Alternate Ending:


Henry woke up feeling pain all over his body. He looked around his room and saw that there were nurses and Dr. Linacre walking about.

"You majesty! Thank God you are finally awake!" said Dr. Linacre, approaching him.

Henry tried to speak, he tried to ask what had happened but he found that his throat was too dry, it hurt to even try to open his mouth.

Sensing his question, Charles Brandon, whom he failed to notice the first time, spoke, "You fell off your horse during the joust. You've been unconscious for two days now. We thought you'd never wake up." he explained.

'Joust?' Henry thought, 'how could I have been jousting when I was watching Anne's carriage leave by the window?' Suddenly, hope sprang from his chest as he allowed himself to think of the possibility that maybe it had all been just a dream. Maybe he was still married to Anne! Thinking of Anne, he asked, "How is the Queen? Where is she?" Henry asked.

He was met with the cautious glances and wary movements of the people surrounding him. Even Charles avoided looking at him. Feeling like he may have not been dreaming, that he was indeed still married to Jane, he shouted, "Well? I asked you a question! Somebody answer me!" he shouted, ignoring the pain from his throat and arm as he attempted to sit up.

"Your majesty, please do not overexert yourself. Your shoulder is still healing and your head took quite a hit." Charles Brandon said, assisting Henry in lying back down.

"Then tell me where my wife is!" Henry hissed, allowing Brandon to help him lie back down.

When he was sure that Henry would not attempt to get up again, Charles sat back down and looked to Dr. Linacre before beginning to speak.

"When you fell off your horse, Anne, the Queen, was frantic. She would not leave your side until Dr. Linacre forced her to pray in the chapel instead and that he would send for someone to inform her when you awoke." Charles said, "We had hoped you would wake up within thirty minutes or an hour after the accident but when you didn't wake, we thought you might never wake up again so we informed her of what had happened, to help her prepare for the worst." he continued to explain. Brandon stopped, looking guilty as if he had done something horrible.

"I tried to stop them from informing her of such news, knowing it would only add stress to her and her condition can permit none but they wouldn't listen." Someone suddenly spoke up. Henry looked to the far corner on his other side and saw George Boleyn looking murderous at Charles Brandon. Walking towards Henry's bed, George bowed and sat down on an empty seat, "When I arrived to stop Brandon from telling Anne, she was already frantic and in pain. She had miscarried the child in her womb, your majesty. We thought it best to sedate her for now so that she can recover fully from the miscarriage and to keep her from further harm without news of your current situation." he ended. Truth be told, George did not know what will happen to them now, Anne had miscarried her savior and now they were falling further from the King's good graces.

Henry closed his eyes. He was back. He realized. He was married to Anne once more. He had his Anne back! and this time, he vowed he would treat her better. He would be the husband she deserved.

"I want to see the Queen." Henry said. He needed to see Anne, to make sure she was alright. After everything he had done, he needed to make sure she knew that he still loves her because after everything that had happened as of late, he knew she now doubted his feelings for her.

"Your majesty, you are not strong enough yet. Please rest and then maybe tomorrow you will be well enough to walk about." Dr. Linacre said as he handed Henry a cup with what he assumed were painkillers laced with a sedative. Knowing that Dr. Linacre was right, he took the cup and drank its content in one gulp. Soon Henry was out cold once more.

It took two days for Dr. Linacre to deem Henry to be well enough to walk and finally be able to visit Anne who, despite woken up from her sedation, was still bed ridden as per Dr. Linacre's orders.

So when King Henry entered Queen Anne's chambers and headed straight to her bed and hugged her, to say that everyone was shocked was an understatement. They had expected him to come barging in yes, but they had expected him to lash out at her, not hug her as if his life depended on her. He saw it in their faces, he saw it in Anne's eyes as well and hurt him to know how far he had alienated her in his life.

"Your majesty, How are you feeling?" Anne said, her right hand cupping his cheek. Unconsciously, he leant his cheek into her palm, he never knew how much he missed feeling her hands on him until now.

