Chapter 50

The sky was still streaked with orange when the Jolly Roger landed at Storybrooke's docks, but despite the fact that the sun hadn't finished rising, they arrived to a crowd of people. Henry disembarked first, his steps hesitant and slow as he wandered down the gangplank, only to be engulfed in a hug from Granny and Ruby. Emma followed, Mary-Margaret and David on her heels, and the moment she stepped onto the concrete dock, she had to move aside.

It seemed like the whole group were rushing to greet her parents. The two of them were surrounded by all seven of the dwarves, Archie, Granny and Ruby. It was only Lacey and a few unfamiliar faces who hadn't joined the group hug.

Emma expected Henry to go join the big reunion, seeing as he hadn't had an opportunity to really greet his grandparents, but instead of pushing through the crowd to them, he stayed at the edge of the dock.

Maybe, after Neverland, he didn't want to be surrounded by so many people.

"How does it feel to finally be home?"

Henry looked up at her, his expression worryingly blank, and then a slow grin spread across his lips. "Better than I ever imagined."

His voice was cool, his gaze hard as he watched the townspeople celebrating in front of the ship's walkway. Emma felt strangely like she'd been dismissed, as though Henry couldn't care less if she was standing beside him.

She didn't know what to say. She had hardly figured how to be a mother before Pan had kidnapped Henry, and she was definitely not prepared to deal with the aftermath, as much as she wished she was, and she hated feeling so uncertain as to how to make him feel better. If anything would.

Her throat felt thick with all the things she didn't know how to say, and she pressed her lips tightly together so she wouldn't try to convince him to talk to her. He clearly didn't want to.

She'd never felt so uncomfortable around him.

"You're back."

Emma turned a relieved smile towards Lacey when she heard her voice, glad she was no longer standing in silence with her son. "Yeah," she said. "We weren't expecting this many people here to welcome us, though. How did you guys even know we were here?"

"Ariel and I were out here looking for someone. We saw the ship. I called Grumpy and then, well, you know how quickly news spreads once he gets involved." They shared a chuckle and then Lacey rose up onto her toes to peer over Emma's shoulder. "Is Killian okay? I haven't seen him yet. Did you leave him and Rumple alone on the ship?"

"He's with Neal. They're doing whatever it is you have to when you dock a ship. I guess Rumplestiltskin's just lurking up there until Neal's ready to join us down here."


"Henry's dad."

"Oh. I didn't know that he was…. Is he the man who was with you when you saved me from Cora?" Emma nodded, and the two of them fell into another silence. Lacey smiled at Henry, but he didn't return one. "Are you all okay? I don't know much about Neverland, but from what Rumple told me, it didn't sound good."

Emma frowned. "What do you mean, what Rumple told you?"

"He, uh, sent a message with Ariel. He told me that if I used the strength of our love, I'd be able to find something he needed." Lacey pressed her lips together, glancing down at the floor. Emma grimaced. She'd been there when Lacey told Rumplestiltskin they were done, and she was pretty certain that those instructions had been very unwelcome. And that Lacey didn't want to talk about it, even if she seemed to have actually gained Henry's attention. "At least his message meant I finally knew where you'd gone. Anyway… you are all okay, aren't you?"

She didn't answer straight away. She had to look over at David first, had to see that he was still smiling and greeting the dwarves. Killian had made it clear that his brother had died immediately after leaving Neverland, so at least it seemed the bringing the spring water with them had bought him some time. Not that Emma didn't want to say anything about David to anyone before she had a chance to break the news to Henry.

If she even had to tell him. If Rumplestiltskin or Dr Whale could find a way to save David, Henry wouldn't need to know.

"We're all fine."

Lacey nodded, although she looked distracted by something behind Emma. Emma turned to see Regina and Rumplestiltskin descending from the ship, shoving the crowd aside as they stepped out onto the docks. Regina seemed uncertain about where to go, standing awkwardly among the large crowd and Emma and Henry, but Rumplestiltskin headed straight for Lacey.

"Belle," he said simply. He had Pandora's Box in one hand, his cane in the other, and seemed determined not to acknowledge anyone other than his ex.

Lacey hesitated before crossing her arms over her chest, her knuckles white as she gripped at her sleeves. Despite her obvious discomfort, she smiled nervously back at Rumplestiltskin. "Rumple. I'm glad you're safe. And that I could help."

"I knew you'd be able to find what we needed. I knew that even after everything-"

"I haven't forgotten what we had." Lacey had cut his words off before he could say anything else referencing the love they had shared. Emma wasn't entirely sure she should be around for the conversation, but Lacey always seemed more confident talking to him when there was someone else around. "That doesn't mean we can have it again. I was glad to help. Let's just leave it at that."

It seemed like Rumplestiltskin couldn't do that, but Emma didn't keep listening. She was distracted by raucous cheers and hollers of the Lost Boys as Neal herded them off the ship, Killian following after them. The boys formed their own nosy group a few feet from the others, and then a high-pitched, excited shriek drew everyone's attention to Wendy. She sprinted away from the Lost Boys, talking so quickly it was incoherent as she ran at two men Emma didn't recognise.

They met her halfway across the docks, one of them catching her and picking her up as she hugged him. They shared a few words and then Neal was with them, the four of them hugging and clapping each other on the back.

They had to be Wendy's brothers, the ones Neal had lived with a century previously, but Emma was too sick of magic and Neverland and anything to do with Peter Pan to want an explanation of how that reunion was even possible.

Well, maybe not everything to do with Peter Pan. She leant into Killian's side when she felt his arm settle across her shoulders, finally turning her attention back to Henry and the rest of the small group.

His appearance at her side seemed to shut Rumplestiltskin up. He was too busy glaring at Killian to keep bugging Lacey, and from the wide, relieved grin on her face, Emma was certain that Lacey was just happy as her that Killian had finally joined them.

"Here," Killian said, holding a small, black bottle towards Rumplestiltskin.

"What's that?"

"Dreamshade." Rumplestiltskin grimaced at the answer, shoved Pandora's Box into his pocket and then reached out to snatch the poison from Killian. "Bae said you would need it to find the antidote."

