A/N-Guys, this is the last chapter for this story. As promised I said I would be closing out stories this summer to prepare for the fall, and the final season of Scandal. I am not going anywhere. I already have a new story. I have started a new one shot, and already working on another one in addition to my version of the wedding from season six. Enjoy….

Being able to spend time with her family was just the push Olivia needed to get to the finish line. She knew if they won the Democratic nomination they had months left on the trail, but Olivia was okay with that because Fitz and the kids would be with her full-time.

Edison was still losing, but he had not given up. Their last debate was coming up in a couple of days, and Olivia knew if they could win the debate that Senator Obama would win the ticket.

Olivia's plan to have the Senator run with the theme of change was resonating with the voters. Misha & Sam had taken it a step further, and Olivia noticed that they were not only winning when it came to the 18-34 age bracket; they were dominating the bracket.

Sam was a genius when it came to social media. He had struck the perfect balance. The millennials loved being able to connect on social media. They didn't have to watch the news to see what was going on with the campaign. They logged into whatever social media account they used, and they could find information. They could donate with the click of a button. This was their kind of election. Sam still made the website user friendly for the older voters. He made sure they didn't have to click through a lot of links to see the information.

The longer she was on the campaign the more she longed to be with her family. Even the good news didn't help her longing. She had just received an email that they raised over 650 million dollars. They had coordinated with the DNC, and at least eighteen state level committees.

They had grown their online campaign from nothing to now over seven hundred employees, and the online campaign had raised two hundred million dollars alone.

All the Senator's policies were available online, and updates were sent to subscribers of the party via email and text message. He quickly earned the title as the most technically savvy candidate to date. It was easy to see why he was leading in the polls.

Misha's call tool had allowed them to make over a million phone calls. It was an unprecedented communication strategy that Edison was having a hard time overcoming.

Misha was creative, and Olivia could tell that she had listened to everything that her father and godfather had taught her over the years. She was passionate but kind. She loved watching her with Sam. They came from two different worlds. Misha had never wanted for anything in her life, but she never looked down on those less fortunate. She would give you the clothes off her back, and she had witnessed her giving shirts away to people who had no clothes. Making calls to feed the homeless when they had left over food from events.

She wasn't the only one who noticed her. Michelle had pulled Olivia aside, and told her that if they won the election they wanted Misha to work for the administration. Olivia was all too happy to relay the news.

Olivia had spoken with Sam, and let him know that he had exceed her expectations. She assured him that she would be paying for him to go to college.

While the campaign was in cruise control Olivia was not. After their weekend, together she had barely seen her husband. Due to their hectic schedules, they only talked a couple of times a week, and not for very long due to both having so many obligations.

She had not seen her children in almost a month. They had gotten sick which prevented them from traveling for two weeks. She wanted to go home, but her mom wouldn't let her. All three of them had strep throat. She didn't want Olivia getting sick. Facetime was a wonderful tool, but it was no longer enough to see her kids on video. She wanted to hold them.

Michelle understood how Olivia felt. If she was in her shoes she would be insane at this point. When she thought she couldn't respect Olivia anymore she watched her professionally keep the campaign on track. As the staff grew she adjusted, and she always put the right people in place to make everything work.

She could tell in her eyes that the fight was leaving her, but she never took it out on anyone. She knew she had to do something, because she wasn't sleeping. She was physically making herself sick. Olivia was their girl. She had made this time in their lives as easy as it could get when you are running for the highest office in the country.

The final debate was in two days, and she had been going non-stop with debate prep, making sure everything was ready to go that night, and preparation to accept the nomination should he win.

Olivia knew that the Senator was prepared. Hell, they were all prepared, but if she didn't keep busy she would drive herself crazy. She wouldn't get to see her family for another week. If all went as planned she had several interviews and events lined up for the Senator when he became the official Democratic Presidential nominee. They would take two weeks off before going back into full swing until Election night.

