So March 1st is my birthday (all I'm going to say is that I'm still a teen) so I wanted to write a small birthday story because I was in the mood. Each of the Hosts have their own way of saying Happy Birthday.

Tamaki's Way

"Happy birthday Kyoya!" Tamaki yelled happily, running towards his friend who didn't know whether he was happy or annoyed to see his friend.

"Well, it was one," Kyoya muttered under his breath, not loud enough for the strange blonde boy who was spinning around in circles, to hear. Tamaki then ran to Kyoya and hugged him tightly…maybe a little too tightly for Kyoya's comfort. He kind of liked it though. Kind of? This was already getting to much out of hand, and it was only the morning.

Haruhi's Way

"Happy birthday Kyoya senpai," Haruhi said, her smile lighting up the whole room.

"Thanks," Kyoya sighed, keeping his eyes on whatever he was writing. At that point, he wasn't writing anything because he was bored out of his mind.

"HAAAARUHIIIIII!" Tamaki screamed and picked up the poor girl against her will and twirled her around carelessly. Not carelessly but it was in a very crazy and Tamaki-like way.

"Senpai, put me down!" Haruhi yelled, the older student not listening and kept spinning her around until she was starting to get extremely dizzy.

"Takashi help Haru-chan!" Honey exclaimed loudly. Another day at the Host Club, the more things like that get too usual. Mori grabbed Haruhi out of Tamaki's arms, making the blonde go into his little corner of his.

"Thanks," Haruhi slurred. She was so dizzy that she ended up bumping into an innocent table next to her, making a few teacups fall onto the floor and shatter.

"That's another 200,000 yen to your debt," Kyoya said emotionlessly while looking up from his notebook.

"What?!" Haruhi groaned.

"Happy birthday me," Kyoya whispered to himself and went back to what he was doing.

Hikaru and Kaoru's way

"We don't know whether to say happy birthday or hire a stripper," Hikaru turned to Kyoya and laughed in the demonic way he sometimes did.

"But we just decided that you'd probably take the happy birthday better than the stripper," Kaoru finished his brother's sentence and laughed along with him.

"So happy birthday," the twins said in unison and left the older boy in shock.

"Yeeahh," Kyoya shook his head.


"Happy birthday Kyoya," Mori placed his hand on Kyoya's shoulder.

"Thanks Mori-senpai," Kyoya turned around and said before they both left and went to entertain their guests.


"Happy Birthday Kyo-chan!" Honey ran across the room to Kyoya and hugged his leg unexpectedly.

"Thanks Honey-senpai," Kyoya looked down at the smaller and older blonde.

"Do you want cake? It's your birthday, you should have cake," Honey climbed off Kyoya's leg and laughed happily.

"Not right now senpai, thanks anyway," Kyoya ruffled the smaller boy's hair.

"Ok, see you later!" Honey skipped away joyfully as he always was.

Tamaki (again)

The Host Club came to an end for the day and everyone was going home. Kyoya was always the last to leave. Usually Tamaki was one of the first to leave, along with Haruhi. Apparently not that day because Kyoya could feel Tamaki watching him like a hawk from the other side of the room. They were soon left alone and Kyoya sighed, turning off his computer and putting it in his bag. He was getting a strange feeling about something that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

"You're leaving?" Tamaki asked, the tone of his voice not telling whether he was happy or sad.

"I am, aren't you?" Kyoya was still confused on why Tamaki was still there in the first place and hadn't left with Haruhi.

"I will, but there's still something I need to do," Tamaki smiled in an unusual way and slowly stepped closer to Kyoya.

"And what would that be?" Kyoya scoffed, slinging his bag over his shoulder and waiting for Tamaki to finish what he was saying.

"Something I've been wanting to do for a very long time," Tamaki took yet another step towards Kyoya, but he was cautious about getting too close to him at the wrong time.

"What's wrong?" Kyoya paid more attention to Tamaki with each and every word he said.

"Nothing, nothing at all," Tamaki whispered mostly to himself. Before Kyoya could respond Tamaki took his face in his hands and quickly yet gently pecked Kyoya's lips. He felt Kyoya flinch for a moment and then slowly start to relax. Tamaki smiled into the kiss and felt Kyoya wrap his arms around his waist and pulling him in closer while kissing him back. Kyoya parted with Tamaki and searched his bright eyes for any sign of regret, finding none.

"I thought you liked Haruhi," Kyoya whispered, tilting his head in confusion. Tamaki shook his head.

"Happy birthday Kyoya," Tamaki laughed and walked out the door, leaving Kyoya to go through what just happened.

"Happy birthday me," Kyoya smiled and sighed, before walking out the same doors that everyone walk in and at some point walked out. Every year was truly a new beginning.

Yay! Happy birthday me! I know this was weird but so am I. I hope this is good enough. Please review!