Hi:) It makes me so sad to think that I only have one chapter after this:( Just a reminder that the very last chapter will be them as adults:) But yay! It's graduation day, there will be crying and lots of hugs and we shant forget Edd's speech (he is valedictorian after all) Also I'm so sorry I haven't done anything in forever!:( My laptop was fucking up for a whole damn week the damn screen wouldn't show what I was doing and then for another week I couldn't do anything because my little brother (He's three) was in a predicament, I guess his biological father didn't want us to adopt him so he was fighting us in court. Well he lied to the judge (Asshole), and also managed to lie about his jail time for drugs, but in the end we got to keep him:) I'm posting a very late Father's Day fic it's called Daddy's Day Off it will be put up along with this and I'll be posting a Fourth of July fic I'll say the title at the end of this chapter-_-_-_-_-

Clenching and unclenching his hands Kevin took in a shaky breath, looking behind him he saw his other classmates lined up, black robes hanging off their bodies, hats splayed across their heads. Strainging his neck he look towards the back of the line and could barely make out Edd's gapped tooth smile, breathing a sigh of relief the red-head turned forward and smiled to himself. I'm graduating today, I did it. Of course I couldn't have done it without Edd's help, he's the main reason half of us probably passed. It was because of Edd that the whole football and baseball team had passed with A's and B's, after they heard Eddy, Ed, and Kevin were being tutored by the genius they had all wanted help because, if someone could get Ed to have A's and B's then that's someone they could put their trust into. Yeah it got hectic with all the hours Edd had to put in so he could tutor them all, but he always had time at the end of the day for his boyfriend. Jumping when a voice rang out through the speakers he breathed a shaky breath, This is it.

Welcome parents, friends and family! To the graduating class of 2019! Thank you for being here to congratulate these amazing students as they transition into the next step of life!

A roar of applause echoed throughout the gymnasiam, slowly coming to a stop music drifted out of the speakers signaling their time. Taking a deep breath Kevin followed the smaller girl in front of him out to the chairs set up in front of the stage, smiling when he felt a squeeze of assurance on his arm from Nazz. Sitting in his assigned seat he whyped his sweaty palm on his robes and looked at his fellow classmates behind him. Eddy was scowling and had his arms crossed over his chest, Ed was laughing and swaying in his seat, Nazz who was sitting next to him was smiling down at her hot pink heels, Nat was busy looking into the audience and winking at unsuspecting girls and guys, Johnny was talking to the wooden board known as plank next to him, Rolf was spouting something about his great Nana to the girl next to him who looked like she was about to cry, and Edd. Edd was looking straight at him, smiling Kevin winked at the teen making him blush and giggle into his hand. Turning his head Kevin watched as the principal and other's, who must have been on the school commitee, took their seats. Clearing his throat into the microphone the principal gripped the sides of the podium and looked around the gym.

"Thank you all for coming, I have to say I am proud of all these students that now sit before you. They have passed milestones to get where they are now and I would like to say congratulations." Everyone in the gym clapped and smiled at each other.

"Now as per usual each year we have the class valedictorian present a speech to his or her classmates after we hand out their diplomas." Backing up he assisted the commitee in helping to pass out the diplomas, one by one they went up to accept the piece of paper and a handshake. Kevin had gotten accepted to a local college about an hour away on a football scholarship, Nazz had been accepted into a dance academy in the state over, Nat was going to the same college as Kevin on a football scholarship also, they planned on being roommates. Rave had gotten accepted to a college that was for theatre wich was about thirty minutes away from Nat's, Eddy to no one's surprise is going to a school for business around two or three hours away, Ed had gotten accepted on a football scholarship but would not be attending the same college as Kevin and Nat, Johnny was going to the state over to start in an internship for construction, who knew. Edd had gotten accepted into a college around an hour away from Kevin's for a science degree, thankfully being so close it meant they could still visit each other. Edd being the last one to accept his diploma, due to his last name starting with a V, had stayed on stage and waas now standing in front of the microphone. Looking out amongst all the people Kevin saw him pale a little and look along the front row until he spotted Kevin, giving the dork a thumbsup and wink he smiled when Edd took a shaky breath and cleared his throat.

"Salutations fellow peers, as you know I am Eddward Vincent and as your class valedictorian I am to give you a speech." Pulling a folded piece of paper from his pocket he cleared his throat and read.