"I'll start working on it as soon as I've returned to my shop."

"Don't use it all," Killian warned. "If you can't find an antidote, perhaps Whale can. He'll need the Dreamshade too."

"If I can't find an antidote, Victor won't stand a chance," Rumplestiltskin snarled. "Whatever he claims about science, it can't compare to my magic. I'll use what I need."

"You'll use half."

The Dark One's lips curled, his grip on the bottle tightening, and when Lacey didn't say anything, he turned on his heel and limped away.

Emma felt Killian take a deep breath before he brushed a kiss to her hair and turned to grin at Lacey. "Would it surprise you to know I rather enjoyed that show of hostility? After the last few weeks, his hatred was all I needed to feel like everything's back to normal."

"Or whatever counts for normal in Storybrooke anyway," Emma muttered bitterly.

Killian chuckled, kissed her hair again, and then released her so that he could step forward and hug Lacey.

"Welcome back," Lacey said quietly, her words muffled by Killian. "I was worried about you. All of you."

"You should just be grateful you weren't there." He ended the hug, moving immediately back to Emma and wrapping his arm around her again. Emma slipped her own arm around his waist. "We're all fine. Besides, I'm certain Storybrooke was much quieter without all of us around."

"I suppose it was," she admitted. "Grumpy and the other dwarves took turns as stand-in Sheriff though so it probably could have been quieter."

"It looks as though the calm's been good for you. You're glowing."

"I'm sweating."

Killian laughed, shaking his head at her deadpan tone. "Well, whatever it is, you look good. How about tomorrow, we get lunch and you can tell us all about the misadventures of the dwarves and their attempts at law enforcement. I'll pay."

Lacey nodded. "If you're free. You know I'll understand if you want to save that lunch until you're all settled in again. Henry might not want to spend his lunchtime listening to town gossip."

Emma had assumed the lunch was just for the two of them, but, apparently, Lacey had thought otherwise. As strange as it should have been for her and Henry to be automatically included in Killian's plans, she was glad they had been.

"I'll ask Henry," she told her. "But we'll definitely find the time. If not lunch, then I'm sure we can get coffee and cocoa one afternoon this week while Henry's with Neal or Regina."

"When what's happening with me?" Emma glanced over her shoulder at the sound of Neal's voice. He was standing near them, his shoulders hunched and his hands buried in his pockets. Considering they were finally back in Storybrooke, he looked less happy than she would have expected. "Mind if I join in?"

"No," she answered, shifting even closer to Killian to make space for Neal beside them. "I thought you'd still be catching up with the Darlings."

"Yeah, well, I think they just want to get the hell out of here and start attempting a normal life as soon as they can. Wendy's got a lot to get used to. They all do." Emma guessed he wasn't just talking about the Darlings. "I got their cell numbers though. I figure we can get a beer or two sometime. If they ever come back around here."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. There's been a lot of surprises the last couple of weeks, but I'm glad seeing them again was one of them." It was only then that he seemed to remember that he'd interrupted a conversation, and he grimaced apologetically. "Hey, sorry about taking over the conversation. I'm Neal."

He held his hand out towards Lacey, and after she shared a surprised look with Emma, she took it. "Belle."

"Yeah, I remember." Lacey frowned at him. "Oh, I was with Emma and my Papa when you were kidnapped. You make a good first impression. Don't worry if you don't remember me. You were probably a bit distracted."

"Rumplestiltskin's your... You're Baelfire?"

"I prefer Neal."

"Neal, then. It's good to meet you."

"You too."

They smiled at each other until they were interrupted by the arrival of Mary-Margaret and David, who seemed to have finally broken free from the crowd. It was only then that their handshake ended, as Lacey looked away from Neal and started bestowing warm greetings to the others.

Emma took advantage of the sudden burst of activity by moving away from Killian's side and back to Henry, who was still distancing himself from the others. "Hey, are you sure you're alright?" she asked. "Just say the word and we can get out of here. We can go back to the loft and I'll run you a bath and attempt a grilled cheese sandwich."

"I'm fine."

Emma bit her lip, unconvinced, but nodded anyway. She looked away from him only when she felt someone tap her shoulder, and she turned to see Archie standing behind her, a concerned frown on his face.

"Welcome back, Miss Swan," he said. "I thought I'd come and say hello to Henry. Just in case he wants to talk."

"Yeah, yeah, that might be good," she replied quietly, smiling gratefully at him and stepping aside to let him reach Henry.

She watched as he knelt down and started to speak softly to her son, Henry responding to each question with only a couple of words. Neal had definitely been right about Henry not being okay, and although they would all be there if Henry needed anything, perhaps she could ask Archie to spend a few hours with him too.

Henry had told Archie a lot before the curse broke, and if there was anything he struggled to talk about, he might feel more comfortable opening up to Archie.

She'd ask him later, once they had Henry settled back at the loft.

"As great as this reunion is," Emma said as she rejoined the others, "What's the plan now we're back?"

"Lunch," Granny told her. "Ruby and I will make a feast and once you've showered and changed, you can all come to the diner and we'll celebrate your return."

"Sounds great, but there are a few more things we need to sort out." Emma pointed over at the Lost Boys. "What do we do about them? And what do we do about the shadow?"

"We don't need to worry about the shadow," Neal said. "Papa said it's trapped. Just like it was in the candle. It's only Pan who can free it and he's trapped in a box."

"And the Lost Boys?"

For a while, no one seemed to have an answer, and then Leroy cleared his throat. "I guess I could take them to the fairies. I'm meeting Nova at the convent for some brunch and they could tag along. Only to the convent, though. I'm not sharing any of my brunch with them."

David's eyes were wide. "Brunch? You're having brunch?"

Leroy grumbled something incoherent, his nose bright red, and then fixed David with a glare. "Should I take them to the nuns or not?"

"It's the best plan we have for now," Emma admitted. "They can probably stay there until we figure out what to do with them."

"And Felix?" Killian prompted. "Unlike the others, he's been rather vocal about his loyalties to Pan. Do we want him roaming free in Storybrooke?"