Fitz had already purchased them a separate RV to travel in so that the kids could be comfortable. Their moms would be splitting time with them so they wouldn't have to hire a nanny to care for them when they were working.

After morning prep Michelle walked into the room. She smiled at Olivia, "You need a break…"

Olivia shrugged, "I'll be fine. You guys didn't hire me to take breaks."

"You are right, but if you don't take one soon you are going to keel over, and it won't matter what we paid you for."

Olivia didn't say anything.

Michelle grabbed her hand, "We are so grateful for your dedication. This is a journey, and it is far from over. Even with our lives on display you have made it easy on us. You have taken care of our girls, and allowed them to remain innocent throughout this process. We can't thank you enough, and nothing we ever do or say will be enough. I just had to try. Cyrus is going to handle things for the next two days until the night of the debate. Misha will be assisting him. I don't care what you do. I just want you away from headquarters, but I have a feeling you will know exactly what to do with your time."

Olivia had nothing left to give. She was tired, and her head couldn't come up with a rebuttal. She heard noises as she got close to her office. She walked faster to see what was going on, and as soon as she opened the door she had three little bodies barreling towards her.

She was fortunate that she was near her sofa or they would all have hit the floor which would have been fine.

She had never been happier to hear her kids calling her mommy. She looked at her mom and smiled, "What are you guys doing here?"

"Michelle called and said you needed your babies. Now that they are all better they needed you too. When we would get off the phone they would be restless especially at bedtime."

"What about Fitz? I thought that Janice was taking them to see Fitz."

"After Michelle called I called Fitz, and he said to bring them to you. You needed to hold them more than he did."

Olivia sighed. He always put them first. He had barely seen the kids as well with him trying to finish his obligations so that he could be on the road with her. it felt like she was being selfish.

Maya smiled at her daughter. They both knew what she was thinking. Her husband asked his mother-in-law to deliver a message.

It was lunch time so when lunch was delivered she set them up at her table. She watched as they ate. It was the cutest thing watching them. When she dreamed of being a mom she never thought it would be this fulfilling and rewarding. It felt good to know that they loved and depended on her.

Maya went and sat beside her daughter. Olivia relaxed in her mother's arms. It was nice that no matter how old she got that she still could share moments like this with her mom.

Maya began to play with her hair, "Fitz and I talked. You are not being selfish. What you are doing is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and everyone recognizes that especially your husband. It is one of the many reasons your dad and I love him so much. This is historic Liv, and when you succeed you will be a part of history. You get to say to your children that you helped to elect the first black President of the United States. Fitz is not naïve. He knows his struggles are nothing like yours. You are a woman, and you are black. No matter how smart you are or how rich you are things will always be harder. It warms my heart that the future first lady speaks so highly of my daughter. That you have made her daughters feel safe and comfortable. That you have never asked them to be anything but themselves. I know that there is still a lot of road to cover before the election, but I know you and I know that you will be successful. You are not being selfish honey, and he misses the kids just as much as you, but it was clear you needed them more. To him it was worth the sacrifice."

After lunch, they headed out. Olivia enjoyed her day with her mom and children. It felt good to put them down for their nap, feed them dinner, and put them to bed. She didn't even have the heart to put them in their own bed. Thank God, she had a California king. The only thing that would make it better is if Fitz was in the bed with them.

She looked at her daughter Elena who was fighting sleeping. She pushed her curls out of her face. She kissed her cheek. Elena whispered, "Miss daddy…"

Olivia pulled her closer, "I miss him too."

Olivia hummed in her ear, and finally sleep won over. Olivia looked down and she was clutching the teddy bear that she made with Fitz when he took her out on a daddy-daughter date.

When Olivia woke up she realized that it was morning. She never slept through the night unless she was in Fitz's arms. Her breath hitched. It couldn't be possible. She didn't want to open her eyes, but she forced herself too.

