"Eddy you are being ridiculous! I beg of you please stop!" Edd yelled at the shorter teen, who was now clutching the nerds beanie in his hands.

"Shut it sockhead! Now tell me and lumpy here why you were talking to shovelchin." "Yeah double D tell us where you hid the bacon!" Shouted Ed. Ignoring the big oaf, the smarter of the three reached up and started prying at the fingers gripping his hat. "He was merely asking for some help in his academic studies Eddy." He said removing the boy's hand from his hat. Straightening his beanie so it was properly fitted he sighed. Eddy was frustrated to say the least. Kevin had approached Eddward this morning while he was getting the necessary books out of his locker to ask if he could help him study. Edd was surprised to say the least. Kevin the captain of the football team, hot shot with the ladies, most popular guy in his grade wanted HIS help for his grades. Naturally Edd accepted, not one to turn down a fellow peer pursuing academic help. Eddy was not happy about it. Kevin Barr had been the three Ed's bully since they were in elementary school, continuing even through high school. Though it wasn't as bad as before, an insult here a push there was all it was and probably ever will be, except for Eddy. Kevin didn't hesitate to punch Eddy in the face. It was the other members of the football team they had to worry about mainly. Eddy was short but fierce and could throw a punch if he needed to. Ed the taller of the three was not the sharpest crayon in the box you could say, but he was apart of the football team therefore was sparred any beatings from the bullies. Edd was weak, puberty didn't do him any justice except make him taller almost as tall as Ed. So when the bullies needed to get some anger out, they took it out on him. He couldn't throw a punch making him an easy target and being labeled a 'nerd' didn't lessen the punches. Kevin never joined his teammates in making Edd suffer, he simply walked away and ignored it. Much to Edd's distress. That's why Eddy was now scowling at the beanie clad teen with hatred in his eyes. "Eddy even if you aren't fond of the idea doesn't mean I am going to say no to helping a friend with his studies." He stated firmly while setting his books down on his desk and waving to Ed as he walked out. Edd shared advanced english with Eddy during fourth period and Ed just liked to stop in and visit. On the first day when he saw he shared this class with Eddy his shocked expression was very noticeable to say the least. "What do you think I'm dumb or something sockhead!" The smaller teen had yelled. "N..no Eddy it's just hard to comprehend how you managed to get into a class of this reading level."

"Edd, I'm an assistant for the office. As in I have access to everything, I just simply went into the computer and changed my classes." The smaller teen had stated. The chime of a bell woke Edd from his thoughts. Grabbing his green notebook labeled English and a No.2 pencil he sat and waited patiently for Mr. Kognouski so start the lesson.


Grabbing his algebra book Kevin made his way to Mrs. Patterson's classroom. Chugging the last bit of his coffee he threw his cup into the classes trashcan and walked to the back of the room.

"Hey Kev you look like shit." Remarked his teal haired friend sitting in the seat next to his. Nathan Kedd Goldberg was… different. Not a bad different he was just him. Nat liked to call himself the king of butts and flirted with anything that was human. He has teal hair that's styled to his liking, a gold earring, and a blue sweater vest over his white button up along with a pair of green skinny jeans. He had his own style and everything but he was just as popular as Kevin, he was also Kevin's best friend.

"Thanks Nat I hadn't noticed." He said voice dripping with sarcasm. Sitting down he set his book on his desk and put his head in his hands, running his fingers through his hair under his hat.

"How long did you sleep last night?" Nat asked concern in his voice. "Like four hours…" "What the hell kev. You know we have a test today right?"

"Yes Nat, I was up last night studying the Pythagorean theorem." Muttered Kevin getting out his mechanical pencil.

"Dude, we aren't testing on the Pythagorean theorem, we're taking a test on factoring trinomials." He said looking at Kevin like he was crazy. Looking at Nat all he could do was blink, reaching for his phone he clicked on the mail app. Handing over the phone to Nat he let him read the email he had received. Dear Students,

It is in this email that I inform you during fourth period for Mrs. Peterson there will be a change in the test. Instead of testing on trinomals you will instead be testing on pythagoreum theorum. Sorry for such a late notice, but your teacher had decide that it would be in her best interest to go over this section instead, seeing as though most of the students need practice. Again sorry for the change in schedule, I wish you all the best of luck on tomorrow's algebra test.

Sincerely, Mr. Williams

"Kevin are you serious?" Nat asked with his eyebrow raised. Grabbing his phone Kevin put it in his pocket.

"What? The email seems legit."

"Kev that email is far from legit. The person didn't even spell Mrs. Patterson's name right. Hell they couldn't spell half the big words in there. How could you possibly believe that email was legit." Grabbing his notebook Nat looked back at him. "Well if the principal didn't send this email then who the hell did?" Kevin asked his brow furrowed.

"I think I know who did it…" Nat muttered taking his test from the teacher.