I never right at the top, but for this I am. This will be a small stories during the Grand Magic games, if you have any little ideas for what you'd like to see I will maybe do it. It doesn't hurt to suggest. I don't do every couple but just ask.


Couple: Juvia x Gray (Juvia)

Rating: T

Summary: Gray isn't sure what he thinks of Juvia. He likes her as a guild mate. Gray asks Lucy for some help.


He didn't know what to say. She'd confess her love to him and he would coldly walk away from her like he had never heard her. It may seem harsh but if he stopped to think, it would complicate things. It will complicate everything.

She was a team mate, she was a friend, someone he held dear to him. He loved her unconditionally, but she was his friend and she was creepy. Gray looked at the city of Crocus below him. It looked so pretty and so alive at night. He stood beside Lucy who was enjoying the fresh air and the sweet victories they had scored so far.

"Lucy...can we talk?" He asked her slowly, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. The blonde turned to see how he was embarrassed, "Let's go out for a meal," he decided and she nodded. The two walked back into the hall where their guild was having fun. Gray took Lucy's hand as he led her past everyone and into the main streets of the large city.

During his time he had found a lovely restaurant that he wanted to try out and decided that Lucy would appreciate the meal after being in hospital due to Sabertooth's vicious lady. The two walked in, already in a suit and a lovely dress from the party they were having.

"A table for two," Gray asked the waiter slowly and they were taken to a small booth with a red table cloth over it. A small candle flickered in the dimly lit room. Gray took a seat and Lucy joined it and searched throw the menu.

After they ordered and had received drinks, Gray began to speak, "What is said here is confidential. Okay?" Lucy nodded her head and sipped on her icy sugary drink slowly. "I've been thinking about me and Juvia," he began slowly his eyes focused on the flickering candle and not the smiling face behind it.

"Really! And?" The female said in excitement. Now this is where he got stumped. He just didn't know what to say or do.

"I like her but as a friend but we connect so well and she loves me. I just don't know," he blushed and averted his eyes from his friend, "Will it be awkward if we date? Lyon is serious about her. I don't want to hurt him. I don't know what to do?" He spoke honestly.

"Gray...I'm sorry to say but Lyon is already with Juvia. He asked her out earlier and she accepted. She couldn't wait forever for you," Gray stood up in anger. His stomach flipped as he thought of her being with that male. Lyon was a decent guy, but Juvia was his.

"That bastard!" Gray snarled out.

"How come?" Lucy asked raising an eyebrow.

"She belongs to me!" Gray snapped out then realised what he had said. He sat back down, his blush deepening.

"Now you know the truth. I lied and you spoke the truth. Fun right?" Lucy giggled out. Gray pouted turning his head away and shook his head. Their meal came swiftly and the two remained quiet for the long time. They enjoyed the company, the food, the light chatter from everyone else and the music that played in the background.

"Does that mean I should ask her out?" Lucy nodded her head slowly.

"If you feel uncomfortable about anything, just tell her. She loves you and will understand," Gray nodded his head and ordered some wine for the celebration. The two happily drank until they felt a small buzz and ordered to take the rest home.

"Help me," Gray begged. Lucy nodded her head and took a swig from the bottle. She still wasn't drunk yet. She could feel Gray rushing home and it made her smile.

Gray rushed into the gardens while Lucy walked into the hall with the bottle. She handed it to Cana and walked over to Juvia, "I need to tell you a secret...come with me," Juvia followed the blonde to the balcony where she saw Gray staring at the sky.

"I forgot...maybe ask Gray," Lucy shut the door and walked back to the bar, waiting for a new couple to be born and retrieving her wine from Cana before she downed the lot.

Juvia walked over to Gray slowly who was a little red in the face, "Juvia?" He asked without turning his head.

"Yeah...Lucy said you had a secret?"

"Juvia...," he took a deep breath clenching his hands into fists, "Be my girlfriend," he almost shouted out. It was silent for a long time, the only sound was the wind or the music from the inn. Gray turned round to see Juvia standing and staring at him. She looked so stunned and was so close to tears.

"Are you kidding me?" Gray shook his head and watched as the girl laughed happily with tears bubbling in her eyes. She rushed into Gray's arms and he gave her a large hug. He bent down and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. She continued to cry hard into his chest and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Let's head back inside. Lucy will drink all of my wine," She followed him back inside slowly. Everyone didn't pay much attention to them. Gray walked over to Lucy and took the wine and took a large swig from it and passed it to Juvia who stared at the two and took a small sip before handing it back.

"How did it go?"

"Perfectly," Lucy clapped her hands together in delight and took another swig of the wine. Juvia wasn't sure if she was too stay or not. So she decided that he wouldn't mind if she spoke to Lisanna and other girls.

Lucy and Gray got drunk happily laughing at random things, "HE ASKED YOU OUT!" Mira screamed in joy. Everyone stopped and turned to see Mira who was smiling brightly. She ran over to Gray and kissed his cheek.

"You're dating Juvia! I'm so happy!" She squealed in delight once again. The room silenced once again. They room stared at Gray and Juvia before cheering out and decided to celebrate even more.

"Lucy...help me to bed," Gray ordered. The blonde nodded and jumped away from her bar stool and put an arm around Gray. She led him to the room where he stripped into his boxers and lay in bed. Lucy sat on her own bed and stared at Gray who was facing the ceiling.

"What now?" He suddenly asked. Lucy asked him to clarify so he did, "Me and Juvia are now dating. What do we do that's different than before?" Lucy shrugged.

"Whatever you feel comfortable with," Lucy shrugged. She never dated anyone and she assumed that neither had Gray. Lucy pulled her dress off leaving her in her pants and bra. She slipped her night clothes on and with a few touches her bra could magically be pulled out the sleeve. Lucy sat on the bed and hugged a pillow as they spoke to another, "I feel weird now," Gray turned his head to show that he was listening. "She's your girlfriend now and here we are."

"Juvia will just have to learn that we are close. We have always been close. I don't want to push you away because I am dating Juvia," Lucy smiled cheerfully and watched as Juvia walked in with a drunk Cana and plopped her down on the bed. Lucy stood up and helped to strip the female. Gray stared at the wall while they stripped the drunk female. They changed her into her pyjamas then let her sleep.

Juvia lingered at Cana's bed not sure what to do, "Come here," Gray suggested turning round to face her. The blue haired female walked closer to him and was pulled onto the bed beside him. She lay against his chest not sure what to do.

"Me and Lucy were talking and we are really close friends, don't get jealous over it. Just pretend she's like Natsu or Loke. Alright?" Juvia nodded her head and nuzzled her face into his chest. Gray still felt nervous about this but somehow it felt so right. The way she snuggled into his chest it seemed right. Taking this jump was the greatest thing he had ever done.