"We've got plenty of cell space," David said. "We'll put him there. Get someone to keep an eye on him."

He walked over towards the Lost Boys, ruffling Henry's hair as he passed him and Archie on their way to join them.

"Hey, kid," Emma called. "Ready for a change of clothes? We're going to start making our way back to the loft in a minute."

"I want to stay with Mom."

Emma hadn't expected that, and she couldn't hide the hurt on her face. She raised her gaze towards Regina, grimacing at the smugness on the other woman's face. "Are you sure? A lot of your stuff's still in the loft."

"He has more than enough things in his room," Regina insisted. "If he wants to stay with me, he can stay with me."

Emma took a deep breath, forcing herself to think rationally. Of course Henry would rather return to a large house where he had a room of his own and a choice of bathrooms. At the loft, he wouldn't have any space for himself and they'd be queuing for their turn in the bath.

She understood. She did.

It just seemed very different from the boy who had told her he wasn't ready to be alone with Regina yet.

"Okay. If that's what you want, then okay." She could feel her parents looking at her, but she refused to turn around. Not when she was already struggling to hide how disappointed and confused she was. "You do that, and then we'll see you at Granny's and sort out where you're going to stay tonight. I'll bring your storybook. Regina, you'll be there too?"

"I didn't realise I was invited."

"You helped. You're invited."

Regina seemed surprised, and then she actually smiled at Emma. Emma couldn't smile back, could only watch as Regina placed her hand on Henry's shoulder and steered him away from them.

"I'm sorry, Emma," Mary-Margaret said gently, and Emma turned back around to look at her and Killian. "I'm sure he only wants to go there because there's more space. Nothing to do with you."


"Shall we go back to the loft then? Everyone else has started to leave."

Emma looked past her mother to see the group dispersing as they all left the docks. Leroy and the other dwarves with directing the Lost Boys towards the convent. Neal and Belle were still talking, accompanying Ruby, Granny and Tinkerbelle back to the diner. David was gripping Felix's shoulder as he took him to the station.

It was only her, Mary-Margaret and Killian left.

"I might stay here," she said hesitantly, grimacing when Mary-Margaret's face fell. "I'm sure you and David could use some space as well, once he's back from the station."

Mary-Margaret swallowed, her lips pressed into a thin line as she looked between Emma and Killian. "Alright," she agreed quietly. "But I will see you at Granny's, won't I? Granny said everything will be ready for half past twelve."

Emma nodded, and after allowing Mary-Margaret to pull her into a hug, only her and Killian were left.

It had taken longer than Emma had expected for Killian to finish docking the Jolly Roger. She'd assumed that once it was secured to the dock, they'd be done, but instead, she'd helped him carry his few electronics back from the storage room and watched as he laid out several extension cables. He tucked the wires as near to the railing as he could, each cable following a path that only Killian knew.

As much as she wanted a shower, Emma was certain that as soon as they retreated to the bathroom and finally changed out of their old clothes, they wouldn't want to be sorting out the Jolly Roger.

But when Killian returned from below deck with a bucket and mop, Emma realised that if she didn't something, she could be waiting a very long time. And maybe she was disappointed Henry had chosen to go home with Regina instead of her, but she wasn't going to ignore an opportunity to be alone with Killian.

"Hey," she said loudly, grinning down at him from the poop deck when he paused his mopping and looked up at her. "I was fine waiting for you to wire up everything and finish tying all the ropes, but do we really need to wait until you've swabbed the deck? I've been in these clothes for a week."

Killian raised an eyebrow. "You know you didn't have to wait for me."

"I wanted to. You were putting on a good show," she teased, grinning widely when he shook his head in bemusement. "But we've been back for almost an hour and I still haven't showered. So, unless you're planning on mopping the deck shirtless - and in that case, I can wait a few more minutes - can you maybe leave the rest of the tidying for later? I'm sure we can find a way for you to rub something out even you don't clean the deck today."

He smirked and met her gaze, their eyes locked as he pointedly rested the mop against the mast. "I suppose I could take a break. Or would you rather I hire one of the Lost Boys as a Swabbie and devote all my time to you?"

"Sounds tempting."

Killian nodded, his smirk softening into a warm, enticing smile. "That it does."

"But they might get in the way when we want some alone time."

"So we should make the most of the time we do have."

It took him less than a minute to duck below deck and return with a couple of towels. He waited for her at the base of the stairs, offering her his arm when she reached him, and then the two of them walked the short distance to the showers.

He'd showed her where the showers the day of the storm, months earlier, but she'd never used them. She'd never stayed on the ship long enough to justify using them when she had another, less public, bathroom back in the loft.

She had asked him once, when they were lying beside one another on his tiny bed, breath heavy and bodies damp with sweat, why he had never installed a shower of his own onto the Jolly Roger. He'd stared up at the cabin's ceiling, eyes half-closed, and told her he couldn't bring himself to install any permanent modern amenities onto the ship, couldn't bear to change the ship he'd spent several lifetimes on. That as used to Storybrooke as he was, the Jolly Roger was his home and he didn't want to change that to try and fit in with a realm he didn't belong to.

He'd shifted even closer in the narrow bed, raising himself onto his elbow so he could gaze down at her, and murmured that he'd be easily persuaded to make a few adjustments if she was planning on staying over more. Emma had shaken her head, breathless from the kisses he was trailing across her shoulder, tried to protest that he couldn't do that for her, not to his home.

Killian had caught her lips with his, brushed his thumb against her cheek, and murmured 'That was before you."

And despite wanting to know more, for him to spell out exactly what he meant, she had been very easily distracted.

The public showers weren't as bad as Emma had expected. The light didn't really work, only bright enough to slightly illuminate the room, but other than that, it was well-maintained and clean.

"So these are for anyone who wants to use them?" she asked.

"Supposedly, they're for anyone docked in Storybrooke. I've never seen anyone else here." He pushed open the door of the nearest cubicle, gesturing for her to enter. "That shower has better water pressure. I'll use the other one."

She took one step into the cubicle and then stopped, turning round to look at him. "You've never seen anyone else in here?"

