Alex awoke to bright white lights and soft conversation. She could barely make out who was talking. It took a while for her sight to adjust to the brightness of the room. Joel, Sidney and Shahir were at the foot of her bed. She knew she had fainted and that it happened outside the OR and Joel was with her. Beyond that she did not know what happened. And if the tone of the conversation the three doctors were having was anything to go by, whatever happened was not good.

She silently checked herself to see if she was hurt. She was not attached to an IV which was good. She also did not have a heart rate monitor attached to her. Another good sign. If she had to diagnose herself she would say she fainted as a result of exhaustion and stress on top of being pregnant, and so close to her due date. Logically she knew she really should just stop working and start concentrating on studying for her boards so that she could become an actual surgeon.

In the midst of their conversation Shahir realized that Alex was awake and eavesdropping in them.

"She's awake." he said.

"Oh thank god. Alex, you had me so worried. We have so much to talk about." Joel said.

"I know, Joel I am okay. Just take a deep breathe. How long was I out for?" Alex asked.

"Just a little over an hour." Sidney answered before Joel had the chance to say anything.

"Am I okay? Did I just pass out because I was tired and stressed? My heart rate feels normal, I am not in any pain, I can move all my limbs and my baby feels like it did this morning. I don't think I am bleeding and I am sure despite the whole passing out thing I did not hit my head on the floor so I definitely do not have a concussion." said Alex.

Sidney laughed and Shahir looked impressed. Joel was not amused. At all. Sidney seeing the look of disapproval on Joel's face decided to clear the air and leave the room as soon as possible to give the couple some privacy. She knew he was just worried about her and the baby. Earlier when she had come in, he was trying his best to behave and think like a doctor. It was obvious to her that this man cared very deeply for Alex.

"Alex, you were just tired and needed some sleep. You are otherwise, healthy and so is your baby. I, however must insist that you stop working, not just in the ER but altogether. You're due soon and I would recommend a whole lot of rest. Think of this time off as a blessing, you can also study for your boards, which I believe will be coming before your baby does." Sidney said.

"I know. Thank you Sidney." Alex said tiredly.

With that left the room. Shahir who usually had trouble reading social cues did not miss this one. Joel's agitation was because he wanted some time alone with Alex, but he had important matters to discuss.

"Alex, I see that you and Joel are together. And as such he would obviously fill in the role of the father to your baby. Which is why I want to wish you good luck. Also Joel, Alex has exercise classes to help with the birth of the baby on Monday nights and we were registered for a program to prepare you emotionally for the birth of your first child that is happening next week on Friday at 8pm at..." Shahir did not get to finish his speech because Joel cut him off.

"Shahir, you've been doing all that with Alex. I think you should keep doing it. I'll join you guys because I want to be there for Alex but I know how much this child means to you as well. I appreciate that when I was not there for Alex and this baby, you stepped up. You did something you didn't have to, just to help Alex out. I know you want to be there for the baby and it is not right for me to just swoop in and take over." said Joel.

"But it would be weird for three of us to do those activities together, they're meant for the parents only..." and once again Shahir was cut off by a smiling Alex.

"It's okay. We'll all go together and we'll figure it out. I know how excited you are for my baby and I am not taking that away from you. You truly deserve it. Okay?" said Alex.

"It's weird, but I like it. See you guys on Monday night." Shahir said as he walked out of the room. With no one left but Joel, Alex looked at him and said, "I am okay. I really am."

"I know. But Alex when you passed out earlier, I was scared. More scared than I had ever been before. I wanted you to wake up there and then and tell me you're okay." Joel said, his voice laced with emotion.

"I know. I could hear you. I just couldn't reply. I tried to but obviously, that did not work." Alex said. There was a note in her voice, of pain as she said that.

A silence swept over the both of them as Joel sat on the side of her bed, holding her hand in his much larger one. It was a beautiful silence. It was as though in that moment words were not needed to convey the emotion the both of them were feeling. After a few minutes, Joel sucked in a deep breath.

"Alex,I know you love your job and I respect and love that dedication but I really hope that you would take Sidney's advice. I also think that this will finally give you the time you need to study." said Joel.

"Joel, I..."

"I know that is not what you want but just listen this once please. I don't want to feel like I did just now ever again. And you are free to call me selfish because I want to keep you safe so I feel better and I know how terrible that sounds I just can't bear the thought of losing you." Joel rushed out.

"Joel I was going to agree with you. I need the break. I tried to do it all but I can't. Not right now." said Alex.

"Thank you Alex. I know what this means for you. I am really glad we're on the same page." said Joel

"Now that that's sorted,take me home ."

Alex and Joel headed back to Joel's upon his insistence. They ordered dinner, which they ate while watching television and finally they went to bed.

By the next week they had developed a routine. Joel would send Alex back to her place, where she would spend all day studying and resting and in the nights, on his way back home Joel would pick Alex up and her home with him. They spoke about what was going on in the hospital over dinner and even traded gossip that Maggie had shared with her during a few study sessions that they had together.

They had decided to look for a new place after their son was born. Joel kept the ring he had bought for Alex close because he was waiting for the perfect moment to ask her to marry. Now that their relationship was stable and they had made all the important decisions he wanted to give Alex a memorable proposal. The last time he tried it, she had not thought he was serious. In all fairness he was a first year resident then, and she a medical student. He had not even bought her a ring then, now he had the perfect ring.

This time it would be different. This time it would be perfect.