AN: This is going to be short story. I would be surprised if it reached 10 chapters. Its just something I typed up in between classes because I have a 2 hour gap to do what I please and I write hetalia fanfiction instead of doing homework. So the main ship is..wait for it... Can Ame! That's right folks! Canada as the seme and America the uke! Well actually its an AU story with just hockey player Matthew and cute American tourist Amelia. For those who don't know Amelia is the female version of Alfred. And if any of you understand some terms in Hockey then the title of this should make sense.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or any of its characters. I also not own the Toronto Maple Leafs or any other sport teams mentioned in this story.

"If you're done ogling at the little piece of paper then that'd be awesome cause I really should, like, pay the guy now or something."

Amelia flinched when the colorful piece of paper that she had been holding was snatched from her hand. She had never actually seen a Canadian bill before so when Gilbert asked her to hold his money while he grabbed the food tray she had been more than willing to get a chance to study the foreign currency.

She glared at her best friend for the rude action while he in return just winked before paying the man at the food stand and pocketing the change. It was late February and somehow her German friend had convinced her to go to a hockey game with him while she was in Canada visiting the albino.

They were best friends growing up and caused quite a ruckus together as kids and all the way up to high school. They were separated though when the loser moved to Canada to live with his younger brother, Ludwig, and attend college in the Great White North, leaving Amelia best friendless back in the States.

A sharp, cold gust of wind blew when someone opened the door and Amelia shivered in her long navy blue pea coat. She knew Canada was cold in the winter compared to Florida but this was seriously hell. Why again did she agree to visit the idiot during the winter in Canada? Her eyes watched the few bills that stuck out from his pants pocket. Ah that's right, because he paid for her ticket and allowed her to stay at his place. So pretty much the trip was free and she very much liked free.

Not being able to focus on anything until that dangling bills were securely tucked away, Amelia uncrossed her shivering arms and poked the money back into her friend's pocket and out of sight. When she looked back up at him and saw the sly grin on his face she nearly fought the urge to flick him in the nose for his dirty thoughts. Just because they were best friends didn't mean he wouldn't flirt and tease her whenever he got the chance.

"Don't give me that look." She scolded and yanked her Coke Cola from his hands and slurped it angrily, shivering when the cold drink spilled into her mouth.

Gilbert laughed and would've snaked an arm around her if his hands weren't so preoccupied carrying all of their unhealthy snack food. "You know I'm just messing with you, Amy! You're just too fun to tease I can't help myself."

"Yeah, well, please try and do." She shot back but smiled with the straw in between her lips. Gilbert had always teased her about her bashfulness for as far back as she could remember. It made her feel like a blushing virgin half of the time, but that could also be because she actually was a virgin.

She had been raised and taught that sex was something only lovers did and she just simply hadn't found that special guy yet. At one point she thought she was going to lose it to her last boyfriend, but that relationship ended in such a disaster that she'd cry herself to sleep for weeks afterwards. Even the thought of it could easily ruin her night. It was a miracle that Gilbert hadn't asked about her ex during her stay but that was probably because he knew it would bring back bad memories and dampen the mood of her entire trip. It wasn't like the bitter cold and snow were helping her forget the guy anyway since he came from a similar climate…

Crowds of people of all ages were showing their pride for the home team by wearing blue and white jerseys with a large white maple leaf smacked right in the middle. She almost laughed aloud when she found out the team was called the 'Toronto Maple Leafs' because of how stereotypical it was. She couldn't blame them though because there were a handful of teams with bald eagles posing as their mascot while they also sported the red, white, and blue back in America.

As her and Gilbert walked through the jittery crowd and to their seats, Amelia couldn't help but to smile at the atmosphere around her. Everyone seemed so excited for the match and didn't seem to care too much about the frigid air outside. A couple a kids with their faces painted in white and blue ran in front of her and Gilbert, causing him to swear in German when he almost dropped the food. She was slightly surprised though when they both stopped their playing and apologized to the fuming German before running off again.

