Disclaimers: I do not own ZnT or Naruto

Sorry for keeping everyone waiting for so so so so long.

I've decided to make some skips, or else I could never get back to writing and the story would be too too long that I could never finish it.

I changed the name of the story as I think this is more reflective of it.

At times Louise felt as if she was growing up too fast. But she supposed experiencing everything that Naruto saw in his warn torn world would have that effect on everyone.

From the Mizuki incident, the fight on the bridge, the Chuunin Exam to the fight with Sasuke, in which Naruto got him back to the village, she'd seen it all.

Somehow as the connection became stronger, the sights became more vivid, so much that she could will to see what he was seeing.

She remembered his stunned face when somehow, as she was dreaming, she ended up in the large severs where the fox, Kurama stayed.

She remembered how slowly they moved towards one another, how their hands slowly intertwined as if ascertaining if the other was real and through that action she remembered his glowing warmth.

And somehow, those innocent actions turned less innocent as time went by, as small touches became kisses before they became something more – of course, that only happened once Naruto figured how to push away Kurama, who made catcalls at any opportunity when he caught them together.

Those kisses had been real – she could feel his warm breath and his somewhat cracked lips on hers, she could remember his gentleness of his embrace while his lips softly connected their breath. Naruto was real, no matter how much her family denied this.

Her father insisted on her genius when he saw the storage seals she'd made even though Naruto was the one who taught her how. Somehow, whilst she could not use any jutsus Naruto tried teaching her, she could use the seals.

Naruto was the true sealing genius. All Louise could do were those basic storage and explosion seals – and she really did not need any more explosions. Somehow it was not the ink on the page that made the seal work, it was the ink with the right amount of magic added that allowed the symbol to become a magical seal – and a small fluctuation could turn the seal haywire.

When looking at Naruto's achievements at sixteen, Louise felt she was not doing enough.

Certainly, she was doing something. It just wasn't enough.

Her father said the seals would revolutionize warfare, and told her to keep the method of creating the seal a secret, along with the fact that she was its creator. It was a secret known to only her family, the royal family and their closest associates.

It ended the problem of food supply for the army and allowed siege to be maintain for a much longer time. The effectiveness of the seals were shown by in the last 3 years, border skirmishes were at an all-time low.

In the winter, when food was scarce, the storage seal ended the plight of starvation in the Valliere's domain and brought much profit when her father sold the leftover crops to other members of the nobility to feed their subjects. Of course, Louise negotiated for 50% of the profit – a rather large sum, as the Vallierre's territory covered much of Northern Tristain.

Louise still remembered Naruto's plight more than ten years ago when their relationship began. He was alone and despised by those horrible people, his hurt was something she never wanted anyone to experience. And so, using the money she received, she funded the opening of orphanages to take care of abandoned children – both mage and non-mages.

Her notion of nobility changed. She'd once thought the only duty of those with magic is to protect those that don't. That notion still rang true, but protection also meant giving them opportunities to reach their highest potential – she didn't want to be like those ninjas that only stopped people from actually harming Naruto, yet took no action to help him get better so that he could protect himself. She'd hoped that opening schools for the non-magical would somehow improve their livelihood and was very grateful from the support Henrietta gave.

Louise laughed at the irony of it all. Two girls, who were always homeschooled and knew nothing of real schools were opening schools, schools that were for the non-magical. It was something that was never done before – the only education non-magical folks used to receive were from the church.

Louise would never say it, but perhaps the Germanian were right. Their inclusion of non-magical people into the rank of nobility might have something to do with their continuous rise in strength and territorial expansion.

She was grateful that Headmaster Osmond and Professor Colbert, teachers of the Tristain Academy of Magic were willing to help them place curriculums for the non-magic people.

Louise was less grateful when they started suggesting that she attend the Tristain Academy. The know full well about her proficiency towards magic. She had embraced her explosions, practicing to the point she was certain she could defeat all but the best duelist in the land. However, her proficiency towards the standard elements remained zero.

