"Arthur you're finally here!" said King Uther to his son as soon as Arthur had come in the throne room.

The young prince mentally sigh at his father impatience and wondered what the emergency was this time that had him cut short the knight training.

When Arthur stopped in front of the king, the elder Pendragon started to talk.

"Arthur, I want you and a few of your most trusted knights to go to the kingdom of Draken to attend to Prince Merlin's coming-of-age celebrations".

Prince Arthur, as the great warrior and leader that he was, immediately found in the depth of his memory all he could remember about the other royal.

Prince Merlin Emrys was the only son of King Balinor and Queen Hunith; therefore soon to be Crown Prince of Draken, the strongest of the kingdoms.

He was not surprised his father wanted his son to attend such great event, since it was well known that the king of Camelot is lustful for power and in the past years tried many times to forge an alliance with the most powerful of the kingdoms; even though King Balinor always refused. So it was only natural Uther'd never let the opportunity to get the attention of the Draken leader once again.

However, Athur sensed it wasn't just that his father wanted and he was right. "The celebrations will last 4 days and while you're there you need to get close to the Prince".

"What do you mean, my Lord?" frown the prince.

"Since King Balinor refused a political union of our kingdoms, I had to think about another way to get what should be mine: power" hissed Uther, with something similar to madness in his eyes. "You will marry the prince!"

Arthur was speechless for a long time trying to fully comprehend what the king has just told him. 'Marriage?' though Arthur. "Marriage?" "Yes. You will do everything you can and cannot do in order to convince prince Merlin to marry you. I do not care how: seducing, wooing, treating, blackmailing… doesn't matter to me. The only thing you are not allowed to cause is obvious and permanent physical or psychological damaged to the boy. He is too important. Moreover, his father is very protective and it will be the end of us if he suspect something bad happened to his jewel."

By the end of the speech, the prince had wide eyes and needed to take a few deep breath before he felt himself calm enough to answer. "father, this is absurd. I cannot marry the prince of Draken and I don't want to. I have already told you many times I want to marry for love, no convenience. Furthermore, Camelot will need an heir one day and prince Merlin is obviously a man and therefore unable to give me children." Said Arthur almost shouting by the end, looking at his king as he had lost his mind. and maybe he did.

Uther fixed his son with a gaze that would intimidate even the bravest of men and said: "first of all marriage for love is for weak men and peasants. I will die before letting my own son and heir disgracing me, Camelot and himself like that." Spat Uther out before carrying on. "Subsequently, I'll have you know that the Emrys household is composed of Dragonlords and as such, able to conceive and bear extremely strong and healthy children. Another reason to have the Draken prince as your consort."

Arthur understood immediately that he did not have a choice. Nevertheless, he had to try. "Father…" "No Arthur" shout aloud the king punching the side of the throne. "Don't you dare to contradict me! I'm your King and father, therefore you will obey me and do what it's best for Camelot". 'For Camelot or for you?' bitterly though the price. However, he just bow to his father telling him he will do as the king command and that he will be ready to leave for Drakaria, the capitol city of Draken, in a week time. The king was pleased with the answer and dismissed his son.

As the prince strode out of the throne room, he couldn't help but think about what he was losing. Arthur had always dreamt about whom he would be getting married to. He would meet and fall in love with the most beautiful, kind and headstrong person in the word. Someone who would challenge him to be the best and comfort him when the weight of his responsibilities would become too much. A soul mate with whom he would built a strong and fair kingdom and raise happy children. Now he saw his dream becoming more impossible at every step he took.

What Arthur couldn't image even in his wildest dreams is that he will soon meet this person, the one perfect for him. And that moment will be the beginning of an obsession that will change many lives.