"Little brats…" he muttered when they started walking again and entered the hall that lead to the rink.

"Oh come on Gil, they were just having fun! And the way they said 'sorry' was freakin' adorable." She teased and he shot her a look from the corner of his eye.

"Damn straight they apologize or else-"

"Or else what? You would've picked a fight with two little nine year olds? Sorry Gil but they so would've beat your ass if they tagged teamed it." Back in grade school that was how she and Gilbert would fight whenever they got in an argument with other classmates. She would take them on first then leave them frazzled just enough for Gil to turn their world upside down and leave them with a mouth full of dirt. Other children didn't dare mess with them on the playground.

Gilbert scuffed at that and kept walking, leading the way through the maze of people. "Ja but not if I took them on one by one! Then those little brats wouldn't have stood a chance against the awesome me!"

Amelia smiled then reached out to hook her arm through her friends in order to stay together and not get separated because they had a real act for getting lost. "Oh Gil, you're the only person I know who would try and take on two kids just to prove you're awesome and risk going to jail."

"Pfft, as if I need to do that just to prove my awesomeness! It practically radiates off of me! Especially when surrounded by all of these dweebs!" he proclaimed loudly, causing a few sport fans to turn and give him confused looks.

Even though she was somewhat embarrassed by her best friends loud and rude comment, she couldn't help but to laugh and lay her head on his shoulder and tighten her hold on his arm. "Oh Gil, how I've missed you."

He laughed at that and felt him lean closer to her while trying to keep the food away from her coat and himself. "Who wouldn't?"

She just chuckled and let him lead until they entered the arena and managed to find their seats, which turned out to be right in front of the glass barrier. Apparently Gilbert liked being up close to the action and loved it when players would smash one another against the thick glass wall. Like seriously. He brought a camera to capture the pictures of the players flattened faces even though it was against the rules.

After an amusing attempt of them both trying to sing the Canadian national anthem, which Gilbert still didn't know after living in the country for over two years, the game buzzer finally rang and the match atlas began.

Amelia didn't understand much of what was going on, but she tried to look enthusiastic whenever the majority of the crowd around her cheered or the organ started up. Having up close seats also didn't help her keep track of the little black puck. It literally flew across the ice in the blink of an eye and made her head feel dizzy for just trying to keep up with it. It wasn't like American Football where you'd know who had the ball because all of the other players would be chasing the person while they ran for their life towards the in zone to make a touch down.

A player was then thrown against the wall and Amelia nearly screamed and dropped her nachos all over her lap. Her heart beat wildly in her chest as a player stared at her through the close with half his face flat like a pancake.

"Hell yeah!" Gilbert cheered and Amelia all but blinked when he snapped a picture and the rest of the crowd around them cheered on the aggressive performance.

The player that had been attacked was from other team, dressed in all black and yellow, looked thoroughly pained before he collapsed onto the ice. The home team player that had shoved him brutally against the wall simply skated away without a care.

"W-What was that!?" she nearly squawked and shot her head around to face Gilbert who was cackling and going through his roll of photos so far from the game.

"That," he grinned cleverly and looked up at her, "was the teams best player doing what he does best."

Amelia looked back to the ice for the player in blue but he was lost amongst the many others that skidded around the ice so quickly she didn't even bother to read the names on the backs of their jerseys'.

"You mean smashing people into the wall and scaring the living daylights out of me? Yeah I'd sure say he is the best alright. Asshole is more like it though…" She grumbled and looked back to the ice. Gilbert threw his arm around her upper back and gave her shoulder a squeeze.

"If you feel the need to seek comfort if scared-" he murmured lowly, tauntingly before Amelia cut him off.

"No thanks Gil. Rather take my chances at getting a heart attack."

He just laughed in response and removed his arm and continued eating his third wiener dog out of the pile that were stacked in a pyramid in the little rectangle tray. She was half tempted to try scaring him and seeing the wiener dogs go tumbling down with him in total dismay.

