AN: I don't own Glee, or any of the characters

AN: I thought that I would try a multiple chapter story about Mason and Madison. I love them (especially Mason, lol) and I think they are really fun characters, and amazing additions to the show.

Twin Ties

Chapter 1

"Mason, Madison, come down, breakfast is ready!" Mrs. McCarthy yelled at the bottom of the stairs to her twin children. "Coming!" Mason yelled in reply. A few moments later the boy came bounding down the stairs into the kitchen. He grabbed a plate from his mother and scooped some scrambled eggs and two pieces of toast onto his plate. He started at the plate hungrily before digging right in. A minute later, Mr. McCarthy trudged into the kitchen, looking exhausted in his business suit. "Hi honey. Coffee?" Mrs. McCarthy asked her husband. He nodded in reply and she went to pour him a cup. "First meeting at the new office." Mr. McCarthy explained as he sat down.

The McCarthy's had just moved to Lima, Ohio from Connecticut after Mr. McCarthy got transferred to a new firm of his company that was stationed in Ohio. "Mason, can you see what is taking your sister so long? You two have to eat up quick and head to your new school, cheerleading tryouts are in an hour!" "Sure!" Mason replied enthusiastically, running up the stairs to his sister's room.

He knocked on the door and called her name, he then opened her door slowly, peeking in her room. "You can come in." Madison replied. Mason walked in a plopped down on her bed. "What's taking so long? Breakfast is ready, and we have to leave for tryouts soon." Madison continued looking at her reflection in the mirror and replied absentmindedly, "I'm not hungry." Mason was a little concerned she seemed to have something on her mind. "Mads, what's wrong?" He asked standing up, and walking beside her. "Nothing. I'm just not hungry." She said simply, but Mason knew his twin sister like the back of his hand. "It's August, and it is 85 degrees out. You are eating, I don't want you to get sick." Mason said firmly. He held out his hand, "Come on." She put her hand in his reluctantly, and he pulled her downstairs to the kitchen. She sat down at the kitchen table, and Mason set a plate of food down in front of her, "Eat." He ordered firmly. She ate quickly, and the pair headed off to their new high school, McKinley High School.

They walked to the field where try-outs were in nervous silence. "Hey what's wrong Madison?" he asked. "I'm just nervous." Madison replied quietly. "Why? He asked. "I just really want to make the team, and have a good year." She said softly. "Mads, you are amazing at cheerleading! They would be insane if you didn't make the team, and don't worry, I will personally make sure your year is great." Madison smiled, and looked up at her brother, "Thanks Mason." Mason smiled back at her and replied, "Now let's go kick some cheerleading ass!" The two giggled, and ran the rest of the way to the field.

A few hours later, the try-outs were officially over, everyone was officially exhausted. Mason opened up his bag, and took out a water bottle, guzzling the water down in seconds. Madison, was equally exhausted, and was fixing her hair, and tying it up in a high bun. The people auditioning were all gathering their things when the head cheerleader, a short blonde named Kitty Wilde, called everyone's attention. "Okay everyone, the people who made the team will be posted on the main board in the hallway on the first day of school. Most of you can obviously tell who made the team and who didn't. Now you are all free to go." With that, everyone dispersed sluggishly to his or her cars.

"I think that went well." Madison said as the pair drove home. "I would agree. Now it's just going to be hard to wait until the first day to see the final cut."

The last few days of summer dragged on, extremely slowly. It was hot and humid out, and the two spent their days either inside in the air conditioning or out in their backyard pool.

The first day of school finally arrived, and Madison was both excited and nervous. She went with her hair in a side, mermaid braid, a black and white striped t-shirt, and black hi-rise shorts. She ran down the stairs, and grabbed an apple for breakfast. "C'mon Mason!" Madison called. "I'm coming, I'm coming." He said, running down the stairs. The two were ready to head out the door when Mrs. McCarthy stopped them, "Wait! I want to take a picture!" The pair rolled their eyes good naturedly, and their mom smiled. "I know. You two are just growing up so fast! I can't believe you are juniors in high school, already! It seems like just yesterday your father and I were changing your diapers." She said, starting to get all sentimental. "Mom, don't cry." Mason begged softly. "I won't." She replied with a smile. Mason kissed her cheek, and the two headed out.