When she turned and looked her husband was smiling at her. He had the boys on his chest.

He caressed her face and whispered, "Hi…"

She couldn't stop the tears from falling, "Hi…What are you doing here?"

"To spend time with my family..."

"What about work?"

"I had an empty house. I couldn't sleep so I worked, and what little I had left my brother and team said they would finish so I could get to you sooner. I am right where I am supposed to be."

Olivia simply nodded. She didn't care why or how. All that mattered to her in that moment was that for the first time in a long time she felt home. She was in bed with her husband and children. Her mind was at peace, and she could recharge and reset.

They had a perfect day as a family. When the kids woke up and saw their dad they were over the moon. Olivia watched the joy of his face as the three kids clung to him. She had no regrets when she considered being a single mom, but she is grateful that Fitz forced them to admit they loved each other. She would never have moments like this.

She found that she enjoyed them more now because they could communicate with her. They could tell her what they wanted, and she enjoyed hearing thing like they wanted "panny cakes" for breakfast.

During breakfast Elijah looked at Fitz, "Daddy, can we go play with Chucky?"

The other kids looked at their dad hoping he would say yes.

Fitz smiled, "I don't have a problem with it. Let's see what mommy says?"

Olivia smiled as she looked at her kids who eyes pierced her soul. "I think we can go visit Chucky…"

Their perfect day ended with them giving the kids a bath together. All three of them were out before the book was finished.

Fitz grabbed her hand, "Now it is your turn…"

Olivia was confused.

After they had given the kids a bath Fitz received a phone call. He just asked his brother to call him so he would have an excuse to leave the room. He had headed to their bathroom where he had fixed a bath for Olivia with her favorite lavender oil. He had grabbed a bottle of wine and glass, and sat it on the end of the tub for her to enjoy. He dimmed the lights and lit a couple of candles for her to completely relax. She still had another day before the final debate. He knew that day would be stressful on her, because she would want to control everything. More importantly Edison would be there, and although she didn't want to admit it aloud she wanted to beat him.

She looked at her husband, "How did you do all of this?"

"I didn't really have a call. Well I did, but I planned it so I could get this set up?"


"Because you deserve it. You cater to everyone's needs but your own. Now that I am back by your side that ends tonight."

"I love you Fitz…"

"Love you more Livvie…"

He turned to walk out, but she stopped him.

"I want you with me. I need you close."


They got undressed without saying anything to each other. Fitz climbed in the bath first before helping her in. He fixed them a drink, and he allowed his wife to relax.

He took care of her. He washed her hair, her body, her soul. She let it all go. By the time the bath ended she felt like she had been reborn.

After bathing himself he climbed out. He quickly dried off and went to grab pajamas for the both.

When he made it back to the bathroom he helped her out the tub. He tried her from top to bottom before helping her into her pajamas.

She sat down at her vanity, and she looked at her husband who smiled. He took the comb, and began to moisturize her hair. He greased her scalp like a pro. She remembered when first asked her to show him how to take care of her hair. She said no, but he kept asking. He then reminder that that they would have a daughter in the future. If he could learn to tackle her hair then their daughter would be a breeze.

She finally gave in. She was shocked to learn that he had watched lots of YouTube videos to prepare for the moment. Between the videos and her instructions, he was a pro after the third time. Their daughter loved when Fitz did her hair. She had recently started dance, and when her mom sent her a picture of Fitz doing her bun she thought she would melt.

She saw all the other mothers looking on wishing that was their husband, but he belonged to her. No one would ever get a chance to enjoy all his goodness.

Right as he was finishing Elijah walked in the room. He was crying.

Fitz picked him up, "What's wrong buddy?"

"Bad dream daddy. There is a monster under my bed again. Need you to get him."

"Okay buddy. Let's go get that monster out of there so you can sleep."

He looked at Olivia who nodded. He went over so she could kiss Elijah before heading back to the bedroom.