During the second period Amelia couldn't believe her ears when the sweet looking pair of young boys who apologized for almost tripping Gilbert earlier in the night were now screaming like sailors at the opposing team. She just stared wide-eyed at the kids while Gilbert laughed and used their profanity as proof after all that they were brats. The worst part was that the parents didn't even seem to mind!

The American turned back in her seat and tried focusing on the game again. This all was definitely a new experience for her and she wasn't quite sure if she liked it. When she looked at her German friend she saw that he had his camera back out and aiming straight ahead. She opened her mouth to ask what he was about to take a picture of until a loud thud came from the glass in front of her, causing her to whip around and face the thick wall with a surprised yelp.

Once again the rival player in yellow and black was shoved up against the glass directly in front of her. In the corner of her eye she could see Gilbert's camera flash going off, which was sure to get the players attention.

While the opposing team's player struggled against the wall to get free, Amelia tried to get a glimpse of the Toronto player that had him pinned. The majority of his face was shielded by his mask and position of his helmet, so she tried maneuvering in her seat to get a better look.

Finally she got to an angle where she could see the teams star player and was somewhat surprised with the fierce expression on his face. He looked pissed off by the way his eyes narrowed on the other player and his jaw tightened in fury. Jeez no wonder the guy who was practically being forced to make out with the wall looked so frazzled. Being pinned to the wall by this guy seemed like a nightmare and she could only imagine the bruises that were left behind after the rough hit.

Finally the Toronto player backed off and let the poor guy fall to the ice in a breathing mess. Gilbert was at her side cheering and taking more photos of the guy who looked like he was just hit by a train while Amelia could only still stare in shock and somewhat pity for the man. She didn't see what happened but he really must've pissed the player in blue off to get whacked that hard.

And just like before, the Toronto skater dressed in blue started to skate away, but Amelia noticed the way that he would glare down at the other player as if daring him to try and get back to his feet. For some reason it made her face heat up and she couldn't draw her eyes away from the dominating Canadian skater.

The opposing player in black didn't even try to get up and Amelia honestly couldn't blame him. She would've melted into the ice if under such a directing glare. As the blue player turned on his skates and was about to skate off, his eyes looked up and then landed past the glass wall and directly on her.

The American froze in her seat and stared wide-eyed at the player who stared right back at her. Her mind raced with things that she might have done wrong but she couldn't come up with anything because she was just a spectator! Oh god what if he was upset because her friend was taking photos of him? That had to be it.

But the mans possessing eyes never left hers to sway in Gilbert's general direction like she had assumed they would. It was nerve wracking, quite honestly, to have someone's full attention for a reason that she didn't even know.

"Now is the perfect chance to flash him! Quick do it now while you have his attention!" Gilbert hooted and reached for the buttons on her coat and started unbuttoning them.

That's what snapped Amelia out of it when his hands were suddenly on her and trying to pop open her coat. "G-Gil!" she shirked and started smacking his frisky hands away as he kept insisting it was for the high lights on TV.

During her struggle with her annoying best friend, Amelia embarrassedly looked back to the skater to discover a somewhat surprised expression on his face as his eyes darted back to Gilbert and herself as if putting one and two together. After those few quick seconds he was skating back into the action and Amelia was left ready to die in embarrassment. She was going to kill Gilbert.

"Now its too late! Why didn't you show the guy your big breast Am-" he stopped short when he was smacked upside the head by the blonde woman.

"What the hell was that, Gil!? Are you trying to embarrass me and get us thrown out at the same time!?" she hissed as the albino rubbed the back of his head sorely.

"Mein gott I forgot how hard you can hit!" Gilbert complained and glared at her with his red eyes in annoyance.

"You deserved harder for what you almost did!"

Gilbert rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat, picking up his red slushy and holding it to the back of his head. "It's not like you haven't done it before you know. Just trying to have some fun." He continued to pout.