Killian shook his head and Emma allowed a mischievous smirk to cross her lips as she reached towards him, her fingers curling in the collar of his shirt. "Love?"

"You did say we should make the most of our time together,' she said innocently, pulling him with her as she stepped back into the cubicle. When they were both squeezed into the small, dry space, she reached past him to close the cubicle door behind them, flicking the lock closed. "That's all I'm doing."

His eyes were on her as she slowly took off her shirt, dropping it carelessly beside her. His gaze followed the fabric as it fell. Emma waited until he was looking back up at her before she took off her leggings, standing in front of him in only her underwear.

The light was dim but she could make out how he was looking at her - mesmerised, wanting. She loved it, loved him, and she closed the space between them as she wrapped her arms around his neck and stretched up to brush her lips over his. He didn't react until she pulled away, his lips chasing hers but failing to catch them because she'd turned her back to him.

Emma glanced back over her shoulder, biting her lip when she caught him glancing over her body, and then she stripped off the little she was wearing, her underwear joining the rest of her clothes on the floor. "Are you coming?"

She didn't wait for a response. She stepped into the shower and started the water, a grateful sigh escaping her lips when she felt the warm water on her body. It was washing all of Neverland away, all the sweat and dirt that had accrued on her over the week finally gone.

Emma wished the whole thing was just easy to get rid of, but she was sure the memories would linger for far longer than anyone wanted.

At least Killian's touch was a good distraction. He'd finally joined her in the shower, the sound of his hook clattering on the tiled floor signalling his approach, and was busying himself with gently tracing lines on her shoulder, along the slightly tender marks left from their tryst in Neverland's jungle. "You're a siren," he murmured, punctuating the words with a soft kiss to the curve of her shoulder. "I've never seen anything as tempting as you."

She let out a laugh, stopping abruptly when he brushed her wet hair aside and pressed his lips to the back of her neck. His fingers were tangled in her hair, his other arm wrapped around her waist and holding her against him. She sighed, her eyes closing as her head fell back to rest against him.

It was wonderful to not have to rush things, to be able to lean against him and just bask in the feel of him and his kisses without worrying about running out of time or being interrupted. It had been too long since they'd been alone for more than a few hurried, stolen moments and, yes, they had a party to get to eventually, but they still had more time than they'd had in weeks.

Emma wished that didn't make her uneasy, but it did. Not because of Killian, but because she had realised before that things weren't that simple in Storybrooke. The moment things seemed to settle down, the moment she actually had some time for herself, that was when everything would go to hell. Again.

Killian must have felt her tense because his arm tightened around her and he murmured something vaguely soothing before kissing just the right place behind her ear and making her lose focus on anything but him.

But despite how good it would feel to lose herself in him, she had to admit that, in that moment, she just wanted a shower. She told him as much, and after one more lingering kiss to the same place, eliciting another quiet gasp, he chuckled and released her.

For several minutes, it was almost like any other shower, except Killian was there and they were manoeuvring around each other, taking turns under the spray and passing the shower gel to one another. The moment she felt clean, she finally let herself be distracted, her eyes lingering on the drops of water running over Killian's torso, on the way his hair was plastered to his forehead.

It had already been too long since he stopped kissing her. Emma closed the space between them, looping her arms around his neck and raising her lips to his. He responded instantly, mouth moving over hers. She whimpered when his tongue touched hers, and then he was backing her into the wall, out of the water. She almost shivered, but the warm water was still streaming over him, keeping them both warm as he kissed her. His fingers were everywhere; brushing through her hair, tracing patterns on her breasts, inside her.

His name was on her lips when she came, one hand gripping at his hair, the other clutching at his shoulder. She wondered vaguely if they could get away with having sex in the shower, but the floor was slippery and there was nothing that looked solid enough for her to hold onto.

"As sheriff," she said breathlessly, voice hitching when Killian leant down, his mouth on her breast. "It's maybe not a good idea for me to do something that might damage public property."

He lifted his head, one eyebrow raised. "As I said, it's hardly public."

Killian captured her mouth with his immediately after he spoke, Emma sighing into it. She couldn't get enough of him; the weight of him, the way he kissed her like he never wanted to do anything else, the way he felt beneath her hands as she slid them down his chest.

"Not here," she breathed, her hands pausing just above his waist. "Although I suppose I could help you… swab your deck."

He chuckled, but then her hand was on him and he couldn't laugh anymore.

They stayed in the shower until the water got too cold and, after more reassurance from Killian that it was unlikely they'd run into anyone, they'd hurried back across the docks in their towels.

Back in his cabin, Killian dressed immediately. Emma watched as he organised the cabin, moving the small television to what she assumed was its rightful place. As he did that, she went straight for her phone, which had been abandoned on the windowsill on the way to Neverland.

Time didn't pass in Neverland, but not even that had stopped her phone from running out of charge.

"Do you want to call Henry?" Killian asked, busy stripping the sheets from the bed.

"I'm thinking about it," she said. She couldn't decide if it were a good idea. It hadn't been too long since they returned, no matter how much time they'd wasted in the shower, and she wouldn't be surprised if Henry was still in the bubble bath she assumed Regina would have drawn up for him. Or taking a much-needed nap. "My phone's dead though and I doubt you have anything here I can use to charge it."

"If you really want to contact him, you're more than welcome to use mine." He bundled the sheets into a ball and tucked them under his arm. "Do you want your clothes washed?"



"No, it's fine. I'll probably just throw them out." She never wanted to wear those clothes again. "Or burn them."

Killian nodded, and after he'd taken her towel, suggesting she help herself to his wardrobe, he'd left the ship with a promise to return in a few minutes. Emma chose a shirt, not paying attention what she was picking, but once she had it buttoned up, she didn't bother to dress any further.

She'd have to put her leggings on eventually, as she probably couldn't wander the streets of Storybrooke in only Killian's shirt, but she didn't want to be wearing them any longer than necessary. They'd just have to make sure they left for the party with enough time for her to stop at the loft and change.