Olivia pulled her hair up into a bun before climbing in the bed. She was so relaxed that her body felt like jello. She ended up laying on the bed on her stomach.

She never heard her husband come back in the room. He quietly closed the door, and took his pants off.

He climbs on the bed, and began kissing and playing with her neck knowing what it would do to her. Olivia was on the verge of dozing off when she felt her husband climb in the bed.

When he licked her ear, she was beyond turned on. She turned to give him more access, and he gladly took it.

He began to make his way down her body. She thought him taking care of her earlier was everything, but this was beginning to top it.

As he kissed each leg he pulled her panties down. Olivia began to pant. She felt like her body was on fire. The things this man did to her was beyond explanation.

He leaned over her and said, "Open up yourself to me Livvie. Give it to me baby."

Like a bridge her legs spread open.

Normally he would tease her, but they had been apart too long. He had time to play. Tonight, was about taking care of her needs.

He began to rub circles around her clit. He loved to hear her moan, but he loved even more when she was panting.

He replaced his fingers with his tongue. He wraps his tongue around her clit, and began to suck on it like it was a piece of fruit, and she almost jumped off the bed. Between the shock and the pleasure that he was bringing her. It took no time to coax her first orgasm out of her.

He began to massage her leg once again as she comes down from her orgasm. Olivia is now on fire. She turns her head to the side while taking one of her feet, and began to pull at his boxers.

All she could get out was the word, "Off…"

Fitz quickly pulled his boxers off before sliding back between his wife's legs. This was not a position that they had done before, but he could tell that his wife was up to trying something new, and well he just loved the view.

He leaned over and whispered in his wife's ear, "Spread em wide baby…"

He watched her open herself to him, and he had to close his eyes for a moment to compose himself.

He leaned over and slid in his cock slowly one inch at a time.

Olivia threw her head back. She had never felt her husband so deep inside her. Hell, she had never felt any man so deep inside of her. It was an unbelievable feeling, and she was glad that it was something that she was experiencing with her husband.

Fitz didn't know making love could feel like this. Every nerve on his body was on fire, and when he thought it couldn't get any hotter it did when Olivia wrapped her arm around his neck and arched her back.

He didn't speed up his thrust. Tonight, was about taking care of her.

Olivia was enjoying the pace her husband set. Slow, hard, and deep. It couldn't get any better than that. Well she was wrong.

He picked up one of her legs, and she silently thanked her yoga instructor. Fitz did too. He could tell he was hitting spots that he didn't know existed.

Olivia tried to look back, but gave up. She grabbed onto the headboard, and just sighed.

She let him do as he will with her body, because the feeling was too good.

Fitz began to pick up speed. He could tell that she was close.

Olivia threw her head back, "Baby, so good… Don't stop baby… I missed you…"

Fitz let her leg go, and grabbed her hands that were on the headboard. It was a new dance, but you couldn't tell. She began to meet his thrust for thrust.

Fitz groaned, "That's right Livvie…Give it to me baby…Too good…Never want to go this long without you again…"

Olivia emotions and pleasure was in overload. She bangs her hand against the headboard. As she tries to give her hand back to Fitz she knocks her glass over. She doesn't care. She feels too good.

Olivia shakes her head, "Baby, I'm cumming…Oh, good too good…Can't take it anymore…Don't stop. Please don't stop…"

Fitz picked up the pace, and grabbed her ass. She wrapped her leg around his waist. Every thrust was hard and deep.

Olivia began to screech.

Fitz tapped her ass cheeks, "Whose ass is this?"

Olivia was in shock so she didn't say anything.

He tapped her ass again, "Whose ass is this?"

"Yours baby. It's yours Fitz…"

"Good, and it is going to stay that way…Let go baby…Let go Livvie…"

Olivia is not sure what happened other than she blacked out.

When she came to she was laying in her husband's arms. She is not sure when he moved from between her legs.