Amelia's face turned red when she remembered the incident where she had in fact flashed everyone at a sports event. It was at a bar for the Germany vs. USA game during the Fifa World Cup and she had been drunk out of her mind at the time and Gilbert somehow convinced her it would be funny, which at the time her drunken self thought so too. Gilbert and his drunken friends all but cheered while his younger and much larger brother, Ludwig, had to drag her down from the bar table. After the incident she had thanked the other German but they never talked about it again since it was so awkward for them both.

"Well one day when you're crazy drunk I'm going to trick you into pulling your pants down and then see how you like it." She sneered and flashed a glare at him.

To her dismay he only smiled and set his frozen drink back into the cup holder in between them. "How about I do it now and we call it even?" he cracked a grin and Amelia's face all but fell with horror. He wouldn't… She watched him get to his feet and start unbuckling his pants. Oh dear god he would…

Amelia didn't waste another second and latched onto him and used all her strength to drag her cackling friend back into his seat and hold onto him for the rest of the game until the final buzzer rang out.


Amelia cursed and muttered under her breath in the ladies washroom after the end of the hockey match. While leaning in her seat to hold Gilbert down, his stupid frozen drink had soaked into the side of her coat. The worst part is that it was red and her coat was blue so now she had a large purple smudge right on the side of her waist. If it stained then the bastard was going to buy her a new coat and owe her a whole other apology.

She stopped her insistent scrubbing when her phone chimed from inside her pocket. She set the washcloth down and reached inside her dry pocket then frowned when she saw that it was from Gilbert.

Gil: What's taking you so long? You having a hot lesbian make out session in there or something?

She scowled at the words then quickly typed her response that denied his silly accusations of what really went on in the ladies room and why girls would always go in pairs.

Gil: Ja, sure you aren't! Tell your girlfriend she is welcome to come back and get a taste of some German after she is done with American ;D

Amelia started typing a response but figured it was a waste of her time and discarded her phone back into her coat pocket on the dry side that didn't smell of raspberries.

After another ten minutes of constant scrubbing, she finally managed to wash the purple out and left it with a dark blue that she doubted anyone would notice in the dark anyway. Though they might smell a hint of raspberries in the air.

Amelia checked her appearance in the mirror quickly before deeming she looked well enough considering the long night that she dealt with before swiftly leaving the bathroom to go find her friend where they said they would met up. She only wished that he hadn't left the building because searching for his car alone in the cold night air was not something she was even willing to consider. Plus she couldn't remember where he even parked.

The halls were long and scarcely empty of any of the fans that once crowded the halls when she first went into the bathroom. It also was a lot more quiet now and she could actually hear the music that played through the sound speakers and the game highlights on the many large flat screen TV's that she passed. It was on her second turn that Amelia came to the conclusion that she might not have remembered correctly where she was going. Oh boy.

She turned and glanced down the hall where a few people were wondering and then in another direction with other fans. Were they going towards the exit? Or were the people on her left? Where did the hallway right in front of her lead? And which one did she just come from again? Amelia spun and tried to back map where she had traveled when she was searching for the restroom to begin with. Maybe it would help if she just went back to the restroom? Except she didn't know where that was either. Great.

After debating and second guessing herself far too many times, Amelia resulted in just going straight because it would mean she would be able to trace her way back with more ease. Along the walls were overly large prints of former hockey players and possibly the more current ones the further she walked down the hall. There were some dates and paragraphs about the teams history also on the wall but she honestly didn't care enough to stop and really teach herself about a sport she new next to nothing of.

With her eyes so focused on the giant players printed on the wall, Amelia failed to notice that she was walking into the halls intersection. She was at the very end before the wall broke and opened up to a new aisle when she smacked into something HARD that made her scrunch her face up and swing her hands up as some part of defense tactic. She stumbled back, her head dazed with the impact of what she assumed was another wall until she felt a pair of hands rest on her shoulders to steady her wobbling.

"Oh god I am so sorry about that ma'am! I-I wasn't paying any attention where I was going and-"

The male stranger seemed to stop his rushed apology short as if he just realized something mid way through it. Amelia squinted up at them but they were still a bit fuzzy and somewhere behind the person she swore she saw tiny white maple leafs floating around.