Emma leant back against the desk, going through Killian's short list of contacts until she found Regina's number. As much as she wanted to speak with her son, she couldn't decide what to do. If she did call, she was certain that any conversation with her son would come after Regina had reminded her that Henry had chosen to stay with her and that she was more than capable of looking after him.

As strange as it seemed to her, he had chosen Regina. She would see him soon, at Granny's. If anything was really wrong, Regina would probably call.

She called David instead, preferring to distract herself with work than letting herself dwell on Henry's apparent change of heart. It rang for almost a minute before Mary-Margaret picked up.

"Hook?" she asked, before Emma could say anything. "Is Emma alright?"

"This is Emma. You do realise that Killian doesn't just have David's number in case of emergencies, right?"

Mary-Margaret ignored her comment. "Why are you using Hook's phone?"

"Because my phone didn't survive a week without a charger and I don't exactly keep a spare on Killian's ship," Emma said. "Why are you using David's?"

"He only just got back from the Sheriff station and he's in the shower," she explained. "That isn't why you're calling, is it? For work? You know the town doesn't expect you to get straight back to work."

"I just wanted to make sure everything went okay with Felix. I know you don't want me working, and honestly, I don't want to be working either, but you'd tell me if he beat up David and made a run for it, wouldn't you?"

"David sorted everything. Felix is in a cell at the station and the dwarves are going to take turns watching him so that you don't have to work today. Sleepy's there now."


There were several seconds of silence. "You have security cameras. And the cell locks." Emma laughed. "Emma, while we're talking… are you staying with Killian tonight?"

She hadn't expected that question. "Oh, I don't know," she said slowly. "I don't think so."

"Good. I was hoping you'd come home tonight. It's the first time in weeks where we don't have to worry about anything-"

"Except Sleepy being on guard duty."

"There hasn't been any time for us to spend together, as a family, since the curse broke. I thought that, after everything at Granny's, I could get some snacks, Henry could pick a movie and we can enjoy the lack of chaos?"

"That sounds nice."

There was another pause in the conversation before Mary-Margaret spoke again. "Hook is more than welcome to join us if you want him to come."

"I'll ask him."

"Okay. Let me know what he says because David will probably get some beers and he'll want to get enough for everyone."

"You should just get enough for four and if Killian has other things to do-" Emma heard the door close behind her, and she glanced over her shoulder to see that Killian had returned. "I'm sure we can manage to drink it all. Anyway, I have to go, but I'll see you at Granny's?"

Mary-Margaret said goodbye and Emma hung up, handing Killian his phone when he rounded the table to stand before her.

"Was that Henry?" he asked, his phone bouncing on his mattress after he threw it behind him. "How is he?"

"Not Henry," she told him. "He's probably still enjoying his own space. And I have to learn to trust Regina with him if that's what he wants. I can't call after an hour to check everything's okay."

"It would be understandable after everything."

"Probably not to Regina. Don't worry, it's not a big deal. I'll see him at Granny's soon."

Killian stared at her for a moment, and she forced a smile across her face. Not that it convinced him she was fine.

"How long until we have to be at Granny's?"

"An hour, maybe?" Emma said, unsure what the exact time was. "But we need to leave a bit earlier so I can pick up some new clothes. I don't think Granny will let me in like this."

"Which is a shame, because you look stunning." Emma rolled her eyes, but she couldn't stop the smile. "Sweetheart, I'm sure Henry's fine. He's probably having a nap or watching the television or simply enjoying being out of the hell that was Neverland."

"Which is what we were meant to be doing." She lifted herself onto the table, perching on the edge, and then reached out for him, hooking her fingers into his belt and tugging him close so that he was standing between her legs. "Sorry."

Emma raised her head and kissed him. He responded instantly, his hand grazing her bare thigh before settling on her hip, under her shirt. The smell of him surrounded her, the mint of his shower gel unable to mask the lingering smell of the sea that he always had. Her hands were in the back pockets of his jeans, holding his hips to hers, and when she needed to feel more, when she rocked against him, he groaned and kissed her harder.

"Oh, Killian, we're going to the loft later, " she said breathlessly, between kisses to his jaw, when she realised she probably tell him the plans before she got too distracted. He murmured something quiet and unintelligible in response, and Emma wasn't entirely sure he'd understood what she'd said. "For movies and popcorn."

He drew his head back, just out of reach, and gazed down at her, eyebrows furrowed. "When was this decided?"

"Just now. On the phone." Emma slid one hand into his hair, angling his head back towards her. "You don't have to come if you don't want to but David is bringing beer. And I'd like it if you did."

"Well, if David's bringing beer," he paused, his eyes closing and his breath catching when Emma resumed the trail of kisses, his jaw first and then up, biting gently on his earlobe. "How can I say no?"

"What about me?"

She felt him shiver as she whispered to him, and then he was kissing her. She couldn't sit straight up, not when he was leaning over her, and she had to clutch at him to keep her balance. He anchored her, one arm wrapped around her waist, his hand finally rising from its place on her hip to cup her breast. She sighed at the touch, trying to press impossibly closer, the hand not holding onto him clumsily attempting to undo his shirt.

"I'm sure I can find a way to cope with your presence." He breathed the words when their lips parted, but Emma was barely able to process them. She didn't care what he'd said, hardly remembered what they'd been talking about, so she just kissed the smirk off his face.

She murmured something incoherent in protest when he broke the kiss, but then his lips were pressed against her neck, her collarbone, and her vague protests were replaced by an appreciative moan. He was tracing a path across her exposed skin, moving lower and lower, and when he reached the collar of her shirt, he didn't push it aside but bypassed it completely. He sunk to his knees, his hand and hook holding her in place as he brushed gentle, teasing kisses to her inner thigh, so close to where she wanted him but refusing to give her what she so desperately needed.

All she could focus on was the brush of his stubble against her skin, her hand in his hair. She was too hot, her body too tight. She started to tremble, her grip on his hair tightening. She felt his smirk against her skin and then his mouth was finally upon her and she couldn't do anything but whimper his name and fall apart, her head falling back and her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.

She tasted herself on his lips when he kissed her again, deep and messy and everything.

