27 Days

A fanfic inspired by an AU on tumblr

Trigger Warning: Suicide; Rape

Chapter One

What would've been powerful, attention grabbing, agonizing screams were muffled by the gray sticky tape over the mouth of the victim. Lovino Vargas was being harshly pushed up against the outer wall of his workplace, with dozens of sticky tears desperately trailing down his cheeks. An unknown man stood behind him, pushing his member into the virgin body with all that he could. With hushed whimpers and sobs, Lovino was left defenseless, not having anything to prevent this from continuing any longer. He had struggled… numerous times had he attempted to get away from this vile person who was drunk enough to touch him like so without consent. But, his effort to escape the greedy hands that were molesting his body were useless, as Lovino had absolutely no strength compared to that of the person that had him shoved against said wall. Tightly shutting the dark green eyes that held such a look of desperation and fear, he attempted to imagine this as being some sick, cruel dream that he was having. He'd wake up at any second now…he had to. This wasn't real, it couldn't be. However, no matter how much he prayed that this was just some horribly twisted dream, it was reality. What had started off as a beautiful day, ended up as a fucked up night.


It was Tuesday morning, with the date being May fifteenth. As any other day, the echoing of an overly loud alarm reached the ears of the snoring Italian mess that lie upon his bed. Almost immediately groaning when hearing the obnoxious noise buzz throughout the room that was shared with his brother, Lovino felt the sudden urge to stay in bed. Not that he could. After all, if he did, how the hell would the bills be paid for? No way was he going to let Feliciano get a job and neglect school for money. (Even though it was desperately needed.) That was what the older brother did, unfortunately. It wasn't as if he wanted to, far from it, actually.

Several years ago, probably when the brothers were both about nine or ten years old, their parents had been in a severe car crash. Their mother, who had been driving, died instantly at the impact of the car crashing against the other. His father, on the other hand, had barely survived it. While being brought to the hospital, it was in the ambulance when he died. Due to those terrible and heart breaking events, was how the brothers ended up staying with their grandfather. The old man raised them as his own, attempting his best to be the best of a guardian for them as he could be. Of course, they grew fond of him, as he was the one to give them unconditional love, a place to sleep, and food to eat. But just like it had been with his parents, his grandfather was poor. Not to the point of poverty, but there were certainly points where he could barely keep up with the bills, and where he'd have to borrow money from friends and such. So, coming from a family who really didn't have much, once their grandfather passed away, Lovino was the one who Feliciano looked up to, to take care of him. Being the older brother, there was nothing else to do but just that. There was no one else they could turn to, as all close family members had already passed away. It was difficult, extremely difficult at first, considering that Lovino had only had one job before, so basically he had no experience. So for a few days, they went without food, but eventually…a job was found.

Out of distress, the job that was now his own, was the last thing Lovino ever wanted to do. But to keep his brother fed, in school, and with a place to live, Lovino worked at a gay strip club. It was utterly embarrassing, humiliating, and mortifying to have to work there, dancing for men who couldn't get laid and went there to perv and watch after teens and other men who worked there like himself. But, swallowing his dignity and whatever pride he had left, the brother did what he had to, and so that was his job. So, due to that, he often had to skip school, due to being called into work in the day at times, though mostly at night when he also had classes at times.

Today, having classes in the morning, this was thankfully not the case. That was the most wonderful thing that would happen all day because what was a splendid, beautiful day so far was going to turn ugly. At first, it was Lovino finding out that he was failing several classes because he would not present the homework assigned. It wasn't as if he was lazy with it, it was just because he was so busy all the time that he often forget or simply didn't have time to do his assignments. And then, it was the text he received. While in the middle of a class, he received a weird message from an unknown and unfamiliar number. 'I know you where you work'

When reading it, immediate panic set in. He had so desperately done what he could to make sure that no one besides his brother knew what he did for a living. It wasn't like he had anything against strippers as he was one himself, but they were looked so down upon in society, and Lovino had learned that the hard way. With no other choice, the only thing he could do was delete the text on his phone from the unknown and mysterious person. But, the thought of that text was on his mind all day, the worry and anxiety biting at him. From there, things only got worse. Later on in another class, he discovered that had failed a majorly important exam, only telling him that he had practically failed another class.