"I am fine now. How are you?" He asked. He noticed how she stiffened and looked down, lifting her chin up so that he could see her face, he saw her eyes tear up and she spoke, "I.. I'm so sorry, your majesty. I couldn't help it. I was just so worried. I.. I lost your son. Our boy." she said as she tried to compose herself. She was still Queen and she did not want everyone to see her break down.

With pride and respect for Anne growing as he realized that Anne was trying to keep it together for she did not want everyone to see her weak, he instructed everyone in her chamber to leave, even the Boleyns, Norfolk and Cromwell. He did not even spare Jane a glance, too concerned for Anne's well being.

Once everyone left, Henry moved closer to Anne, he noticed how she had flinched a little when he suddenly moved toward her and this made him even more determined to win back her trust. He once told her that he wanted them both to be honest with each other, and he remembered that when Anne had exercised honesty in the past, he shut her down or humiliate her.

Once he was close enough to her, he wrapped her in his arms once more and it was then she broke down and cried. She cried for her fears; fearing for Henry's life, fearing Henry's wrath over losing their child, she knew she was losing Henry's favor; she cried for losing her son.

"Shh. It's okay Anne, its not your fault. Brandon shouldn't have told you so forwardly, I'm sorry I worried you." Henry said as he stroked Anne's hair.

Anne looked up at him, wondering what had caused Henry to be so kind. She was used to him being so furious with her all the time lately but right now she needed him and his comfort he is so willingly giving her.

When Anne had been cleared to once again resume her regular duties by Dr. Linacre, Henry had surprised her by preparing a trip to Hatfield for them to visit Elizabeth.

"Mama! Papa!" Elizabeth cried as she ran toward her parents. It was very rare that she saw her papa and her mama nowadays and it was even rarer for them to visit her at the same time!

"Princess!" Lady Bryan said, horrified that her charge had suddenly forgotten her manners and immediately ran towards the King and Queen; her parents.

Laughing, Henry caught Elizabeth just in time before she nearly stepped on her gown and fell, he swooped her up and twirled her around before resting her on his chest. "How is my princess?" he asked her, he missed his Elizabeth. Whatever happened before, whether he dreamed it or if he was given another chance, it was a wake up call; he would never neglect his smart, beautiful and precocious little daughter and neither will he ever neglect Anne.

Smiling at the sight that was in front of her, Anne assured Lady Bryan that everything was fine.

"The princess is usually well behaved, Your majesty, I suppose she is just too happy to see you both. I apologize." Lady Bryan said, she was worried that the King and Queen might take offense in the fact that the little princess did not show them proper respects accorded to them.

"It is alright, Lady Bryan, my daughter is only two years old, she is still young. Let her be carefree when around us while she can." Anne said, still smiling at Henry and Elizabeth who were talking to one another affectionately. She was happy that despite everything, Henry still had not neglected to show their daughter the love and affection she deserved from her father.

Ever since Henry had woken up from his accident, it was as if everything wrong between them had somehow disappeared. She was terrified when she saw Henry appear in her chambers all of a sudden, approaching her bed as if he had never been there before. At first she thought he would berate her for losing their child, but all those thoughts disappeared the moment he held her in his arms and comforted her. After that, Henry lay with her in her bed, doing nothing but hold her in his arms as she cried herself to sleep. Somehow she knew, her dearly beloved Henry was back.

When she woke up and Henry was not there, she was scared that maybe it was all a dream, that maybe Henry hadn't changed. It was once again dashed away when Henry returned with Dr. Linacre who, after showing her the respect that was accorded to her status, proceeded to check her health. After she was cleared to leave the bed but instructed to not over exert herself, Dr. Linacre left and Henry sat beside her and told her that once she was fully recovered, they would visit Elizabeth together. Anne could not have been happier at that moment!

Anne was broken out of her thoughts about the past few days when she heard her little princess, "Mama" Elizabeth said who had apparently instructed her father to put her down so she could walk toward her mother.