"How long now until we need to leave?" he asked, still so close that his lips brushed hers with each word.

"Doesn't matter," she told him. "Just don't stop."

They were the last to arrive at Granny's. They'd left the Jolly Roger later than they should have, after they'd both taken separate, very quick, second showers, and then they'd been even further delayed when instead of just changing into a pair of fresh trousers at the loft, Emma had also thrown together a small bag of clothes to keep on the ship.

Killian had kissed her when she came down the stairs from her room, still wearing his shirt, and explained what the bag was for, although she'd refused to let them get distracted. Instead, she'd ended the kiss almost as soon as it had started and the two of them had hurried to her Bug and sped to Granny's.

"You know they said the food would be ready by half past, right?" Emma paused in the doorway when she heard Neal's voice. He was sitting at the table nearest the entrance, one eyebrow raised, a beer in front of him. "Not on the hour."

"And we would have been on time if I hadn't had to stop back at the loft," Emma told him, stepping aside so Killian could join everyone else in the diner. "I had to pick up a few things."

"Not a shirt though?"

Emma rolled her eyes. It had nothing to do with Neal if she'd chosen to keep wearing Killian's shirt instead of changing into something else, and if he was going to comment on it, she was just going to ignore it.

Her thoughts must have been clear on her face because Neal held up his hands in surrender and looked apologetically at her and Killian. "Hey, look, I was just teasing. It doesn't matter whose shirt it is. You still look good in it."

"What do you want, Neal? Am I going to need a beer of my own for this conversation?"

"No." He nodded his head at the empty chair opposite him. "Don't worry, Ems. I'll let you join the party in a second. I just have something to give you."

Killian sat down first, less hesitant than Emma to join Neal, and then she followed suit. "So what've you got?"

He picked something up from the seat beside him and then he was pushing Henry's book across the table to her. "Here. I thought you'd want to give it back to Henry."

"Why do you have Henry's book?"

"He let me borrow it," he explained, his eyes locked on Emma's hand as she traced the golden embossing on the front. "I thought I could use it to help explain everything to Tamara. Henry said that was fine as long as I gave it back. It seems like a good time to do that."

She was silent for a while, flipping through the pages of the storybook and glancing at all the familiar illustrations. The pages telling the story of Snow White, featuring Prince Charles and Princess Leia, were slightly worn, Henry having read them over and over again.

Emma looked back up at Neal. "So why are you giving it to me?"

"Come on, Emma," he said. "I knew him for a few days before Pan took him. Sure, I could give him the book back, but after that, what would I do? Buy him an ice cream with all the toppings and hope it's enough? I just think it would be better if he got the book back from you."

Emma wasn't sure she agreed. The Henry she knew would love the chance to go through the storybook with someone who hadn't already read it cover to cover. However, she wasn't going to tell Neal that.

"Thanks. I'll just..." She peered past Neal, through the crowded diner, and tried to spot Henry. He was sat by himself in one of the booths, an unfamiliar expression of boredom on his face.

She didn't bother to finish her sentence. She just brushed a kiss to Killian's cheek and left the two men, storybook under her arm. As she walked away, she heard Killian offer to buy the next round of drinks, and a quick glance over her shoulder let her see he was already heading towards the counter.

"Hey, kid," she said once she reached Henry, sliding into the seat opposite him. "Where's Regina?"

"Arguing with Granny about lasagne," he replied before fixing her with an expectant look. "What do you want?"

Emma frowned. He definitely seemed different. His answers were shorter, his gaze nowhere near as warm and bright as it always used to be. She clenched her fist under the table, hating what Neverland and Pan had done to him, and then she forced herself to relax and reached across to lay her hand gently on his arm.

"Henry, you know you don't have to be here if you don't want to be." He didn't say anything. "Just say the word and I'll get some Granny's to go and we can go wherever you want. Just us. How about our spot? I know we've not really been there since the park was pulled down, but it'll be quiet. And if you need to talk, you can. You know that, right?"

His eyes narrowed. "I know. I'm fine."

"Okay, well," she said uncertainly. "Don't get too excited, but I have something for you." She'd have appreciated some excitement, but Henry barely reacted. Not even when she pushed the book across the table to him. "Neal still had it in his room. We thought you'd want it."

"Right. Thanks."

He flipped the book open, the cover thumping on the table, and started to turn the pages, barely sparing a second on each page. He skipped right past the image of Leia and Charles in the ballroom, past the picture of Prince Charming, and his bleeding chin, leaning out of the window and shouting after Snow White. His expression didn't even change.

She didn't want to press the issue, not if he didn't want to talk, but she didn't want him trying to act like everything was fine. She just wanted him to be honest with her. "You okay?"

He looked up from the book, his face blank. "Yeah," he told her. "Why?"

She shrugged, resigning herself to the fact that he probably needed more time before he felt able to open up again.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, surrounded by the noisiness of the rest of the diner. Henry started to look through the storybook again, spending more time reading each page. Emma had a feeling he was doing it to reassure her, not because he actually wanted to.

She wanted him to do whatever he needed, so instead of sitting and watching him read, she kissed his forehead and left him alone in the booth.

Emma headed straight for the counter. She needed a drink, although it was too early for anything stronger than a pint of beer. Not to mention the fact that she was so exhausted that one shot of rum or whiskey would probably send her straight to sleep.

"How is he?" Emma hadn't noticed Neal sat at the counter, too focused on getting her own drink. He had a full pint of beer and a bottle of rose lemonade on a tray in front of him. "Did the book work?"

Emma sighed. "He says he's fine. I think he's tired and stressed and probably doesn't really know how to deal with what happened. The book didn't even get a smile."

"Maybe things will be better once everyone's had a full night's sleep."

"You can tell you're new to Storybrooke," Emma muttered bitterly. "Sleeping through the whole night? Doesn't really happen here. We'll probably all get woken up in the middle of the night by Frankenstein's third attempt at a monster."

Neal chuckled. "So maybe I shouldn't have ordered a Cappuccino."

"The caffeine will be helpful when you're running for your life at two in the morning."