She wouldn't blame the two teachers entirely as she was quite certain her parents had something to do with their nagging. Probably on the fact that the Valliere family funded more than half of the Academy expenses.

Her parents desire for her to attend school was a recent one, fueled by the arrival of the fake 'mind mage' from Gallia who recently visited Tristain.

Her father told this so called 'mind mage' – who could not even use magic, meaning her clearly wasn't a mage – about his woes, that his youngest daughter imaginary friend- turned lover remained after more than ten years much to Louise's resentment. He clearly heard her conversation with Naruto by spying on her.

The fact that she'd blown out her other suitors after Wardes did not ease her parents worries. But clearly it was not wrong to throw out despicable guys who tries to steal people's lover – Louise was Naruto's like Naruto was Louise's – she wouldn't accept cheating, and would not be part of one either.

The fake mage looked at her in fake caring, then told her father that she'd caught a condition called schizophrenia from her lack of social interaction, much to Louise's despise. And that greater social interactions with peers her own age might cure this condition.

It was clearly a wrong assessment. She talks to Naruto on a daily basis and meet up with the Henrietta, the new queen often. Her social interactions will the children at the orphanage and the schools were also frequent.

If her parent weren't it the room then, she might even have walked up to the fake mind mage and slap his silly ugly mug.

The naggings were making her crazy, and she'd been rather crazy out of worry for Naruto since the Shinobi war started.

"Fine! I'll go." She finally shouted. Only because Henrietta had called for her help at the capital and it took more than a day's ride from the Valliere's dukedom to reach.

She'd been skipping many classes lately. It wasn't her fault, Naruto was fighting on a daily basis and Henrietta had tasked her with an important mission.

It also didn't help that she rather hated the school with a fiery passion.

Why must Kirche von Zerbst be in this academy of all places? She should've stayed in Germania instead of coming to Tristania just to torment Louise.

Louise had long accepted she wouldn't be able to perform any standardized spell, and so refused to take part in practical class – it wasn't like the school would dare expel her, seeing that the headmaster himself invited her, along with the Valliere generous yearly donation to the school.

But Kirche had to make things worse by inventing 'zero' as her fake runic name, from Louise inability to perform elemental spells – which the Germanian rightly assumed.

No one other than Kirche dared call that to her face after she dueled Kirche with rage when the Germanian decided to steal Louise's special book, which she still carried around with her everywhere as a lucky charm.

The duel ended with burns, charred clothes, lots of property damages and her rising respect for von Zerbst, not that Louise would admit it.

Nearly everyone shut up after that.

But the whispers remained and she hated every single pronunciation of it.

So here she stood, in the school garden all by herself as she considered how she could help the queen.

Yes, Henrietta somehow became queen a few months back after the king had been assassinated.

It was shocking how fast things could go wrong.

Two years ago, Louise, Henrietta and Wales were still having tea near Ragdorian lake, rendezvousing at night. Louise was listening to how Henrietta weaved to the prince about how she wanted their wedding done whilst Wales listened, his attention all focused on the princess. The shared an understanding so deep the seemed to understand one another with just a glance. Louise had to stopped herself from squealing at the couple each time Wales blushed from something Henrietta said or vice versa. They were much like her and Naruto, a match made in heaven. It seemed that nothing could go wrong then.

Yet now Albion was caught up in a civil war and Tristain was on the verge of one as well.

"Louise. You're the only one that I could fully trust. My dearest friend. Won't you be my lady in waiting? Won't you please help me on this matter?" Henrietta had asked, eyes dark and pleading, from overworking and overworrying. And what could Louise do but accept.

The queen had given her a list of people suspected for treason, and asked her to investigate them without drawing much attention to the crown. Yet what was she to do? She could not use henge like Naruto, and subtle is an adjective that least describes her magic.

If she started ordering Agnes to storm aristocrats without factual reason, it surely would incite a revolt.

It was as if the founder Brimir himself was answering her prayers when she'd heard a pair of footsteps along with emotional shouting.

"Siesta, you don't have to do this. You don't have to do whatever that fat noble wants. I'll talk to Ms. Longueville, she must be able to somehow help." It was that black-haired boy from Albion, Ms. Longueville's personal assistant.