Anne knelt down so that she could face her little daughter and listened to what she had to say. "Papa says we can play outside today! We go outside now, mama? We play?" Elizabeth asked, she found it amusing that even though her daughter still could not properly form full sentences but was very well still advanced in terms of her age, she still exuded an air of regality. Her daughter was meant for great things, Anne mused.

"Of course my heart! We'll do anything you want today because it is a happy day for us!" Anne smiled, she could never deny her precious daughter what she wanted, especially if it was time with her, this time was also especially special as Elizabeth would get to spend a lot of time with both her parents at the same time. "Provided of course that you remain to be a good princess and listen to your father and I and lady Bryan." Anne knew that as much as she and Henry doted on Elizabeth that it was never good to spoil a child, she wanted to raise their Elizabeth to be clever, kind and respectful towards her elders and her peers.

Nodding happily, the little girl added, "I always listen to lady Bryan! She makes me say my prayers every day and makes me practice my french! I am good now!" Elizabeth said proudly.

Suddenly, Henry lifted the little girl up, beaming proudly at hearing his daughter's progress in her prayers and french. He would discuss her academics with Anne and lady Bryan later but for now, he wanted to spend time with his family and just be a father and husband, not the king of England.


After their weekend with the Princess, Henry and Anne returned to court. Anne was worried that whatever progress between her and Henry was indeed just a fluke as the moment they returned, Henry was immediately ushered by Cromwell to his private study.

"Your majesty" Cromwell said, bowing to both Anne and Henry. He may not like Anne anymore but she was still queen, for now. Or so he thought. "I trust your time with the princess was well?" he asked.

Smiling, Henry replied, "Yes. My Elizabeth continues to grow beautifully and intellectually." Henry said before looking at Anne and moving away from her while Cromwell followed him. He did not want Anne to know that he was meeting with the Seymours in his study as she might take it the wrong way. "Are they ready?" Henry asked, once they were in a distance far from Anne's hearing.

"Yes, your majesty. They are waiting in the study." Cromwell said, " They arrived this morning and has been there ever since." he added.

Nodding, "Very well." Henry said as he returned to Anne's side and informed her that he will be at his study with Cromwell to talk of a few business deals and that he would like to dine with her for lunch if she was not yet so tired from the trip.

Accepting her husband's parting words, Anne kissed her husband's cheeks before she allowed her ladies to lead her to her chambers. Anne knew he was going to meet up with the Seymours. She only hoped it would be to end his affair with Mistress Jane. The past few days had been incredible! It was as if they were young and in love once more. Deciding not to let her thoughts ruin her day, Anne proceeded to change from her travel gown into something more decent. Then she instructed her maids to inform the servants of what she and the King will be eating for lunch in her chamber.

Upon reaching his study, Henry entered and saw the Seymours had not heard or notice him yet.

"Why do you think the king wishes to see us?" said Thomas Seymour.

"I don't know, but judging from how he has been treating the whore as of late, I think its not something we will benefit from." Edward Seymour grimaced. Ever since the king's accident, he had drastically changed. From being cold to the Queen and affectionate to their sister, Jane, he began to show affection to the Queen and had not visited their Jane since.

"Have you heard anything from the King, Jane?" John Seymour asked as he sat beside his daughter.

Looking at her hands, Jane replied, "No father. I have not heard from the king since the accident. I tried to visit him but I was not permitted entry to his study."

"Tell us again, Jane. What did you last do with him? You must have done something that displeased him!" Thomas said. He was sure his sister had done something. Why else would the King ignore her?

"That's enough, Thomas!" John Seymour suddenly said, irritated by his son's audacity to blame everything on their sister. "Whatever happened has happened. We have not heard the King's side and you do not have the right to blame your sister for something that might not even exist. For all we know the king is just busy preparing the Queen's downfall and does not wish for Jane's reputation to be affected by it. Have you forgotten that he has been spending more time with Cromwell too?"