Emma took her beer from Ruby and then spun round on the bar stool to watch the others in the diner. Mary-Margaret and David were talking with Marco and Pinocchio, and that sight was enough to Emma reconsider her decision to avoid any of the stronger alcohol.

"Emma?" She angled her chair back towards Neal but didn't glance back at him. She was looking at Regina and Archie, the two of them exchanging whispered conversation and regularly staring over at Henry. "I spoke to Rumplestiltskin before coming here. He said it looked like he'd have an antidote ready by tomorrow morning."

"By tomorrow?" Emma had expected it to take longer, but Neal's words had felt like a weight lifting off her. It was a relief to hear that she wouldn't need to worry about David running out of spring water before he could be saved. "That's great."

"Yeah. He said he'll work on it overnight and then I can bring it to yours in the morning," he said. "Although, that was only if I promised to have dinner with him whenever he took a break from potion-making. I agreed, in case you're wondering."

"Thanks." Emma hesitated for a second and then reached out to rest her hand on his arm. "He wouldn't be helping if it weren't for you. Sorry you have to pay the price for it."

"There are worse prices. At least he didn't ask me to track down the ex who got me sent to jail, right?"

Emma wasn't sure whether to laugh or not. What Neal did to her wasn't something she could make light of, but it was something that had been hurting less lately. His apology had helped with that.

She didn't laugh, forced a smile and removed her hand from his arm. "Yeah. There's not much that's worth a price that high."

"And speaking of exes-"

That was when Emma laughed, unable to believe he'd used his ill-thought-out joke as a way to change the subject. He looked sheepish, exhaling in relief when Ruby finally appeared with his coffee, and it was only after he'd blown on it and taken a large gulp that he turned back to Emma.

"I wanted to ask you for a favour," he continued. "I want to see Tamara and I was sort of hoping you'd come with me. I just… I need to try and understand what she was thinking. Why she did what she did."

"And you want me there?" Emma asked. "Isn't one ex enough for a conversation?"

"I wouldn't have asked if she hadn't shot me the last time we were in the same place. Besides, you're the sheriff."

"That's true." She looked back over at her shoulder, at Pinocchio. "I have a few of my own questions for her anyway. How about going there once this party's done?"


"You have to do things quickly here. We're just lucky we've managed to deal with each villain before the next one showed up."

"Just let me know when you want to go," Neal said. "Now, I should get these drinks back to Hook and Belle. They probably wanted to be drinking them five minutes ago. You going to join us?"

"In a moment. I have to tell David he isn't dying anytime soon." Neal picked up the tray of drinks and started back towards Killian and Belle, but Emma stopped him. "Can you ask Regina where Tamara is? I haven't had the chance."

"You don't know where she is?"

"I had other things on my mind. Just ask her, okay?"

Neal grumbled something in protest and walked away. Emma kept an eye on him as she crossed the room to join her parents, and although he seemed reluctant to speak with Regina, he headed straight for her as soon as he'd given Killian and Lacey their drinks.

Emma spent almost an hour with David and Mary-Margaret. After they'd shared a drink celebrating David's health, Emma had joined them as they made their way around the room, stopping and sharing small talk with all the guests. Not that Emma ever had much of an idea what to say. She just nodded and smiled and let Mary-Margaret and David act like the royals they were.

At least Granny's never-ending supply of mini sandwiches were a good explanation for why she wasn't really taking part in the conversations.

She left Mary-Margaret and David when she'd had enough of smiling and nodding, rejoining Killian, Neal and Lacey at the table by the window. They were mid-conversation, something about the best places to photograph in Storybrooke, so Emma didn't interrupt. She sat beside Killian, his arm already resting along the back of the seat as though he was waiting for her, and half-listened.

Most of her attention was on Henry. She could see him over Neal's shoulder, in the same place he'd been when she left his side an hour before. The storybook was open in front of him, but from Emma's angle, she couldn't get a good view of what page he was on. She just knew it wasn't the ballroom picture - the page wasn't red enough.

He didn't seem happy. He didn't seem like himself. Yes, he had always been quiet whenever he got upset, but never so cold and distant.

They shouldn't have had a party. He didn't need to be here, waiting in one of the diner booth's as his family ate sandwiches and chatted with family. They should have waited for Henry to feel better instead of assuming everything would be okay.

"Maybe I should take Henry home," she said quietly, interrupting the others. "Maybe a party was too much."

Neal turned in his seat, staring over at his son. "He might just be hungry."

Emma shook her head, doubting Neal's words as much as he did. Still, she appreciated the reassurance, even if it didn't mean much when Neal had already reminded several times since leaving Neverland that Henry wouldn't recover straight away. "We're sitting in a diner where there are waiters serving what appears a constant supply of sandwiches. If he were hungry, I'm sure he'd be eating them."

Neal grimaced, finally turning back to face Emma again. It didn't look like Henry had even noticed his father's attention, and if he had, he hadn't acknowledged it. "I'll take him back to the loft," she decided. "It won't fix things, but maybe some tv and a few pop tarts will cheer him up."

"And Tamara?"

Emma grimaced. Tamara had slipped her mind, too busy focusing on Henry. She shrugged slightly, not sure what to say. If she didn't have her own questions for Tamara, she'd just ask David to accompany Neal, and as much as she wished she could simply say that they could postpone the meeting, there never seemed to be time for delays. Not in Storybrooke.

If Henry wanted her around, she'd risk it. She'd be able to find the time to question the other woman, even if that only meant a brief conversation during a break from whatever villain appeared in Storybrooke next.

But it didn't seem like Henry wanted anyone around, and as much as she wanted to think otherwise, maybe he just wanted to be alone.

"We can go after this," she said quietly. "I'll talk to Henry first, but if he's okay with it, then we'll go like planned."

"Emma, if you want to be with Henry, I get it."

"If he just wants some space, it doesn't really matter who takes him back to the loft, does it?" she pointed out, suddenly exhausted. She paused, letting her head fall against Killian's shoulder, his hand rubbing her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. "I'm sure David or Mary-Margaret will-"

"Let them enjoy their party, love." She glanced up at him, a slight frown creasing her eyebrows. "After all, it's their return the town is truly celebrating. I can look after Henry. If you want me to, that is. I'd understand if you'd prefer him to be with your parents."

