sicking his fingers where they ought to not be stuck.

It was then, that Arthur decided he'd better regain order quickly. Grabbing the Twins by the scruff of their necks, he said,

"I've decided to let you both buy a pet if you want. A owl, a cat, or a toad. Matthew, I know your probably going to bring that bear, but your allowed one of those three. Now, run along, the both of you."

Arthur stood to the side, watching as Alfred dragged Matthew around the store. Thinking about the days events, as he leaned on the back wall, and closed his eyes.

It really had been quite the day. From the exhaustive conversation at the days beginning, all the way to the foo powder disaster.

Not to mention, the fact that Alfred had just as much energy, as he did when he was a colony.

After a few more moments, of blissfully quiet contemplation, Arthur was jolted from his thoughts.

Wanting to see who had tapped him, the Brit pried open an eye.

"Hey, look Iggy!" said Alfred excitedly, Gesturing to his shoulder. "Her names Liberty. Can I get her? Please!"

Arthur turned his gaze to the boys shoulder. There, a bald eagle was perched, proud and royal looking.

"Alfred," said Arthur sternly. "I specifically, remember telling you that you could get an owl, a cat, or a toad." He pinched the bridge of his nose, "not, a bloody bald eagle."

"Oh come on Iggy, buddy ol' pal. Just look at her! We have a bond already." said Al, giving Arthur a mischievous grin. "Besides, all the other animals in this place are boring."

Arthur Glared. "No," he said firmly.

"Pleeeaaasse! pretty, pretty please, with a cherry on top," said Alfred, giving Arthur puppy dog eyes.

Arthur sighed, trying, but failing to stay firm. "Fine..." he said curtly, "you can have, the eagle. Get your brother for me will you?"

"Yessir!" Al replied enthusiastically, running off to collect his twin.

Arthur walked to the stores front, meeting the boys at the cash register. "I take it your not going to get a pet, Matthew?"

Matthew shook his head slightly. "No," he said quietly. "I think I'll just take Kumakichi."

"Very well then," Arthur said, as he grudgingly payed the shopkeeper for Alfred's eagle.

Half smiling, Arthur watched, as Alfred dragged Matthew into Olivander's.

It was a bit nostalgic he thought, being here again. The last time Arthur was in the shop, he was just a lad, getting his first wand.

Strolling in behind the boys, he heard an old crackling voice, coming from behind a large stack of boxes. "Ah" the voice croaked "Customers I Presume?"

"Yes" confirmed Arthur. "My boys here need wands"

"First, or second wands?" Asked the old man, stepping out into the trio's line of sight.

To Arthur, it was clear who the man was. It was uncanny how much Garrick Olivander looked like his ancestors.

"First ones Olivander," said Arthur, answering for the twins.

"Now then, what would your name happen to be?" Asked the wandmaker, pointing a gnarled hand at Alfred.

"Alfred F. Jones," Alfred said "otherwise known as.. THE HERO!"

"Very well. You first then," Said Olivander.

Alfred smiled, and nodded eagerly. "so... what do i do? Just pick out one of these?"

"No," said Olivander shaking his head, "that's absurd. It's the wand chooses the wizard, any other way, and it ends in disaster."

"Okay..." said Alfred, seriously questioning the old mans sanity. "Bring it on!"

In response, Olivander brought out a neat, handsome looking wand. "Ten and a half inches, ebony, core of Unicorn, flexible," he said, handing the wand to Alfred.

Alfred, who couldn't resist, gave the wand a wave, only to have it snatched back by Olivander.

No, no, certainly not" muttered the wandmaker. "Try this one" he said, bringing out another wand. "Twelve inches, Spruce, with a core of Phoenix."

Skeptically eyeing Olivander, Alfred took the wand. Unlike the last, this wand, gave a more obvious reaction. The shops windows shattered, and Al hastily dropped the piece of wood.

Scooping up the wand Olivander shook his head "Definitely not!"