The two quickly arrived at the school, and immediately headed to the message board. The list was there and it read both of their names. They turned to each other, with smiles on their faces. They then started cheering excitedly, hugging each other, and bouncing up and down excitedly when suddenly they felt someone come up behind them. It was Kitty, and she was staring at them with an unamused face. "That may have been okay at wherever you came from, but here at McKinley, we don't date our family. Here are your uniforms, we wear them everyday to school, start wearing them tomorrow" She said handing them boxes with their uniforms before walking off. The two broke apart from their excited hug, and shot each other confused looks. "What was that first comment about?" Madison asked her brother, and he just shrugged in reply.

"What class do you have first, Madison asked, as the two began walking down the hallway. "US History. You?" He asked. "Calculus." She replied with a frown. "That's just great, we don't even get to be together for first period." She said disappointedly. "Hey you'll be fine," Mason said reassuringly, looking at Madison's schedule, "And look, we have Physics, Economics, Lunch and an elective period together." Madison's face brightened up. "Okay, I'll see you in Physics then." Madison said parting from her brother.

Madison entered her Calculus class to find that the room was already filled with students, all tan and chattering happily about their summers. Madison found an empty seat in the back of the classroom and sat down. A moment later her new teacher walked into the room. He took attendance quickly, and handed out a syllabus for the up and coming year. As she looked at the syllabus, Madison felt relieved, she felt fairly confident that she would do well in this class, as math was her best subject. About 10 minutes into class, a boy quickly scurries into the room. He is a tall, sturdy boy, with square glasses, and a pair of headphones around his neck. The teacher looked at the boy sternly, "And your reason for interrupting my class is?" He asked with an intimidating stare. The boy seemed to shrink back, nervous from the teacher's blunt and threatening demeanor. "Umm I'm in this class. I'm new here and I just go lost." He stammered. "Okay, name?" The teacher, Mr. Carls, asked. "Roderick. Roderick East." He said quietly, looking at the ground. Mr. Carls sighed impatiently, and replied, "Okay, sit in that back seat next to that girl, and Mr. East please don't be late to my class again." Roderick nodded, and quickly scurried to the back of the class where he took a seat at the desk next to Madison.

Roderick quickly tried to gather his notebook and pencil, so that he would not further irritate his teacher. As he began to take notes, his one and only pencil broke, frustrated, he let out a quiet groan. Madison felt bad for him, and could empathize with him, being new herself, so she quietly slid him of the extra pencils she had. He turned to her with a surprised, but very grateful look on his face, and she just nodded as a 'you're welcome'. The rest of class flew by quickly for Madison, and she then rushed off to her next class, which was Spanish. As she walked down the hall trying to find her Spanish class, she could feel someone's prescience behind her. 'She turned around and saw that it was that boy Roderick from calc. "You forgot your pencil." He said quietly, trying to hand it back to her. Madison held her hands back, "Keep it." She said shyly with a smile. Roderick returned the smile, and mumbled, "Thanks." before Madison turned around, and continued he way to her class.

A few hours later, Mason and Madison were just getting out of physics, and heading to the cafeteria. As they stood in line for food, the two were discussing how their days were going. "So what do you think we should sign up for as our elective?" Mason asked, as he sat down at the table they picked. "I don't know, I'm not really sure what they have her." Madison replied. "I think they have a list of the classes at that board we went to this morning." "Ok, let's check that then after we eat." Mason suggested.

After they ate their disgusting school lunch (both would be packing their own meals from then on), they headed back to that main head board, and there was a list about a mile long of different electives for them to take. After a few minutes of searching, both of their eyes fell on an elective called Glee Club.

Both turned to each other, and replied at the exact same time, " I'm in if you are."