"You'd do that?"

"I know how to work your tv and I'm sure I can figure out pop tarts," he said, smirking. "Henry can get some space, and I'll pick up a book from the ship on the way back to the loft so I have something to do. If he needs anything, I'll be there."

Emma had to smile at him. She hadn't even thought of asking Killian, although that wasn't because she didn't trust him with Henry. She did. It was just that, as friendly as they were whenever they were together, Killian hadn't spent much time with him.

But Henry didn't need someone to hang out with. All he needed was someone nearby in case anything happened.

"If Henry's okay with that then that would be great." She raised her head to press a quick kiss to Killian's jaw and then left his side. "I'll go ask him what he wants and then we can get out of here? You don't mind going to see Tamara now, do you? I promised Mary-Margaret I'd be at the loft this evening."

Emma didn't give Neal a chance to answer, already striding back towards her son.

He didn't look up when she reached him.

"Hey, kid?" It took a few seconds, but then he tilted his head towards her, one eyebrow raised. "You want to head back to the loft? You must be tired after all the partying you've been doing." The corners of his lips lifted slightly, the largest smile she'd seen on him since their return. He closed the storybook, sliding it along the table to her. "You don't mind if Killian stays with you for a bit, do you? Your dad and I need to sort something out, but I'll be back as soon as possible."

Henry paused, only halfway out of the booth. "Killian?"

"Yeah," she said hesitantly. "Storybrooke can be a dangerous place. I thought you could keep him safe for me?"

He glanced briefly at Killian. "I don't want to stay at the loft," he told her shortly. "I don't want to stay with Hook. I want to go home. With my mom."

"With Regina?" He nodded. "Are you sure?"

"I want to stay with her tonight."

"Oh, okay." She couldn't help but be taken aback. She'd somehow convinced herself that he'd stayed with Regina that morning for convenience, because he had his own room and bathroom at her house, but she hadn't thought he'd still want to be there. Emma looked back at Killian, Henry's glance at him suddenly weighing heavily on her. "If it's because of Killian, I can rearrange things. I can stay with you."

"It's not because of Killian."

She wasn't very convinced, but she doubted Henry felt like being pressed for a more detailed answer. "Okay. Yeah. Just, uh, just call me tomorrow and let me know what time you want me to pick you up."

He nodded, and then Emma watched as her son made his way over to Regina. The other women beamed as Henry spoke to her, as he asked to return back to her house, and it seemed like only minutes passed before Regina was excusing herself from Archie and leading Henry out the diner, her arm around his shoulder.

"It's okay." Emma hadn't noticed Mary-Margaret approaching, but her friend was at her side, her hand resting on Emma's arm and her gaze sympathetic. "He probably just wants to spend his first night back in his old room."

"Yeah, you said that this morning," Emma said bitterly. "I'm sure that's it."

"Are you still going to come back to the loft?"

It took a moment for Emma to answer. At that moment, she just wanted to go somewhere quiet, wanted to curl up in Killian's narrow bed, him pressed against her, and try to sleep Neverland away.

She wanted to wake up in a place where Neverland had never happened, where Henry was smiling and happy and with her.

But Mary-Margaret looked so despondent, as though she knew what Emma's answer was going to be, and Emma couldn't say no. It wouldn't be the same without Henry, but a calm evening filled with beers, snacks and friends might work just as well as a good night's sleep.

"Yeah, Killian and I will be there. I've got a couple of things to do first but we'll be at the loft."

Mary-Margaret seemed thrilled by her answer, and after patting Emma's arm a couple of times, she returned to David. At least they seemed to be enjoying the party.

Neal and Killian were already standing by the door when she rejoined them. She didn't bother to give them an explanation for Henry and Regina's quick exit from the party and she was glad neither of them asked for one. She didn't want to talk about it, and she definitely didn't want to tell Killian about how Henry had reacted to the idea of staying with him.

"Let's go."

Neal left the diner first, Emma after him, and she was surprised when Killian followed too., the three of them crossing the short distance to the Bug. Neal stopped just before they reached it, staring at the bright yellow car as though it was the last thing he had expected to see, but he didn't ask any questions.

"Are you coming too?" she asked as Killian opened the door and leant over the seat to reach something in the back. "Don't you want to stay with Lacey?"

"I thought I'd spend the remainder of the afternoon aboard the Jolly Roger," he said, Emma's bag of clothes in his hand when he re-emerged. "I was a bit too distracted this morning to finish tidying it up. I thought I might as well take your clothes with me so I can put them away while I sort out the rest of the cabin."

"What? You going to put them in a drawer of their own?"

"I was thinking about it." He sidled close, his hook coming to rest gently on her hip. "Is that what you want?"

She breathed in, nodding her head only slightly, and he grinned at her. "So,I'll pick you up from the docks when we're done?"

"I'll see you then." Emma expected him to step away, but he didn't. He hesitated for a moment and then his expression softened and he moved even closer. "Are you alright? I saw Regina leaving with Henry and-" He stopped speaking suddenly, even though she hadn't said a word. Emma was sure he could read her answer in her eyes, because he gave her a soft smile and brushed a kiss to her temple. "Tonight. You can tell me tonight."

Emma kissed him, her hands gripping his leather jacket as she swayed into him. When the kiss broke, they stayed together, noses brushing, eyes closed, until Emma sighed and stepped away. "Tonight."

It took another moment before his hook left her hip and he started to walk away, her bag over his shoulder, and then it was just Emma, Neal and the car they used to share.

So, it's been a while. Sorry about the long wait - I'm much busier these days than I used to be, and I struggle to write more than a few sentences at a time. I hope the chapter was worth the wait! I also have to say thank you so much for all the reviews. The reviews for last chapter put the number of reviews over 1000, which is amazing!

I also found out, just today, that this fic was nominated for Best WIP in the Captain Swan Fanfiction Awards on tumblr, which is incredible. Thank you all so much for that!