"Saito, there's nothing anyone could do. Old Osmond cannot deny the requests of the palace; it would be considered treasonous. Besides, the count promised me enough money to support my family in Tarbes." The maid – Siesta said, her voice shaking.

"But that's wrong. Everything about this is wrong. He shouldn't be able to force you into something you don't want"

"But he could, he's a noble. And we commoners can only depend on their graces."

"I don't give a damn about them being noble. So what if they can use magic, I mean, it makes them stronger somewhat, what they shouldn't be able to force people this way." Saito argued passionately.

Louise for one knew Neither Henrietta nor Mazarin would never issue a decree to subject women as playthings for the nobility. It meant that there was either no decree or that the decree was forged.

Count Mott was also on the list of people suspected of treason.

Naruto told her often that he'd never regretted the things he'd done, only the things he hadn't done and Louise refused to live a life of regret when such a chance was presented to her.

Coming out of her hiding place, she caused much surprise to Siesta and Saito. The maid looked at Saito in worry before we bowed continuously to Louise, asking that she overlook his words. Saito on the other hand was glaring unrepentantly at her.

"You are not in trouble."

"We're not?" The maid asked, surprised.

"Yes, however I'll have you tell me all about Count Mott." Louise replied.

The black-haired boy who had no understanding of proper conduct and manners glared at her as if she'd wrong him as he walked up and started shaking her. How absolutely horrid and rude.

"Don't you dare use her as a pawn for your petty political games. Just because you're nobility doesn't mean that you could use us like toys. We're humans too you know. How could you even call yourself a noble when you don't even understand the concept of nobility- A-aah." His annoyingly passionate rant ended as Louise lift her leg and kicked him right in the groin. His rudeness was doing damages to her nerves. How dare he talked to her that way. And she'd already been stressed enough by the war that Naruto was engaging in – he could die at any moment and there was nothing that Louise could do.

"So about Mott." Louise said at the distressed maid, who couldn't decide whether to pay reverence to a noble like Louise or help Saito, who was rolling on the ground, clutching his family jewels in pain.

It shouldn't come as a surprise when she'd learnt of Mott's fetish towards maids.

Perhaps fetishes were part of the male nobility. After all, she'd met Wardes and he had been a pedophile of the worst kind. Perhaps her father also engages in some fetish with her mother, though that was not something Louise want to think about.

Though she shouldn't be too judgmental. After all, she found Naruto's whiskered cheeks absolutely delectable and cute and squishy.

But anyway, a pervert like Mott should be punish. And if he was truly a traitor then he should be more severely punished. Now that Louise was the queen's lady in waiting, she had the power to punish anyone.

"Very well. I shall accompany you to the count's estate." She declared.

"What could a girl like you even do?" Saito said, rude as always. She looked down at his crotch and he wisely shut up.

"Ms. Valliere is from one of Tristain's most influential family with ties to the royal family. There are rumours that she'd recently been named as the queen's lady in waiting, so any assault on her person would be the same act as rebelling against the crown." Siesta whispered to Saito but Louise heard it with her exceptional hearing.

The boy paled, realizing that he had just assaulted her prior and Siesta chuckled at his reaction.

"I wouldn't worry Saito, despite her temper, she's rather known for her sympathy towards the commoners. The schools and orphanages you saw when we were in the city were built under hers and the queen's authority." She whispered and Saito huffed.

"I guess she's not that bad." He mumbled, "W-well, whatever. I'm going too." He continued, trying to ignore his earlier wrongdoings.

Louise gave him a look over and he sent her a wounded look.

"W-what? I know who to use the sword." He said defensively. "And Siesta is my friend."

"Sure. Whatever you say."

The guards stopped their carriage at the Count's estate entrance but let them through once he saw Louise's royal permit.

Count Mott's estate was of a suitable size for one with the rank of 'count.' However, it was beyond the extravagance that an average count could afford.