Stupid leafs she thought and shook her head in attempt to clear it. "It's fine," she started muttering and the person in front of her kept silent. "I wasn't-I wasn't looking where I was going either."

"It's you…"

Amelia opened her eyes again and truly looked at the man in front of her that held her steady by her shoulders still. She wondered if he even realized what he was doing but she found she didn't mind much since it was helping her see straight. God her head really hurt.

It took a moment for her eyes to focus on them but they eventually did and Amelia found that the man was practically gawking at her. Her mind then remembered what he had just said to her while she was trying to clear her head.

"Um, do I know you?" she asked skeptically and raised an eyebrow; trying to figure out if she knew any others in Canada besides Gilbert and his brother.

The tall blonde seemed to come out of whatever daze he had been in and smiled kindly down at her and shook his head before removing his hands. "No, well, not personally." He confessed and Amelia watched the way his eyes dart to the floor then back to her. "I saw you during the match."

During the game? She tried to think if she actually talked to anyone during the game besides Gilbert or the security guards that were called to check in on a peculiar acting couple in the front row. Was he one of the guards? She glanced at his appearance up and down only to see that he wore black sweat pants and a dark blue hoodie with a white leaf in the middle. Another fan maybe? He must've been sitting by them and unfortunately saw Gilbert try and take off his pants. Oh the poor soul must've been so frightened.

"Listen I'm really sorry about that. My friend can be so stupid and immature sometimes. I mean, who tries to flash someone at a game am I right?" She laughed somewhat awkwardly and stared up into his light, violet eyes past his glasses that she found cute on him. Wait, what?

His face seemed to redden then for some reason. "So that was your friend? And he was just trying to, um," he seemed uncomfortable and scratched the back of his head that held his long blonde hair together in a loose knot.

Amelia felt bad for the guy because it seemed he was truly uncomfortable with what almost happened back in the rink during the match. "Remove a certain piece of clothing and flash the crowd? Yeah, unfortunately. It was a miracle I was able to stop him before it happened though."

The guy looked back to her with his face just as red as before. "I saw that you know. Him attempt to, ehm, do that."

Amelia only nodded her head in pity for the poor fan. "I would have just about died in embarrassment if he had."

"I can imagine."

"You know," she started and crossed her arms over her chest. "I almost let him do it."

The guy's eyes got wide and he seemed in full-blown shock. His gaze quickly darted down to her chest but Amelia didn't seem to catch it. "Y-You what?!"

She couldn't help but to snicker at the thought of Gilbert actually going through with it and having a bunch of food rain down on him and the police drag his pale ass out of the building and throw him into the snow.

"Yup. Just for the heck it because it would've been funny. I'm sure the crowd would've got a kick out of it too," she looked up at him then and winked. "and possibly even you."

"W-Well," the guy stuttered and his face was so red it looked like he just came in from standing out in the cold with the wind lashing at his skin for hours. His violet eyes again darted to her chest before quickly looking away.

The silence between them was ruined when Amelia heard her phone chime from within her coat pocket. She quickly retrieved it and saw that it was another message from Gilbert, though this time he was suggesting that her little bathroom make out session had turned into something else. Her best friend had such a dirty mind and he wasn't even ashamed of it.

"Speak of the devil," she grinned and quickly told Gil she was on her way to meet up with him near the front. "My friend is waiting for me in the lobby." The man drew out of his daze and focused back down on her.

"Your flashy friend?" he asked and she nodded.

"Yeah he's kinda been waiting on me for about an hour because I was in the bathroom cleaning my coat after I got a frozen slushy drink on it during the match." He looked down to her coat and she saw the trace of an amused smile on his lips.

"I've been wondering what smelt of raspberries." He chuckled softly and Amelia found herself laughing along him even though she was slightly embarrassed.

"Um, hey," she said more seriously when they both settled down. He looked at her more seriously too like ready for whatever she was about to ask him. "I sorta don't know my way to the lobby because it's my first time here sooo," she drifted the thought off and rocked back on her heels while she waited for him to respond.