She didn't realize that he had gotten off the bed, and grabbed a washcloth to clean them up. He had put his pajama bottoms back on, and he found Olivia's nightshirt.

She looked at her husband and smiled. He kissed her forehead and asked her, "Are you okay?"

She smiled, "Are you really asking me that question?"

He smiled, "I never assume that I have taken care of you."

"Well you should…It is going to take a lot to top that."

He shrugged, "I am up for the challenge."

She smiled

They just laid there in each other's arm, and enjoyed being back together.

Fitz finally looked at his wife, and said what had been on his mind for some time.

"Liv, I know that our time apart has not been easy on anyone. Not me, you, or the kids. We have had to sacrifice a lot for you to be on the road, but I need you to hear from my mouth that of all the sacrifices I will ever make in our marriage this will always be the one I will never question. It will always be the one that I know was worth it. What you are doing is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I recognize that there are somethings I can't teach my children. They will be judged because they are partially black. They won't face as much scrutiny, because of our wealth and status, but they will still be looked down on. I know we can teach them, and educate them, but what better lesson is there that their mother created history. That their mother work tirelessly to show the world that it is time to have the first Black President of the United States. That black families are not ghetto. That black children are smart and well behaved. That a black woman can and does rock. This campaign is more than about breaking barriers. It is about breaking stereotypes, and as much as I have missed you. As much as I miss the children it is a small sacrifice in the long scheme of things. Every decision I have made you have supported me. The only thing you ever really have asked of me is to make you a mother. While no small request it is still the only one. We are partners baby. Your dreams are my dreams. I not only want you to be happy, but I need you to be happy. I was happy when Michelle called, but I was heartbroken to hear how sad you were because you felt like you were choosing your job over your family. That you were taking time from me, because the kids came down to see you when they were scheduled to come see me. If we talk to each other, and support each other we will be okay. It may not always be easy, but it will be worth it. The work that you are doing now is important Liv, and you must keep pushing forward. The Obama's need you, and you are in no danger of losing your family. I hope this time has recharged you, and now you are ready to show them who you are."

Olivia didn't try to stop the tears from falling. She knew she had a good man, but his love for her and their family overwhelmed her at times. She didn't know that love felt this good. This was that storybook love that you think only happens in books, but you pray it happens in real life. She didn't realize how conflicted she had been until she listened to her husband. His words freed her.

She didn't have any words, and Fitz didn't need her to say anything. He said everything that was needed to be said.

The day of the debate Olivia was calm. They only spent a half of day preparing. She knew that there was nothing left to do.

She told everyone to be back by five. The Obama's wanted everyone to have dinner together.

Olivia made it to her office where the kids were playing with Fitz. When she opened the door, she could only laugh. Fitz was on the floor with all three kids on him. They just knew they were beating him up especially Ethan.

Olivia took her shoes and jacket off, and got on the floor. Ethan walked over to his mom, and plopped down into her lap. He kissed her cheek, "Luv you mummy…"

She kissed him back, "Love you more. Did you beat up daddy?"

"Yup, he lost…"

Fitz and Olivia laughed.

Olivia asked, "What do you guys want for lunch?"

All three kids at once said, "Nuggets…"

Fitz and Olivia laughed at their kids. Fitz tried to get up. She stopped him, "You finish getting beat up. I'll handle lunch. Enjoy them."

"Okay. Love you…"

The kids look at their mom, "Luv you mummy…"

Olivia's heart melted hearing the loves of her life tell her that they loved her. She blew them kisses, and let them know she loved them too.

The rest of the afternoon was lively. They ate lunch together, and after the kids went to sleep they just enjoyed being in each other's arm talking about everything and nothing.

Olivia had arranged for a caterer to come in and bring dinner. There was a small chance that tonight was it for them, and Edison would move forward. None of them believed that.

After dinner Fitz gathered the kids. He wanted to give Olivia some space to prepare for tonight.