It was filled with strange trees that were rumoured to be from Rub Al Khali, and the mansion itself was a blend between Tristainian and Gallian architecture.

"Where is the count?" Louise asked the servants, Saito and Seista following behind her.

"He's in his study, my lady."

"Then take me to him" She commanded, distressing the servant.

"M-my lady, t-the count said not to disturb him when he's in the study." He stuttered. A renowned pet had once said a man's true character can be seen when one views his inferiors. It rang true in this instance.

"Please take us to him. And trust me when I say that if you will truly be in trouble with the count, I will gladly take you as part of my household servants." Louise said, gazing into his eyes to show her sincerity. It worked as he hesitated but nodded.

The Count's study was on the second floor and as after they knocked, Louise could hear the sound of items shuffling before the count boomed.

"I am instructed that I am not to be disturbed!"

"M-my greatest apologies milord. But the queen's lady in waiting is here to see you."

There were more shuffling noises before the door opened, and count Mott stood in front of her I his full curly browed glory.

"Please forgive my lack of reception, lady Valliere. I was not informed of your visit. Perhaps we should talk in the living-" Louise nudged the count away before he finished his sentence and walked into his study. The count looked surprised to see the maid as Saito and Seista followed in.

"I think it would be easier to discuss everything in here." She said, causing the Count to make an exaggerated huff but complied.

"And what is it that you would like to discuss?"

"First would be about this maid, Siesta. I was informed that you had documents from to palace prepared for the transfer, yet this is something that I have never heard of."

"Of course you did not hear it my lady." My Count laughed, "Such trivial matters are beyond the notice of someone as high ranked as yourself."

"Nevertheless Count Mott, now that it has reached my ears, I would like to ascertain the documents myself."

"Then you have wasted your time, my lady, for there are no documents. Commoners lies for attention." The count spoke in an annoyed tone.

"But you told me you had the documents!" Siesta cried from behind her, provoking a glare from the count.

"My lady. You would trust maid rather than a highborn count as myself?" Mott retorted, as he sneered at Siesta.

The maid had to hold Saito back to stop him from punching the count, though Louise wouldn't even fault him for doing.

"I'd rather not say." She said, earning an appalled noise from Mott. "But I just wish to make things clear that Siesta is now part of my household servants, and not the school. Any actions you take towards her is the same as any actions towards me."

"Disgraceful, defending such drivel." Mott muttered in a disgusted manner.

"It brings us to the second matter." Louise said softly, staring the count's eyes before she continued. "It is rather unfortunate, but you are suspected for treason against the crown." When his eyes widened, Louise was rather certain of the count's affiliations.

"S-Such drivel. How dare you accuse me of such a thing!" The count boomed.

"I suppose people lies for attention as you say my count. Though could you please tell me if there's another room attached to this one?" She said, strangely enjoying herself as the count sweat profusely.

"N-no. I have no idea what you're talking about."

"If you're unwilling to co-operate." Louise let the word hang as she pulled her wand out. There should be a secret switch somewhere, the room was too small when she compared it with the view when she looked at it from outside. Though she wasn't interested in trivial matters – as the count himself said, so she whipped her wand and the room exploded.

The large hole caused her the explosion revealed another room, one filled with documents.

Count Mott had his wand out, summoning water from nearby vase, turning it to ice and directing it to attack her.

She could've blown them away, but Saito was in front how her, his gloved hand seemed to glow an ethereal light, and in instants, those ice shards were cut to pieces. It seemed like Saito really knew how to use a sword.

Another flick of her wand sent the count flying into the wall, wand flying out of his hand.

"Guards! Guards!" He bellowed, looking fearful as she made her way towards him.

"They won't come. The queen's musketeer corps probably already detained them all. With the queen's authority entrusted in me, Count Mott Durand, you are under arrest for high treason." She announced.

It had been a long day and Louise had hoped for a good night, yet all got were nightmares.

When she woke up crying and screaming, Naruto was gone.

I hope you enjoyed it 3

People seemed quite confuse about the time (perhaps rightly so). Louise is still in her 1st year of school, Count Mott's event just happened earlier