Hi, guys. I saw a picture on DeviantArt by t-t-l-sis12 and I got this idea that I thought was really cute so I decided to write a one-shot before I could forget it. This has a medium T rating. Favorite, Follow, Review and of course, Enjoy.

Oh and check me out on YouTube! 'Cause I have an account... and I posted a video. My name's LivieBunnySmile as usual.

Piper's POV! :) 3 3 3

Lying on the floor in Jason's cabin was proving to be an enjoyable habit. There I was, lying on my stomach, three pages away from the end of the final installment of The Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy when I got incredibly distracted. Jason had just gotten out of the shower and was walking around shirtless. He is honestly the hottest boy I have ever met. He hasn't cut his hair in a few months so it's unusually long, past his ears and over his eyebrows. His blue eyes are duller than they were when we first met, like remembering his past has started sucking the life from them. But there is less distance in them. They're warmer and happier. It was so strange. A mesmerizing sort of strange. My eyes wandering away from his face and downwards is when things became more impressive. He's muscular and it's clear that he works out. Chiseled abs, strong arms, it was amazing. He was amazing. He also must have noticed me eyeing him because he cleared his throat.

"Whadaya looking at?" He asked. He had a degrading, self-conscious look. I know it wasn't supposed to be cute but it totally was. Like how puppies look cuter after they've been kicked. They just look so vulnerable.

"You." I said.


"'Cause I want too."

"Oh." He blushed. It was totally adorable, and that isn't a word I usually use, considering how many times "adorable" has been used to insult me. "I, um, have to do a workout. It's, uh, a habit from Camp Jupiter while I was a member of the legion. It was required back then for, like, stamina- building and strengthening and stuff and it has just stuck, I guess."

"Okay," I said. "It won't bother me." Though I knew that's not why he was embarrassed. Despite being probably the most attractive guy I know, Jason is extremely self-conscious. And proper. You can't forget about that. It took two weeks just to get him to put his tongue in my mouth.

"Ummmm...okay," He said finally. "I guess I'll just... get to it, then.

He blushed again and grabbed a set of weights from under the bed. I tried to go back to my book as he started working but it was difficult to focus. After a while, I just gave up on my book (which was sad because I was so close to the end) and rolled onto my back to watch him. He didn't notice me for a few minutes. When he did he blushed again. Since when does he blush so much? He was always so tough. This is so weird.

"How long have you been watching me?" He asked. He crossed the room and got down on the floor near my head. I couldn't see him and I was too lazy to turn around so I just rested my head on the floor and stared at the ceiling. It was gold with molded tiles that had the imprints of lightning bolts on them.

"Long enough."

He was suddenly hovering above me. His hands on either side of my head. Staring. By the look in his eyes, I knew that he wasn't embarrassed anymore.

"What did you think of it?" He asked. He sounded more confident than he had in the past.

"I thought it was hot." I said, attempting to match his confidence. It wasn't going too well. I knew I was blushing. He smirked. His eyes strayed from mine. He was looking at my stomach. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to a patch of bare skin where my shirt must have slid up, right above the button of my jeans. I giggled a little. Best. Boyfriend. Ever. Everyone says he's uptight and too proper. He's not. Not by a long shot. It was an act that had become routine from all his years in the legion. It took me a while to get down to his emotional core but, I did it. He was filled with emotions and they were always changing. I couldn't think about for too long once his lips started trailing up past my belly button, pushing the shirt up as he went. Then he blew on the path he'd left behind and I giggled so hard I almost could not breathe. He started blowing raspberries. I started laughing so hard, I snorted. God, that's embarrassing. He shifted again so his face was right above mine. He was propped up on his hands, looking down at me.

"You should work out while I'm here more often." I said. He smiled.

"Fine." He gave me a kiss. His lips were warm. On instinct, my hands slid up into his hair. We kissed for a little while but eventually, we had to... you know... breathe, so we pulled away from each other.

"A Spiderman kiss from Superman?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Looks like someone's got their superheroes all mixed up." He laughed and stood up to go find a shirt to put on. He grabbed a blue-gray shirt that said "shut up" on it.

"Noooo..." I whine, rolling over." Don't. You'll ruin the picture."

"If you get up off the floor I won't put it on."

I groaned.

"But that's so much work…" I drawled. "And the door..." I rolled over flat on my stomach. "It's just so far awaaaaaay..."

"Pipes, come on. It's eight feet away." He complained, gesturing towards the door. Which really was only about eight feet away from me.

I sat up but stayed put.

"Look, do I have to carry you?" He said, exasperated. I nodded as pitifully as possible. Pouted lip, enlarged eyes, I stared straight at him. He didn't last a single second.

"Ugh. Fine."

He scooped me up and threw me on the bed.

"W-why the bed?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow.

"I never said I wanted you to leave."

"Oh." Now it was finally my turn to blush. This is new.

That was it. Hope you liked it.