BONUS CHAPTER: Well actually 2 little chapters. The first is the initial 100 word drabble I wrote that started the Captain Vocab idea.

The second is the very last piece I wrote based on a prompt on tumblr for Killian and texting (and a bit dirty if possible)


He took considerable pride in his skill as a wordsmith.

He knew the power of a well turned phrase and he liked to take the best advantage of it.

Which explained the shock of finding himself lost for words as his Swan had slowly and deliberately undressed for him, inviting him to love her in a way he had only imagined.

She smirked as a strangled noise escaped him, and leaned in close.

"Is that all you have to offer, Captain Vocabulary?"

Pulling her towards him, he set about proving his lips could offer more than mere words.


Getting out of bed, leaving him tangled in the sheets, looking at her like he knew all her secret desires (which was not too far from the truth) was not an ideal start to the day.

His goodbye kiss had left her reeling and it was all she could do not to leave the residents of Storybrooke to their own devices while she let him have her way with her again. And again.

And perhaps again.

As she reached the bug, body aching in the best way, still so conscious of the places his fingers, lips and tongue had been as they explored each other for the first time, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

KILLIAN: Mesmerising, hypnotic, spellbinding.

EMMA: That is not at all cryptic?

KILLIAN: Beguiling, entrancing, captivating.

EMMA: What are we talking about Killian?

KILLIAN: Uncovered, bared, exposed.


KILLIAN: Caressing, stirring, fondling.


KILLIAN: Ravishing, taking….

The urgent knock on his door mid message was exactly what he had hoped for. She pushed him inside, face flushed, and she kicked the door shut behind her.

"Enough talk, Captain Vocab."

Storybrooke was on its own.