He seemed in some ways let down by her question before a slightly nervous look overtook his features. She was afraid that he would deny her or give her directions because that would only mix her up even more.

"I'll lead you back if you need me to." He finally agreed and Amelia couldn't help but smile in relief because she was starting to consider texting Gilbert to come and find her.

She watched as he reached into his black bag that was on his back and pull out a dark blue hat and place it lowly on his head, shielding his forehead completely and barely leaving hints of his beautiful violet eyes. "Follow me." He instructed and Amelia quickly fell into step next to the taller man.

"You said this was your first time here?" he tilted his head down in her direction and placed his hands into his sweat pants pockets.

"First hockey game all together, yeah." She confessed and decided to leave out her opinion of the sport because the guy seemed to be a fan if it weren't for the giant white leaf on his dark blue sweatshirt, which seemed to be a little snug on his nice upper build.

"So I take it you're not from around here, eh?" he smiled at the look on her face after he said that.

"Heck no! Do I really look like the person who can stand the cold?" he then took note of her coat and realized that it was more for fashion than it was to keep warm with. People up here always put warmth first and didn't care how silly they looked as long as they covered themselves from the biting cold winds and freezing temperatures.

"Guess not." He finally responded amusingly and she hummed in agreement.

"I'd take white beaches over white banks of snow any day. I can't even remember that last time that I'd seen snow in Florida." She commented and kept close when they turned another corner. They passed by the bathrooms and she realized where she had taken the wrong turn when she tried leaving.

"That far south, eh? So you're American." That seemed to turn the radiance in her smile up several notches.

"Born and raised!" she laughed to herself, her pride for her country evident with how she smiled and spoke.

They turned another corner and Amelia found the surroundings familiar again enough that she could probably find her way back on her own but she didn't want to part ways with the man just yet.

"So what brings you to Canada and a hockey game if you don't like cold things?" he asked and genuinely seemed curious about her reasoning. Amelia found that considerate as she brushed a strand of her blonde hair behind an ear and looked up at him, finding that he was gazing down at her while they walked.

"I'm here visiting my best friend, the idiot who almost flashed everyone. We grew up together but for college he for some reason chose to attend school in Canada and moved up here with his brother. We haven't seen each other since high school graduation, so we organized a trip."

"That's nice of you to agree to come up here during this season to visit him." He grinned and she found herself blushing and looking forward again, the lobby now coming into view.

"Well he paid, so technically it was a free trip." She shrugged and muttered blandly, peeking up to see if he was still watching her, which he was.

"Still, it was nice of you for agreeing to come. I know I couldn't convince my moron of a brother to visit me here during the winter. He prefers the sun over the snow just like you." His smile then suddenly dropped and his expression seemed worried. "Not that it's a bad thing you both like the sun or that I'm calling you a moron! I'm just saying-"

But Amelia just laughed and cut him off. "It's fine! I totally understand what you're getting at." She grinned and they both stopped when they were on the edge of the large lobby that still held quite a few fans lingering around. Amelia quickly caught site of her albino friend's white head of hair in the crowd but he didn't seem see her just yet.

When she turned to look at her companion she saw that he had his head ducked with a hand on his cap pulling it lower over his face. She decided just to ignore it though and didn't want to offend the guy and leave on a bad note.

"Your brother really is a moron you know." She said casually and he looked down at her in confusion. She just rolled her eyes and punched the side of his arm light heartedly.

"He should really come see you, no matter the season. You seem like a great guy." It took all of her inner will power to keep a blush from forming on her cheeks and to hold eye contact with his surprised gaze. He really seemed thrown off by what she said that he was silent for a little longer than Amelia would've liked. It was making her feel more self conscious about what she had stupidly blurted out.

"Right. That was probably weird because I'm a stranger and don't know you." She rambled and looked toward Gilbert like she wanted to run to him and they both dart for the car.

