My adult family life is wrong as I expected

It's always been a dream of mine to be a house-husband and like many dreams, that one in particular crashed and burned in a spectacular fashion...Damn I had my hopes up too...

Anyway, it was too late to reflect that walking home in the darkness through the generic suburbs that I've grown fond of. Yes, I still live in Chiba and damn proud of it, not like any other town would acknowledge my loner-prone existence anyway! (though of recent memory...)

An obnoxious sound rattled throughout the streets belonging to the wheels of the hefty luggage I'm dragging around, ahh mann...that reminds me...


Bringing my sweaty calloused hand to my face, the weight of the world is again dropped on my shoulders for the 42nd time tonight. I'm coming home earlier then usual today because of...unavoidable circumstances (though entirely avoidable I promise you).

It seems I've still a rivalry with society, Hikigaya at large: a public nuisance. Having meetings with an executive from another company was tiring...I believe his name was damanawa? tamawai? tamanawa? something like that. Expectedly, he used buzzwords and meaningless terms with the speed of a machine gun which now that I think about it gives me an odd sense of deja-vu. So the story goes, I decide to reject his ideas outright without being respectful. Instead of saying "yes but" like a good little company pet, I broke his ideas down til they were scrap though now I only wish I remembered what the hell I debated with him. Next thing I knew, I'm thanked for my patronage but am now no longer needed.

It'll be much nicer if you tell me I'm fired you know? No need to put it politely, I'm a strong man and thus takes me to my journey home...

...What am I gonna tell Yukino?

I let out a long wearisome sign and finally make it to my house. This is it...home sweet home only it seemed downright oppressive. It's an ordinary 2 story house in a nice quiet neighborhood, simple and perfect. Right. Now to just open the door.

With the insertion of the key and loud click being my fanfare, I enter with luggage following me apprehensively.

Now sheltered from the cold, I hear the beautiful sounds of J-pop belonging to an anime. Setting my luggage down I wander to the living room where I'm greeted to the sight of Yukino! no wait...Komachi! no wait... "You normally don't get home this early dad. You sick or something?" She looks at me with azure blue eyes seated on the couch, silky black hair cascading down to her shoulders and that strand of hair that always sticks up no matter what hair products you use, she really does look like her mom though. The events of tonight rush through my head again, I hate to do it but I'll have to break it to them; nicely.
"Well actually Hitomi! I'm home early cause I..."

"Don't care." Why you didn't let me finish you brat and by the way, you asked! She coldly looks back to her books and homework, damn she acts like her mom too. Well I'm used to women like these anyway, 15 years together with 2 of them will break most men but alas, I'm not like most men.

Being a dutiful father wasn't too different from being a sis-con (so I guess I'm a daughter-con then?) so I got used to it pretty quickly, Yukino however found it hard to be the role model our daughter wanted to follow seeing as her upbringing was...cold to say the least. It meant having to break her perfectionist calculative personality and it turned out a good stuffed Pan-san for christmas from mother to daughter reinforced their bond.

Guess she wants Hitomi to have what she didn't huh...

Looking at the clock, I see its 6 and she won't be back til 10 tonight so I guess it's time to be the dutiful part time house-husband!

Authors Note: ok this isn't the end readers, I've got maybe 1 or 2 more chapters left in me til I bring this to an end. Enjoy guys and criticism is helpful! I don't know what I'm doing here so I'm taking a shot in the dark.