"I don't know what happened, I did everything you asked." Jane said, she did not know how she felt at the moment, she was sad that the King had not paid her any attention but at the same time, she was glad that the King was paying attention to the Queen once more, she did not want to become a home wrecker, but she did find herself in love with the King. Everything was just too confusing to her now!

"Well you better hope that the reason the king wishes to see us is because he is finally rid of that whore we call Queen!" Edward said. It was at that moment that Henry arrived. He may have realized that he does not love Jane but he did care about her. This was the first time he had seen the Seymours act even more power hungry than the Boleyns!

"That is enough!" Henry said as he made his presence known. He couldn't take the cruelty of the Seymour brothers toward their sweet, innocent sister.

Realizing that the King had overheard them, the Seymours all froze and soon, bowed. "Your majesty, you asked to see us? how may we serve you?" John Seymour said, refusing to rise until he was told to by the king, a gesture that his children followed.

Instructing them to rise, Henry made his way to his desk and sat down, signalling the Seymours to sit in the seats across him.

By the time Henry had left Anne's chambers after having lunch with her, news of what had happened to the Seymours had spread.

John Seymour had been sent back to Wolf Hall to manage the family estate, Edward Seymour had also been ordered to return to Wolf Hall as he is heir to the estate being the first born. The king had also given him and his father a peerage that would allow them to govern more land and properties in Burbage, Wiltshire but will limit their presence in court as they will need to run their now massive estates.

Thomas Seymour was appointed by King Henry to be a permanent ambassador to Sweden, only to be recalled upon King Henry's order.

However it was Jane's fate that had everyone talking; everyone had thought that the king would have forced Jane to be his mistress. What they did not expect though was for Jane to be sent to marry a Scottish nobleman and live her life in Scotland, away from her manipulative father and brothers.

At first, Henry thought of how he could continue to keep Jane in court, but without her brothers or her father, it no longer seemed appropriate, plus he also had to think of what Anne would think, it wouldn't help him in his plans mend his relationship with his Queen if she would think that he still had feelings for Jane.

No, Jane would be better off married to her Scottish nobleman, he knew him well enough and he knew she would be treated right. She was better off away from court and away from the clutches of her male relatives, he may have harmed her reputation somewhat, but at least now they can both continue on with their lives.


Two years later….

"That's right sweetheart, you can do it! Just a little more…" Anne said encouragingly at the little boy who had begun to wobble his way to his papa's open arms. Once he made it to his father's arms, He was lifted on the ground by his father, King Henry and twirled him around while still encased in his hug. "That's my boy! My strong, strong boy!" King Henry exclaimed proudly as he had witnessed his son's first successful walk. Smiling, he reached out his hand to his wife, Queen Anne who walked openly to him and encased her in a one arm hug while he still carried their son.

The King, Queen and little Prince made their way out of the Prince's nursery room and out into the garden where Elizabeth was picking flowers to give to her mother. When she saw them, she immediately ran towards her parents and little brother, accidentally forgetting the flowers in her hand and dropping them on the ground.

"Mama! Papa!" the little girl shouted, to the horror of her governess, Lady Katherine Champernowne. Lady Bryan had now been appointed as Prince Henry's -or as they call him, little Harry, for he looked so much like his father- governess.

Anne immediately opened her arms for her daughter to run into and when she did, she was hugged fiercely by her daughter. "My, my Elizabeth! You have grown so much!" Anne exclaimed as she kissed her daughter's cheeks, nose and then forehead. She missed her little girl. And while Harry was their long awaited Prince, she loved her daughter immensely and wouldn't trade her for any dozen sons.

Anne took little Harry from her husband and soon it was Elizabeth who was in Henry's arms. It was times like these Anne loved the most, she loved watching Henry interact with their daughter. She knew Henry loved Elizabeth but she also knew that Henry was immensely disappointed at her gender thus he was a little distant from their little girl before. But now, Henry almost always visited Hatfield as much as she did even before little Harry was born. She watched him play with Elizabeth, sometimes he would teach her a new song, there was even one time they played a prank on Lady Bryan! Now Anne truly knew that Elizabeth was her father's most precious jewel and that no matter what, Elizabeth will always have a place in her father's heart.