"A graduation ceremony is always a special occasion, the culmination of years of hard work, the feelings of knowing you succeeded and completed your High School goal. So, it is only fitting that tonight we remember the road that we have all traveled together these last five years. It has been a journey that started with tentative steps, but steps that have taken us to amazing heights. We have encountered some road blocks and tribulations along the way...but we kept going knowing that there was no stopping us. We have experienced exceptional moments, magical moments and created memories that will be fondly remembered in the years ahead. An anonomous person once said, "Your time as a caterpillar has expired. Your wings are ready." We are ready, making it through these years has shown alot about us. We are determined, willing, and brave individules who have showed that through all the hardships and obstacles we still came out on top. We always were there for each other, right from the beginning. Who can forget when we all came together for the first time, nervous young students in the eighth grade, not sure where to start nor finish. What a big day it was for us, but we knew it would be the start of wonderful things to come. Yes, we all came together with a common purpose in mind, to encourage and develop lifelong lessons and friends, and for some to get it over with. But steadfast, resolute and determined we all kept together. Every day we focused on our goal, keeping together and working together. We faced some incredible and memorable moments, moments that we chose to use as stepping stone as we tenaciously pursued our common goals. And what progress we made. We accepted different sexuality, we realized not everyone can do what you can, we found that teamwork is the best possible way, and we all found ourselves. The end result Ladies and Gentlemen of our coming together, keeping together and working together, in spite of the obstacles that we may have faced along the way... that end result is the Graduating Class of 2019. Our parents, friends and family are up there, beaming down at us for taking the opportunites given and making them into something great. Congratulations, I am, well we, are exceptionaly proud of you all! You are ready, willing and more than able to grasp the torch that has been bestowed upon us, we are ready to change the world and show them that this generation knows what they are doing. May you always follow your instinct and your heart. May you continue to use what you have learned in this place of knowledge, not only to better your life but the ones around you and the future generations to come!" A roar went up as everyone stood to their feet and clapped. Some were crying and some were smiling as Edd climbed down from the stage and made his way to his seat. Kevin was amazed, what Edd said almost brought him to tears. Turning he saw Nazz crying softly and Nat trying to hold in the tears as he buried his face in Rave's shoulder, Ed was balling in his seat as he squished Eddy into a hug. Turning to look at the stage when the lights dimmed Kevin smiled and waited for the giant projection board to start up, as per ritual at the end of the graduation a slideshow would present pictures of all the students with their baby pictures. Smiling when it started up he watched as the slideshow displayed pictures of his peers, smirking when it said Kevin Barr at the top he laughed with the rest of his friends when his baby picture showed him wearing a little leather jacket sitting on a trycicle a much bigger red hat perched on his head. A picture of him now appeared next to it, it had been taken when Edd and him were baking brownies and flour had gotten all over him. Laughing to himself he waited for the next picture. The name Nathaniel Goldberg appeared at the top making Kevin lean forward. It showed a picture of Nat in his toddler years with brown hair and too many freckles on his cheeks to count wearing a pink shirt and a diaper pointing to a picture on a magazine of a butt, laughing with everyone else he watched as a pic appeared of what seemed to be Nat in Rave's apartment holding up a movie and smiling. The slide shifted and the name Eddy appeared at the top, smirking Kevin waited for the baby pic. The picture appeared showing a very chubby baby Eddy with his yellow shirt and helicopter hat sitting in the back seat of a car, laughing till he had tears down his face Kevin watched as a picture of him sitting at the secretary desk appeared and left as the slide switched. Ed was next showing a baby picture of him wearing a diaper and red and white striped shirt with a pink bow in his hair, the next pic must have been chosen at random because it showed him dressed up as a viking with a red beard taped to his face. The name Nazz Van Bartonschmeer appeared along with a picture of her eating a piece of pizza with cheese on her cheeks, a picture of her now with a book in front of her and her making a peace sign with her middle and index fingers appeared. Next was Rave's picture with the name James 'Rave' Cute appearing at the top. A few people stared with mouths open as his baby picture showed a small but still skinny picture of the drama geek holding a brand new looking pink stuffed llama and smiling at the camera as two adults hugged him, the women had cocoa skin and dark brown hair while the man had lighter skin an almost the same color hair. Turning around he saw Nat with his arm around Rave's waist as a lone tear slid down the brunette's cheek. No one had ever seen a picture of Rave's parents nor had they heard about them. A picture of him acting on stage appeared next to it and switched to a slide mrked Johnny 2x4, laughing at the name Kevin watched as a picture of a baby Johnny pointed at a gopher at the zoo. Laughter from Eddy could be heard at the picture as a picture of Johnny with plank showed, Rolf's name showed at the top while a picture of Rolf as a toddler holding a baby pig showed, his recent picture was of him shirtless holding up beats while victor chewed on his shirt in the background, the last pic was of Edd. His name flashed on the screen and with it appeared a picture of him with his signature beanie, an orange shirt and purple overalls on, his gapped tooth smile was prominent while he held a small cactus in a pot with the label 'Jim' on it. The picture that was beside it made Kevin blush a deep red, it was a picture he took of course. Edd had been sitting on the couch reading a science magazine he had recieved in the mail, he was wearing sweatpants and a loose fitting red shirt, his beanie was sitting beside him so his black hair was resting softly on his head the ends curling slightly. He couldn't remember but Kevin had said something to get Edd goin and right as he looked at Kevin he had taken a picture, his eye lids were lowered and he was peeking at the ginger from under his black hair, his bottom lip was slightly red from where he was biting it. The only reason Kevin had turned in that photo for Edd was because that was the only photo he was able to get away with, since they were too busy to remember he took it anyway. Looking behind him he noticed a few girls whispering to each other as there eyes flickered to the picture, turning he saw Edd covering his face a blush evident as the tips of his ears turned red. A wholf whistle from his teal haired friend had him laughing as the slideshow ended and the lights flickered on, the principal jogged on stage and smiled at everyone.

"I would like to say Congratulations to the class of 2019!" Cheers erupted as everyone stood up and threw their hats into the air, reaching under his chair Kevin pulled out a can of silly string and started spraying it at everyone along with other students. Laughing Kevin walked over to Edd and tapped him on the shoulder, turning around Edd was met with Kevin's chapped lips on his own. Kissing him back Edd laughed when Kevin's mother pulled them apart.

"I need a picture!" She shouted over the noise, Kevin wrapped his arm around Edd's waist and smiled when Edd giggled into his hand. As they were walking out, hats in hand, Kevin stopped and took one last look around. He was sure going to miss everyone, sure they were all close enough that they could visit. But the cul-de-sac will never be the same without the farmer, the Ed trio, the bully, the sweet girl next door, the perverted newbie, and the wood talking two by four.

-_-_-_- HOW WAS THAT COME AT ME! YAYYYYYYYY I did it:) the Father's Day may not be posted along with it but I promise it will be done today:) so keep a look out for it and I'm going to call the firework fic Sparks Fly:) So Happy Fourth of July everybody:)