He took over to a corner and they just pressed their foreheads against each other. Fitz whispered, "One Minute…"

She nodded, "One minute…"

Several people included the Obama's watched the couple, and it was clear that they were soul mates. They made each other made. They made each other whole. It was great to see that love like that still existed.

Fitz finally leaned in and kissed his wife. When he pulled back he whispered in her ear, "Now show him who you really are…"

Later, Edison walked into the room where the debate was being held. His manager was going over last-minute details. He was surprised not to see Olivia or Senator Obama anywhere.

Just as he completed that thought he saw Olivia walk out a room. He tried to remember a time that she ever looked so happy and carefree when they were together. The truth was that there wasn't a time. In hindsight he handled things wrong, and he wished he could change it if for no other reason than to have her by his side.

He attempted to walk over and speak to her, but she simply walked into the other direction.

The debate was hard fought, but it was clear that Senator Obama won the race in the end. Edison relied on his experience which Olivia was expecting. She prepared a counter for just about every answer.

He might have lacked experience to some, but he was quickly being labeled a man of the people. He was patient and passionate when he spoke with the audience. Unlike Edison he didn't talk down to them he talked to them. He never pretended to have all the answers. Olivia coached him to remain true to himself, and he was.

Olivia felt like a proud mother. From the moment, she was hired he never deviated from the plan that she put together with Cyrus.

They hadn't been backstage long when Secret Service arrived. It was official. Senator Barack Obama was now the Democratic Presidential nominee of the United States.

After going over the protocol the couple walked over to Olivia.

Senator Obama hugged her, "This wouldn't have been possible without you."

"I was just doing my job."

"Maybe, but you didn't just do your job. You took us under your wing. You found a way for me to run and still be me. More importantly you found a way for me to run without my family having make too many sacrifices. If I win Michelle and I would really like you and Cyrus to also consider jobs within the administration. I know you need to discuss it with your significant others."

"Thank you. I will discuss it with Fitz, and I will let Cyrus know so he can talk with James if and when the time comes."

Michelle hugged Olivia, "Thank you for everything. After the interviews, I want you to enjoy your time off. We will see you in a couple of weeks."

"Sounds good."

Olivia headed to the room that she had used as an office throughout the day. She still had some calls to make so Fitz took the kids home.

She was just about done when she heard a knock on the door and looked up. Edison stood at the door with a bottle of wine.

Olivia never moved from her seat, "What can I do for you Edison?"

"I wanted to stop by and congratulate you."

"I am not the candidate."

"Maybe not, but without you he wouldn't be here."

Olivia scoffed, "And you think it would be you…"

"We both know that to be true."

"Actually, we don't. You and the Senator are nothing alike. The only real similarity that you two have is the color of your skin."

"That's not true."

"Edison, if we were together or if I was your campaign manager it wouldn't have been the same. For starters, you don't listen. You think you know everything which is primarily why it was so easy to beat you in the debates. I had no big plan. The plan was to let you sink your own ship. You did that fine on your own, and then the Senator just walked in the door and became the savior. You think because you have been at the game longer you know it better. Sometimes that is true, but not for you. You didn't have to work hard to get in the game and keep it. You are in a state that I can count on my hand the number of times they have voted for a Republican. You have been fortunate that your opponents always seem to shoot themselves in the foot during their campaign. I am sure your family and team have something to with that, but so be it. You don't have a wife and kids that adore you, and while family matters more to Republicans it matters to the country. They want more than a mama's boy. While this has been an enlightening conversation I have a husband and children to get home to."

"You just had to rub that in."

"Nope, that is just fact. I don't have time for games, because the real reason you are here is to try and see if you are in the running to be his running mate. I can absolutely tell you that you will not be chosen for all the reason that I listed and more. I might have considered you for a second, but the moment you came at me and mine wrong you lost. You could learn a thing or two from my husband. He is all man, and knows how to take care of me. I no longer know what the word unsatisfied mean."