For the next half hour, Alfred tried wand after wand. On the sixth try it created a small explosion. On the fifteenth, a jet of blue flame shoot out, and Arthur and Matthew, decided to take shelter under the counter.

Alfred was beginning to loose hope on finding a wand, when Olivander brought out a box, longer than the others. "This ones most curious" he said. "Perhaps fitting, for a most curious person. "fourteen inches, dogwood, feather of a Thunderbird, rigid."

"It isn't often," he continued. "That I manage to acquire a Thunderbird feather, much less match it with dogwood."

Alfred, took the wand from the wandmaker, and gave it a tentative wave. Much to Olivander's delight, it started to give off a reddish glow, gave a loud bark, and shot sparks into the air.

"I do believe" said Arthur emerging out fro under the counter. "that we've found your wand"

"yes" said Olivander, his silvery eyes shining in hidden exhilaration. "I believe we have. How curious though, such a rare core and wood combination."

"Finally!" exclaimed Alfred. "That took forever. Lets go!"

Arthur shook his head, sighing. "Sorry Alfred, but you'll have to wait a while longer.

"why?" asked the American, tilting his head.

Matthew frowned, cutting in. "because Al, I still need one"

"Ehe.. sorry Mattie," said Alfred, smiling sheepishly. "Forgot about ya for a sec."

"It's okay," Sighed Matthew.

"your turn then," said Olivander, turning toward Matthew.

The first wand given to Matthew, jumped out of his hand and rolled away. So, right form the get go, It was obvious that Matthew,like Alfred, would have trouble finding wand to chose him.

Forty minutes, and fifty three wands later, Matthew's seemingly endless patience was beginning to wane. Closing his eyes, and taking a deep breath, he took the wand Olivander was holding out to him

"Thirteen inches, Alder, with the hair of a Demiguise, unyielding"

Biting his lip, Matthew waved the wand. In a shock of warm light, a quiet music box tune filled the air, and snow fell from the wand tip.

"I daresay, you've found your wand," said Olivander.

Smiling, Matthew nodded. Gazing, at his newly acquired wand in admiration.

Arthur and Alfred, then came out of their self defensive positions, and the trio made their way to the front desk.

In a few short minutes, Arthur paid Olivander, they said their adieus, and then left.

A/N: Finally! I've finished this chapter! I had allot of trouble writing this one, and I'm still not sure if I'm fully satisfied with it. Anyway, tell me how I did. :)

About the wands I chose for the twins, I decided to choose the wood type by personality. For example, Dogwood, the wood type in Alfred's wand, is loud, and fun loving, but capable of more serious magic If needed. Similarly Matthew's wand wood, Alder, is well suited to non verbal magic, and it seeks owners that are kind, and patient.

The cores however, are a different story. After some internal debate, I decided to not go with the traditional cores.

Alfred's core, is a Thunderbird feather. A Thunderbird, is a supernatural creature, depicted in the history and culture, of some groups of Indigenous North Americans. It is said to have a large wingspan, and is able to create storms and thunder while it flies.

I did do quite a bit of research on this, and from what I can tell It is okay to use a Thunderbird feather in the story. But If anyone is offended by this, and wants me to change it, I will do so gladly.

Matthew's core, is the hair of a Demiguise. A Demiguise, a more obscure creature of J.K Rowling's. It is an Ape like creature, that can turn itself invisible at will, and it's pelt can be used to make invisibility cloaks.

Now, the moment you've all been waiting for! The Hogwarts house the I belong to is... SLYTHERIN!

Yep, I reside in the vipers pit. To be fair though, I was hat stall. The hat gave me a choice between Slytherin and Hufflepuff. I chose Slytherin, because Slytherin needs more friends. (yes I know, that's a very Hufflepuff reason) :)

Congratulations to all that got it right! And, to anyone who gave it a shot, but didn't quite succeed, Thanks for trying! :)


Marzue: LOL, you were right on both fronts. Thankyou



Time Traverser:


Lukas Le Stelle:

The Shifting:



Cira Heartfilia:
