So this is just a quick look at the sequel I'm thinking of, do you guys think this is something I should continue working on?

(One quick note though: I'm a sucker for canon relationships, and since there aren't any clearly stated canon ships in the film, I won't be doing any ships in my stories, be they within the main characters or OC, so please don't ask me to ship anyone. I hope you guys can understand…)


-One year after Home Coming-

The team had gathered at the Lucky Cat Cafe for their almost ritual tea break after classes had ended for the day. Go Go, Honey, Fred and Wasabi were just entering their final year, and Tadashi, who had missed one year anyway due to his coma, had decided he might as well miss another year and go parallel with his brother, now in his second year.

On this day however, Hiro was uncharacteristically quiet, something that did not go unnoticed by anyone. Tadashi lightly elbowed him in the ribs, but instead of his usual outburst and trying to hit Tadashi back, Hiro just flinched and continued staring down at the wood grain of the table.

"What's wrong kiddo?" Tadashi ventured, now worried about his younger brother, but Hiro just shook his head and refused to look up.

"Your neurotransmitter levels indicate you are worried and stressed." Baymax informed, the last time he had seen his little patient this emotionally down was just after Tadashi's 'death'.

"I was researching for my latest assignment," Hiro voice was so small that even Tadashi and Wasabi who had been sitting on either side of him barely heard.


"I was researching for my latest assignment," he repeated a little louder. "You know the one where they proposed teleportation." His voice dropped again toward the end of the sentence.

"Oh Hiro," Honey sighed sympathetically. "All the bad stuff is over kiddo. It's okay."

Hiro shook his head firmly. "No. It's not."


"Yeah it reminded me of the whole thing with Krei and the Silent Sparrow, so I just looked them up-"

"And by 'looked up' you mean you hacked their internal servers?" Tadashi smirked, knowing his brother too well.

Hiro made no attempt to respond to his brother's snark, "- And I found they have fixed the damage Callaghan made to the portal. They're trying to open it again."

The original Big Hero 6 members gasped, dropping their forks and spitting out their drinks, but Tadashi didn't get the full implication of what Hiro had just revealed. "Isn't that good? You can get your microbots back right?"

Hiro sighed, looking at his brother. "It's not just the microbots, Dashi. The original Baymax is in there too."

"Hey that's even bett..." The older Hamada trailed off as the saw five solemn pairs of eyes look up at him.

"Dashi, that Baymax only has his fighting chip inside him. And he only knows one command: destroy."