Much later on in the day at around perhaps ten at night, when it came to be time for the Italian to go home from work, he was completely and utterly exhausted. Today had been awful so far. He hadn't gotten many tips today from the customers, and then when asking his boss earlier for a raise, all he got was an angry boss yelling at him, saying that he was already paid enough. Sighing, in his normal clothes, he stepped out into the alleyway from the back door, only to encounter a young man around his own age who was leaning against the wall. The male leaning there gave a very creepy vibe, and Lovino was feeling very unsafe right now. He seemed to be waiting for someone, maybe even for him. The thought made him want to scurry off, but he tried to be as nonchalant as possible when passing by. "If you're waiting for someone, don't seem like such a fucking damn creep," he murmured softly to himself, though that came to be heard by the male who was waiting.

Now, said person looked up, and almost instantly grabbed the Italian's arm as he passed by, shoving him up against the cold wall of the club. Before Lovino could even get one single word out, something happened to be tightly tied around his wrists, a cloth most likely, and then he was turned around to face the person who was doing this to him. Now realizing what he was going on, he opened his mouth to possibly let out a scream or a call for help, anything to get him out of this situation, only to have hard, gray and sticky tape cover his mouth, muffling anything he had to say. Now, he was turned back around, left helpless as he couldn't struggle against the grip holding him so tightly. He attempted to kick the person's legs, move his head back sharply to hit the face of the other, anything. But, it came to be of no avail. His never sexually touched body was taken, with him giving pleas, tears and desperate cries that could not be heard by others due to the tape over his lips. No one could help him since this was a very dark alleyway and barely anyone came here, and no one had to leave their shift at this time.

Feelings of utter fear came through his body, his body chilling to the touch of this person who dared to touch him this way, and do this to him. Hot tears continued to pour down the sides of his face, with Lovino feeling as if this were the end of the world. To anyone in his position, it would be. But finally, after some time of going through such torture and humiliation, he felt the grip on him loosen, as the male who was in him was getting tired. The tape over his mouth was beginning to peel as well, since his tears had wet it enough. Once he could, he let out a loud, ear piercing scream, which immediately got the attention of the culprit behind him. Having the pressure of being pressed to the wall loosened ever more, Lovino took the chance, hoping this would work. He turned around only to be met with a panicked face and without even thinking twice, raised his knee up with force, hitting the guy straight in his junk since he had his pants down. Hunching over in pain, Lovino took this chance and did what he had to. Since his pants were fallen down and he needed to raise them to run, as quickly as he could, he crouched down, almost on his knees and grabbed the back of his pants since his hands were tied behind his back, pulling up the cloth so that he could sprint away. Once he managed to raise his pants, Lovino held onto the back of them as he bolted throughout the streets, tons of adrenaline flowing throughout his veins to let him keep going.

Ignoring all the strange looks of strangers on the street, he continued to dash through the way until he got home, or at least at the door of his apartment that was shared with his brother. Having enough adrenaline to pull his hands out of the harshly tied cloth that held his wrists together, Lovino now took the chance and pulled the still slightly sticky tape that still remained hanging over part of his mouth. With sobs and whimpers already escaping his mouth again as he took out the keys and pushed his way into the apartment, the only thing he was met with was complete darkness. "F-Feliciano?" he tried to call out, slamming the door closed behind him as he then raised his hand to the side of the door to turn the lights on. No response. Not surprising, though. The brother could guess that the younger brother was probably at a nearby friend's house. Most likely Ludwig's, to be exact. But, right now wasn't the greatest time to be gone. The elder needed someone there for him, and despite always being so harsh and having an attitude and never being one to accept help, he needed Feliciano right now.