"N-No!" he suddenly spurted, making Amelia spin back to look at him in shock. He leaned away as if realizing he just startled her and stood straighter, firmer. "Sorry it's just I don't think that's weird at all. It's actually really nice of you to say. Thank you." He smiled so warmly at her that Amelia gave up on trying to hide her blush and let it glow on her tanned cheeks.

"You're welcome." She smiled, tucking another loose strand behind her ear, noticing the way his eyes also watched the action.

"What's your name?" he abruptly asked and Amelia felt her heart thump in anticipation.

"Amelia," she responded softly and the strand that she had just tucked away slid free and hung against her reddening cheek.

He seemed to notice the hair strand too because he reached out and delicately smoothed it back behind her ear. It was so sweet and so attentive that they both seemed to blush and quickly looked away in opposite directions right after.

"Would it be too much to ask if I wanted to see you again, Amelia?" he asked and she glanced back up into his violet eyes that appeared almost nervous, like he was expecting her to say no.

"Hand me your phone." She stuck out her hand and waited while he seemed confused for a moment until realizing what she meant by wanting the device. He quickly retrieved it from his sweat pants pocket and placed it in her waiting open palm.

She couldn't help but to smile at the background picture being the logo for the hockey team that he was currently sporting and who had just won their match. Must be a big Maple Leaf fan.

When she was done putting her number in she offered it back and he took it, seeming hesitant to check his contact list and see if she really put it in there or not. "It's in there I swear. I didn't give you some silly number to a pizza place or anything. Not saying I haven't done that to a guy before though." She laughed and he seemed to let out a breath and laughed humorously along with her.

"You've given other men numbers to pizza establishments?"

She merely shrugged. "It was in high school and funny whenever guys would come to me asking if I lived at or owned a pizza restaurant."

"They actually thought you lived at the restaurants?" he seemed bemused by the story and impressed that she would do that to guys she didn't want texting her.

"I know right? I'm not even Italian!" she laughed aloud before stopping when her phone chimed. She had a pretty good idea who it was but still pulled it out to see. It was Gilbert and he seemed mad. She looked in the direction of the bench he was sitting on to see him impatiently tapping his foot and glaring at his phone as he waited for her to reply.

"Your friend?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah," she pointed in the direction that her German companion sat waiting on her. "It's that loser sittin' all alone on the bench over there."

"He looks angry," he frowned and looked back to Amelia. "I don't want him to be upset with you. Should I go speak with him and explain that I held you up?"

Amelia was surprised by the concern in his voice and how he actually seemed to care about Gilbert being mad at her. She was tempted to say yes but she remembered the text she got in the bathroom about him suggesting vulgar things and it would only further his crude assumptions if she returned with an actual guy.

"It's fine, really." She assured him but he didn't seem convinced. "I've done this whole getting lost things like a million times and he's used it by now. All I have to do is buy him a beer on the way back to his place and he'll forget this ever happened."

"Are you sure?"

She gave two thumbs up as she started to walk backwards and away from the corner of the hall where they had been ducking and unseen to the open. "Positive!" She was about ten feet away when she realized she never got his name.

"Hey!" she called out and he seemed panicked and looked around before pulling his hat lower.

"What's your name?"

He was quiet for a long while and Amelia stopped her walking backwards to wait and hear. Finally he responded after way too long for a question as simple as answering with your name.


Short and simple. She liked that. "Well see ya sometime soon, Matt!" she said loud enough for him to hear and some others that walked by and looked at her.

Matt smiled and nodded before swiftly turning around and briskly walked back the down the hall where they came. Amelia watched him go until he rounded a corner and the cute Canadian was gone from her sight.

Internally she cheered because she had just given a really hot guy her number and it was actually her real number for once. Not being able to contain her excitement, Amelia spun around and darted toward her best friend that was waiting on a bench for her, eager to tell him what happened and gossip about the cute Canadian for the rest of the night.

AN: I personally haven't seen too many normal AU stories with Matthew and Amelia on here so I'm really excited about this one. Plus rough and tough Hockey player Matthew is hot am I right?