As Anne and the King settled their children and themselves on their picnic blanket, Henry couldn't help but watch and enjoy the sight of Anne being a mother to their children. It took a long time to get them to where they were. He thought about all the things that happened since he woke up from his jousting accident, whether it was just a dream or if he was given a second chance with Anne, he will never know but he realized he no longer cared, as long as he had Anne with him, everything would be fine.

He thought of all the things that happened that led him to where he was now- from the fate he gave the Seymours, to reinstating Mary Boleyn as part of the Boleyns and his family- much to the joy of Anne and dismay of their father, Thomas Boleyn; to Mary finally taking the oath, forming a close relationship with Anne and marrying the youngest son of the Duke of Bavaria- upon the condition that they stay and live in England; to Cromwell's arrest and execution for being found guilty of plotting against the Queen- he did not like the fact that the King had discarded of Jane Seymour and that he was now utterly devoted to Anne, his sworn enemy. Cromwell was also found guilty of corruption with the funds that came from the unjust dissolution of religious houses.

He also thought back on the day he discussed with Anne his wish for them to wait for a year before conceiving, he remembered seeing the fear in Anne's eyes as she thought he might discard of her once more, until he had informed her of his decision to sleep in her bed for the entire duration. Of course that did not mean they did not make love, they made love plenty of times, but he was more careful to not impregnate her while her womb was not yet ready to carry a healthy child full term. They continued their sleeping arrangements until now.

Henry was brought out of his thoughts when his son touched both his cheeks, standing wobbly on his chubby little legs. "Pa" he said.

Henry would never be able to explain or describe the joy and love that swelled through his heart and his whole body when he heard his son speak his first word. He had missed most of Elizabeth's first so witnessing his son's first word and walk was something rather emotional for him. He would cherish that memory for the rest of his life. He only hoped he had witnessed Elizabeth's firsts too. But there were many more firsts for his children to come and he vowed to always be there for all of them.

"Harry just spoke his first word mummy!" Elizabeth exclaimed, excited that her little brother was now speaking, maybe she could teach him how to sing her nursery rhymes with her sooner than she thought!

Anne clapped and praised her little boy who was now proudly sitting on his father's lap. "My clever. clever boy! Learning to walk and speak all in one day!" she said as she leant on her husband's side.

The rest of the day was spent with Anne and Henry laughingly watching as Elizabeth try to teach Harry more words and adorably scrunching up her face when Harry failed to say it right or even speak at all.

Today, in Henry's thought, was the most perfect day of his life.


AN: Hi! I know it took a while but I suddenly lost track of where I wanted my alternate ending to go but hopefully this would be to your liking! haha! I wanted the alternate ending to focus on family this time and also, as you can see, I did not make so many chapters for the alternate ending; I just broke it into three parts but I put it in one page cause I did not want to post more when I can just put out one long one. (you people like long, one shots right? lol) I haven't really proof read this so if you see any errors, kindly let me know via Private Message (PM).

Anyway! I'm currently writing a new Tudor story but I probably won't put it out for a while cause I'm still in the middle of writing it and I don't like posting chapters when I'm not done with the whole story cause I tend to forget where I want it to go so I end up taking a long time to update (see my previous stories for proof) so I guess you'll just have to watch out for that? :) Obviously it will be a Henry/Anne story but the plot will be a little more deeper and the story a tad bit longer (I have no idea how long cause I'm still only in chapter 5).

I'm also trying to work out where I want my other stories to go (Harry Potter-Dramione) check them out if you want. But I'm also working on them which is why it might take a while before I post anything of my new Tudor fic.

Hope you liked this alternate ending! I had fun writing my first Tudor fan fiction and thank you so much for the people who favorited and liked this story! You truly inspire me to write! :)