Olivia grabbed her purse and folders, "Take care Edison, and I hope not to see you too much in the future."

Olivia was long gone before Edison pulled himself together. Every time he thought he had her figured out he lost. For once the truth hit him in the face. He never really knew her at all. All his hopes and dreams were gone. He knew that Olivia would get Senator Obama elected, and he would remain in office for the next eight years. The only thing he could hope for is a seat at the table once he was elected President.

Olivia made it home where Fitz was waiting for her. With them eating dinner so early he knew she would be hungry so he ordered Chinese food, and opened a bottle of wine. He knew that she was too tired to really celebrate tonight.

He was okay with that. He was planning something for when they made it back home. Something he knew she was looking forward to. Sure, they had other homes, but it was nothing like being at your main base especially when family and friends were there.

She smiled when she saw what he did, "You are too good for me."

"I can never be too good for you. I am so proud of you Livvie. I know it was a team effort, but you are the leader. They couldn't have pulled it off with you."

"Don't forget Cyrus…"

"I haven't. We spent some time with him after we left the hotel. The kids ended up staying with him. They wanted to hang with Ella."

"I can sleep in tomorrow…"

"We can sleep in tomorrow..."

"If we win they want me to consider a job in the administration."

"It is a no brainer."

She looked at him in shock.

"Liv, we already have a home in Maryland. If the commute gets to you we will buy a townhouse that is closer. I don't have to give up my job. We have family and friends to help with the kids. They are going to be three soon. I say let's find them a daycare, and get to acclimated to that environment. They are smart so we can find a private school that has Pre-K."

"I want another baby."

"Then we have another baby."

"You may have to be more hands on with me working at the White House instead of my own office. My schedule will be more hectic."

"So be it. Liv, I opened my own practice. I have several offices. I have my brother, and a competent team. You may not be able to breastfeed as long, but that is the only drawback I see. Like I said the triplets are about to be school age so they will be in school. I will make sure to do most of my work in the morning. I know our moms are going to rule out us hiring a nanny, but if necessary we will hire one to help to help us out. I am happy Liv. The firm is doing well. We are taking the cases that we want. I have a wonderful wife, and three wonderful children. If you want this, then you need to go after it. Besides, I like being a kept man. I have no problem saying my wife is the big dog in Washington."

Olivia laughed. She climbed in her husband's lap, "I love you."

"I love you more."

"I think I want to be the big dog."

"Then be it. I am not going anywhere."

"Good, because I don't want to do it without you."

She still had this look.

"What else Livvie?"

"I think when we get home I should get my IUD removed. It will take a little bit for it to get out of system. If I take the job I would rather be pregnant early on."

"Then that is what we will do. I am your partner Liv. You are not doing this alone. How long did it take Edison to show up after we left?"

She looked at him in shock.

"I knew ever since we saw him when we were out shopping that he wasn't over you. I don't think he is in love with you. Just the idea still of what you two could do together. He had to try one more time to see if he had a way in. I know you shut him down, but I also know that you are human and it still eats at you how your relationship played out with him. Just remember you are with me, and I am not him. You will never have to dummy yourself down for me. You will never be lower than me. Equal or higher is always what we will be."

She relaxed into his arms. The day was catching up with her. Finally, she pulled back, and climbed out of his lap so they could eat.

He helped her into her seat, and poured her a glass of wine.

After pouring his glass he raised his glass and looked at her, "Together…"

She smiled. That one word summed up everything. While she had no final plans; in her heart, she knew what path she was ready to take, and she knew that she could do it with him.

She nodded and clicked his glass, "Together…"

A/N-That is the end of this story. I plan to write a three maybe four-part sequel to let you know the results of the election which won't be a shock (Hint…Hint…). The big question that will be answered is what path will Olivia take, and how will it affect their family. I hope you enjoyed…