AN: I don't own Glee

Any Song Lyrics from "Give Me Love" By Ed Sheeran and "Elastic Heart" by Sia are NOT owned by me and belong to their owners, lyrics are in italics!

I can't believe how long its been since I updated this story! I'm so sorry everyone, life has been busy and I've had quite a bit of writer's block on this story, but if anyone is still reading this story I want to say thank you so much, you rock!

Chapter 8

"You kissed her?!" Madison squealed after Mason gave her a recap of all that had happened. Mason blushed and nodded. Madison gave him a hug, "Wow bro! I didn't know you had it in you!" Mason chuckled, "Anyways, so after that, I asked her if she'd like to go out sometime and she said yes!" He said happily. "That's amazing Mason! I'm so happy for you!" Madison told him genuinely.

Mason couldn't keep the smile off his face for the rest of the night.

The next day was Roderick and Madison's, and Jane and Mason's day to sing their duets. First up was Jane and Mason, they decided to sing their duets on stools, simple but deep.

Jane first started, swaying gently to the music, "Give me love like her, 'cause lately I've been waking up alone, paint splattered teardrops on my shirt, Told you I'd let them go," She looked at Mason and blushed.

Mason then opened his mouth, and his sweet voice sang, "And that I'll fight in my corner, maybe tonight I'll call ya, After my blood turns into alcohol, No, I just wanna hold ya.". The two then harmonized in the chorus together, "Give a little time to me or burn this out, we'll play hide and seek to this turn around, All I want is the taste that your lips allow, my, my, my, my, oh give me love," The two sang the romantic Ed Sheeran song to each other, getting lost in each other's eyes.

By the time the song was over, they were so into the music and each other they almost forgot where they were until the kids started clapping. "Guys, that was amazing!' Rachel exclaimed with a huge genuine smile, 'You sing and harmonize so well together. And that emotion you poured into that song was fantastic. Bravo!" She stood up and clapped. Mason and Jane thanked her and headed back to their seats. "Okay, next up is Roderick and Madison!" Kurt instructed.

Roderick and Madison's duet had gone equally as well as Jane and Mason's. Glee club soon ended for the day after they finished, and everyone quickly filed out of the choir room. As Madison and Mason headed off to cheerios practice, Madison heard someone calling her name. She turned around and saw Roderick jogging to catch up to her, she stopped and waited for him. "Hey Roderick, what's up?" She asked, hoping she wouldn't be late to practice. "Sorry I don't want to hold you up. I just wanted to say that you were amazing in that duet, and I really like singing and working with you." He said shyly, looking down at his feet. "Oh thank you Roderick, that's very sweet of you. You also kicked some serious tail on that song as well. You've got quite a voice Roderick, and I really liked working with you too.' Madison replied genuinely, 'Sorry but I've got to go to practice or else Ms. Sylvester will be really angry. See you around!" She said, jogging off quickly.

"Bye," Roderick mumbled after her, staring at the beautiful girl retreating around the corner.

After practice, Madison saw Tom waiting for her by his car. When he saw her coming, his smirk deepened. "Hey babe." Tom greeted easing, pushing off the car and walking towards her. "Hi." She smiled, kissing him on the lips quickly. Mason soon catched up to the two and Tom nodded at him, "Hey Mason." Mason just smiled tightly at Tom, he still didn't like the guy. "So since it's Friday I was thinking we could go to a party at Chad's house." Tom suggested to Madison before adding, "Mason you can come too."
Mason rolled his eyes, "Thanks for that heartwarming invite." Mason replied sarcastically, which earned a sharp jab in his side from Madison's elbow.

"I don't know, I've never really been a party person." Madison replied, and Tom just grabbed her hands. "C'mon it will be fun! We can have some time together, Spencer, and Ryder will be there, they're in the glee club right?" He tried to persuade, "Uh s-sure, I'll be there." Madison agreed, still not completely sure. Tom looked satisfied, "Good. I'll text you the address, be there at 7ish." He said, then hopping into his car.

"You'll come right? I don't want to go alone." Madison asked her brother as they got into their own car. "Why are you going if you don't want to go. You don't have to go just because Tom wants you too." Mason reminded her. "C'mon Mas, please.' She begged, 'And you could bring Jane!" She added. Mason sighed, he could never say no to his sister, "Fine we'll go" Mason agreed.

Tonight the McCarthy's would be taking on their first high school party.