However, he was alone and knowing that made him feel worse than anything else in the world.

With a large amount of tears accumulating in the mysterious dark green eyes of his, they blurred his vision as he threw the keys to the floor, not caring at the moment. Lovino needed to go to his room, maybe sleep for a while if he could possibly even do that. But as he passed the small dining room, something caught his eye on the table. Hesitantly, he took a few steps towards said table, his hand going to shakily grab the few papers piled on top on another. It took a few moments to realize what they were, as the tears that had already left his eyes only began to accumulate again, as his tears were too many to count. Throwing one sheet of paper to the floor, his eyes fell upon another…and then another…and then another. They were all bills. Bills, bills, and bills. Bills that he couldn't pay, bills that needed to be paid in no less than two weeks. Bills that he just could not deal with at the moment. "I can't fucking do this anymore!"

Small hands come to pound against the wooden table harshly and a red mark was left on the skin of the male who had just yelled out at the top of his lungs. Not caring that a harsh pain came through them, he grabbed another bill nearby, tearing it in half and then watching it as the pieces fluttered to the ground. With not only anger, but fear, and humiliation running through his body, Lovino didn't know what to do, or how to react. But, now anything that he felt only came out as anger. Violent cries left his mouth, as he left the kitchen and marched through the living room and then the bathroom, slamming that door as well behind him. "I-I can't…" he began, only cutting himself off as he slid down beside the door and onto the floor, pulling up his knees to his chest, his arms over them.

With his whole body trembling, Lovino began to scream once again. "I can't…I can't fucking do this!"

It wasn't just that he couldn't pay the bills anymore. It was that he couldn't deal with his depression. It was that he couldn't give his brother a better life. It was that he couldn't stand to live anymore.

Forcing himself to stand after giving breathless sobs, the Italian moved a few steps forward to look at himself in the mirror before him. What he saw was messy, dark brown hair with dark green eyes that looked so, very tired, and slightly already bloodshot. They were also glossy, as tears still escaped them, flowing down his deep red colored cheeks, that had tear stains as well.

Without warning, Lovino raised a fist, smashing the cheap mirror that barely showed his face after hitting it various times. It easily broke to pieces, and the tiny pieces began to get stuck in his hand as he repeated to smash it. Even with blood beginning to seep through his skin, he didn't stop until finally beginning to break down once more in sobs and pleas for help. God, he couldn't even look at his own reflection without feeling so downright disgusted with himself. The memory and the feeling of where he was touched came to him, and the male almost ended up vomiting after his skin became cold and he shivered. He didn't want to feel like this…no, he…

He wanted to die.

Now, there had been several different times especially over the past month or two when Lovino had this thought come to mind, but of course he never acted on it. Today was different, however. The previous actions of today had left him broken, mind twisted, and in such a terrible state of pain. He was ready to give up on life…

Not taking another moment to rethink about what he was to do, the tired eyes of his looked up to the bathroom door, and his feet beginning to step forward before his mind had a moment to process what was about to happen. Running to the familiar shared bedroom, Lovino looked around under his own bed for a small safe and once it came to his view, his hands pulled it out from under the bed and he took out what was an unloaded gun that they had for security. It was his grandfather's, and now the brother's owned it. Going to the other bed that belonged to Feliciano, the hands of his scavenged underneath the messy area, until finally he found the safe that contained the gun's bullets. Once opening it, the bullets came to view, and his fingers took hold of the object that would go through his body in just a few moments.

Running with both objects in hand back to the bathroom, Lovino didn't bother to lock the door behind him as he closed it. Sharp, panicking breaths left his mouth, along with even more tears leaving his eyes. With his hands trembling even more than before, he set the bullets in the gun, taking it off of its safe lock. Now looking up at the smashed mirror and then to his slightly bloody hand that held the deadly weapon, his eyes glanced up once more at the distorted reflection. Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, his hand raised the gun to be resting at the side of his head.

A few moments later, the echo of a shot was heard as a body lay upon the bathroom floor along with blood.