Hey stars…I'm back. I know I have been gone for a while but life throws you challenges and sometimes you have to reflect on everything and just take time to realize who you are. During that period I came up with this story in my head. I couldn't get it out of my head and someone once told me "Go after what you want because if you don't then you will never know the outcome." So with that being said here's the first chapter and I promise to try and keep updating when I can. I love you all to the moon and back and three times around the universe. Leave stars please I love them.

"Livvie, I want you. There's no doubt in my mind that this is what I want. I'm tired of playing around. Choose me and let's do this." Fitz said

I looked at him confused. What was I supposed to say? Yea, I mean we flirted but I never thought anything more of it than friends. Every girl in New York wanted him and he is choosing me? Why?

"Fitz…I…I don't know what you want me to say?" I said shakily

"I want you to choose me." Fitz told me

If I was going to do this I wanted to be sure. I wanted to make sure that this wasn't just some teenage love that my parents warned me about. I wanted to take that risk but there was so much on the line.

"If I choose you….if I choose this life with you, promise me that you want walk away?" I asked anxiously

He stepped closer to me and moved me against the railing. He took his hand and caressed my face. I could feel his breath millimeters from mine.

"I want this more than I've wanted anything in my life. I know we are young and we are opposite ends of the U.S. we can still make this work. I'm willing to make this work. Just say yes Livvie. I know you feel this." Fitz said dangerously close to my mouth

"I want this…with you. I choose you." I said breathlessly

He gave me the most earth-shattering kiss I have ever experienced; then again I never had my first kiss until now. I could feel all the passion that had built up over the years. I was finally able to understand what he meant after all these years when he said I need nothing more than I already have. I was it for him and that gave me more joy than I could ever imagine. I was happy, I just hoped the paradise stage lasts.

Present Day-2038

"Mommai! Vena qui. Vamos a llegar tarde!" Nathan Alexander Grant shouted down the hall

He looked more and more like his dad every day. Since I'm part Dominican, everyone in our family knew a little Spanish. I'm the shortest one in the house so for your 13 year old son to be a whole foot taller than can be a little embarrassing but they know who really runs this Grant household.

"I'm coming. Is your sister ready?" I yelled back

"Yes momma. I'm actually done before you so you know we are running late." Shelby Parker Grant said jokingly

She was the oldest out of our children and was 16 going on 60. She was so wise for her age and very smart for her age. Shelby has always been a perfect combination between both Fitz and I. However she has always been just like me. She has always been the stubborn one in the family, like her mom, not to mention a complete girly girl. The shopping every other weekend with friends at the mall and crushing on boys was definitely the stage where she was at.

"Haha Shel. Does your dad have Julie?" I asked

Julianna Marie is our youngest Grant of this household. She is 8 years old and needless to say she acts just like her daddy. She was giving

"Yea they are in the car. We are all waiting for you." Shelby said

I finally got outside and we jumped in the car. We made our way to dinner since the kids will be going with my parents for one week this summer. This was summer was a special one for Fitz and I.

Fitz has always been the caring type. He wasn't your average guy. He remembered every date. The first time we kissed, made love, we got pregnant, everything. I absolutely love him for always caring about him. However this was the anniversary of the day that we initiated our relationship from friends to an official couple.

He wanted to celebrate it by spending it in New York where it all started. When we first met in New York I would've never guessed that Fitz would become the love of my life I did however know that my life was changed forever when he elegantly bumped into me.

If you would've told me over 15 years ago that I would settle down and become a mayor's wife and live the simple life, I would've laughed in your face. That wasn't who I was, at least not before I met Fitz, my bubba. He has been the change in me, yet he hasn't changed me.

Sitting down at dinner with the kids Julianna asked what it was like when Fitz and I first met. I told her jokingly that it was the worst day of my life. Of course an 8 year old doesn't fully grasp the concept of sarcasm yet, but it's cute to see her try to understand why the rest of us where laughing and she didn't understand the joke.

I told her that I would give her an answer when we got back home and had game night. She seemed content with the answer.

As we returned home from dinner the kids pulled out their favorite board game, LIFE. It was a tradition for us to play it. Ever since the kids went to visit Fitz's parents in New York they haven't been able to put the game down yet.

As Shelby and I were close to winning the game Julie asked again what it was like to meet Fitz. That's how this story all began. It was the day that changed the rest of my life. What I didn't know at the time was that it changed my life the better. I loved him to the moon and back and three times around the universe.

Life was good as a mayor's wife. We were happy and being able to be a family was something that I always wanted, I had it now. How we got here however is a completely different story.

I'm back lovelies. I know this isn't "Where Is Home" but I couldn't get this story out of my head. I promise to try and update this more often. I promise an update for Where Is Home is coming soon. Please leave little stars and tell me what you think so far. How do you think they met? What's their history? Anything just leave me something. I love you all to the moon and back and three times around the universe.

